Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites Review, Photos, Swatches
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
You Have to Try It to Appreciate It!
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites ($58.00 for 1.05 oz.) is a “harmony of six shades of pearls in an intense, iridescent monochrome palette.” It is supposed to “cloak the face in incredible radiance” with “pale pink and beige [to] even out the complexion” and “white and gold [to] illuminate” as well as “plum and rosewood [to] brighten.”
When applied or swatched, it’s an iridescent pale shimmer-sheen. It’s very subtle and true-to-form as far as Meteorites go. Meteorites are best described as an illuminating powder, which isn’t as shimmery as your typical highlighter, or as a finishing powder. The effect of the pearls is your-face-but-better; it’s something that’s hard to detect visually, but it’s that something extra that instantly brightens, softens, and adds a soft glow to the face. It’s the difference between a smile and a smile that reaches your eyes.
It’s when I wear one of Guerlain’s Meteorite products (pearls or pressed) that I most often see comments about my skin looking better, nicer, or that I look like I have a “glow.” I dusted it lightly on cheekbones, the bridge of my nose, and above my cupid’s bow in the photos below. I could still detect the slight glowy sheen after eight hours. Because the effect is subtle, it can be worn as a finishing powder and dusted all-over the face rather than to add a subtle highlight to certain areas of the face. I wore again all-over and felt it added an extra hour or so of wear to my foundation.
The one thing about Meteorites is that as lovely as they look in the metal tin, they tend to look very similar on. It’s also not necessary to own every. single. one. that comes out from a practical standpoint. There are many who collect them as much for the product inside as for the distinct packaging.
This is one of the harder products to review, because it’s hard to capture exactly what it does that makes it such a worthwhile product. It’s pricey, but you’ll get a ton of product for your investment–a whopping 1.05 oz.–and one tin will last you quite sometime, even with regular usage. It is violet-scented, and it’s not a subtle fragrance, but it is the same one common to Guerlain’s powder products.
Perles du Dragon
LELimited Edition. $60.00.
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites
Pricey but pretty. And you could still use the packaging afterwards, so beautiful!
I have the Pucci Meteorites and I actually can’t wait to use them up so I can use the package for something else. 🙂
I like last year teal tin better (or was the years before?) but these really don’t have much in the way of colour just glow. I still prefer the Guerlain Parure de Nuit pressed powder over the Meteorites for some reason.
I thought exactly the same thing!
Are you wearing the OCC marion lip tar in the photos above? It isn’t listed under “what makeup are you wearing?”, but I think it looks lovely. The lighting in the first photo makes it look a bit more peachy.
Yep, Marion!
I’ve been so tempted by your reviews of these! They sound like they would be an even better replacement for my favorite highlighting powder that was discontinued years ago.
What kind of brush do you use to apply it as a highlight?
I use MAC’s 165, which was LE 🙁
Beautiful. I would love to see an “before and after” FOTD, where you show a finished look without the meteorites, and then the same look with the meteorites applied.
I did, but it was so hard to detect a difference I didn’t use them 🙁 The sheen on my cheekbones and bridge of my nose are the Meteorites, if that helps!
How are these best applied? Fingers? Brush?
Lovely!! What is your favorite brush to us with the Meteorites?
I use MAC’s 165!
Gorgeous. I just loved your description, “It’s the difference between a smile and a smile that reaches your eyes”.
What’s on your lips?? It’s really pretty
Marion Lip Tar by OCC!
Love, love, LOVE!!! and
ROFL @ “” Haha, I love that!
Glowy skin for three lifetimes. SCORE!
that makeup forever foundation looks amazing on you.
These ones just look lovely… I currently own 3 meteorites (Teint Beige, last summer’s Pucci and the Pucci ones from some years ago), yet I don’t consider myself a meteorites collector. However, I really like these ones and will definitely get them. At first I thought I would only get these, then I saw Turandot quad and knew I was getting at least 2 items from this collection.
