MAC Quite Cute Collection for Spring 2011
MAC Quite Cute Collection for Spring 2011
U.S./Canada Launch Date: April 7th, 2011
International Launch Date: April 2011
“CUTE!” The most fanciful, fun and flattering compliment and young, modern trendsetter could ever want! Our version is the girliest kind of international glam possible, a style ride that combines postage-stamp-sized puppies with pixie swizzle-stick fashion and buttergly kisses for cute boys and even cuter shoes! Cupcake icing colors, vintage romance, an ATM card with Hello Kitty on it – and a way of life that says “yes!” to everything adorable!
Come on, get happy, with the multi-culti cutie, from Tokyo to Toronto to Paris with love! Pastel shades for Eye Quads, Lipstick, Plushglass, and Nail Lacquer…And due to popular demand, we’re completely cute-ifying three favourite Lip Pencil shades from last season that will join the fun and frolic. Flash! You’ll ♥ the Mineralize Blush with the sweet heart baked right into it. If it shines, shimmers and pops it’s completely, contagiously, cute!
Lipstick ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
- Playing Koi Creamy white peach pink (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Saint Germain Pastel pink (Amplified) (Permanent)
- Candy Yum-Yum Neon pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
- Quite Cute Bright white lavender (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
- Play Time Intense violet (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
Plushglass ($18.50 U.S. / $22.00 CDN)
- Fashion Fanatic Creamy pale pink (Limited Edition)
- Bubble Tea Creamy pale nude (Limited Edition)
- Girl ♥ Boy Bright light blue pink (Limited Edition)
- I ♥ U Creamy mid-tone purple (Limited Edition)
Lip Pencil ($13.00 U.S. / $15.50 CDN)
- In Synch Bright yellow pink (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Naked Light neutral (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
- Boldly Bare Mid-tone red brown (Limited Edition) (Repromote)
Cutie Eyeshadow Quad ($36.00 U.S. / $43.00 CDN)
- Moshi! Moshi! Pale white green gold (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Goody Goody Gum Drop Light white pink (Satin) (Limited Edition)
- Boycrazy Pale lavender with silver pearl pigments (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Azuki Bean Mid-tone violet (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Mineralize Blush ($23.00 U.S. / $27.50 CDN)
- Giggly Light pink with pearly plum heart (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Sakura Lavender with pearly deep magenta heart (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Miss Behave Light beige with pearly mint green heart (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer ($14.00 U.S. / $17.00 CDN)
- Ice Cream Cake Creamy blue pink (Cream) (Limited Edition)
- Little Girl Type Creamy pale lavender (Cream) (Limited Edition)
- Mischievous Creamy pale blue mint (Cream) (Limited Edition)
False Lashes ($14.00 U.S. / $17.00 CDN)
- #7 Lash Spiky, slightly separated, high glam lash (Permanent)
Penultimate Eyeliner ($17.50 U.S. / $21.00 CDN)
- Rapidblack True black (Permanent)
Zoom Lash ($14.00 U.S. / $17.00 CDN)
- Zoomblack Rich black (Permanent)
See photos!
Source via Paparazziboy
can’t wait till the pictures,
I loveeee pastel cute stuff that sounds like this.
Looking forward to pics of this collection…I am hopeful that the glosses are as pretty as they sound here!
HAHA, oh god…I’m very interested to see the packaging for this one…
It’s regular packaging
How disappointing. XD
I don’t think so, everything they have with special packaging costs more and I can’t use my pro discount with it. I’m going to buy everything from this collection and save more or less one hundred dollars. I’m more concerned about the make up and not the packaging.
VERY disappointing if that is the case…how can it be cute if the packaging is not cute…especially the description!!! what the heck!!!
Totally agree, Very disappointing! I was expecting the packaging to be just as cute as the products… =(
Honestly, I’d rather be able to get a discount, since I am eligible. The stuff is cute on it’s own and I love MAC packaging as it is.
I think the packaging should be cute so it would go along with the collection, however mac just released a huge collection with different packaging. I’m waiting for some pastel packaging mac!
I skip this collection, don’t like pales or pastels 😉
Same here
I really want to see pictures, but I think I might have to skip this one – pastels don’t really work for me.
