The Hit List: Best Mineral Makeup Brand
Best Mineral Makeup Brand? What brand/product wins this category?
Best Mineral Makeup Brand? What brand/product wins this category?
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Bare Minerals. It doesnt make me break out and even though its not cakey, it still covers my blemishes.
I say Bare Minerals as well, but it’s not really fair since it’s the only one I have any experience with 🙂
I like Medusa’s Makeup. It is this small line based in Chicago and they only sell colour cosmetics, such as glitter, eye dust and eye shadow and lip glosses. I am not a fan of their eye shadow but I love their eye dusts! There are 48 colours and I find them more finely milled than MAC pigments. The eye dusts are just $8.00 CAD, good quality and have great pigmentation and staying power. In general the whole line is inexpensive, items are in between $8 to $21 in Canada. I will definitely try more items if they expand their line. I <3 the lip glosses too! I highly recommend people to try Medusa’s makeup if they come across them.
Where are they available? Thanks.
“Google is your best friend”
Medusa’s Makeup is available on this website:
I am not sure which stores in the states sell them though because I am from Vancouver. Their line is pure minerals with not talc and etc. They even list all the ingredients on their site.
I know that the store, “The Alley”, in Chicago carries Medusa’s makeup.
Outside of Chicago, I don’t know what other cities carry their line. But like AT said, you can always check their website.
Medusa’s makeup is pretty cool, and if I remember right, they don’t test on animals either!
Everyday minerals!
B.E. minerals – are the best – well at least for me!!1 i like them a lot – make your skin look so good!!!
I like the BE eyeshadows, but my favorite mineral foundation is Pur Minerals.
None. I hate mineral makeup, lol. I have two mineralized blushes from MAC and thats where it ends for me.
Well, thats MAC, I feel that their face products(foundation, mineral makeup, skin finishes) are poor quality makeup. Its just the name that people like. The brands are specifically mineral makeup are SO much better than MAC’s mineral makeup. I promise!
I agree! MAC’s ‘mineral’ makeup has so much junk in it (ie talc, bismuth oxychloride, etc.) that most other mineral brands do not. Check some of them out!
Thanks for the recommendation. I just may try some other brands because it seems that brands like Jane Iredale have worked well for people on this page.
Bare Escentuals, but then again I’m biased. Can’t ask me that question. :p
The now sadly discontinued Valerie Beauty minerals, MAD minerals, Saphoros Spa minerals…all for foundations.
Lumiere and Silk Naturals for e/s, blushes and great lipglosses (SN), Aromaleigh and The She Space for crazy-colourful e/s…
The choices are endless!!
Meow, hands down. I’ve tried BM, Everyday Minerals, Lumiere, Silk Naturals, Signature and (many) others, Meow Cosmetics is the best for me (foundation and concealer). Blushes and other stuff, I love Silk Naturals.
Edea –
I’ve never heard of “Meow Cosmetics”. Sounds like they have great make-up based on your post.
Plus the name is appealing to me since I’m a huge cat lover 🙂
Do you happen to know where can I find Meow make-up?
Also – do you happen to know if they test on animals or have animal by-products in their cosmetics? I ask since I’m a vegan, so I don’t buy anything tested on animals or with animal derived ingredients in them.
Hello Jane,
You’ll find it here :
They do not test on animals and have the biggest variety of shades I’ve EVER seen. It’s the only place I’ve find my perfect shade out of 81 – it’s called “Chartreux” and actually have been created by customer request. I’m on my third full jar now – which means three years of the same foundation, amazing isn’t it 🙂
Anyway, try it out for yourself. They even are having a sale right now !
Free shipping, how cool is that ? 😉
I don’t like bare minerals because it looks metallic on my face. i just started using the mac loose mineral foundation and it is awesome. matte and light in texture. easy to blend.
Katie B. Cosmetics by makeup artist Katie B, as seen on her celebrity clients & beautiful brides! I love her liquid mineral foundation with Dual Pressed mineral Powder. Less messy and the shades and finish are flawless & natural. I’ve tried many including BM and they don’t work for my complexion as well as Katie B’s! My face doesn’t look “metallic” like someone menioned! And I don’t break out like I do with others as I have sensitive skin. I have filipina, yellow undertoned med-tan skin. But I have friends of various ethnicities and shades that rave about it too. She has other great mineral products like lip liner, lipstick, lip buffer, eye shadows and blushes. Awesome pigments!! You have to check out her eye pigments!
