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MAC Shop MAC, Cook MAC Kissable Lipcolours Review, Photos, Swatches

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Kissable Lipcolours

MAC Shop MAC, Cook MAC: Kissable Lipcolours

The collection features five limited edition shades of MAC Kissable Lipcolour ($19.00 for 0.17 fl. oz.). These shades include: Enchantee (light blue pink), Flaunting It (grey mauve), Scan-delicious (blue fuchsia), So Vain (muted dirty coral), and Woo Me (light pinky nude).

  • Enchantee is a pale milky pink with blue undertones. It has a slightly streaky appearance, because of the glide and slip of the formula combined with the light color. It delivers mostly opaque color, though. MAC Infinitely Likeable is slightly darker, less blue-based. MAC Viva Glam Gaga is also similar but lighter.
  • Flaunting It is a plummy purple with a little bit of pink. The color coverage is mostly opaque and even, and it looks rather creamy applied. MAC Real Posh is much redder. Illamasqua Move is pinker.
  • Scan-delicious is a pink-red with fuchsia shimmer. The color coverage is mostly opaque and even. Milani Photo Flash is a bit darker, less pink. MAC Wicked Ways is redder. NARS Strawberry Fields is slightly lighter.
  • So Vain is a soft coral-orange with a glossy sheen. The color coverage is opaque, but the lightness of the color means you can see slight streaks. Dior Pink Veil is pinker. Chanel Genie is lighter, peachier. MAC Viva Glam Cyndi is darker. Benefit Spiked Punch is a touch lighter.
  • Woo Me is a light beige nude with subtle shimmer. It has opaque color coverage and mostly even color, though some streaking is apparent. MAC Perennial High Style is slightly warmer. Chanel Bikini Peach is similar but less opaque.

Kissable Lipcolour is a formula that’s designed to have the comfort of a lipstick with the shiny finish of a lipgloss. MAC describes it as feather-resistant, that it wears “for hours,” and it has a lightweight feel. These came out with Peacocky just over a year ago, where I reviewed them in full. This collection see five shades repromoted from the original set released.

They are vanilla-scented, come in long, skinny tubes, and have a doe-foot applicator. Some shades wear better than others; shades like Scan-delicious wear for six hours or so, while shades like Woo Me tend to disappear after four hours. They have the glide of a liquid lipstick with the shine of a more traditional gloss, though that glossiness disappears after two or so hours of wear.  Fun side note: these went up $1 since they were initially released.

MAC Shop MAC, Cook MAC Kissable Lipcolours Review, Photos, Swatches


MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Kissable Lipcolours

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Kissable Lipcolours

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Enchantee Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Enchantee Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Enchantee Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Flaunting It Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Flaunting It Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Flaunting It Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Scan-delicious Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Scan-delicious Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Scan-delicious Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC So Vain Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC So Vain Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC So Vain Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Woo Me Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Woo Me Kissable Lipcolour

MAC Kissable Lipcolours
MAC Woo Me Kissable Lipcolour


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Deb Avatar

YAY I can get a backup of Flaunting It! It’s my favorite lip product ever. From your swatches, it looks like Flaunting It and Scan-delicious give the best coverage.

lola Avatar

Do you photoshop your pictures? I always look to your pictures to determine if I’d buy a color when shopping online. I was showing someone your site when they said you photoshop the lip color to your pictures. I hope that this isn’t true but in looking at your pictures every single one is the same except your lips or the eyeliner.

Christine Avatar

I don’t know who said that, but I certainly don’t use Photoshop to put on the lipstick or color. I’ll Photoshop out imperfections like if a little fuzz somehow lands on my lips or if there’s a big nasty pimple. The images are definitely not the same, but the whole point is that they are supposed to be taken at the same angle (as best as I can – my lip swatches and face photos are handheld photos). I know some people are more artistic with their photos, so they’ll do them in different places, at different angles, closer, further, etc., but that’s not my style 🙂

I’ll do anywhere from 5-15 lip swatches in a row, which is why the makeup would be the same. I see a lot of differences from photo to photo myself – especially around the cupid’s bow of my lips. I’ve been blogging and taking these photos for over five years, so I’d like to think I’ve gotten better at consistency and making sure you can easily compare one photo to the next since I stand at the same spot, crop at the same width and height, and generally know where to hold the camera to get the shot I need for these. I really can’t believe someone could say that – I value my integrity and credibility far too much to do that.

mumtaza Avatar

It’s pretty insane that someone said that. They must not have an eye for makeup. From one photo to the next I can clearly see the texture and depth of the different products, and how they apply. The swatches are not just about seeing a different color. I precisely value these swatches because the same light and crop is used in each one so I get the clearest, most objective view of the products.

