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Robin Manrique Avatar

Skin tone – light (bare minerals golden fair)

Rocked a blue eyeshadow – rarely on its own but I love a dark blue as the crease and outer corner color with a neutral and get tons of complements.

Rocked a black lipstick – nope, they make my teeth really yellowish.

Lipstick as blush – nope, would breakout my skin for sure. But I switch around blush,bronzer,and eyeshadow all the time!

Aida Avatar

1) Light/yellow
2) Absolutely! Rich, velvety dark blue or navy shades make the most glamorous, gorgeous smokey eyes! I love blue eye shadows and I wear them quite often.
3) Black lipstick… hmmm, I seriously doubt it. I just can’t see it as being flattering on anyone and since I’m not likely to be featured in any avant-garde or haute couture visuals, I don’t ever see myself walking around in public (or indoors for that matter) with black lips lol.
4) Can’t say that I have, no.

Kate Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Very fair/ neutral-cool
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? I’m never sure, but I do occasionally try. I’m actually sporting blue eye shadow today that I like.

Would you rock a black lipstick? Can, have and will again.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Only if I forgot to wear blush and thought I really needed it. Seems like a recipe for breakouts.

Laura Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair, cool-toned (NW15ish), red hair, green eyes.

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? It’s not generally the most flattering colour on me but I do wear it on occasion. I find darker or more muted blues (MAC Lovelace / MAC Contrast for example) are easier to work with, especially when paired with neutrals.

Would you rock a black lipstick? Yup, I love black lipstick!

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No.

18thCenturyFox Avatar

NC 10/ black hair & green eyes

Yes I can! I rocked two from the Jasmine palette yesterday- MAC Clone used to be my go to shade. I *love* blues..

Yes on black lipstick! As long as I’m wearing a gorgeous blush I’m all over it. I have Grey Friday an Firm Form and can’t wait to try those.

Back in the day I might have used lipstick as blush when in a tight slot but I’m just thinking cross contamination ACK!

Emma Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring:
— NC20, light
Can you rock blue eyeshadow
— only as a liner or definition colour!
Would you rock a black lipstick?
— no i don’t think black lipstick is flattering on anyone.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?
— absolutely it’s my favourite way to do blush!

Ani_BEE Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: NC05

Can you rock blue eyeshadow: Absolutly

Would you rock a black lipstick: Yes

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush: A yes as well but not often.

TrippyPixie Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair-medium with cool undertones.

Can you rock blue eyeshadow?: Yes. The color goes well with my eyes. Also, I wear glasses, so it doesn’t look as obnoxious.

Would you rock a black lipstick?: Probably not. However, I would consider a sheer black lip gloss.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?: Yes! MAC’s I Love Winter looks really good as a blush. I tried Lush’s It Started With a Kiss, but the texture is way too gritty for either the lips or face.

Alicia Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair with cool undertones

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes!

Would you rock a black lipstick? No, dark purple colors look weird on me. I am too pale. It makes my lips overly dramatic.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes–not such a good idea. It wore off quickly and dried my skin up.

Jax Avatar

1) Pale Cool Tones Pink Skin (NW15-20), Dark brown Hair, Blue eyes
2) YES! Did a great look with Tom Fords Cobalt Rush Pallet last week
3) Yes, with the right eyes/cheeks it can look amazing
4) Yes, I have very pink lips so on my cheetks it can look like a coordinated colour rather than a complete match.

ElKay Avatar

■Your skin tone/coloring: NW25
■Can you rock blue eyeshadow? No, it looks awful
■Would you rock a black lipstick? No, I’m 50.
■Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Absolutely. My mother and grandmother did it all the time.

Maryla Avatar

Very pale/neutral color
Yes I wear blue eyeshadow pretty frequently (but I prefer blue liner)
I would definitely wear black lipstick, I’ve worn it in the past and I have one in my stash somewhere.
I haven’t worn lipstick as blush though.

Mariella Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair/cool-toned
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? I honestly don’t understand this “rock it” term. Bearing in mind that I was around in the age of the book “Blue Eyeshadow Should Be Illegal” (and its sequel, “Blue Eyeshadow Should STILL Be Illegal),I do wear some blue eye shadows – usually in small doses or paired with neutrals (MAC’s Birds&Berries is one I like, paired with Wedge). I wear it and enjoy it but “rock it”? What, exactly, does that mean.
Would you rock a black lipstick? Would I rock it? I don’t even see the point of wearing it.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes, in a pinch, I have. It’s really just concentrated cream blush, when you come to think of it.