I agree with you meteorites last ages!!! I got my first ones (Pucci) in 2007 (I think) and I still have plenty. What I do now, is to take a couple of balls in a small container to carry in my purse for touch-ups, so I don’t have to take the big container with me. I also mix from my different meteorites and I think I get a nice result 🙂
What do you use to carry the pearls when you take them for touch-ups?
I bought a travel-sized container kit some months ago and I found there was a small round container (1 1/2 in diameter). I guess that was meant for creams or scrubs, but since I use gel-like moisturizer, I thought it was a best to put some meteorites in there. I can send you a pic if you want 🙂
Nice! I will be on the look out for that 🙂
I do take-alongs too, with a used mineral foundation tub that’s wide enough to fit in a retractable kabuki brush. Took out the sifter first 🙂
Yay!!! Someone else does takes along!!! 😀
What a great idea using a mineral foundation tub!!! I was looking for something similar since I wanted to take some Ben Nye Banana Powder with me. But, I guess I’ll leave it for later since I carry my meteorites now 😉
I product and packaging just look so pretty. While I probably wouldn’t purchase it myself, I can see why people love it.
My make up obsessed brain did not register the “not” in the sentence “It is not necessary to own every single one” at first.
Guerlain is defiantly one of my favorite brands. I already own one of these but from a different collection and it has lasted for years so will pass on this one.
Meteorites are on my list of “Things I Want Badly” but I can’t decide if I want these or just the regular ones; I don’t really think I need both. Is there that much difference between the Teint Rose and the Perles du Dragon?
It would be very slight, probably not noticeable *on* the skin.
Wow..I’m sorry. But $60 for something that gives the same effect as shimmery white eyeshadow? Such a waste of money…
These have always been on my list to try; which ones would be best for NC45 in MAC?
Any of them 🙂
I’m definitely one of those people that can never decide if this is completely necessary or not…I’ve swatched it and played with it at counters, but never applied it directly to my face, so I guess that’s why I’m so unsure. They sure are pretty though…and I HAVE heard many a good review on these…and this probably is the most appealing one I’ve seen so far (I know you’ve said before that they all look pretty similar once on the skin, but I much prefer the lovely, pearly pinks and plums in this one to those ones that contain blues and yellows, etc. That’s just my preference in color palette though). I think I may just have to splurge on this one! 😀
Do you think the sparkles are noticeable to the eye? Or would you say more to the camera?
Also thank you for replying to my other questions! Much appreciated!
No prob!
I would say it’s about the same – it’s more a condition of the lighting than anything else!
These are really pretty, but for $58, I’ll pass and stick with my classic Mythic shade instead!
Gah I want these. Though I really want the pressed version…to bad about the insane price difference.
You are awesome at these reviews. I think with this one may I suggest a pic without the product then a pic with the product? With such a sheer product it would show your glow much better. Thanks
It looked about the same because of the type of light (soft) so I did not use them 🙁 The sheen on my cheekbones and bridge of my nose are the Meteorites, if that helps!
This review encouraged me to try a face highlighter in one of my Too Faced palettes. I tried it and I looked extremely shiny and glittery which I didn’t care for. I always loves the way that your complexion looks. Your foundation has a beautiful glow about it. Will this product add a beautiful glow? I recently switched from Bare Minerals foundation to liquid MAC because the loose powder always made my skin look dry and sat in my lines. I love the liquid foundation but my face looks sort of flat and very matte instead of slightly dewy. It no longer has that mineral glow that I love. I’m so worried about spending this much money and then ending up with a glitter bomb all over my face. Do you think this will add a glow without the glittery look that the Too Faced highlighter did to my face?
Oh, yes – this isn’t glitter at all. Most face highlighters are more shimmery, so they’re not necessarily appropriate for all-over. You could try a stippling brush and lightly dusting, to see if that helps diffuse it some. A lot of times I finish with Guerlain’s pressed Meteorites.
Thank you so much! I just placed an order for this. Super excited. Thank you for all of the wonderful reviews.
