Sneak Peek: Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliners Photos & Swatches
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils ($19.00 for 0.04 oz.) have seen the recent addition of several new shades to the permanent range, and this is a quick preview that includes photos and swatches of them. More in-depth photos and reviews to come! 🙂
P.S. — Urban Decay has confirmed that the eyeliners are still $19.00 and it was a misprint in the press release. Yay!
See more photos!
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Cuff, Uzi, Mushroom, Desperation, Hustle, Scorch
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Hustle, SCorch, Smog, Roach, Whiskey, Corrupt
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Asphyxia, Ether, Psychedelic Siser, Vice, Delinquent, Empire
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Empire, Smoke, Chaos, Abyss, Sabbath, Invasion
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Chaos, Abyss, Sabbath, Invasion, Mainline, Loaded
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencils: Mainline, Loaded, LSD, Deep End, Junkie, Freak, Goldmine
Urban Decay Goldmine 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Freak 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Junkie 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Deep End 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay LSD 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Loaded 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Mainline 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Invasion 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Sabbath 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Abyss 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Chaos 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Smoke 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Empire 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Delinquent 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Vice 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Psychedelic Sister 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Ether 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Asphyxia 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Corrupt 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Whiskey 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Roach 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Smog 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Scorch 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Hustle 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Desperation 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Mushroom 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Uzi 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
Urban Decay Cuff 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil
OMG! Is ot bad that my heart totally skipped a beat when this popped up in my feed!
UGH I so love loaded shadow, now liner…..heart flutters! Scorch is calling my name! Mushroom…. oh lordy…this list needs a Sephora VIB sale ASAP LOL!!
Mushroom is of those can’t go wrong chameleon shades that work around everything. It’s the shortest pencil in my stack.
Scorch does look pretty fantastic. I was disappointed by Goldmine though…
A lot of these seem like misses to me…
Agreed. Crappy pigmentation on a lot of them.
i agree, nothing is really standing out…..
I know. Most of them don’t look all that great. Sad! 🙁 I am excited for Whiskey being permanent though.
WHISKEY IS BACCKKKK! I think my heart just stopped for a minute. I used that thing up so fast when it was in the first Naked pallette!
This made my heart pound more than any guy I’ve ever had a crush on.
OMG! I want them all, freak is so pretty for an easter pastel makeup. I am already thinking of looks, with my new glinda palette. Sabbath looks amazing too. Thank you so much Christine, you always in top of your game. That’s why I follow you and always wait for your reviews.
Some of these look either disturbingly faded or very sheer with chunky glitter, boo. On the other hand, I count at least five I want that weren’t part of Ocho Loco (which I’m so glad I bought!) I will as always be curious to see your reviews, Christine! Thank you for getting swatches up so quickly 🙂
Freak, Invasion, Sabbath, & Desperation. <3
Some of these are just WACK. Freak, Smoke, and Chaos are dull and look low-quality, Ether is a hot mess, and holy cow, Urban Decay, stop with the glitterbombs already.
I’m happy they have more matte colors, though. I still miss Stray Dog and I will be sad to see Covet go.
I’m cautiously optimistic about Desperation… It looks like it might be a matte version of Stray Dog? I’d rather just have Stray Dog, of course, but it’s just such a unique color that I’d be happy, even if I have to settle for a matte finish.
Funny, I’m not lemming as many as I thought I would. I gravitated to two of the blue shades. Mainline is at the top of my list..yowza love that one and I also quite like Invasion, but the swatch line looks a little skippy dippy do..
Many of these swatches look nice but the glittery ones look a bit grittier than I remember seeing from UD… I’m gingerly putting my credit card back in my wallet and am eagerly awaiting your review!
Also: Did you squeal when you had all these in your expertly polished little hands for the first time? Even just a little? 😉
I was too rushed to really process much other than trying to get them out of their boxes ASAP, LOL!
When will these be available at Sephora? I don’t see any of them online yet. I’m hoping to pick up some of the matte colors. I love Desperation, Mainline and Whiskey!
Urban Decay didn’t provide a date for Sephora – I only know that the set is supposed to launch on their website on the 26th.