Janelle Avatar

Skin tone: Medium Olive Tan

Blue Eye Shadow: I have rocked blue eyeshadow in the past. Now I work in a more conservative environment so I do more of a natural eye. I like to do my more extreme colors on the weekend. I want to do some blue eye liners to work.

Rocked A Black Lipstick: I have rocked a sheer black lipstick as well as a sheer black gloss

Lipstick for a blush: Yes I have been in situations where I have had to this in a pinch before.

Kiss & Make-up Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: medium warm

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? I can rock anything, honey! lol 🙂

Would you rock a black lipstick? Maybe for a dress up party, but otherwise, no.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Not on myself, but I have on models!

GUSnail Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Medium Tan

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes, I love them, but definately medium to deep blues, nothing pastely.

Would you rock a black lipstick? I never have, but I’d be game to try it on.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes, lots of times, usually when I’m using a bold color, I’ll use it super lightly on cheeks. I’ve also used some of my lighter, day to day lippies when I’ve rushed out w/o applying blush.

Elisa Wolff Avatar

Skin tone: fair with cool undertones
I can rock a blue eyeshadow for sure! For day, I line my bottom lid and pair it with a light champagne upper lid. For night, I use a transformer to make it opaque on the eyelid, paired with black eyeliner.
Black lipstick: Tried once in high school, experimenting with the goth makeup. Not a look I would wear today.
Never used lipstick as blush, but only because my skin is oily and prone to breakouts, so it probably would be a disastrous choice.

Denise Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: fair
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes — light only
Would you rock a black lipstick?never
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes!

Shea Simanek Avatar

Skin tone: Fair
Blue eyeshadow: Hell yes. I don’t wear it very often, but I can pull off certain shades, namely UDs “Shattered.”
Black lipstick: No thanks, far too partial to red
Lipstick as blush: My cheeks are naturally rosy so I don’t use blush to begin with.

xamyx Avatar

* Fairly light, very neutral, dark features.

* Only medium & dark blues; my eyes are so dark, pale blues just look odd. NARS Outremer is on my “to-buy” list…

* Yes; I have several in my stash, and even picked up WnW Pagan Angel a few weeks ago. Although I’m just this side of 40, I have no plans to stop.

* No, but then I’m not a fan of “colored” blush, anyway…

Georgie Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: NC/W20
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? No way
Would you rock a black lipstick? I’d love to but I don’t think it would look good on me
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yeah, Rouge Dior Tulip Pink. I think I actually read somewhere in an interview with a make up artist that she likes using Rouge Dior on cheeks

Dominique Avatar

■Your skin tone/coloring: medium/fair

■Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes definitely !

■Would you rock a black lipstick? Yes, I have Firm Form !

■Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes many times, it works well actually.

Dawn W Avatar

1)Skin tone is light/golden undertones
2)Rock a blue eyeshadow? Not sure, depends on color of blue.
3)Black lipstick sorry, not for me.
4)Yes for sure, lipstick is a fabulous to use as blush too.

Angel Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Warm/yellow
Can you rock blue eyeshadow?: Navy blue, yes.
Would you rock a black lipstick?: I’ve never tried!
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?: Yes, especially when I’m in a hurry! Hahaha.

t_zwiggy Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Light-medium peachy skin (NW20-25), blue eyes, medium-dark hair

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Nah. I could maybe pull off a very deep dark smokey blue eye for a night time look, but light or medium blues do not work for me at all.

Would you rock a black lipstick? NO!

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No, my skin breaks out very easily even from cream blushes, so I’m sure a lipstick would mess up my skin for at least a few weeks.

firebird Avatar

Skin tone – fair (MAC NC15-NC20)

–> Rock blue eyeshadow frequently! It seems to work well against my very dark-brown eyes.

–> I’ve never worn a black lipstick, but I’m actually quite eager to try. I totally WOULD. Looking into one of the new shades from OCC.

–> I use lipstick as blush every now and then. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it, and I love cream blushes.

Amber J Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Olive..Warm
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Heck Yeah! I was playing with the Bobbi Brown Chocolate & Navy palette last night…I found it hidden is a storage tub. I love blue!!
Would you rock a black lipstick? Not out of the house
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No way.

