Fyrinnae Eyeshadow is an eyeshadow that retails for $6.75 and contains 0.105 oz. ($64.29 per ounce). There are 134 shades in our database.
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1.22 Gigawatts Agenda Ailurophile All Hallow's Eve Aristocratic Scandal Art Nouveau Automatic Toaster Aye, Captain Banana Mochi Bastet Bawdy Librarian Because Cats Beyond Binary Bifrost Biker Chic Birb of Paradise Bite Me Bitey Tyrannosaur Bonfire Spirits Book of the Dead Boot Season Brocade Callipygian Capybara Caramel Layer Cake Celestial Beauty Chrome Coffee & Chocolate Conjured Tempest Console Television Crimson Ghost Cupcake Frosting Dapper Mr. Shark Debonair Delightfully Improper Digital Faerie Dinosaur Plushie Dokkalfar Dragon's Wing Dressed to Kill Electro-Koi Electro-Koi Enchanting Otters Envy Me Ethereal Eire Faust Feisty Fennec Fox Fire Opal Fireside Interlude Forest Dragon Freya Frostbytes Fyre & Ice Gaeity Gender Bent Gilded Wings Haunted Ballroom Herbivore Housework Pearls Hypercool Immortality In Vino Veritas Infinite Depth Innocent Sorrow It Beautifies! Jade Ghost Jaguar Knickers in a Twist Koala Kurisumasu! Kuroneko Lucky Charmed Luxury Marry Money Marshmallow Puffs Mauve-o-matic Meerkat Mephisto Midnight Dreary Mischievous Sidhe Monarch Butterfly Monster Movie Moon Child Mystic Forest Nepenthe Newcastle Nijiro Nijiro Orangutan Otherworld Parental Advisory Parisian Charm Peppermint Vodka Picture It: Sicily Polar Bear Proper Young Lady Pumpkinfire Purgatory Rapunzel Had Extensions Red Panda Sacred Sake & Sashimi Sakura Scarlet Macaw Secret Macad Serendipity Serene Highness Shenanigans Shinigami Sled Puppies Sleepy Hollow Sloth Snuggles Snow Leopard Snow White Snowboarding Snowflake Waltz Space Kitty Sugar Skulls Sunlit Boudoir Superstar Tango Tapir Tea & Candy Canes Tyr Vesuvius When I Grow Up Wicked Winter Sunrise Winter, Again Witchy Woodland Creatures Wizards' Wedding Cake Work Safe Work Safe Blue Zanzibar
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The average rating based on all reviewed shade(s) in this formula is shown below.
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PiP Permanent in Palette . $9.99
100% Similar
PiP Permanent in Palette . $21.00/0.15 oz.
95% Similar
P Permanent . $7.00/0.07 oz.
95% Similar
P Permanent . $7.00/0.07 oz.
95% Similar
P Permanent . $12.00/0.06 oz.
95% Similar
PiP Permanent in Palette . $16.00/0.08 oz.
95% Similar
Our loose shadows are not dry powder, but contain synthetic oil and other ingredients which cause them to appear clumpy or sometimes form tiny (easily used as-is or crushed) balls of shadow. They are supposed to look and feel this way. The inclusion of these ingredients often lends to richer color and longer wear, and helps reduce fallout during application.