No problem, Lisa! 🙂
Another thing that might give you the glow is a different foundation. If you’re able, I’d suggest trying to get a bunch of samples of other foundations while you go through your mac foundation to find one that gives you a dewy effect. Some foundations are more matte for people like me who are oily and some have a satiny or dewy finish. You could also try something like mac’s strobe cream or an illuminating lotion (aveeno has one) underneath your foundation to give you a glow.
Does this make your pores look larger/obvious?
No, it creates a soft focus effect on the skin – so it makes them appears smaller!
Hi I have a question. Out of the core perles 01, 02, 03, which one would this fall more closely with?
I don’t have all of them – I think I only have one – sorry!
I’m marginally tempted by this but as I’ve already got one Guerlain highlighter (not Meteorites type – it’s the Cruel Gardenia, which is somewhat different but still works as an all-over brightener) and in consideration of the price, I’m probably going to pass on this (but if anyone wants to give it to me as a gift, I’d be a very happy recipient, indeed).
I wish cruel gardenia was permanent :(.
It is my favorite thing to use on my face ever. My flower design is almost gone 🙁
I wish Cruel Gardenia was permanent too!
I just wish it had come in a better package! I’m always nervous about gashing the daylights out of it when I put the lid back on. Permanent would be good too – I honestly wonder why they didn’t make it permanent (but I feel the same way about the similar product from – I think – Laura Mercier; these babies sold out so fast you’d think they’d all realize they’ve got a winner on their hands and make it a permanent fixture in their line)
Its a shame that it doesn’t work like that. Its the same with Chanel Topkapi, and Estee Lauder Violet Underground. People went CRAZY for them. Why NOT make them permanent!?
Me too!!! Cruel Gardenia should be permanent!!! 🙁
This is definitely a love it, but leave it.. I already have 2, one beige and one white..If I mixed the two together, it would actually look like Perles du Dragon. Not enough difference to warrant a purchase for me.
This is the first review that has tempted me to buy the ballz!
For those of you who have the pressed Meteorites, how are the balls different?
I do not have any pressed ..just two tins of multicoloured loose and shiny big ballz, small ballz, and glowy medium ballz *snarfle* Anyhow else have some pressed ballz for AcademicGirl for comparative purposes???
Are these exclusively LE for the states? I live in France and the product doesn’t seem to show up neither on Sephora nor on the official site of Guerlain… Nordstrom seems to detect region and no success there either. *sad face*
Hi Luna,
It launches in October 🙂
Or has it just not been launched for online purchase yet…?
It’s not available until October! 🙂
This really cost a lot! Maybe I will pass on this one. There are other brands that have the same effect with this that does not cost a lot.
I want it for the tin. :/
I’ve got a meteorites, actually, that I purchased on sale from Sephora last year. At first I was enchanted with the packaging, and even the smell (having never smelled it before so it didn’t give “old lady vibe”), but let down after the first use. It didn’t seem to do *anything.* But, then I began to notice that *every* time someone complimented me on my skin or “looking especially pretty today”, it was when I used the meteorites. Every time, without fail. I could wear exactly the same makeup, with the same complexion, two days in a row and illicit a compliment on the day of the meteorites.
Despite having crushed my frivolous girl budget in an attempt to reign in my makeup stash, I really, really, really want to get this. Even though I don’t need it. *rolleyes*
That’s exactly it, Z! I always find someone asks me, “Have you changed your skincare routine recently?” and I’m like, “no! What?!”
While we are on the topic of highlighters.. I wanted to add that Illamasqua has reformulated and released their Gleam product which did not receive very good reviews following the Aug/12 release. Not trying to put in a plug for Illamasqua Gleam over Guerlain Meteorites btw since they are miles apart in their style and formula, but I was impressed nonetheless they actually listened..
I am dying to get these…but they are so expensive! are there any lower-priced alternatives?
I know Physician’s Formula put out a product that really tried to mimic these – I personally do not think they’re the same, because PF’s is VERY frosty/frosted.