Lizzy Avatar

Pale, cool,- and Fifty.

Blue eyeshadow- a favorite, but shade is everything.

Black lipstick- Not my thing, but Glimmerglass, a MAC see through black gloss with gold to wear over lipcolor is a favorite. Better look for me. I have to pick my fashion statements now and black lips are too harsh.

Lipstick as blush? Who hasn’t? Emergencies happen. And in the early Eighties it was A Thing for a few weeks.

A. Mar Avatar

Skin tone/coloring – Light/yellow

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? – Absolutely! I love turquoise with my eye color.

Would you rock a black lipstick? – I’ve done it before so why not do it again? I love odd, bold lipstick colors. Especially with a more bare face. Black lipstick, black eyeliner, feel a little rock and roll.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? – Now that is something I have never tried before!

Katie Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Neutral/Beige
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Honestly, it doesn’t look that great on me…even a navy blue smokey No, but I don’t judge those who are brave enough to do so on a daily basis, though, either.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No. I have very oily skin, I stay away from cream products as much as possible on my face. 🙂

SwatchedNails Avatar

What a fun survey!

Your skin tone/coloring: Medium
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? If it leans toward teal-blue, yes!
Would you rock a black lipstick? If I’m dressed like I’m going to see Metallica, it could work
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No! Intriguing.

Paige Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring – Light-medium/yellow (NC25)

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? – Haven’t tried it yet.

Would you rock a black lipstick? – Unless it is for a Halloween costume, then no.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? – That doesn’t sound very hygienic to me esp. if the lipstick has been previously applied directly onto the lips. That plus the creamy nature of the product is a no-no for my acne-prone skin.

Jamie Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light with yellow undertones
Can you rock blue eyeshadow?: anyone can if you do it the right way
Would you rock a black lipstick?: maybe for a Halloween party but not everyday.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?: I have tried but it grosses me out because of the smell and I don’t think it has good color pay off.

STEPH tp Avatar

Skin tone: mufe 110
Rock blue eyeshadow?: YES especially Dark blue and cobalts, I have dark red hair 🙂
Rock black lipstick?: YES it is one of my favorites! I Love my MAC Lipmix in black!
Use lipstick as blush: I would if I had no blush… But I hae more blush than anything in my collection!

Shari Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light/medium
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? depends on the blue, if it’s on the green side, yes, but generally no
Would you rock a black lipstick? absolutely!
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? yes

Ana Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: NC30-35
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Of course! Chaos from the UD Vice Palette is my favorite!
Would you rock a black lipstick? Yes! I’ve done it in the past (when I was on that goth/dark/metal chick vibe)
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Not really!

lars Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: medium/medium-deep, warm
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? noooo
Would you rock a black lipstick? yes and have done it before
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? only to salvage a lipstick that looks weird with my coloring (specifically, NYX Indian Summer! looks horrible as a lipstick on me)

Rachael Avatar

Skin tone/coloring: Fair, light with cool undertones
Can you rock blue eyeshadow: Yes! I have a dark blue Tarina Tarantino eyeliner (I think it’s called cute robot) that I smudge out and pair it with another dark blue eyeshadow that’s similar in color (the loreal infallible in midnight blue, I believe). I’ve gotten many compliments on it!
Would you rock a black lipstick: Hellz yeah! I can and I will! I think black lipstick isn’t worn enough!
Have you ever used lipstick as blush: No. I just think the idea of using something that has been on my lips later on my cheeks puts me off of actually doing it. And then even if I cleaned my lipstick before attempting to use it on my cheeks I get put off by the waxy texture of lipstick and think that it will not apply well on my skin. I just picture the lipstick clinging to any part of my cheeks that are dry and flaky! I just can’t handle the idea…

Sabriel Avatar

1.) Fair (~NW20)
2.) Navy, yes. Light blue and teal are tricky. My lightest/brightest blue is UD “shattered,” and I mostly use it to add depth to black.
3.) Maybe! I had friends in high school who wore opaque black lipstick, and sort of want to leave it at that. 😉
4.) I tried it, but I didn’t like the effect.

