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Urban Decay Naked 1 vs. Naked 2 Palette Dupes & Comparison Swatches

Urban Decay Naked 1 vs. Naked 2 Palette Dupes & Comparison Swatches

  • Foxy doesn’t have any comparable shades in Naked 1.
  • Half Baked is a repeat from Naked 1, so yes, there is a dupe–in fact, it’s 100% the same!
  • Booty Call is a peachier version of Virgin (Naked 1), but they’re really, really close. It’s just slightly warmer.
  • Chopper is more orange than Sidecar (Naked 1); I wouldn’t say they’re dupes, but they’re not totally different.
  • Tease doesn’t have any dupes, because it’s matte, so it doesn’t really appear the same as contenders like Sin and Toasted (both from Naked 1).
  • Snakebite is not as golden as Smog (Naked 1), but it’s nowhere near as dark as Darkhorse (Naked 1); however, if you mix both Smog and Darkhorse together, you get something rather similar.
  • Suspect is just a little more beige compared to Sidecar (Naked 1).
  • Pistol doesn’t have any comparable shades in Naked 1.
  • Verve doesn’t have any comparable shades in Naked 1.
  • YDK looks pretty similar to both Sidecar and Toasted (both from Naked 1), and Sidecar is closer.
  • Busted is very, very similar to Hustle (Naked 1); at best, it might be a little less red-toned. It’s not like Darkhorse (Naked 1), though.
  • Blackout doesn’t have any comparable shades in Naked 1.

See comparison swatches!

Half Baked (Naked 2) vs. Half Baked (Naked 1)

Booty Call (Naked 2) vs. Virgin (Naked 1)

Chopper (Naked 2) vs. Sidecar (Naked 1)

Sin (Naked 1) vs. Tease (Naked 2) vs. Toasted (Naked 1)

Smog (Naked 1) vs. Snakebite (Naked 2) vs. Darkhorse (Naked 1) vs. Smog + Darkhorse (Naked 1)

Suspect (Naked 2) vs. Sidecar (Naked 1)

Gunmetal (Naked 1) vs. Pistol (Naked 2) vs. Creep (Naked 1)

Verve (Naked 2) vs. Sidecar (Naked 1)

Sidecar (Naked 1) vs. YDK (Naked 2) vs. Toasted (Naked 1)

Darkhorse (Naked 1) vs. Busted (Naked 2) vs. Hustle (Naked 1)

Blackout (Naked 2) vs. Creep (Naked 1)


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Mara Avatar

Looking at your swatches, Christine, Pistol seems a lot like Urban Decay’s Mushroom from BOS II which is an HG e/s for me. How do they compare in your opinion?

The packaging is tempting me, but I’m holding off on buying Naked 2 because there’s a rumor that UD is coming out with an all matte palette in January 2012. Heard anything about that, by any chance?

By the way, thanks so much for your very prompt and thorough review and comparison of the Naked 2 to the original Naked. You rock!

Mara Avatar

Thanks for the quick response. By the way, I read somewhere that unlike the Naked which is made in the U.S., the Naked 2 is made in China. Is that true?!

dar Avatar

Wowie, wow, wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! It is amazing how similar the shades are when compared side by side but sadly, I ordered anyway because…well…I just had to have it.

Dana Avatar

You’re so thorough! Thanks for all this! I think I’m skipping this as I did with Naked #1. Most of them are too warm, and I don’t want to buy a palette unless I will use almost all the shades. I have enough neutrals in my own stash

Amanda R Avatar

I’m very cool toned and I’ve found that the Naked (1) palette compliments my skin really nicely, actually! I have very fair skin, blue eyes, and almost black hair, and the golds and warm browns really make my eyes pop. I’ve used all the colors heavily over the last year and they all look beautiful. I do agree with both you and Christine, though. I would have liked to see more cool-toned colors in Naked 2. Thank you for the review and comparison swatches! I ordered it, but now I’m thinking I might return it…

Michelle Avatar

Need it! Need it! Need it in my life….sadly, already sold out on the UD site so I’m going to have to wait for a restock. I am a total UD junkie

Christine Avatar

Thank you so much for this great comparison!! You are the best! I’m going to hold out hope that next year they will make Naked3, and it will be more cool toned. 🙂

Lisa Avatar


You weren’t kidding that Naked2 would have done better being complementary to palette instead of duping half of it (and reusing old colors from the other half).