I saw some pictures of that collection on a french blog (excellent blog !) and mineralize blush “Giggly” seems to be really cute !!!
which blog? I’m curious
A quick search on Google and I’m guessing it’s this one:
YES !!!
Wow the Cany Yum Yum lipstick on the French blog looks almost do-able, we shall see leter on… but the chick’s brown-bronzey eye on the French blog looks hot, hot, hot!!!
Whoever she is she is working the new hot 70s Studio 54 thing through and through because that’s the way the makeup was back then when you went out at night, and it was hot!
What is the blog called? I always have an eye out for great makeup blogs! xxx
I reaaaally hope the glosses are as pretty as they sound, I’ll be buying all of them if they are.
Ooh! This sounds…well, cute! And I’m a sucker for pastels. Also heartened all the eyeshadows in the quad are LE and not repromotes.
Sounds cute, though not really my colors. I will probably get 1 or 2 of the Naked pencils though. 🙂
OMG I love the names and the colors sound amazing it’s so me!!!
ooooh im actuly excited for this collection !!! deffinatly getting Quite cute LS and the minralised blush!! thanks so much Christine i cant wait until more info is givin 🙂 <3
This collection has my top two favortie MAC products, Mineralize Blush and Plushglass. Pastels on my eyes are a no-no, but on lips and cheeks yes please!
I am really looking forward to seeing more information and pictures of this collection! Sounds like something right up my alley. I am so over dark winter colors and can’t wait to start wearing some light, pastel like colors!
Holy mother of MAC!!!! I want it all!!! Sorry my fellow MAC lovers, I’m taking home the following lipsticks (maybe even double the amount cause I am loving the colors–of course I need to see the swatches, but anyway): Playing Koi,Candy Yum-Yum, Quite Cute & Play Time. I may also buy the quads, the new blush & some plushglasses that normally I wouldn’t be interested in. I think I’m having a heart attack now. Thanks MAC!!! ;-D
Bubble Tea plushglass… quite intriguing me at the moment! I’ve never tried plushglasses before.
OMG, this sounds amazing! Playing Koi sounds awesome, I predict that will be a big seller of this collection! This collection definitely speaks to the Japanophile in me!
The only downside is that I’m sorry to see they are bringing plushglasses back. For once I’d like to see a LE collection that does just the standard lipglasses, they haven’t done that for ages.
I want this ! I love the concept of the collection ! I must grab a lipstick and an eye palette at least ! >.<
Does someone know when this will be available in France ?
Do want!!! Haha well I love the names but I really want to see the colors before I decide 🙂
Good lord! Will we ever be free of the light blue pink lip products from MAC?!
By the description Playing Koi sounds like it has my name on it. 😉
Ahh I already want the whole collection ! Hopefully there ‘s some cute packaging to go with it 🙂
Oh my!! I am SO EXCITED to In Synch & Naked liners will be repromoted! I may have to buy every one I can find!!
I also look very much forward to seeing pictures of this collection, which sounds like a lot of fun! I definitely want to see how an eyeshadow called “Moshi Moshi” looks like!
Yesss, finally a collection with new, unique colors! This is so my style, can’t wait for more info. And the Japanese inspired names are adorable too!
This collection sounds really fun, I look forward to finding out more!
I’m actually excited about this collection. After the WW collection, I’m ready for some NEW stuff.
A neon matte pink? Must have!
i can’t wait for the lip products! AHHHH! 🙂
Almost all the lipsticks and glosses and the quad sound good to me. It feels nice to be excited about a Mac collection again!
OMG! I love pastels and everything cute!
wow, ok, I’m ok now. Anyway, can’t wait to see photos! I’ll probably get everything just for the names!
Oh, no. I’m probably going to want the blush (I’m a sucker for Mineralize Blushes) & one of the Plushglasses. It sounds like the packaging might be really cute, too. I wish MAC would only come out w/ these cute ltd. ed. collections 3 or 4 times a year, so my wallet could have a break. It always feels like you’ll never get the things you want if you don’t snatch them up right away. At least there are a lot of repromotes & permanent products.
Naked lip liner! I only got one last year, I another…37!
LOVE! <3
Looking forward to swatches. ^_^
Can’t wait for this collection.But not the Penultimate liner again! I hate that liner!
Penultimate is fine, it’s OK and it does show up black on me *shrugs* but if you hate it that much buy the Nars Liner Stylo, because that’s very good and very black.
