Lippie Pencil
ColourPop Lippie Pencil is a lip liner that retails for $5.00. There are 113 shades in our database.
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Lippie Pencil
PPermanent. $5.00.
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Here are the highest rated ColourPop Lippie Pencil shades:
This long wearing high intensity lip pencil glides on easily, acts as a barrier for lipsticks and prevents feathering. Use the Lippie Pencil to shade the outer most edge of your lip line, for longer wear, fill in lips completely with your Lippie Pencil. Follow with your matching Lippie Stix . SHARPENING TIPS: Make sure your sharpener fits your Lippie Pencil perfectly, if it doesn’t it may eat up your pencil. Also, the blade of sharpeners get dull over time, just like a razor ladies…. You need to replace them frequently to ensure you get a nice clean sharpening without wasting your pencil.