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NARS Deep Throat Blush Review, Photos, Swatches

NARS Deep Throat Highlighting Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush ($28.00 for 0.16 oz.) is described as a “flirty, sheer peach.” It’s a warm coral with a hint of pink and a golden shimmer-sheen. NARS Amour is darker, more vibrant, and has no shimmer. MAC Fleet Fast is slightly darker, more orange. Tarte Glisten is very comparable, though it has a stronger gold shimmer. NARS Orgasm is a touch lighter and more shimmery. theBalm Frat Boy is like a matte version–the colors are very, very similar.

Deep Throat is often the recommended alternative to those who didn’t like Orgasm.  It’s not as shimmery, and I think the shimmer is a little more subdued in a way in Deep Throat–more of a sheen than a full-on shimmer.  It’s warm without being too orange or red, so it won’t make cheeks look burnt. It’s an excellent color for everyday wear, because it has buildable color–it can be soft, barely there and used more as a soft warm glow or intensified for a pop of coral on the cheek.  The texture is soft and smooth, and as described, it’s one of the “less” pigmented blushes NARS makes–but you can get to pan color if desired. It’s just not like Exhibit A where you have to use a feathery touch when applying.  Deep Throat wore well for seven hours, and I noticed some fading along the top of my cheeks after seven and a half hours.

NARS Deep Throat Blush Review, Photos, Swatches


NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush

NARS Deep Throat Blush
NARS Deep Throat Blush


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Kate MacDonald Avatar

My very favourite everyday blush! It’s funny, because on my neutral-cool complexion, I find it looks more pink and not as warm- perhaps it “melds” a little with my natural skin colour.

StephanieT Avatar

This is my favorite blush by NARS. I’m actually wearing it today. I feel like it’s subtle enough to be an everyday blush, but not as boring! I prefer this over orgasm but they’re really nice layered together as well! It would be my favorite blush, but that would be Mac lilicent 🙁

Emalitsa Avatar

This blush looks lovely. Although the name is a little blush-worthy itself, the colour looks great. I’ve never owned NARS anything but I think blush will be what I start with! Thanks for the great swatches!

Alyssa Avatar

Would you recommend this for fair-light ladies with cool undertones? I’ve been eyeing this for a while! Thanks for the review!

xamyx Avatar

@mpca66 There are only a *few* products, out of more than 100 that have names like this; the majority are named for geographic locales or famous people. I don’t get why people assume all the product names are of this ilk.

AlexisV Avatar

This is my favorite blush, for the very reason you provided.  I hated Orgasm…found it way too shimmery..but the color and sheen of this blush is perfect for me.  And it’s buildable, as in the pics you provided wearing it.  I apply is very lightly as my complexion is light, but it’s buildable which makes it perfect for when i have a slight tan in the summer.

ToxicAngel Avatar

I love this blush! It was suggested to be by the Nars counter girl after I said I hated Orgasm coz it was waaaaay to glittery for me. It’s a similar colour to Orgasm but more flattering coz you don’t end up with glitterbal cheeks! So pretty for everyday wear.

Miss J Avatar

This was my first NARS blush, and I still absolutely love this one! It’s pigmented, but not so much so that you have to be overly careful with it. As you mention, this blush layers nicely! This one, I think, looks great on so many skin tones. This is definitely in my top 5 NARS blushes, lol; it’s currently battling with Gilda for the #1 spot.


ANOTHER blush i want. i’m sort of a noob when it comes to blushes so this new found love is going to be weary on my wallet. I love the color, but i don’t like the names NARS goes with. It just irks me.

xamyx Avatar

@MIRIANV It seems it’s just the more popular items that have “offensive” nmes. Most of the 100+ items are named after geographic locales or famous people.

Dominique33 Avatar

Deep Throat along with Super Orgasm were the 1st Nars blushes I purchased. I don’t wear deep throat very much, I much prefer Angelika, Douceur, Sex Appeal or Gaiety. But it wears long and definitely it’s a pretty shade.

annedreshfield Avatar

Yay, it’s my favorite NARS blush! I tried Orgasm and didn’t like it much…and then I kept my eye on Deep Throat for months and swatched it whenever I was in the store. I finally just bought it at the beginning of this summer, and I’ve been wearing it almost every day! It’s really lovely. 

BIs4beauty Avatar

This is my fav blush so pretty! I have a couple of the others by NARS (Orgasm and Sin) but I do not wear those as much as I wear this one.  

Liz9969 Avatar

 @Christine (Temptalia) Hi Christine, It’s so strange.  I just went back and looked at your review of Blissful.  I can swear it  is a different from the Blissful blush that I own.  .  The Blissful that I have in my possession is much pinker than the blush in your review.  In fact, I don’t wear Blissful that much because I find it too pink.  How strange.  

