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Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez Review, Photos, Swatches

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez ($6.99 for 0.10 oz.) is a warm champagne beige with a highly reflective, metallic finish. MAC Summer Haze is darker and more of a frosted than metallic finish. Make Up For Ever #13 is darker, less champagne. Urban Decay Sin is a touch darker and less metallic. Cle de Peau #207 is lighter. Inglot #397 is very similar but slightly less warm-toned.

Milani’s Shadow Eyez formula is touted to last for twelve hours and be water-resistant and crease-proof. Champagne Toast was the second shade I tested wear on, and it wasΒ phenomenal–it looked as good after ten and twelve hours as it did when I initially applied it. Β The pigmentation was also top notch, because it was totally opaque in one pass. Β It has a creamy texture that glides across the lid without a single tug or pull, and it deposits smooth, even color.

Champagne Toast

PPermanent. $6.49.

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez (after 10 hours)

Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez
Milani Champagne Toast Shadow Eyez (after 12 hours)


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xamyx Avatar

I’m still so amazed at how far DS cosmetics have come. Will you be reviewing the purple at some point? Also, how easy is it to apply powder shadows over these?

Christine-Temptalia Avatar

Β @xamyxΒ I didn’t have any problems applying eyeshadow on top πŸ™‚
I don’t like to give out what I am/am not going to review, because I don’t guarantee I will (even if I test it) or may or may not post it soon or in six months! Sorry! I don’t want to say yes and then not do it or not do it for months.

annedreshfield Avatar

Out of all of the shades, this is the one I was most excited for! At this price point, that color is beautiful and the staying power is, quite honestly, a pleasant surprise. Thanks for the great review, Christine!Β 

nacacijin Avatar

Again, these sound amazing. The only thing I wish they did was make it a twist-up pencil. But if having to sharpen the tip every so often is the biggest downfall, I’m all for it. Hopefully I can find these at CVS during my next shopping trip!

Rebecca Avatar

This is a gorgeous color!
Just wondering, why did it lose a point on packaging? Is a lot of product lost with sharpening or is it the cap? That was my problem with the NYX JEPs, the cap kept sliding free and eventually cracked. :/

Becca @The Beauty Sample Avatar

This color is beautiful! That’s so crazy how such a creamy product can last on your lids for 10 hours and still look absolutely perfect! Don’t know that it would last that well on my very oily lids, but that’s what a primer’s for I guess!

Gina Avatar

Wow! This looks incredible! The Urban Decay shadow pencils actually crease on me, and look really dry (which is a totally weird combination), so I’m definitely giving these a look! This looks like what I wanted Sin to look like.

misscheriamor Avatar

I saw this swatch online last week and today I came so close to buying it. The color is beautiful and all the colors look so pretty. Milani continues to impress me.

Breanna Avatar

I have this pencil and love it! I think I got a bad batch of the UD shadow pencils because I had Sin and ended up returning it due to the very dry texture. When I saw this pencil in Champagne Toast in my CVS I was very interested and to my surprise, this pencil was exactly what I wanted Sin to be. Hope your review urges people to buy this pencil! It’s a steal for the price (:

Gina Avatar

I had problems with Sin being dry, too! Did you get it in their holiday set? But I’m glad to hear you also had a good experience with the Milani pencil! I’ll definitely pick it up now πŸ™‚

Breanna Avatar

Wow! That’s very interesting to hear! When I mentioned how dry my Sin pencil was to some makeup loving friends they were all really surprised because they had great experiences with it. I bought it in the full size at Ulta and also the shade Rehab. Rehab was not as dry, but I still found it to be dry enough to return both of them. Maybe they were just sitting on the shelf too long? Or could be just a bad batch but I would highly recommend the Milani pencil and don’t have the desire to pick up any more UD pencils now that these exist Β (:

lolliez Avatar

I think this would look better if the edges were blended.Β  I’m pretty sure that is the intention.Β  Pretty color though!

CourtneyCampos Avatar

This was without a primer?? Wow…I wish the NYX jumbo pencils were the same…those suckers crease in .002 seconds on my lids πŸ™

blueraccoon Avatar

I have got to find these around me. My local Walgreens has a tiny Milani display but none of these, and I haven’t seen it elsewhere πŸ™ but I will keep looking, or give up and order online.

xamyx Avatar

@blueraccoon Target may carry these, if you have one where you live. The Target near me has a fairly large Milani section, especially pencil products. HTH

Alison Cole Avatar

What a formula! What a shame they don’t have more colours. I can’t see myself actually wearing any of the range on offer – maybe if they had a pewter/charcoal/dull grey or an aubergine…Β 

iman1 Avatar

absolutely amazing! I NEED THIS!Β 
this would look soooo gorgeous as an everyday eyeshadow with a matte light brown in the crease.
i like the maybelline color tattoos but i dont like sticking my finger in the pot lol so this pencil will be great.

EricaN Avatar

Hi Christine, How do you think this compares to Chanel’s Illusion d’Ombre in Emerveille in color? Do you think it would be a cheaper alternative? I’ve been wanting Emerveille for quite a while now, but the price is horrendous for just that thing.

Lumi Avatar

Not really a unique color and I probably have something like this already… but I still want it. *____*
Haha, glad to hear the good review though. ^^ Thanks!

Penny Avatar

Wow, this looks gorgeous on you after 12 hours! How did you get it to stay on? I have the exact same one and mine creases and disappears after 3 hours in normal office conditions (cool, not moving around much, lids are regular and not particularly oily). Any advice you can give on getting this to stay put would be helpful! Thanks πŸ™‚

Bittenhoney Avatar

I bought this shade today and tested it out. It is amazing! Like MUFE Aqua Cream in a pencil form. I can’t compare it to the new MUFE shadow pencils, but they’re about the same as the creams. πŸ™‚ I’m going to be a few more.Β 

Bittenhoney Avatar

I bought this shade today and tested it out. It is amazing! Like MUFE Aqua Cream in a pencil form. I can’t compare it to the new MUFE shadow pencils, but they’re about the same as the creams. πŸ™‚ I’m going to buy a few more.Β 

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