Ah well.

Linda Avatar

same here. i jumped when saw new naked , like “omg , they made cool tone sister” but no 🙁 feeling little sad, hope theyll reading us and writing this down :p

dar Avatar

I agree. NYX has the ‘Butt Naked’ palette {what an awful name!} in which the color selections are the more cool-toned taupe shadows that I was hoping for in the Naked2 palette. Oh well. Maybe Urban Decay will hear the cries for a truly cooler toned palette.

Jordan Avatar

A lot of people are saying they’re too similar, but I think the shades that ARE different make it worth purchasing. I can come up with so many different looks using some of the new shades. I mean… you can never have too many palettes. Or I just have a problem.

Jordan Avatar

Oh, I didn’t mean you said that… I just meant what I’ve heard online and in conversation with my friends. You make an excellent point, but it’s going on my Christmas wish list and if I don’t get it then I can wait until I have the money to splurge. This palette is definitely NOT a necessity, just a nice addition. (Pistol, Snakebite, Blackout, and Verve)

Tamra Wade Avatar

Amazing review of the product! My daughter and I are huge fans of the first. What you said above is all I needed to hear. Thank you for your review. We might be sitting this one out.

Do you know if UD sells the colors in palette one by themselves?

Thank you again for your side by side review! very cool and telling!


AmyD Avatar

oooh thanks so much for this comparison, christine! i had no idea about naked 2 until this morning – i was racing to buy it on the ud website, when i realized i should just stop and wait for your posts – thank goodness i did! :)i love blackout, but i think i’ll just pick up a separate matte black eyeshadow, since i don’t have one yet.

Gala Avatar

I adore my naked palette, but kinda think I’ll pass on this one as it is quite similar. even though the news about it cought be breathless to see what is it gonna be like, its almost like porn to us makeup junkies 🙂

Raquel Avatar

SO SO happy I waited for your side by side comparisons! You just saved me 50 bucks!!! I HEART TEMPTALIA – and so does my husband, well sometimes :)!!

emily Avatar

Hmmm, since I have Naked 1, I think the only color I really want from Naked 2 is Pistol. That The Balm dupe you suggested looks pretty close, so if I buy a second “nudes” palette, I’ll probably buy The Balm’s Nude palette rather than the second Naked palette – it looks nicer and it’s cheaper, too!

Celeste Avatar

I’m torn, overall it doesn’t seem worth it for a Naked 2 but put the 2 together and I do prefer Blackout to Creep. I like the addition of cooler tones but the warm shades are just too similar. some of those pictures almost look like you swatched your arm twice with the same color… Is the Naked brush similar to the Naked 2 brush in any way?

Charlotte Avatar

Thank you for this! After looking at the comparison swatches, it’s lessened my lust since I already have Naked 1. Too many similarities to justify the purchase.

Hannah Avatar

Wow, thank you for your hard work on these comparisons. It’s a shame that the two palettes are almost exactly the same. I have Naked 1, but I don’t think I’ll be spending $50 for the Naked 2 palette for colors that look almost identical.

Your swatch of Smog and Darkhorse is identical to snakebite. Blackout is amazing, but there are so many good black colors out there. I wish they had come out with colors that were not so similar.

lizzy Avatar

I already sent the link to my husband to get it for me for christmas! But im tempted to buy it now haha! Im glad it has more than one shade similar to sidecar… that’s my all time fave!

Alicia Avatar

Eh, I initially wanted this, but seeing how similar the shades are…I already have so many eyeshadows, I don’t NEED this. Maybe if I can get it for cheaper, but for now I’m going to pass.

Rachael Avatar

I lot of the darker shades on Naked 1 are too warm and look really strange on me. I hardly wear it anymore. I do wish they had done a cool-toned version. I’ll be passing on this.

Maya Avatar

This is even more helpful than the original post about Naked 2! Thank you! After considering dupes I may have and seeing this, I don’t think I’m going to buy it

Youyou Avatar

Which one of them do you recommend for a person who doesn’ t have any? I was about to buy Naked 1 when the new one appeared… Now I can’t choose)

Youyou Avatar

I personally prefer packaging of 1 and I like that it includes a mini eyeshadow primer, but I thought that maybe coloros are beter in 2.
Thanks for your advice)

Melissa Avatar

Man, on the one hand, there are WAY too many dupes. On the other, the nice sturdy metal packaging and the double-ended brush (not to mention lip junkie, because that is the ONLY lipgloss I have ever really loved) make it really tempting. But my Naked 1 is definitely used and unsellable, and I don’t want to have 2 of the same! I think I have to pass on it. But I may have to pick it up for a friend who’s been lemming the original naked palette and travels constantly!