Iolanthe Avatar

Skin tone: pale and peachy
Blue eyeshadow? Sometimes – I have to be careful as I have warmish skin and blue-green eyes. It generally looks okay if I pair it with grey, purple, gold or brown.
Black lipstick? Looks great with strong eyebrows and freshly dyed red roots. But I wouldn’t wear it out except in fancy dress; it doesn’t suit my personality.
Lipstick as blush? Not black lipstick :p I’ve tried it once or twice, but it looks blotchy and too bright. Seems kind of gross, too…

Eileen Avatar

Skintone: fair and warm toned, around nc15-nc20
Blue eyeshadow: I can rock blue eyeliner and blue as an accent on the lash line but not all over the lid
Black lipstick: ooh only on Halloween
Lipstick as blush: I’ve done this so many times for dance competitions using a stippling brush!

Hayley Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Neutral, fair/light

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes, over a black base as a smokey eye

Would you rock a black lipstick? No, I couldn’t pull it off

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes

Danielle Avatar

Skin tone – light, neutral

Rock a blue eyeshadow – nope, I’m not brave enough for this, and I feel like it would clash with my blue-green eyes

Rock a black lipstick – no, not my thing

Lipstick as a blush – again, not really my thing. I guess I”m kind of boring when it comes to makeup!

Leeza Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: warm medium
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? I like teal and navy eyeliners, but I tend towards more neutral eyeshadow looks! I think if I wanted to I could pull off a warm pool blue.
Would you rock a black lipstick? Only for Halloween! I like vampy wine colors but that’s about as dark as I feel comfortable going.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Sort of: interesting story. I mixed coral mineral pigment and Cha Cha Tint by Benefit with a face cream of mine to use as a cream blush. It’s nice but I wouldn’t use straight lipstick : seems like it’d suffocate my pores!

Leticia Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: NC25
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Mmm, I do like to wear blue eyeshadow once in a while, but it´s probably one of the shades I wear less often
Would you rock a black lipstick? Only as part of a costume!
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Oh yes! Especially a light pink LS

Emily Avatar

1. Skin tone: Very fair/warm.

2. I LOVE blue eyeshadow. I use Estée Lauder Pure Color shadow Nocturnal Blue. It’s navy–great as an eyeliner. Clinique’s Color Surge shadow in Peacock is a beautiful rich turquoise. Estée Lauder also made a great limited edition shade a few years ago called Jade. It’s a light turquoise with a gold shimmery sheen… My favorite for the beach!

3. I can’t say I’ve ever been at an event or a venue when black lipstick would be acceptable, though I’d definitely love to play around with it at home.

4. My skin is on the oily side, so I prefer to stick with powder blush. I think lipstick is a great alternative to cream blush though!

Eyeshadow AA Avatar


Blue eyeshadow — Because I have bluish green eyes I think the only blue I can pull off is navy.

Black lipstick — I stick to pink, red, and nude lips… I’m not very adventurous in the lip department.

Lipstick as blush — I have pretty oily skin… I don’t think that would work out too well!

Veronica Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair, cool-toned.

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Depends on the blue, but yes. I generally prefer them closer to navy blue, though.

Would you rock a black lipstick? Sure. It would take me a little time to build up the confidence, but I am all about the bold lip.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Occasionally. I have a natural flush to my cheeks, so I don’t always require extra blush.

Erica Avatar

Nutmeg brown with golden undertones. (NC 55, MUFE 178).
I wear navy blue e/s and Laura Mercier Bleu Marine cake eye liner regularly. So grown and sexy.

Black lipstick: Christmas Eve I bought Mac’s Firm Form that looks black. Actually, it’s a very sheer, deep purple. I wear it as a gloss. I wear black, purple and navy blue nail polish too. Its about finding the right color/textures that are complimentary to you. I’m 49 and still playing with colors. 🙂 Haven’t outgrown it yet and get lots of compliments!

I haven’t done the lipstick/blush routine.

18thCenturyFox Avatar

I’m always a bit saddened when someone says “well now that I’m older I don’t wear those colors anymore” I always wonder- are you less vibrant? Less passionate? Less sure of yourself? Are bright and “experimental” colors reserved for the young? I’m 36 and I rocked blue lipstick in college and when I went to see the Dead Kennedys I wore my UD Cash lippie and receive plenty of positive reinforcement- not that I need it to do my thing. But it goes to show if you WANT to wear it, then it do it confidently and without reservation! It translates, and all you lovely young ladies… It’s like the Buddy Holly song ” Not Fade Away” your true beauty only increases as you grow into yourself. It doesn’t fade, and you don’t need to cosmetically fade because some stupid magazine tells you how you should change your looks with each decade. Sorry for the speech!

