Best of ColourPop x Disney Designer (Fall 2019)

ColourPop x Disney Designer Midnight Masquerade Swatches
ColourPop x Disney Designer Midnight Masquerade Swatches

Here’s a recap of all of the recent There’s another around of ColourPop x Disney reviews! Since the cheek and lip duos are also sold individually, I’ve included both the rating for the set as well as the individual products so you can pick and choose based on what might have caught your eye! Overall, it’s another winning collection by the brand!


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We appreciate enthusiasm for new releases but ask readers to please hold questions regarding if/when a review will be posted as we can't commit to or guarantee product reviews. We don't want to set expectations and then disappoint readers as even products that are swatched don't always end up being reviewed due to time constraints and changes in priorities! Thank you for understanding!

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Deborah S. Avatar

As usual, a solid release from ColourPop. I still really love several pieces from this collection and have been resisting for a couple of weeks now. It is part of my new process for managing my FOMO and limiting the unrestricted purchase of beauty products. I feel like if I still like and want it after a couple of weeks, and if it is still available, then I can give myself the green light. If not, then money saved as Christine always says.

Nancy T Avatar

Prince Phoebus, Horse & Carriage and the Down In New Orleans set are the items that are staying on my WL. Not sure when I’ll be able to get them, as Friday Nov. 1st is Rouge Sale, plus I also intend on getting the MAC Starring You Medium to Rich cheek quad and Walk Of Flame l/s. But, we’ll have to see how my plans hold together!

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