I have meteorites but i still cant figure out what is the best way to apply? please help christine <3
I use a tapered brush like MAC’s 165!
thanks! ill def give it a try!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the swatches!! They don’t look too dark for my skin, based on thr picture!! <3 <3 <3
I started out wearing these as a highlighter but now I find I use it as a finishing powder. They really do add that je nais se pas to your look that is so subtle but just -there-
Love the tin on this! If I didn’t have my current pan I’d probably grab this!
Hi Christine, I would appreciate if you could suggest which Meteorites would be good as a finishing powder for a NC 40-42 shade? Would you recommend this or Teint dore? Thanks a million!
I really think either would work, but you could pt for Teint Dore since it’s a little warmer.
Thanks a lot !! I am surely buying that.
Will you be doing a review for the pressed powder for winter? Im hoping that they sent you one!
The container is very pretty. I think all these balls all look the same to me.
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a post about how to properly use and apply meteorites? I’ve never owned any Guerlain meteorites before because the whole concept of powder pearls seemed too complicated for me but after seeing your post, I’m seriously tempted to buy. Your skin looks great, like a nice healthy glow, not glittery or unnaturally shiny (:
Hey JQ!
I like to apply them with a tapered brush and lightly pat along areas for highlight. For an all-over application, a stippling brush like MAC’s 188 or 187 works!
Thanks so much! (:
I run in the other direction as soon as i read anything that sounds like “brightens”, because i have oily skin. But these are sooo pretty, that i have hope i still can buy them. Do yoy know if meteorites work on oily skin? Or do i keep running ;)?
Oh, I don’t think you’d need to run!
really? that’s great news! thanks for telling me, I think i’ll treat myself for Christmas 😉
What Lipstick are you wearing in the photo? You look gorgeous!
Nevermind I found it! I gotta pick up some lip tars!
Thank you for taking the time to look 🙂 I appreciate it! xo
Love your reviews. Reading this reminded me I have meteorites in mythic 01! Just found them in the back of my makeup stash and put it on my cheeks. Remembered how much I love them….thank you:)
Any chance sephora will have these? I’ve never had pearls before so I think I want to pick these up, and I like this packaging better than the others.
They should!
The Sephora that I shop at said they should be getting them in probably next week.
I can’t agree all Meteorites look very similar on skin. I have 6 and they all are different, and THAT’s the reason i don’t get every single one out there, because some don’t look good on me.
Would you recommend this or the Teint Dore or Tient Beige for NC35 skintone?
I’d say this or Teint Dore!
Christine, would this one be suitable for NC20/25? The pearls look a bit dark :S
Yes, it would be!
I recently purchased the d’azur one, and I was wondering if this will be more suitable for the fall rather than the d’azur. so what do you think?
I think they’re really comparable!
Hi christine do you know when in fact the actual dates this will come out I dont see it in Nordstroms.
I don’t have any exact dates!
These are available at Saks now….
I was able to find them at Neiman Marcus today.
Im a huge fan of Meteorites. My go-to product being Perles de Nuit. Now that stocks of this teal tin are depleating, would you say Du Dragon is a good ‘dupe’ for De Nuit? (I use De Nuit after pulling out the silver balls – unless its disco time)
I think it’s definitely comparable!
I was finally able to find these in a store today!! I purchased them immediately, thanks so much again for your wonderful reviews! 😀
Will these work well with my super pale skin, NW15? I’ve been dying to try these and this particular one really caught my eye!
Do you know the difference with this one compared to the Wulong pressed Meteorites in terms of effect or color? Thanks
Color, not much – this doesn’t have any sparkle, just sheen.
Christine – I just want to thank you <3 for introducing me to a new found love in Guerlain. I thought it was a not-so-interesting brand (Shame on me!) until I saw all these amazing reviews. So, with that said, I treated myself to this and its brush among a few other things (GA Luminous Silk, Maestro and more MAC = my wallet hates me right now), before the big move to Germany next week.
Guerlain gives me the *romantic in cosmetics I didn't know I was craving for. Makes me feel more feminine, lady-like. Particularly this one, it makes you want to make time for it. Ahh, just love it! And the scent, divine!