Mel Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Tanned, medium-light yellow-based

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Depends on the blue. The best blues are usually turquoises, and dark blues. Light blues look a little funny if they’re not warm.

Would you rock a black lipstick? At this point, and this accumulation of liptars, I’m not really sure what I wouldn’t rock.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? A couple times if I felt I needed blush and didn’t have one at my disposal.

Maggie Avatar

1. NW15
2. I have blue eyes, but I always get a ton of compliments when I wear blue eyeshadow. so yes.
3. I’ve actually never worn black lipstick.
4. yes. But I don’t often do it.

AnGeLwInGz Avatar

– medium/light
– I can rock it better than anyone! So much for the myth that people with blue eyes shouldn’t wear blue eyeshadow.
– I’m not sure where I would wear black lipstick now but in middle school and freshman year of high school I wore it almost every day 😉
– no, my skin doesn’t handle cream cosmetics too well

monica Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Medium with Yellow undertones, NC25ish right now
Can you rock blue eyeshadow?: Yes, it looks good when it’s in the royal blue family.
Would you rock a black lipstick?: Never!
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?: Yes, I only do it with higher end lipsticks because i find that the colors blend out better (plus i feel less wary of breakouts). I love it.

Sandra G Avatar

Skin tone: Medium/Olive (Maybelline BB Cream in Medium, CG Natureluxe foundation in Maple 340)
Blue eyeshadow: I think blue eyeshadow looks so pretty and amazing, whether as a light wash or dark and intense. I’ve never personally tried it out, because there was never an occasion that I felt was fancy enough to use it, ha!
Black lipstick: It’s a little intimidating! Okay… SUPER intimidating! I don’t think I’d ever wear it, not even for halloween.
Lipstick as blush: I did it once, but it was a mistake, that lipstick had fine shimmer that I wasn’t aware of, and by the time the “blush” effect wore off, there were all these glitter particles on my face! I’ll keep my cheek and lip products separate for sure next time.

VanessaM Avatar

SKIN TONE/COLORING: Warm, medium-dark. (Bare Minerals Golden Tan)

CAN YOU ROCK BLUE SHADOW? I’ve used it numerous times in my crease/outer corner, paired with a nice neutral taupe/brown, but never on its own, or all blues.

WOULD YOU ROCK A BLACK LIPSTICK? Nah. I’m more of a classic make-up kind of girl. It could be a fun look for those who can pull it off though. 🙂

HAVE YOU EVER USED LIPSTICK AS A BLUSH? Yes! Whenever I buy drugstore lipsticks (that you obviously can’t try on beforehand) that don’t end up working for me, I usually delegate them as “cream” blushes. They work exactly the same and last all day! 🙂

Jacqui Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light beige with pink undertones
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? ALL the time! MUFE Turqoise Matte 72 is my go to.
Would you rock a black lipstick? …Maybe, I would be crazy self-conscious about how yellow it would make my teeth look, though!
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Nope.

Vicky Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: neutral medium (medium plus in mac powders)
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? yes and I think every girl/woman can. I like a light blue eyeshadow for a fresh look with lots of mascara and black pencil in the waterline. I also like a dark blue as crease color with grey lid color
Would you rock a black lipstick? nope
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? yes, it has happened sometimes that I only had a lipstick with me and I wanted to add some cheek color.

Kathrina Avatar

– My skintone is light to medium and neutral with subtle yellow undertones
– I can but I have to combine it with other shades. Otherwise it would be the total blue overkill (bright blue eyes).
– Maybe on Halloween but I can’t think of any further occasions where I would go for black lipstick.
– Nope. I tried once but it was hard to blend and looked so horrible that I had to wash my whole make-up off again. What a waste of product.

Jade Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Fair to light with warm/neutral undertones
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Heck yes! It’s one of my staple bold looks. Turquoise, navy, bright, love them all.
Would you rock a black lipstick? I think so! I have a black lipgloss, which I use to deepen reds and other dark shades, never gone all black though.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? I use MAC Please Me as a blush all the time!

Zoffe Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Super pale skin. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes! Everyone can!
Would you rock a black lipstick? Sure 😉
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes, I love using a tiny bit of super pigmented, matte lipsticks on the cheeks!