If only Ether & Freak were eyeshadows… I’m lucky to get an hour with these pencils, so sadly, I’ll have to pass. It’s awesome that these will all be available on their own, though.
OH my, I’m in love with Mushroom!! When can I buy??
If you’re reading this, you can buy on UD website. They’re up now!
My wallet can’t handle how pretty these colors are.
Oh, these colors look so pretty. I agree that there are some that don’t look too pigmented, or contain glitter that looks chunky. But still, I want all of them. I love how these can be used as a liner or smudged as shadow. Because of that I think they are such a great investment.
I wish I owned them all!
I could dance over these like a child! 😀
I was sad initially because UD discontinued my favorite liner, but luckily it looks like between Smog and Scorch I’ll more than be able to cope with the loss of Lucky! I think Goldmine is calling to me, too, and Mushroom looks absolutely stunning!
Thanks for getting these swatches up, Christine! Looking forward to the reviews!
Lucky is VERY easily duped by Sephora’s Flashy Brown eyeliner. Really, even the quality and wear is similar. Do yourself a favour and check it out 🙂
Oh, wow – thank you! I’ll definitely check that out. 😀 You’re a lifesaver, Becca!
Thank you for this, so glad there is a good dupe out there!!
Sad that Covet and Graffiti will be gone, but Freak looks pretty<3 I think they should've made Midnight Cowboy permanent. It's not a brightening shade on my fair skin (in fact it's almost a defining shade for me), but would work sooo well on a lot of my clients.
Ummm, wow some look concerningly sheer and gritty!
Chaos, Mainline and Junkie are all standing out to me–such beautiful blues! I would have a hard time picking just one….
Deep end looks amazing and I’m super excited mushroom is going to be permanent! Chaos looks so gorgeous, but I’m not quite sure if it’s pigmented enough for me 😀
So many of these shades seem to have poor pigmentation! Freak and Ether are especially disappointing. I was drooling when I read their descriptions but they both look like big misses.
What’s the point of having so many different colors if they look sheer and faded…
I wish every swatch has the name on it so I can identified which is which
The photos are labeled – I’m not sure what photos you are referring to?
Oh my. Wow. With them all laid out, it was better than a box of new crayons, haha. There are a few that are a must swatch for me. I made a list! Scorch & LSD catch my eye. Sabbath looks like a must have, such a deep inky color. BE had an Ink that I loved & was discontinued. Mainline’s ‘grown up’ to be a big girl, lol! I’d gotten the Smokey Eye Holiday set because of you, Christine, wearing Mainline. Getting her is a no brainer, lol! Which BTW…Spark of Envy immediately comes to mind as another winner, also thanks to you;) She’s my go to teal now!
All in all, there could be some really good colors here. Thanks for getting these out of the box, photo’d and up so quickly! Woot!
I love almost all the colors! I hope they are available soon on the online stores! 🙂
Oh the gorgeous colors. I don’t get the comments regarding lack of pigmentation. They seem pretty well pigmented, colors like Asphyxia were never strongly opaque. But Empire, Mainline, Junkie, Chaos are rocking my world. I’ve sworn off UD but this is definately make up porn for me.
Dear UD,
Aside from Mushroom and Asphyxia, I now require a liquid LSD and Ether liner ASAP. Seriously, guys, I already have a pile of them, make me buy more.
Especially considering how much nicer Delinquent is in liquid form.
Now the Sabbath and Mainline shades look like awesome payoff for pencils. Again, it’s too bad I can’t wear them, but those look like fun and great new shades for the pencil users.
A lot seem iffier in pigmentation, which is a bit disappointing.
Christine, I saw from your previous post that Uzi has been reformulated. From your swatch it looks a little darker, I think? Are you able to tell a significant difference between the old Uzi and new?
Apologies if you are planning to discuss the reformulation in a later post, I just got all excited to see Uzi, and then groaned when I saw “reformulated.” It was perfect (for me) just the way it was, LOL! 🙂
Wow, everyone is being so negative. I personally think these all look great and I’m not a huge Urban Decay fan. I think if you hate glitter, UD is not the brand for you! I’m excited about Ether and Vice and Mushroom and Asphyxia!