Lucy Avatar

Christine, can I ask how you clean your lips in between swatches? Your lip color swatches always look so good, but I have trouble cleaning the color off my lips when I try on multiple lipsticks at counters.

Christine Avatar

MAC Wipes – I have used many removing wipes, but these are the best for me when it comes to swatches, lip swatches, etc. I don’t like them as much for full face, but they get the job done, because they’re so moist. What I really appreciate is that they don’t dry out my arms!

Carrie Avatar

People concerned about streakiness: FWIW, my experience has been that these do look a little streaky when I first apply them, but after a couple of minutes of wear, they settle into my lips and look very natural, and last for a long time. Of course YMMV; my lips are dry and maybe that’s why they “settle” nicely on me? But anyways these, are my favorite new lip products since they came out last year–I hope MAC makes them permanent!

Amanda Avatar

I was just thinking that myself, I have one that settles on me nicely as well. I want Woo Me. Also my lips are dry, I wonder if that is the reason why they do so well after about 10 minutes.

Paulac Avatar

Hi! I’m from Spain, do you know when this collection will arrive to my country?
thanks and sorry because of my english…
Pd. your webside is amazing!

MichCoccaBene Avatar

I have ScanDelicious and I LOVE it! My sister also has it and loves it as well! looks good on both of us and we’re different skin tones, she’s more yellow and I’m more pink. If this helps anyone.

karen gonzalez Avatar

i ordered flaunting it kissable lip color and quick sizzle lipstick as soon as they launched, and i’m so glad i did. I LOVE BOTH!

Molly Avatar

I like the last two.. So Vain and Woo Me. I have Scan-delicious, Exxhibitionist, Strut Your Stuff.

Hmm.. Enchantee and Flaunting It look good. I’ll have to try them on when I go in.

Adelita Avatar

Actually, I need some backup for my Kissable Lipcolours in Flaunting It, Super and Temper Tantra. But oh well, at least they still repromote the Flaunting It.
I just LOOOVVVVEEEEE M·A·C Kissable Lipcolour’s formula on my HYPER sensitive lips! It’s opaque, hydrating and wears for hours, yay!!!

jess Avatar

I am new to Mac and I only have one product from them (foundation), but can someone explain to me what “lip colours” are? They do not seem like a lipstick but they do not seem like lip glosses bc they aren’t as shiny. They look gorgeous on your lips!

divinem (Melissa) Avatar

I just got Scan-delicious in the mail. I am amazed, Christine, at how different it looks on me vs. you. I have quite pigmented lips (kind of a blue-red). Fortunately, I like a bluer red/fuchsia/pink, etc. so it’s Scan-deliciously perfect for me.

Your lips are an ideal canvas for the true color because there is very little pigment to your lips and that precious freckle shows us the amount of opacity.

Maribel Avatar

I agree with Carrie, I also have dry lips and these work very nicely. After a couple of minutes on my lips it evens out and leaves a nice color. I find these to be better than any lipstick I’ve ever tried.

leila Avatar

i just have a question… you get so much of the new mac stuff, do you get it sent to you or do you work for them mor do you just buy it? just wondering 🙂

helen Avatar

GREAT swatches, as always, Christine! Do you feel like the formula has changed at all since Peacocky? I LOVE Enchantee, but just wish it wasn’t streaky!!

Vigdís Avatar

Hi 🙂

Love your site, it’s my go-to before beauty purchases! Thank you!

Also have a question, do you think that scan-delicious lipgloss is very similar to the pink poodle lipgloss by mac? I’m thinking about buying it but don’t want to buy the same color=)

Kind regards,

winifred Avatar

i don’t know if your lighting is always the same for your pictures
but i wanted to know if you could give me a comparison between scan-delicious and chanel’s triomphal rouge allure extrait de gloss
as well as lancome’s le french touch absolu in rouge saint-honore
i’m always drawn to red shades&if they are quite similar, i don’t wanna have so many of them
but it’s still so pretty!
thank you!

Carla Avatar

Hi, im looking to buy 1 of Mac Flaunting it. It looks a lovely colour. Was just wondering if it would be too dark for myself? fair skin/blonde hair…What do you think? thanks x

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