I am really trying to support katie b cosmetics, but I feel that it’s way to heavy on my face. I am Asian and did not find kbc color that suites me. After using kbc for about a week or so my face looks sooo dirty after washing it. Seems like the mineral foudation really sinks into my face and believe me I used all my makeup remover and facial cleanser.
Kiss Me Minerals.
Tikei Minerals.
Bare Escentuals. Hands down.
Mine is a drug store brand–Maybelline. Their mineral foundation is so affordable and has yet to break me out. Bare Minerals broke me out a week after using it.
MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural & MAC Mineralize blushes. Also Pur Cosmetics Mineral Glow.
B.E. was way too drying for my skin and the bismuth oxychloride made me itchy, even though I love the pearlescent effect it gives.
MAC msf and Everyday minerals! i hate BE! full of bismuth oxychloride and made me break out big-time!
Tried a bunch, including BE which made me break-out.
I love Adorned With Grace and Lumiere for foundation (AWG is especially good for hard-to-match Asian skintones). Everyday Minerals for blush. Aromaleigh and Silk Naturals for eyeshadows. But Dayna’s Minerals are really the best for glows!
Finally I found products that match my skintone and don’t irritate my skin or eyes! (I’m talkin’ to you, MAC!)
I like Mac Mineralize Skinfinish also. It’s lightweight, blendable and has goodcoverage. I find I rarely need to touch up during the day and it doesn’t look like I’m really wearing any foundation at all. Perfect.
I used to be a Bare Minerals girl until I started working at Ulta and was introduced to Pur Minerals. It covers better for me personally, and I love that it’s not loose powder, since I tend to make a mess with BM. I have the MAC mineral powder foundation that came out last summer or fall, and it’s not too bad either. I haven’t used mineral foundation for a while, though. I’m loving my Paula Dorf cream foundation at the moment! As for mineral eye shadows, I guess I’ll have to go with MAC’s since overall I’m a MAC girl, and they’re pressed, not loose!
I haven’t really tried any mineral makeup. I heard about an underground one, called Priia – anyone veer heard of it?
Beauty from the Earth is awesome! I also love MAD minerals, Beautylicious cosmetics, Silk Naturals, and Fyrinnae.
Bare Minerals. I love their new matte foundation even more than the original. Another one I love is Laura Mercier’s mineral foundation.
Lumiere is my favorite mineral makeup.
Everyday minerals! They make great products and are also a really fun, friendly company that listens to their customers. 🙂
EVERYDAY MINERALS! hands down, they have the best customer service!
Hm. I’ve only tried BE and EDM and honestly I dislike many things about both. I hate that BE made me break out slightly for 2+ years without me even realizing it was the culprit with all their “so-good-you-can-sleep-in-it” nonsense. Three days after I stopped using BE, my cheek blemishes went away forever.
I do like the color selection and the prices of EDM, but every single time I’ve had to go to their CS I’ve been left incredibly irritated, not to mention they keep discontinuing products I really like without offering suggestions for alternatives or being able to give me any idea when they’ll have the products back.
I’m seriously considering jumping ship to Alima (which has cheap samples and a foundation color scheme that makes sense) or Jane Iredale (since I found out my local Pharmaca has JI).
Heh, I actually have slept in BE mineral makeup on many occasions without a problem! I guess it doesn’t work for everyone!
That has to be my biggest pet peeve about Bare Escentuals. Telling people it’s ok to sleep in their makeup is just gross. You should wash your face every night even if you don’t wear makeup because of dirt, sweat & pollution. Second many people don’t just use BE products so probably not everything on your face is “pure enough to sleep in”
everyday minerals! :)…bismuth-free…which suited my skin tremendously as i’m allergic to that substance ‘n_n
Everyday Minerals!
I have sensitive, rosacean skin and this is the only foundation I’ve EVER found that didn’t give me a reaction.