I’m going to skip this for the most part, but I will check out the purple/lavender/violet lippes. Way too cool for me, as well as the Jeanius C.
MAC is finally coming out with new plushglasses! Thank goodness.
OMG!!!!! This sounds so pretty!!!!!!!! If the packaging is red, pink or has hearts on it I will die!!!!!
The collection itself will probably be decent, but the description has me rolling my eyes.
This sounds perfect for spring! I ♥ the “play time” lipstick… Intense violet!!
MAC, do you hear that? It is the sound of this consumer finally closing her wallet due to a string of bad collections…
In Synch and Naked! Can’t wait!
I’m not too into pastels, but I fell in love with In Synch & Naked liners the first go ’round & have anxiously been awaiting their repromote! I definitely am snapping those up…maybe all in my area! Haha! And a neon pink matte lip?! I have died and gone to cosmetic heaven.
Oh good grief!!!! My wallet!!!!! This sounds right up my alley. Japanese themed collections are always so pretty & interesting. Loving the purple lippies & glosses as well as the quads. Hoping the blush is purpley also or rosey. Doesn’t really matter cause I’m buying the whole darn collection.
For those rolling your eyes. Good. Stay away. This collection is for me & my MAC peeps. More for us. 😉
Sounds like the most ridiculous idea for a collection ever BUT I may pick up a couple lip products.
AW SCHUCKS!!!! I’m going to be buying all them lipsticks. Purple crazed loved over here. Intense Violet? Yes! Hoping it’s more like Go For It and not as dark as Faultlessly was. The Quite Cute one sounds amazing. Maybe like a Lavander Whip mixed with the old 70’s creamy lavanderwhite lipsticks they used to have. Can’t wait for pictures, swatches & your recommendations Christine.
Can’t wait for this collection! These colors are right up my alley. I love plush glasses and pastel colors. Very clever names also! The lip products and the eyeshadow quad will definitely be added to my wishlist! Maybe the Msf too but I would have to see is first.
screams EASTER PASTELS! puke. and judging by the descriptions of these colors, they’ll only work for cool-toned pale skin. definitely not enough variation, so i’ll be skipping as i’m warm-toned light-medium skin.
I’ve seen product photo’s of the Cutie Eyeshadow Quad, Giggly Mineralize Blush with the small heart and Candy Yum-Yum radioactive pink. O__o
Lots of pink purple and whites. lol
I think the heart embedded Mineralize Blushes will be cute but the shades are off putting on the rest of the product.
Now that I think about this screams Ganguro to me. O__O
Exactly right? Except without the crazy bronzed skin!
U oh! It sounds like I can only wear the Boldly Bare lip pencil, maybe a couple of the Plushglasses, because I already know I look like Hell in Saint Germain!
How many times are they going to repromote the black penultimate? It’s a great product, but they need to expand it into more colors. You’d think a collection like this one would be an ideal time to launch purple, blue, or even brown penultimate shades.
No, burgundy but yeah maybe a deep purple too, yes.
Quite Cute L/S and Cutie Eyeshadow quad are mine!
OMG! A kawaii-style collection.
I AM PUTTING THIS DATE INTO MY IPHONE CALENDER.. sounds like I’ll want everything!!!
Omg I saw the photos for this at MAC…..and wow wow wow am I excited!!!! For all the girly’s quite cute lol!!
I want to see Bubble Tea plushglass and In Synch and Naked lip pencils.
personally I’m waiting for the Jenius Collection… I just saw swatches of the Riveting Rose lipstick and it’s AMAZING!!!!
I have been debating unsubscribing to Temptalia because I always want something from all the collections and will soon be broke. I will be a poor lady with a whole bunch of makeup. hahahaha. Thank you Christine for all the hard work you do.
This cracked me up! I feel the same way.
I don’t really like pastels and I’m too old for cute (even hate the word LOL). So I think I’ll be sitting this one out, and that’s ok.
The matte neon-pink lipstick (Candy Yum Yum) and lipliner In Synch are calling me. So excited! No plushglasses for me as they sting and my lips are full anyway.
Candy Yum Yum lipstick = DO WANT.
i work for mac and recently went for a training. This is by far one of my most favorite collections that the company has come out with in a very long time. yum yum candy is very similar to nars schiap lipstick which is one of my faves. This collection is truly amazing.
