Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask Review, Photos, Swatches
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask ($26.00 for 0.52 oz.) is described as a “rose gold pearl.” It’s a sheer, gold-shimmered pink. It seems to darken and even out my natural lip color slightly while adding a touch of shine. I don’t know of a really worthwhile dupe (something that is more in the “tinted lip balm” family), given that this is an ultra-hydrating formula with such subtle color. If you like the idea of the color but want a true gloss: see comparison swatches.
Generally speaking, it’s a shimmery version of the brand’s original–and top selling–Agave Lip Mask. The original was designed as a treatment that could be applied at night, but many used it during the day, as well, so I suspect this was a way of adding a little oomph to a day time version. You can read my review on the original formula here. Bite also repackaged the Agave Lip Mask, both the original and Champagne, with a softer plastic tube, so it is easier to squeeze out the product. The lip balm itself is quite thick, so it never oozes out easily, but hopefully those who experienced cracking tubes will not experience that with the new packaging (my original, old packaging tube still hasn’t had any issues, on my end).
I found the shimmery version to perform very similarly to the original. The consistency is thick, tacky, and long-wearing (there’s a thin layer still noticeably there after eight to ten hours of wear), though it goes on smoothly and keeps lips feeling comfortable. It has a sweet scent and taste. It’s hydrating and helps improve the health of my lips if they’ve taken a beating (err, swatching). I was surprised that it didn’t add a lot of genuine shine to the lips–it was a very natural-looking shine, and overall, very subtle.
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Bite Beauty Champagne Agave Lip Mask
Hey, out of curiosity, do you use the Urban Decay powder as a setting powder with a puff or do you use it to brush away any shine with a powder/fan brush?
Oh and this formula sounds very similar to The Body Shop’s Aloe Lip Care. It’s thick, tacky, clear like a subtle gloss, and is on my lips even after I wake up from an eight hour sleep.
Hi Ammara,
I use it as a setting powder, but I use a brush to apply it (I don’t apply it with the purpose of removing shine).
Alright, that makes sense. Thank you!
I use a flatter, heavier, denser brush so that it can “press” like a pouf as well as swirl/blend/buff as necessary 🙂
Oh you look so fresh-faced here, Christine! Very nice!
Thank you!
Exactly what I was thinking!
I so need this! I have the original but my tube is cracked in multiple places so it doesn’t leave my vanity. This would be perfect to toss in my purse for days out
Hopefully the new packaging is better 🙂
I love this product but doubt I’ll buy it since I have the original one and it will take me a very long time even to make a dint in it, since I only use the tiniest amount at night. I do sometimes use this in the day (applied very lightly and with time to “soak in”) if I’m going to be using a very drying lip product but most of the time, it’s night-time only and the little bit of colour and shimmer in this new one is not enough to make this a must have day product (I’d still need lip colour of some sort if I’m wearing makeup and if it’s an “at home” day, I’m fine wearing the original).
I think if it was more tinted, it might be interesting, but the effect of it from afar is very similar whether you have this or the original! It’s a nice alternative, but not a must-have if you already have the original!
I love the original agave lip mask. I think I’ll pick up the tinted version when the season gets colder because I’m a lipstick and lip gloss girl so I’d rather put those on my lips during the day/evening time. Besides, the original works so well because the main ingredient has Lanolin (Medical grade) as opposed to the tinted version which has the main ingredient as Lanolin (Pharma grade).
What’s the difference between medical and pharma grade?
Oh I have heard so much about this! need to try this out for myself! in fact a lot of bite is on my wishlist!
Let me know if you end up trying it!
It’s a really good lip balm, and I don’t say that lightly. The tube is a real pain, however, but I’ve got a thick and blunk short knitting needle that I use and I dip the needle (more like a thin spatula, almost) into the tube so I don’t have to squeeze it. Not sure if the new tube is better but this system works really well and the product itself really is one of the best. I’m in love with their lipsticks as well.
Should get this early next week. Finally put in a Sephora order for a pile of new lipsticks I’ve been wanting to pick up and lo and behold, this decided to join the pack.
Hope you love it, Wendy!
You know I bought this when it first came out in the original formula and reacted bad to it – I think it was the lanolin. My lips stung and tingled and I had to return it. 🙁 Still on the hunt for a good lip treatment – I’m thinking of trying the new Fresh Lip Serum.
It is one of the ingredients that can cause reactions in some, so it definitely could have been the culprit.
I have yet to try the BITE Beauty agave lip mask but I’ve only heard good things about it. What a lovely shade and I love the finish!
It is a very well-loved product it seems!
I so want to try Bite, will lay my hands whenever I travel.
Hope you can try them 🙂
Thanks as always for the review, Christine! From what you say, I think that DermStore sells a similar product for $12 (+ always sales there) called LipQuench — really shiny and moisturizing. They keep sending me free tubes when I reorder my sunscreen.
Thanks for the rec!
Too expensive for me. I would still rather just use Jack Black lip balm.
If Jack Black works for ya, then it totally makes sense to stay there!
Very pretty. Nevertheless $26 is a little pricey for something that is pretty much an alternative to chapstick, for me anyway.
Oh, I wish Chapstick worked that well on me! So jealous!
Ok I thought it was just me who was having a hard time getting this out of the tube – I’m worried it might pop as it’s pretty hard to squeeze it out. I really do like it though and for me, it’s a lot more comfortable on than chapstick. Nice flavor too. lol
Love champagne just as much as the original! It’s the perfect night time repair, especially for someone with severely chapped lips. 🙂
This is really pretty, and I love my original Agave Lip Mask, but I also have so many lip glosses and lipsticks that I should use up during the day instead. Who knows though, I might cave in and get this at a future Sephora sale though!
Ahh! I’ve said it before (ad nauseam, probably) but Bite is a brand I’m *so* keen to get my hands on! As a lip balm enthusiast, especially at night, I wouldn’t mind being able to give even the original a go, although I like that they’ve made a day version too!
I might have to try this out!
I couldn’t wait to purchase this after attending a BITE preview party. Ive worn it for a week straight and I have not one complaint. On me it looks like one swatch of NARS Orgasm across my lips (I’m a MAC NC45 for reference).
Wow, I love the original and as I was putting it on last night I thought, “this makes my lips look so plump! I should wear it during the day too!” lol I think I may need this new version. Good to know about the new packaging – I have the old original packaging too and also have not had issues on my end but I imagine as the tube gets emptier it may become more prone to cracking.
What kind of applicator does this have?
Slanted plastic tip!