Becca @The Beauty Sample Avatar

Pretty! For some reason, I never even considered Deep Throat–I just figured it would be more of the same as Orgasm except times ten (I didn’t like the intense shimmer in Orgasm and figured Deep Throat was more pigmented and glittery). Definitely have to check this out at the counters now!

Jenny86 Avatar

Now that I see the swatches of Deep Throat, I wish I had bought this one instead of Orgasm… is gorgeous! Deep Throat will be the next blush I´ll buy no doubt 🙂

C A Avatar

This was my first NARS blush! I really love it, though I find it funny that it’s compared with Orgasm, which is more peachy/coral on me, while Deep Throat is totally pink.

Miss J Avatar

Do you happen to have pinker undertones? I have yellow undertones, and I feel like Orgasm looks so freakin’ pink on me compared to DT.

Andrea Avatar

My first and favourite NARS blush! Looks beautiful on my NC15 skintone, and I’ve found it easier to blend than other NARS blushes (is it just me, or do they run kinda stiff?). 

hwendy Avatar

this is my favorite blush ever. It looks amazing and natural on my tan skin. I don t wear blush all the time but if I do, it s normally either this one or Sin.

xamyx Avatar

@ValbonaPro There really are only a handful of items that have “tacky, distasteful names”. More than 99% of their 100+ items are named for geogrphic locales, exotic animals, or famous people (no, not connected to the porn industry). With that said, as an adult, I would rather go to a counter and ask for a product with a “dirty” name, than an item with a childish, immature pun like “I ‘Teal’ Terrific!”, but maybe that’s just me.

rashmidev Avatar

I still remember this was my first NARA blush which you recommend to me , I already purchased Orgasm but was not very happy and asked you to suggest … as always you were spot on
“C” you are PERFECTTTTTTT as they say … so dedicated to blog which is your passion and your work .. i salute you for being so crisp in your reviews and giving your best each time …
I am soooooo in love with each stuff recommended by you and you know 3 days back I got my JW and I cant tell you how happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i am …..
i still request you if I get a signed one from you … am keeping my outer box with me and hope to get it signed with you some day 😀 😀 ….

Lollybug Avatar

This was my first NARS blush!!  I definitely remember seeing Orgasm and thinking “that is WAYY too much shimmer for me to have on my cheeks!!”.  My only complaint about it is that it is very sheer, even on medium-fair, MUFE HD 115 skin like mine, but once it’s built up, it’s absolutely gorgeous!!!  It’s awesome that you’re posting these blush swatches since I’m currently on the hunt for a different color, and I never buy without seeing a review on here!

xamyx Avatar

This may work well for me. I really like the base color, and the fact that it is sheer. It looks very natural, which is the first thing I look for in a blush. I’ll just have to check the “shimmer” levels in person.

stacey Avatar

Ugggh.  Those names….Orgasm, Deep Throat…I’m no prude…but really…I have been buying dept. store makeup..since I was a young teen…..really inappropriate names….conjure up all those movies of the ’70s…some things are meant to be discreet….in other words, a renown brand name like Nars do not need to be identify with these words….even UD have racy names and dont have sexual connotations…..And I did buy NARS blushes many moons ago…Sin and Amour…..

xamyx Avatar

@stacey Those are pretty much the only two “racy” names in the entire line. Besides, when I hear “Deep Throat”, the first thing that enters my mind is one of the key players in the Watergate scandal, and as far as I know (unless I missed something), there was nothing sexual involved with that. I also want to add that UD’s Jailbait is actually *more* disturbing, IMO.

Gracey13 Avatar

Do you think this would suit very pale skin tones?(: Like paler than a MAC NC15?(: LOVE this website so much! You do the best reviews! I’m addicted! Ahaha.
Love, Grace @

Ellie Avatar

Ridiculous name, but it’s still my favorite blush ever. Looks so natural, and I like how it’s a happy medium between peach and pink. 

lulu Avatar

hi christine!
im really stuck right now, and thought to ask for ur help, should i get deep throat, orgasm or cactus flower blush for a ‘im not wearing make up’ make up look for school? i have yellow undertones, light-medium skin and my natural flush is kinda like mac’s desert rose when its blended out, do you find the shimmer in cactus flower too disco ball-y? and ALSO,(one last question-sorry!)how do the nars blush compacts compare to the nars eyeshadow duo compacts, are the blushe compacts smaller? thank you!

Bea Avatar

Hi Christine – Could you please compare this to Tom Ford’s “love lust”. In your comparisons to that blush you cited all MAC blushes – and I’m interested how Deep Throat (and Orgasm) compares to “Love Lust”.

Also it’s strange: I can’t get orgasm to show up on my face. I apply and apply until my cheeks just look kind of chalky and dirty – but for some reason when I sampled deep throat in store it showed up on me, yet they look so close side by side!

reem Avatar

I feel like macs pinch o’ peach, or peachykeen remind me of matte versions of deep throat and orgasm blush from nars. I feel the shades are pretty similar.

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