MAC x Hayley Williams (Paramore) Collection for April 2013
MAC has teamed up with front-woman Hayley Williams from Paramore to release a four-piece collection for April 9th, which will be available exclusively online. The collection will feature an orange lipstick, coral eyeshadow, mineralize skinfinish, and an orange nail lacquer. MAC just confirmed this collection via their Twitter and Facebook.
- Sounds Like Noise Bright true orange (Lipstick) (Matte)
- Daydreaming Frosted mid-tone coral (Eyeshadow) (Veluxe Pearl)
- Lightscapade Soft candlelight beige with multi-dimensional shimmer (Mineralize Skinfinish)
- Riot Gear Bright true orange (Nail Lacquer) (Cream)
Sounds like a fun little mini-collection with a good summer-friendly shade. I’m down for a look. C:
I’ve never been this excited for a collection. I’m going to buy everything!
Wasn´t there more information a month or two ago saying that it was more of a smaller collection and that Lightscapade will be repromoted? I think I read that on another blog, but that could just be my fantasy 😀
My favorite bands front woman and my favorite brand this is a dream come true!!
Looks like a color I am going to love… 🙂
MAC is so flip floppy! I thought they had cancelled this, sheesh.
I thought so too…
I’m so glad they didn’t!
I was getting so pissed off about that
Me too, so I guess they’re having both this AND the orange collection later? Orange is my least favorite color 🙁
i’m kind of tired of the “celebrity” stuff lately. i don’t even know who this person is.
Just because you don’t know who they are doesn’t mean they’re any less of a “celebrity”. That’s not a dig at you or anything, I’m just saying.
no, it’s true. i’m pretty lame and out of the loop as far as celebrities go. that’s why im getting tired of it…just a personal preference.
okay, i won’t lie. just went to google her and i wouldn’t mind a lipstick looking like her hair color.
Pretty sure she wasn’t saying that Hayley Williams was not a celebrity, but simply stating that she doesn’t care for themes involving a mildly famous person.
She’s the lead singer of the band, Paramoure. She’s famous for her bright orange hair.
Okay.. but no one really cares if you don’t know who the celebrity is..(that’s what Google is for) if you like the product buy it, if you don’t keep it moving. For those who do know about Hayley Williams will buy the product because they love it or they love her! or simply both. 🙂
you should see my above post 😀
I love paramore. Love Mac. Sad that it will all sell out in a minute.
Oh and to the comment above: Okay but no one really cares about your opinion either. If you care about someone’s comment, ok. If you don’t, keep it moving. 🙂
Well, until now I had never heard of this person/band, either; then again, I listen to legit punk, not something described as “pop punk” (really?). Either way, orange is not a color for me, so it’s a pass. Also, it would seem this collection should have been released last year, along with the rest of all the orange makeup…
I’m half way worried it’ll sell out quick but a lot of people will either be like idk who this is who cares or orange? i dont want orange. I think us paramore fans are safe 😉
Yeah, I had to Wiki Hayley. I had no idea who she was.
So, whenever I go to my MAC location Lighscapade is always available! Are they not re-vamping the packaging for Hayley’s collection?? Will anything be different about it? Either way, super excited about this collab! Sounds like Noise you shall be mine! 🙂
I’m excited for this lippie!! MAC? Hayley Williams? A bright matte orange lipstick? It’s mine!! 😉 I hope I can pull it off
Hmmm I think I need the sounds like noise lipstick and lightscapade!
My favorite celebrity and my favorite makeup line? Yes please!
Ooh, I can’t wait until this collection is in the shops!
Lightscapade ?? My favourite shade of all time !!!
I like the look of the collection, though I have doubts that the lipstick would work on my cool-toned skin. 🙂 The colors are very Paramore, though.
I’m mostly interested in the Mineralize Skinfinish…mostly because I’m pale and need something to liven up my skin lol.
Is this in the UK too?
So want this!
I believe I saw a few UK publications post about it, too!
need that lipstick. I <3 orange lipstick.
I thought Lightscapade was now permanent.
At least it is in the UK for sure
Love!! Mac has been teaming up a lot lately.