Anyway. Since I'm new to the Guerlain arena particularly the Meteorites, this is going to sound silly.. as an all-over face powder, do you apply this after (just) your foundation or after everything (blush, bronzer etc.)? Thanks Christine!
Hey Abigail! I usually set my makeup at the very end, so after I’ve applied blush or bronzer or contours, so I’d apply it as a last step myself! 🙂
I’m happy you are loving your Guerlain pearls and brush! Sometimes a product that makes you feel like that is why it is worth the higher price tag!
You are so right about what matters at the end of the day is what and how a product makes you feel! =D
Is it okay to use this to set a blush that has a sheen/shimmer to it like, maybe MAC Margin, or the Extra Dimension Skinfinishes? Does the Meteorites “compete” with it? If that makes sense.
Can you pair it with a cream/gel blush as well?
Thanks so much for getting back to me Christine! =)
Absolutely! I don’t think it would compete! I usually just dust it over everything 😉
Amazing! Just what I was hoping to hear!
Which Guerlain foundation is your favorite (and) to pair this with?
I can just imagine how much business you’re bringing to these companies! How I wish (for you), that they can track down how much influence you have. <3 Know that Guerlain will always remind me of you. Thank you Christine!
I think Parure Gold pairs well with it, though it works well with Lingerie de Peau and the newer Lumiere one. I think I like Parure Gold a lot in general, so everything just comes together when I use it 🙂
For a first buy should I take Perles du Dragon or the permanent ones in 02 Teint Beige ?
I’d say Perles du Dragon!
Hi Christine! Would you recommend Perles du Dragon or teint rose for someone who is NW20? Thanks again, your reviews are always helpful! 🙂
Honestly, either one would work!
Would the Perles du Dragon Meteorites or the Teint Dore Meteorites be best for me as I do not want any pink on my skin, prefer golden/tan
Teint Dore!
Christine I want to know which pearls or pressed meteorites are You using as setting powder?
Right now, I’m still using the Wulong powder, but normally I use one of regular pressed ones -the mattifying one!
Which shade? Rose or Biege?
huh…a before and after pic would be nice for comparison 🙂
I never understand this type of product..its just pretty to look at but people swear up and down that this is good.
I think this is a case of the emperor’s new suit for me
Have you ever tried it?
Yes I have in fact..once in the counter and once belonging to a friend of mine (one of the people who swears by this product)..I cannot see any difference though 🙂 – maybe I am one of the ignorant people?
Sounds like you already have great skin 🙂
These look gorgeous! Thank you for posting such in-depth review, I rarely purchase a beauty item without consulting one of your reviews.
Anyways, I am looking for a highlighter and I was wondering how the Meteorites and Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks are comparable? Which one do you recommend?
Shimmer Bricks are way, way frostier – you’ll really see the frost/shimmer on your cheeks, whereas something like Meteorites is more “what did you do differently?” than an overt highlighter.
Thank you, I think I’m going to indulge in these 🙂
Well, this review convinced me to get them. I bought them yesterday, they are pricey (around 62USD) but I’m quite happy with them. Did I need them? No, but, who doesn’t want something pretty and inspiring on their vanity? A plus is that they seem to set my liquid foundation just fine, I have very oily skin and it looks they keep my face matte for a longer period of time. Thanks Christine for the review, it helped a lot to make up my mind.
So happy to hear you’re enjoying them, Ana!!
I’ve been wanting Meteorites for some years now. And this edition I just had to buy! It’s one of the finest beauty purchase I have ever made. I’m just in love with them and try to use them as often as possible. It’s true that the difference isn’t notable with bare eyes, but people will start to notice that you are radiating. And that is worth it!
I’ll buy the Teinte Rose version when Perles du Dragon is over. Thank you Christine for making me buy them. Your review definitely made me go out to the counter and take them home with me 🙂
Yay! I am so glad you are enjoying yours, Jules 🙂 I’m THRILLED!