My local Mac SA was talking about this a few days ago! She said that one of the lipsticks is Lavender Whip with a different name. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I am SO psyched about this!
OK, I like cute things as much as the next person, but between the ad copy invoking boys, shoes, spending money, romance, butterflies, hearts,puppies, Hello Kitty, cupcakes, and, um, “candy yum yum”… surely we have some kind of stereotype bingo? I’m reminded of this comic:×500.gif
I think this collection is making a reference more towards Japanese culture(for example lollita trend, etc). From tiny food erasers, their obsession with chibi(tiny) animals, pastel colored everything!, frilly dresses, and Hello Kitty, Japanese culture has flooded the world with the cuteness factor. Everytime I visit Daiso(a Japanese import store, I call it Japenese Target) I swear 90% of the things are cute and pastel.
But I can see how you could make that connection. Interesting observation. 🙂
Yeah, I get that there’s a Japanese inflection here– and I’m surprised that the word ‘kawaii’ didn’t make it in there anywhere! Maybe the packaging will make the Japanese influence more obvious. But if you aren’t aware of the phenomena of cuteness/chibi/kawaii/lolita/etc in Japan, the term “multi-culti” and the reference to Tokyo alongside Paris and Toronto probably won’t be very enlightening. (Though the shade names might– IF you then go and google what they signify.)
I think that that “cute boys and cuter shoes” and “ATM card” in particular reference a rather insidious set of stereotypes that are still powerful in America more than they reference Japanese crazes for cuteness…. and that yoking the two sets together isn’t flattering to anybody.
to clarify: it’s not the theme of the collection I’m against, or anything about the collection itself, but some of the phrasing in the press release/ad copy.
I feel like they could write about a theme of cuteness without making reference to imagery that is used to sustain stereotypes about women.
They could do “cute in general” or “Japanese kawaii cute” without making reference to “cute boys and cuter shoes” or to Hello Kitty ATM cards. There are powerful stereotypes that are used in this culture to be dismissive of women; one of these, for instance, maintains that women spend money irresponsibly on anything that catches their eye. How many jokes have you heard about women as shopaholics, their credit card debt, etc? Trying to sell us makeup by using this kind of imagery– “it’s so cute, you won’t be able to NOT buy it! (just like shoes!)”– doesn’t help prove these stereotypes wrong.
When you think about it the concept of “cuteness” is pretty much a purely superficial phenomena and it’s meant to generate an impulsive response. In fact all of those things mentioned in MAC’s description seem to feed into our impulses(for all genders). We are talking about makeup which is generally associated with femininity, so when you combine impulsivity, as derived by cuteness, with femininity it will inevitably incite a negative response when specific images are taken rather than the message in its entirety.
Yes, perhaps this collection may be less about Japanese pop culture than I previously assumed, but I’m still not convinced that those minor references to boys and consumerism should overrule the rest of the playfulness and whimsy that the message conjures.
Of course, the message is subject to personal interpretation.
Christine, is it possible that Quite Cute and Lavender Whip are the same product, but with different names? The description is awfully similar…
It’s probably not the exact same product, though it could be similar. MAC will sometimes even use working names of old products for new ones that are similar.
Yes, yes, yes! That’s so me! I love pastels! I love cute!
yes! because I need more pink lipsticks in my life!
omg!! the plush glasses sound amazing!!
Aw man…right when I thought I didn’t need anything else! I love really loud colors, so I can’t wait to see how these look.
Soooooooo excited, love pastel colours, this collection sounds good and there’s a skinfinish wow so excited! Can’t wait to see the pics!!!
THIS IS WANT. Especially the quad and some lipsticks.
Christine I’ve been wondering.. how come plushglass is $18.50? considering it has a little less product than a normal $14.50 lipglass and same packaging.. not like a dazzleglass or anything?
As far as the collection goes, it look rather nice for it’s description. Nothing too exiting however, Mac really needs to step it up. I would be more exited if a whole old collection was launched again (Scifi per say) than these new ones coming up “/
I believe it’s for whatever ingredient they use to plump lips.
omg, I die
I’m so excited to see this collection! Just by the names of the items makes me want to buy them all 🙂
I wish that they did limited edition packaging.. I mean it would TOO cute especially for this collection. (Totally appropriate huh?) I would buy near to everything if it had great packaging (LOL) Loving the lip products and the eyeshadow quad. I have always wanted to try a plushglass but was too scared because of the plumping feature.