Natasha Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Light olive/NC25
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? In my mind I can! UD’s Peace was my first high end product because it’s so pretty.
Would you rock a black lipstick? Yessir.
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No, but I’ve used a blush as lipstick.

elsa Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light/medium(NC 25-30)

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? oh yes nice velvety blue eyeshadow MAC’S contrast looks beautyfull on brown eyes

Would you rock a black lipstick? Yes

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? several times

Laurina Avatar

■Your skin tone/coloring: Fair with red undertones
■Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Hell yeah! Just has to be the right shade of blue since I have blue eyes
■Would you rock a black lipstick? Only for Halloween lol
■Have you ever used lipstick as a blush?
No, I find lipstick to greasy for my cheeks

Jae Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: medium/warm w/yellow undertones (NC235)
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes!
Would you rock a black lipstick? I’ve used it on rare occasions
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes. I’ve done it a few times when I had unexpected trips and didn’t have anything. I made due w/what was in my purse. =)

ZG Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: NW 45/NC50
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? YES AND I HAVE
Would you rock a black lipstick? YES.. ALREADY DID
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? NO.. I HAVE ACNE SCARING IN MY CHEEK AREA SO I TEND TO NOT WEAR BLUSH.

Phyrra Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Porcelain
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yes
Would you rock a black lipstick? Yes
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? Yes

I love to layer a color shifting gloss on top of black lipstick, like a blue-violet or golden-green.

amanda Avatar

– NW20
– Yeah! I’m quite partial to Urban Decay’s Kiddie Pool and Peace
– Probably not- maybe if it was sheer.
– Nope, Don’t think so!

kEG Avatar

skin/coloring-tan with pink undertones, blue eyes, brown hair
blue eyeshadow-I think I can, but I’m not 100% sure everyone would agree-I like it and that’s all that matters, right?
black lips-only if it is a sheer black lip like UD perversion lipgloss
lipstick as blush-only in a pinch, and back in my youth

SarahKita Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Very pale, cool toned

Can you rock blue eyeshadow? Yep, and do frequently. As I am a Clear Winter for my colour season, bright colours are generally more flattering on me and draw way more compliments than neutrals, which can make me look ill if I’m not careful!

Would you rock a black lipstick? I did a couple of times when I was 14 but it doesn’t look great on me. I prefer purples.

Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? No, but I’ve used eyeshadow…

Erin Avatar

I have fair/porcelain skin with blue and pink undertones

I have work blue eyeshadow before. I love a bright navy blue paired with gold

I have rocked black lipstick more than a few times

I have never used lipstick as a blush, unless josie marans argan color stick counts.

Karana Avatar

Skin tone: Medium (Mac NC 40)

I don’t know if I work blue eyeshadows, but I do wear it anyways!

Same with black lipstick, I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I do wear it anyways because I can! plus I don’t wear completely black I have a hint of red in it.

Genevieve Avatar

1) NW15/20, blonde hair, blue eyes
2) Yes- I love MAC’s Moon Reflection and Contrast! I like to use them for a smoky eye or in the crease with a goldy/brown on the lid.
3) I have never worn black lipstick, but I would be down with wearing a sheer black lipstick or gloss- I think the sheer version would be more up my alley!
4) I have when I was younger and didn’t have a lot of different products, but not so much now- I prefer a powder blush anyhow. Plus, I find products rarely work well in both capacities- even ones that are meant to be both lip and cheek products, Nars The Multiple- I’m looking at you!

Ida Avatar

Skin tone- Really fair with yellow undertones (nc10)

Can you rock a blue eyeshadow?- I have blue eyes so that would make me look dead. I tried wearing blue liner along my lower lash line and that works pretty good though.

Would you rock a black lipstick?- Maybe for Halloween but definitely not for school..

Have you ever used a lipstick as a blush?- …yep. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit.

Patsy Dseautel Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: light-medium, neutral undertones
Can you rock blue eyeshadow? I can and I have! Anything in the blue range from Urban Decay is pretty awesome.
Would you rock a black lipstick? Maybe for Halloween. . .
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush? not unless it was an all-over-color pot or stick.

Azaza Avatar

Your skin tone/coloring: Medium
Can you rock blue eyeshadow: Yes I can and I love blue eyeshadow
Would you rock a black lipstick: A little bit
Have you ever used lipstick as a blush: Yes I have when I was younger

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