Affordable Mineral Makeupâ„¢ and nothing else. It is the only mineral makeup I have tried that does not cause me to break out or irritate my skin. It contains no talc, cornstarch, other fillers, preservatives, or Bismuth Oxychloride. Most of the make-up contains on 4 ingredients: Titatium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Mica, and Zinc. It can be found at
Jane Iredale!! Without a question. It’s sold in a lot of dermatologist’s office. That’s where I found it. BE sucks..imo.
I’m going to give a shout out to MAC’s Mineralize Skinfinish Foundations – both pressed and loose. I love, love love the skinfinih naturals. These foundations have done wonders for my oily skin. I wear the loose in the summer since I cannot wear liquid in the summer and the pressed over my liquid foundation in the winter.
I also love the skinfinishes as well. I have 6 of them plus 3 of the blushes.
I’ve tried other brands but I always go back to MAC.
I really love Everyday Minerals!!! Their colour selection is amazing!!
I had bad luck with BE also, it dried my skin out like crazy & was itchy, also I don’t think I really fit well into any of their shades.
I love Lauress, they have so many colors to choose from that it’s easy to find a match, I also like Pure Luxe & Everyday Minerals.
I tried about a million brands in the last few years and I like EDM and Fyrinnae best. Pure Luxe has some really nice things as well, I really like their April Mix !
The best :
Fyrinnae (make really unique mineral makeup)
TKB trading (many brands are exactly dupes on their pure micas but like the pop collections)
Cory Cosmetics (make really unique mineral makeup too)
DreamWorld Minerals (also make really unique mineral makeup)
EDM for brushes
The worst : archetype cosmetics, they don’t send me my order from 4th january 2009 (!), and they don’t refound me, and they don’t answer my mails, the company make the same with many outside US girls, shame on archetype !
GLO MINERALS!!!! I’ve been a BE loyal for 5 yrs, cos it covered my acne well and fast, but the whole complexion can looks cakey and makes pores larger. I’ve tried Everyday Minerals, I would say more for non acne people, should be ok. Lumiere too sticky like liquid foundation and coloring best for western ppl with pink/beige tone. If you have problem skin or non, try Glo Minerals, and U’ll be surprised. I’m so hooked, plus the jar is full to the top and it has many antioxidants. No wonder they only avail at spas or derm offices. You can buff and buff layer by layer, no caking at all. No need to tap. NC30-35 Honey Light, so beautiful.
Bare Minerals- hands down! I love their face products. They are so good for your skin. My skin has improve quite well since using their mineral makeup.
i love the look of mineral makeup but it seems to have really poor lasting power on my skin. on the other hand, i would much rather touch up my minerals during the course of the day than deal with the discomfort of liquid foundation.
i’ve tried EDM, BE, and MAC mineral products.
EDM: love the color range/descriptions, minerals don’t completely meld into my skin though. (better lasting power than BE)
BE: many ppl have problems with the ingredients in this product, i did not develop any allergic reaction to this product, completely melds with my skin, creates a beautiful finish, but doesnt have very strong lasting power on me
MAC: i have the msf natural and i really like it as a sheer foundation, evens out my skintone and brightens my complexion, gives me a natural flawlessness, feels like im wearing nothing on my skin, lasting power sucks, but not messy and very portable.
Bare Minerals is my every day foundation. I hate liquid foundations and how they feel! This one works great for me and my skin.
Also, I do like MAC MSF natural in light/med. Its not as cakey as studio tech but it still covers decently. I like how it feels and looks.
This is affordable and great for EVERY skin color. Its my go to everyday definately.
Laura Mercier! I also love her tinted moisturizers and layer the mineral over that when i need more coverage.
I love Erth Minerals. Hands down the best, & the most reasonably priced that I’ve tried. Where else can you get a very pure $13.00 foundation?!
J. Rose
Laura Mercier Mineral Powder SPF15 is the best!
DEFINITELY Everyday Minerals. they have awesome customer service and the prices are so low, i can’t even justify buying another brand anymore. they give you 45% off if you buy 12 or more of their full size items, and brushes count as a full sized item! so you can get a kabuki brush for $5
Silk Naturals!!!
I prefer Silk Naturals to Lumiere, Everyday Minerals, Signature Minerals, and some other ones that I don’t quite recall
I hear Lucy Minerals is not bad at all, but haven’t personally tried
Jane Iredale!