Color Sensational Rebel Bloom Lipstick


Maybelline Barely Bloomed (700) Color Sensational Rebel Bloom Lipstick

Maybelline Color Sensational Rebel Bloom Lipstick is a lipstick that retails for $7.49 and contains 0.14 oz. ($53.50 per ounce). There are 10 shades in our database.

1 Written Reviews

By Nicole 10 years ago.

I like this shade and got it on sale for about $5..I am pretty impressed. Particularly when it is comparable to a $50 lipstick.I find it sheer. But, not overly, sheer. But, some of your natural lip-color will show. It wears a good 3-4 hrs without eating. If you drink, it does come off on the cup edge. It is very moisturizing I find. Very pretty color. I do not care for the scent of Maybelline's lipsticks. But, luckily, it goes away once applied. I am usually a HE lipstick and other cosmetics girl. So, for me to be hunting down the new Maybelline lippies is a big deal. This one is good.I have several of the Rebel Blooms. The Creamy mattes are amazing though. Just as good as Mac, some are better.

Skin Type: Normal-to-Dry - Skin Tone: Light Medium - Undertone: Yellow