Julianne Avatar

It’s hard to determine what exactly their intentions were with this palette. My guess is that they are trying to market this as an option for those who didn’t purchase/weren’t interested in the Naked palette the first time around, seeing as there are a lot of similarities between both palettes, but different enough to invoke some interest in people who haven’t gotten their hands on Naked 1.

Would’ve loved to have seen some cooler tones, but I still think that regardless of the amount of difference between the two, it’s a gorgeous palette.

Rachel Avatar

I really wish they had done a cooler version of original naked palette. Thank you for the side by side swatches. I actually thought they were more different from other swatches than they seem now.

Ashley Avatar

When I heard the Naked 2 Palette came out, I rushed to see where I could purchase it. Didn’t read a single review, just saw a picture of it online. Luckily I stopped by Temptalia to read more about it because the shades are way too similar to the original palette. The side-by-side comparisons justify that perfectly. Will I still by it? Of course! I love Urban Decay and one can never have too many palettes 😛

Great review!

Alexandra Avatar

Darn! Now seeing your swatches side by side I’m kinda kicking myself for caving and rushing to buy this today since I already have the first one (which I love)! LOL
Hmmm maybe I’ll have to pass this along as a Christmas gift since it still is really pretty. Thanks for putting this comparison up so quickly!!

Daniela Avatar

I really like pistol & busted. I bought blackout a while back as my matte black for smokey eyes & loved. I did purchase this palette, yes it’s expensive & very similar to the first, but I love neutrals & this palette looks great. Thanks for the swatches Christine!

Denise Frey Avatar

So similar. You can make the original palette into any of the shades in #2, w/ the exception of the black. If you have a few more UD colors, you can duplicate any in #2. Not getting this. Same as the Cowboy quad,similar to the other cowboy quad, from 2 years ago, w/ romp in it. I wish they would do something else. =)

Oona Avatar

I was expecting a cool-toned Naked… 🙁 Christine, can you recommend a cool-toned neutral pallette? I live in Spain and it is frustrating not being able to find one (I’m guessing most brands think all Spaniards look like Penélope Cruz)

Thanks! 🙂

Katie Avatar

Christine, you rock! Thanks for getting this info out so quick!

Overall, based on the swatches, I don’t think I’ll get it since I have Naked 1. Some of the shades in 2 intrigue me, but there are just too many similarities to spend $50.

If it was truly a taupe palette, I’d be all over it. Too me, it seems more like honey/copper browns than taupe O_o

Louise Brodd Avatar

yepp not so different.. If i’m not mistaken, doesn’t Naked 1 have a primer potion included? so that’s the biggest differens in my eyes 😉
The Naked Palette is still on my wishlist, but I don’t think that I will get it… I come from sweden and the range of brands is guite small,, and that we have is expensive! A lipstick from Mac costs 30 $!!! and can only be bought in the three biggest cities and on ONE online store… we can’t buy urban decay online or in stores… if I ever go to the US I will pack one set of clothes and buy make up like there no tomorrow ;P but thank god for international shipping 😉

Jenny Avatar

Hope this comes out in sephora before the 13th bc I just received their vib xmasgift card. But at same time not sure if I want another similar palette since I have naked1 already… But the packaging looks nice.

Grace Avatar

The colors that don’t have similar shades to the Naked 1 palette are for the most part pretty, but I’m going to have to agree and say why the heck would they release a palette so similar to the original??? Makes no sense. People who own the Naked 1 (and obviously those who don’t own it) will still buy this just to have it, but I feel like a lot more purchases and excitement would come out of a totally different palette.

Makes 0.00 sense to me.

Nina Avatar

As someone who doesn’t own Naked 1, I went ahead and bought Naked 2 today. I just really love the packaging and I’m hoping it’ll introduce me to the brand.

Lindsay Avatar

When I heard about the second Naked Palette everyone’s opinions seemed almost irrelevant. I had to wait for your two cents to get the best review. Thanks for all the time you put into your blog and videos Christine! You are my authority on all things beauty!

divinem (Melissa) Avatar

So glad I didn’t hit the “confirm” button to order and held out for your amazing swatches, Christine. You just saved me $50! Thank you so much for the ridiculously fast turnaround!