I want most of them, but one at a time and on sale only.
They are available on the site now although it looks like a lot of the singles are out of stock. The Vault is available now too…according to FB there are only 50 Vaults being sold!
I like the look of Scorch and Desperation, and, whilst it isn’t my thing, I think adding a real silver liner fills a gap in the lineup. Also so glad they made Mainline and Junkie permanent. They have so many overlapping blue/teal colours now though, if you count all their previously released shades. I think they need a couple more colours in the warmer end of the spectrum (reds, oranges, yellows) and that’s true for their eyeshadow range too. They have something like ten beige/nude/bisque colours and ten similar brown/tan/bronze shades but not one true yellow, red or orange eyeshadow or liner. A really nice matte emerald eyeliner would be great too. I also wish they had a silver eyeshadow, like Vapor, in the lineup again.
To be honest, I was expecting better pigmentation from 24/7 liners, I own three and they’re my favourite pencils ever!! I was really looking forward to loaded an junkie eyeliners, but junkie looks so extremely glittery that it has to be a mess on the eye, and loaded is extremely sheer whereas the eyeshadow in one of my all time favourites.
I really wish to be wrong but I think these will not be as high quality as the previous pencils, could it be related to the fact that UD is now owned by L’oreal?
So after reading through this post and the other one, I realized Ransom was nowhere to be found 🙁
My go to shade. I’m stocking up. This is so not acceptable UD! Ransom and Underground are the only shades I’ve ever bought again and again throughout the years and somehow the most beautiful shade of purpley goodness gets left out 🙁
Ransom is my absolute favorite purple liner…I have the majority of a full & travel size but like you will probably buy another one to hoard. So sad it’s going away!
Sabbath and Chaos are insanely awesome shades–I MUST have them!!! 😀
I’m salivating. They are all so gorgeous!
Christine (or any other readers in the know!), is this a set of all permanent shades? I’m sorry if you’ve answered that and I missed it! If they are then I know I can collect at my own pace!
Hi Natalie,
The eyeliners featured in this post are the newly added shades to the permanent range, so they are permanent, but there are now 40 shades in total.
Oh, goldmine 🙁 i was hoping for a properly bright gold there. Sigh.
Will sell them? I checked just before and they aren’t on there yet.
Macy’s is supposed to have them but I don’t have a launch date! Soon, but nothing specific.
Why would they discontinue el dorado for such a low pigment crappy gold!?!?
I was wondering the same thing! I was about to buy El Dorado, and I guess when it runs out I’ll have to find another brands… Same for my beloved Lucky =/
I was so excited to see these as I love UD’s great variety of colours, and good formula, even if some were a bit too glittery. Now there is even more glitter!! I hope I can find another brand with unusual colours but good lasting power 🙂 xx
Well I’ll have to go stock up on el dorado! I know that the senhora flashy liner in brown is a pretty close dupe to lucky tho so ill be okay on that end!
28 out of 40 shades. O_O
I just called the UD customer service, they said only 50 of these vaults were made and they’re already sold out of them. :-/
Yeah you had to hop online at 3:00 am EST (midnight CA time) to start grabbing one. I found out there were only 50 available when I entered UD’s giveaway on FB….which I admit made me sit down and seriously weigh if I wanted to snag one. At first I just thought I could buy the singles and use my UD Pro discount and get the same savings, but turns out that wouldn’t be the case. With my discount, each pencil would be $11.40, which isn’t bad BUT if I only wanted to buy 20 pencils it would cost me $228. With the Vault you get 40 pencils for about $7.37 each so the value in buying that is even easier to see. It’s not too often that UD’s generous 40% pro discount isn’t so great when compared to the price of the product you want.
So yeah…I let the panic of the number available sway me to buy it lol. The value was just to great to pass up. Yes, the price at one time seemed like a lot but I knew there were quite a few that I wanted. I couldn’t let myself pay more per pencil when I knew I could have had them for much less lol. I’m one of those people that absolutely hate NOT finding the cheapest price possible lol.
Is flip side discontinued?
drolling… beautiful shades
Oh my. Lust, lust, lust!! Thanks for sharing!
Are those sold as a set or can we buy separately??
They are all available individually!