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MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder Review, Photos, Swatches (Archie's Girls)

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder ($30.00 for 0.35 oz.) is described as a “golden peach base with coral hearts.” The base color is a warm peach with a soft, frosted finish (and it is reminiscent of Cream Soda in some ways). The hearts are a medium pink-coral with a subtle golden sheen. When everything is mixed together, the resulting shade is a soft, pinky-coral with a light golden sheen. It’s slightly warm-toned. MAC Legendary is just a touch pinker. MAC Immortal Flower is much, much pinker. Tarina Tarantino Feather is brighter, pinker. Guerlain Blush G is pinker and has a stronger sheen. MAC Shell Pearl is similar but a touch more muted.

I had the same problem with Flatter Me as I did Veronica’s Blush–the hearts did not want to yield color at all. I took a metal spatula to it and started scraping off flakes of it, so I could at least show the color on the skin. What you’re seeing on my skin are chunks of the product smoothed out! It seems better when you really pass the brush back and forth a few times, because the combined color is tinted pink enough that clearly there is some payoff coming from those hearts!

The texture is very soft to the touch with a finely-milled powder that does kick up some powder. On the skin and blended out, it doesn’t look powdery, and the finish is a soft shimmer-sheen so it doesn’t emphasize the skin’s texture or pores. This shade lasted eight hours well, and after nine hours, I noticed some minor fading, but it had good wear overall.   Because of the overall lightness of the color, it may not show up well on deeper skin tones; on my medium complexion, it shows up as a kiss of pink-coral. Of all the products not to sell out, this one surprised me the most–a coral face product with hearts–I still can’t believe it.

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder

MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder
MAC Flatter Me Pearlmatte Face Powder


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Christina Avatar

The description in the press release mentioned that the base is Shell Pearl. I was wondering how different Flatter Me is from Shell Pearl. Are they different enough to warrant getting both?

Christina Avatar

Thanks, Christine! I think I’ll pass on getting Flatter Me since I just ordered Shell Pearl. I was tempted because of the adorable hearts!

t_zwiggy Avatar

I’m also really surprised this one hasn’t sold out yet. I was completely sure that the pearlmattes would be the first ones to go. This product is without a doubt my favorite of this collection.

18thCenturyFox Avatar

It’s depressing, I bought both PMs before your review and I’m just going to be sending them back. Thirty bones to scrape color off? These are supposed to be star attractions! Just crazy talk.

Tabitha Avatar

You should definitely try them first! I think she just meant that she had to scrape at the individual hearts to get the darker color while swatching, but not when she was applying them. They got a good grade & look like they went on well. I’ve seen pictures of them on a variety of skintones now, and they look pretty gorgeous on everyone (and worn with the blushes, they’d be so lovely!) If you don’t like them you could probably find someone to sell them to online (there’s lots of makeup forums and stuff that have threads just for selling/swapping makeup, even used, and since these are Archie & special packaging I’m sure you would have no problem getting rid of them) if you send them back, even brand new, they’ll just throw them out 🙁

Kat Avatar

I agree – try them first! They look beautiful when blended together; the individual hearts are so small that you probably wouldn’t use that color on its own anyway.

Veronica Avatar

This is quite lovely, but like everything else in this collection, it doesn’t grab me enough to motivate a purchase. I did want to say that it’s incredible how fast you got all of this up and reviewed today, so thank you so much for the hard work!

Jacqi Avatar

LOVE this. I can’t wait for it to arrive. I think it’s very pretty and I think it’ll give a nice subtle shimmer to my fair skin. Seems like it could be too much if I use too much product but I think a light hand would make it look great. Looks good on your skintone as well.

Mariella Avatar

Physician’s Formula makes products similar to this one (both face powders and blushes, I believe) that seem to work better and also cost less. I keep meaning to try them but never have but I think I’d go for PF over these any day.

Kafka Avatar

I personally am not a fan of coral. I don’t think it works well with my colouring, so I am never compelled to buy more than the very few I already have. Plus, I have definite coral fatigue! But I find this one to be really, really pretty! It’s undoubtedly the fact that it’s more light peach than coral. lol.

It looks really nice on you and one would never know you had probably in applying parts of it.

Tasmin Avatar

How does this PM Flatter Me compare with Mac Amber glow blush? I have Amber glow, don’t want to purchase something very similar. Thanka

Linda Avatar

I absolutely love coral blushes and never get tired of them!! When I saw the 2 colors mixed together and how you applied it Christine is so pretty. I wanna buy it so bad but I have put myself on an ABSOLUTE “no buy”. haha The presentation & the compact is so cute.

mary Avatar

hey christine!love all of your reviews!!What’s the difference between the flatter me facepowder and the Cream soda blush ?? which is more coral ?? because they seem a bit similar to me!:/ Thanks!!!

Marissa Avatar

Hi Christine. I am in between deciding which PM to buy. I am an NC25 with warm/olive undertones, and I can’t decide which to get or to get both! What skin tones would you recommend for each?

Jessica Avatar

Hi Christine,

I just picked up Flatter Me and I’m a little confused how to apply this. It seems so sheer, yet applying all over might be too much for my nc15 skin-tone. What brush do you recommend to get the best “pearl” effect from this product? Or am I going at it all wrong and really only best to use a blush; although as blush I don’t see this at all on me 🙁

KC Avatar

Hi Christine,

Which PM would you recommend for my skin tone? I use NC40 during certain times of the year and Match Master 5 during other times of the year. Also, Would you recommend the cream soda or prom princess for my skin tone?

Emily Avatar

Hi, I’m NC 25 and I already have “peaches” from MAC that I love.
I also bought “flatter me” today because I wanted to use it as a highlighter
Would that work? And i have oily skin and acne scars.. Would “flatter me” actually flatter me?

Do i use this just as a blush?

Charm Avatar

Which is better for a NC25 Asian girl – Cream Soda or Flatter Me?

I’m kinda torn on which one to get as I have Surf Baby’s My Paradise blush and it seems like it’s a bit similar to Flatter Me’s color (correct me if I’m wrong). Thanks in advance!

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