Rant & Rave: Doe-Foot Applicators
This Week’s Topic: Doe-Foot Applicators!
Your Mission: Tell us what you love, hate, or are otherwise indifferent to about doe-foot applicators. What drives you bananas? What makes them necessary?
my answer: The only time I’ve had a problem with them is if it’s a cheaper one, so it tends to be harder/sharper and less comfortable to use. For the most part, they work well!
I would always opt for a brush applicator, especially on lip glosses. Doe foot applicators just seem so cheap!
I much prefer a brush applicator; the doe-foot applicators just seem less sanitary, IMO. I apply lip products & primer with a separate brush anyway, so it doesn’t really matter too much to me.
Usually love!
Hmm, I’ve never really thought about it. I don’t particularly like or dislike them 🙂 They’re not great for detail work, but with gloss you can afford to be a bit ‘messier’ so I don’t mind 🙂
I don’t mind them at all. I’ve only found a few brands that the packaging might be off and you can’t get enough product of the applicator as you pull it out. that tends to be annoying. I kinda like the hourglass applicators. Like a flexi-doe-foot
I love ’em. They apply much more precisely than brushes
I don’t hate doe-foot applicators but I don’t love them either. I prefer small brushes simply because you can work more precisely with a brush.
I usually prefer doe foot applicators because I sometimes find that brushes are difficult to manipulate. Some of them splay out too much or are not stiff enough, and others are too stiff.
I do like both but depends on size and quality. I stopped using Bobbi Brown glosses long ago because I hated the quality of the brush. My friend gave me a Smashbox kit that has a gloss with a doe-foot applicator that is bigger than my lips! lol Then the applicator of the Anastasia glosses for me is absurd – an unruly plastic paddle. eh.
I hate those plastic paddle applicators… TokiDoki glosses have those too… They are TERRIBLE…
Those are actually my absolute favorite, as I can just wipe it of & sanitize it before sticking it back in the tube.
I can see how that’s useful. I just don’t apply lip gloss well with that type. It doesn’t quite get everywhere I’d like it to go the way I want it. Now those Nars brushes…they are precise but a bit too much so and it takes so much work to cover your lip with the bitty brush. lol
I prefer them to brushes, to be honest; I think they’re more comfortable and easier to use. Most of my glosses have doe-foot applicators, and while I wouldn’t not buy a gloss with a brush applicator, I do tend to look for doe-foot when I buy gloss.
Hate doe foots. I haven’t had a good one in years and they’re filthy. No way to clean them, they get lipstick or pencil in the gloss, icky. I like a brush, I can clean it.
Glosses don’t require huge precision so a good doe foot – with cleaning advice!- would be OK, but I haven’t seen one in ages.
I like them for sheerer glosses but not for opaque lip products. I also like them for eyeshadow primers or eyeshadow creams, since I’m gonna blend them out anyway.
I like them. I feel like I have more control when I use them, since I don’t have a steady hand. I’m not entirely thrilled about how they pull off product and dump it in the gloss, but I consider gloss one of those products I expect to dump every two years or so, anyway, so it doesn’t bother me excessively.
I have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. I hate doe-foot applicators with a burning passion. They barely pick up any product and they get filthy. My stupid primer potion cannot go directly to my eye-lids because foundation tends to rub off onto the applicator. I also hate the jagged doe-foot applicators that I tend to get. They are simply awful.
Love them. The brush splay and irritate me! As for them being dirty- the lipgloss multiplies bacteria, so anything you put in is pretty gross anyway, unless of course you use a new applicator each time.
Or, you can sanitize a brush applicator much more easily than a doe-foot before sticking it back in the tube. I, personally, take the gloss off the applicator with a clean, sanitized brush each time, and I find the brush applicators are better for that.
I like them because they’re soft and fluffy. I want something with a really big one just for how cuddly it would be.
I prefer the doe foot applicators over the brushes. But , when you talk about sanitation, it is being applied to one of, if not the most, dirtiest places on your body! LOL.
Lip gloss does not start out as sterile in the tube, nor could it ever be kept as sterile.
I don’t mind them, and find them perfectly adequate for concealer and eye shadow primer… But I love brush applicators for gloss. It’s so much easier for me to apply precisely with a brush.
I actually love them. They apply lipgloss so evenly and quickly compared to a brush which is really streaky and uneven. Doe foots for me are the easiest and simplest way to go.
There’s a doe foot blending brush that is HORRIBLE! It’s sheds a lot and it comes in a maroon brush set from Coastal Scent.
Much prefer doe foots over brushes. My favorite style is in the Bite Beauty glosses.
I don’t mind them, but I hate the feeling. I swear I can feel every bit of the tiny bristles when I use them. Much prefer Dior’s brushes, really.
I live on a farm. There are far more disgusting things around me than a doe foot applicator. I’m ambivalent. I hate Illamasqua’s wonky brush with hard bristles even more. I like NARS’ tiny little brush that everyone else seems to hate.
I have no problem with them
I prefer doe-foot applicators. The problem I have with brushes is that sometimes I’ll snag them on the edge of the opening while reinserting and the bristles will get splayed out awkwardly.
I like doe foot applicators. Lancome’s glosses all have this feature and I think they work much better than brushes.
I loce lipglosses with doe-foot applictors they make application so easy. Wasn’t a fan of it on the UDPP tho.