Like the Rihanna one.
Christine I’m so excited about this collection I love hayley!!! And I have been told Coral tones look the bets on me so a bit of a tap of matte orange will do me wonders in the summer time. Fun and flirty I’m excited 😀
I think I want that eyeshadow and like everyone lightscapade sounds good. I’m sure I can’t pull off the lipstick and have similar nail colors.
I love Hayley Williams and I’m so excited for this mini-collection!
So excited!!!! but why can’t MAC do something with the ultimate bad ass, glamorous, awesome GWEN STEFANI!!!????? that would be the best thing ever!!
It may be because she has a contract with L’Oreal, but I would have to agree. Then again, it would be all the more disappointing if the collection was a big fail. I would personally expect more from a collection Gwen Stefani attatched her name to.
OOOOhhh, yeah! Gwen and MAC would be hot…but she’s a L’Oreal spokesperson…for now.
You’re right!! well, I hope that when she’s done with L’Oreal she will do something with MAC, and it better be good cause Gwen is an ICON and all the young singers out now have been influenced by her as far as style and makeup!!! she deserves to have her own collection!!!! I see reds, chola,rasta,harajuku, and Marilyn lol and a whole lot of awesomeness!!!!
Now that… will be a dream! Gwen and MAC just seem so right together! =D
Love Hayley can’t wait to buy Sounds Like Noise.
Pretty annoyed with how MAC doesn’t produce special packaging on ALL LE releases
I really hope we will be able to get this collection in France! I really want to try the lipstick and Lightscapade!
this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. does anyone know what the packaging will look like??>.
I’m so excited! (: I saw this on the Alternative Press Facebook page yesterday and squealed from excitement. xD
I think this is kind of a neat collection. I’d rather get something from this one than the Rihanna one, I’m just not a big fan. Paramore brings me back some good memories.
I doubt I would like the lipstick ,and nail polish , but I like the rest of the package
I’m so getting a backup for Lightscapade.
Christine, I wish they could repromote By Candlelight, hopefully they’ll do so this 2013…do u think that could be possible? If you know anything I’m sure you’ll be the first to let us know, Im literally dying for that one and its nowhere to be found.
But wasn’t orange the IT colour last year? Sephora Pantone and everyone else were pushing orange last year. Lightscapade is amazing but it’s not innovative. Mac used to be a leader not a follower.
Well, I can’t say I’m surprised by all of the orange, considering Hayley Williams’ hair color. The eye shadow does look interesting, though.
I love Hayley. I’m buying this whole collection…maybe even the nail polish which I never do.
omg lightscapade again. Im bloddy sick of it. man release like your old ones by candlelight peticoat havent seen them in a while
I went to a MAC counter today and they told me this line was cancelled.
so pretty! i hope you do a review on the lipstick!
Eye shadow and lipstick!
I really want a nice orange for summer, not sure if i want to wait tho…
Ill try to get that eyeshadow. Need to inject color in my palette.
I like the look of Daydreaming. I don’t have a similar color in my collection.
I love Hayley and this collection looks well worth trying.
Does anyone know if you have to buy all four together? Or if you can get the items separately? I saw something about the whole thing being $65, and that is just too much money for me, as I don’t wear makeup too often. I just want the lipstick and the nail polish. Don’t need the other things…
It’s online everyone! It’s called “Sounds like Noise”
Can someone tell me if this collection is going to be extended internationnaly ? Im in France and i’d like to know if we’re going to have it here? Thanks in advance for your answers !!
will this collection be launched internationally? or will it be only accessible online? please excuse my english btw
I have this lipstick and it’s kind of patchy on….Does this happen to you?
I received daydreaming and am really disappointed, I think its either a re promote or another name but same color…I already have this color,just can’t get the color because its in my palette that is depotted and I didn’t write the name down.
I think I will get the eyeshadow. I never thought anything of Paramore until they opened for No Doubt. Changed my mind Haley rocked that ish out! I purchased a good amount of their songs after hearing them live. I just think this collection needs a little more umph to match her personality!
Amazing colors!! I love it!