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MacKenzie G. Avatar

One of several liquid/cream blushes (usually Glossier Puff, Glossier Beam, or CP Between the Sheets, but also CP Bardot, Besame With a Song and a Smile (new), Fenty Ridiiic (new), or Fenty Chili Mango (new)), CP Lunch Money, and Fenty Matte Matchstix in Amber.

thirteenthirteen Avatar

I have three ColourPop SuperShock blushes that I’m trying to use up (Fruit Stand, Rain, and…I forget. It’s pink) because the formula isn’t my favorite. So most days I use one of them.

Yara Avatar

On a workday (which is most days for me), I’ll wear Mac Lightscapade with either NARS Orgasm or the Jouet Bouquet blush duo in Coquette (depending on if I’m going with a warm or cool colour scheme that day).

AJ Avatar

The second-darkest contour and the second-lightest blush from the LunatiCK contour book (the original one), and Makeup Geek Glitzy highlighter. It’s been my go-to for over a year now, to the point where I haven’t purchased any new cheek products because I’ve found my look!

Sometimes I’ll switch it up and use NARS Albatross instead. When I dance with my classmates last weekend, we were wearing gold so I decided Albatross was a better fit than Glitzy.

Mariella Avatar

Nicole, I’m so glad to read that you like it too because these sorts of recommendations can be so “iffy” – what suits one of us doesn’t flatter someone else or isn’t the look they’re going for, etc.

There are a few things I wanted from MAC but I missed the 25% off sale entirely (in spite of receiving TWO emails about it….it just happened at a busy time and when I was sort of distracted). I hope they have another one soon.

Nicole D Avatar

Mariella, we have pretty much similar taste in makeup and as I’m between fair and light, w/ cool to neutral undertone, when you like a face product, there are very strong chances that I will like it too 🙂
I’m sure MAC will have another 25% off sale soon; they usually have these sales 3–4 times a year, if memory serves me right.

CeeBee Avatar

I’m still experimenting with the Natasha Denona Citrus Diamond & Blush palette. Mostly because I keep forgetting to apply the cream products before I powder my face!

Erica Avatar

I have blushes I reach for and I have highlighters I reach for but I don’t have particular combos per se. I’ve been reaching for MAC Cosmic Force, Cover Girl Tru Blend Medium Rose, Lancome Blush Subtil in Miel Glace, MAC Pro Longwear Blush in Stay By Me & Benefit Hervana as blushes are concerned. I’ve been loving Fenty Lightning Dust, Benefit Dandelion Twinkle, MAC Warm Rose, Becca Moonstone & MAC Whisper of Gilt.

Nicole D Avatar

In the past two weeks I’ve been using the following:
– Chanel Premières Fleurs Harmony of Powders (alone);
– thanks to Mariella, I’ve ordered from MAC, when they had the 25% sale at the end of March, Into the Pink Extra Dimension blush and I love it! I’ve been using it alone (most of the time) or on top of W3ll People – Nude Rose Blush (stick). I didn’t think that there is a better liquid/cream blush other than Inlgot one, but the stick in Nude Rose from W3ll beats everything. It’s a matte one, stays put all day, plus it has good ingredients.
– Highlight: I don’t like the shimmer ones so in case I use an illuminating blush (i.e. MAC Into the Pink or the Ciaté ones) I don’t use any highlight. The two highlights that I love are: Nudestix Illumi-naughty and Clinique Illuminating Powder. I use them more in the V-area outside the corners of the eyes rather than on the my cheeks.

Nancy T Avatar

There have been a few that I just keep returning to:
1.) UD Jawbone for contour, NOHO blush, Maybelline Molton Rose Gold Highlighter.
2.) UD Jawbone contour, MAC Oh My Passion Pearlmate Powder blush, Fenty Metal Moon Highlighter or CP Aura Voir Luster Dust.
3.) And one that I tried the other day and just loved! UD Jawbone, then apply Hourglass Gold Flash Vanishing Highlighter first before applying MAC Sugar Or Syrup Blush or Nars Fetishised blush! Laying down this highlighter BEFORE blush seems to keep it situated and non-vanishing. ?

Jill Avatar

The Balm Bahama Mama bronzer, The Balm Instain Blush in Houndstooth, and either Mary Lou Manizer or Hourglass Dim Light as a highlight

Tiffanie Avatar

The main combo that has been on repeat is MAC Extra Dimension Skinfinish in Tarji Glow and Highlight the Truth. That color combo really accentuates deeper skin tones and I actually have a dent in the highlight which NEVER happens. Too bad it’s not permanent.

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