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Leslie Avatar

If I pay a high price and it just doesn’t work for me or doesn’t perform the way it’s supposed to, I will return it and not give it a second thought. It’s mostly hair products I will return. Thirty dollars for a styling gel that makes my hair gummy is definitely going back. I don’t mind at all paying $$$ if a product is good quality.

Mariella Avatar

I’ve returned very few items in my makeup wearing life (one of the reasons I like to shop in person is so I can avoid having to return things – among other issues, they just end up in landfills). I did return a Marc Jacobs eyeshadow palette that was pricey and simply did not work for me at all. The Sephora near me had testers out for ALL his new palettes at that time EXCEPT for the one I was interested in – Edgitorial. Had there been a tester, I probably would NOT have bought it and this is what I mean about preferring to shop in person and see/try things for myself.

Christina D. Avatar

Agreed that if something arrived damaged it goes back, but more often than not, it’s for a replacement. But having an adverse reaction to a product is for me a good reason to return a product and request a full refund.

Nancy T Avatar

Ooh, Christina, I forgot about THAT! Yes, I had this happen with the OG Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette many years ago. NO warning anywhere on the box for those of us who have sulfa allergies (not to be confused with sulfate or sulfur). That palette gave me a gradually worsening reaction that perplexed the heck out of me, as I usually have no eyeshadow issues. Called Ulta where I bought it and one of first things the store mgr asked was: “do you have an allergy to sulfa?” Because, as she pointed out, they were getting these palettes returned by unwitting, likewise sulfa allergic people who were also getting terrible reactions!!! 9 years later, and this still pisses me off to no end! 😡🤬😡🤬

Seraphine Avatar

If it’s damaged or spoiled. One time a Dior lipstick was not connected at the base. Another time I received a Bobbi Brown lipstick that was rancid. So now I always open lipsticks at the cash register when I’m buying them to make sure they’re ok.

Jen Avatar

Any damage to powder or cream products, upon delivery, triggers a return for me or email to customer service. Sometimes brands will just send a new item out instead of receiving the product back.

Penny Avatar

Definitely anything broken, or very rarely if it is expensive and color is not as described…A very expensive foundation that is either too orange or too yellow goes back….this is why I have had problems with color discriptions on manufacturers websites…To some, cool means “orangy” to some “pink” or fair or medium seem different from one brand to another….

Jessica Avatar

Nothing 🙁 I dont return. I wish I wasnt the way I am lol. Maybe like, a booger in it I’d return it just on principle.

Latika Avatar

Poor quality- I don’t like to return things so I have narrowed it down to brands that I have found to be high quality and consistent. If I buy online I watch YT video’s and read reviews before I buy. If it is foundation I really try to go into the store for a purchase.. sometimes I buy online if the reviewer has a similar skintone as mine, but I will return foundation if it does not look good on my skin at the end of the day (wear) if it breaks up on my skin or changes color. I return if I feel the product just does not perform as claimed. I get upset with patchy, poor performing eyeshadow.. lipstick that makes my lips peel or feel tacky nasty- I am not buying as much make up as I used to because I have a good amount and I don’t feel compelled to buy every new release. I have to really want it an see how it fits into my collection. I don’t even really like to experiment as much with new make up because I am so picky now.

Helene Avatar

We’re not allowed to return makeup
When I buy from the US I could probably return a product, but would have to pay the postage, and that’s expensive.
If a product is broken retailers most often send a new item, some wants a photo.
I’m not sure we can return stuff if we get some type of reaction, I think some skincare brands accept returns if that happens.

Genevieve Avatar

I have returned an eye palette when a couple of the shades were broken and there were no issues doing that with the beauty retailer. I got a replacement straight away.
I’ve returned very few products because, unless they are broken or rancid, you can’t just because you don’t like it here in Aus.

Helena Avatar

I’m incredibly lazy (to the point of not returning items I bought at the very store I worked at…), but the one return I’ve made that comes to mind is the very first Ambient Lighting palette Hourglass released years ago. Turned out that Dim was too dark for all over and Radiant was too orange for a bronzer, so I only used the new-and-exclusive shade, Incandescent, as a highlighter. When Hourglass finally released Incandescent as a single—a good while later—I bought that and returned the palette. The Sephora cashier who processed the return was…bemused?

Donna Avatar

For me, it will be skin care. I have sensitive skin and really hate buying new ranges and products without getting samples first. I really hate having to return, but if I break out, yes I will.

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