Sasha Avatar

I don’t own the naked 1 palette and was thinking of getting it but then I saw naked 2. Should I hold up for now and wait to get naked 2? Or should I get the first? Or both? Lol

SatelliteDreamer Avatar

Thank you for doing such a great comparison!!

I will be passing on Naked2, as my Naked palette doesn’t get used very often anyway. Now, if only UD would come out with a Not Naked palette.. Same layout and size, with all bright colours! New colours at that.

happyroach Avatar

I SO SECOND THAT!!! I hate how all the BOS/anniversary/etc palettes are super huge/bulky. If only all the colorful palettes were as slim and portable!

Melissa Avatar

I’m a sucker for neutrals. I have a mostly neutral MAC palette and the Naked 1 palette, but I want this too! I feel like, because I have the most fair skin ever, most shades will appear a bit differently on me because all colors really do show up true on my lids. These colors are so beautiful, and I knew that when my original Naked runs out, I’d purchase another. But if I get the 2nd, I won’t have to re-purchase the exact same one again. 🙂 I think the differences are excellent! Thank you for the wonderful post.

Maria Avatar

C- you do the best swatches. I was “lusting” on this until I saw your comparison. I was hoping that N2 would have more matte finishes. If more were like tease & black out I would be sold.
I have plenty of MAC neutrals to create natural looks & I just bought a matte black.
Plus $50 for this when N1 was $46 just doesnt justify it to me.

Tinkerbell Avatar

i don’t have the original naked palette, but i am planning to buy one and i am realllyyyy confused!! which one do you suggest is better? 1st or second?

Mel Avatar

I have Naked 1, but I don’t wear most of the colors on the right side of the palette(Darkhorse, creep, Gunmetal) and I really dislike Toasted, so even though it seems like the consensus is that it’s similar, I think I’ll enjoy Naked 2 more(blackout is a must have)I’m glad I was able to snag it before it sold out.

Chris25 Avatar

I’m glad these are permanent. I can wait and see if I really “need” either of them. Although I wish they’d stop putting Half Baked in every palette.

Thanks for the swatches! 🙂

Andrea L. Östvang Avatar

Such a great post, Christine!
Although, I will definitely be getting this one too.
But, it isn’t a must color wise, and it’s also permanent, right..?
If so, I’m in no rush, and will buy The Balms Nude’tude palette (if I can find it), before getting this one.
Thanks for calming my lust for this a bit 😉

Macy Avatar

Thanks for these comparisons! I still can’t decide whether to purchase it or not, I’m such a fan of Urban Decay palettes that I almost feel strange NOT buying it. I’ll probably wait a little while, and then buy it!

happyroach Avatar

Thank you, Christine! You always have the BEST swatches and the most thorough individual item AND comparison reviews. They are SO helpful. And I love how you have NC20 skin like myself, so I can know exactly how everything will look on me just by looking at your swatches. I love this blog!

Hisa Avatar

Ah I was so right to wait for your post! I was resisting the urge to buy until I read your input. Glad I waited 😉 thanks so much for your info Christine! I really value your opinions!

Yazmin Avatar

Is it me, or does anyone else feel like urban decays palettes are all starting to look the same as each other? The two naked palettes look identical just a 1-2 shades off with only a couple of new colours, but overall its the same concept. And the book of shadows all looked the same to me. I think they just hope the hype is going to make sales. Im glad i didnt buy the first palette as i have tons of neutral shades, and im even happier that im going to skip the second palette.

Thanks for the hard work though christine, much appreciated as always x

KrisBliss Avatar

I just bought Naked 1 two weeks ago!! Now I have to go and get Naked 2. I was hoping there wouldn’t be any shades I had to have, but alas I must own Verve and Pistol. My poor aching wallet…

le Avatar

This palette appears to be less dark than the Naked 1. Surprised that there are some shades are almost the same. I guess some people with fairer skin tone will appreciate this. But why UD raised their price up one more time. From $44 to $48 and now $50. Is it because of the double ended brush?

Heather Avatar

Thanks for this. I think I will skip it. When I first saw the photos I thought they all seemed different…now I see they are all quite similar.

Sarah Avatar

It’s new and it’s Urban Decay so I can’t resist… Fortunately for me, it’s going to be a few months before it makes its way to the UK so I *may* change my mind by then 😛