Don’t be scared to try the plush glasses! They barely even plump; they just give a minty feeling to your lips. They are so smooth and they feel so silky on my lips, not sticky. They are my favorite!
I’m watching Fashion Police right now. I went on Twitter to see what lipstick Kelly Osbourne is wearing on this episode. She had already tweeted about it, and it’s Candy Yum-Yum. SO cute!
Totally LOVING IT! Love pastels!
So. Excited. Sounds BEAUTIFUL!
Im loving this.Mainly im excited for the lip pencils.I missed out on In Synch the 1st time around.The lipsticks also sound amazing.
I saw some pics on a beauty blog and oh my god I want the eye quad, the mineralized skin finish so quite with a heart shape and the colours are so gorgeous, I love pastels colours pink, lavender… I’m definitely gonna buy!!!
I wonder how “Quite Cute” lipstick will compare to “Lavender Whip.” I missed Lavender Whip the first time around and have been on the hunt ever since.
those names are soooo cute!!!
i will boy something just for the name lol, like the ”moshi moshi” quad and the ”playing koi” lipstick, sounds so Japanese, adorable.
I have to see pictures of the mineralaze blushes… they are gonna have a heart in them (so cute)
and there goes my money lol
I found a blog that has some sneak peeks of the mineralize blush, eyeshadow quad, and lipsticks. I believe the blush is going to be called ‘Giggly’. It’s in french though.
The lipstick Kelly Osbourne was wearing was beautiful. Now that I know it was Candy yum yum, I’m definitely getting it.
yay plushglasses.. i emailed them hoping for this to happen a year ago!!!
Can you tell me more about plushglasses, in what they are different than the normal ones? 🙂
Tx to we now have the names of the blushes & nail polishes.
This is definitely my type of color collection. Springy, happy, pastelly and cute.
Can’t wait for pictures & swatches from you Christine!!!! I already know I’m buying the whole collection. 😮
So excited for this collection! I LOVE neutrals and pastels as they work best with my pale skintone & coloring. 🙂
I’m so ready for some bright fun colors, as I’m officially tired of the dark winter colors (but I still love ’em) 🙂
if the mineralized blush is that cute id buy them all!
Me too I love everything mineralized blush, skinfinishes, eyeshadow! Soooooooooo excited about this collection wanna see the swatches, lipsticks+ blushes, oh but it’s released in april still 2 months to go!
WOWWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! By far my favorite collection for 2011 so far!!! Glad I am skipping the WW. I may have to skip sheen supreme, jeanius and gaga to save up since I want just about everything in this collection!!!! So far when I tallied the cost of the stuff I want it’s over $200!
I am hoping that Surf Baby won’t have anything I want otherwise I’m doomed.
shine supreme is permanent so you can alway get them later 🙂
Can’t wait to see the pics. Maybe three lipsticks. I want the three lip liners for my collection, two (or three) plushglasses. For the quad, I want to see the pics because pastels…
I haven’t purchased any of the recent MAC collections due to the packaging that I don’t like, espeically the wonder woman one, anyways, this one sounds attractive to me, pastel colors are perfect for spring and I love cute/romantic/girly packaging. I can’t wait for the pictures! After seeing the french blog sb posted here, I already wanted the miniralized blush with heart in it. cute!
This sounds terrible.
Kill me.
Awesome collection!!! I can’t wait to see the photos & swatches. I’m getting all three blushes cause they sound unique & like nothing I’ve ever had before. Lippies, plushglosses, nail polishes and the quads sound amazing. This collection will cost me a fortune, but will be worth it if I can resist buying anything else until the Fall. Yea like that will happen. Damn you MAC!!!!!!! I love to hate you so much!!!!!!!
Can’t WAIT to see photos of these!
Hehe this launches on my 18th Birthday 🙂
wow i cant wait either i hope the packageing is super cute. Im going to buy all the lipsticks plushes ,1 quad all blushes, n all nail lacquers. omg i wanna c them now!! haha
oh my…and there was me thinking I was skipping on all of the MAC spring collections. My poor wallet!
I want all three blushes, the eyeshadow quad and Little Girl Type nail lacquer. “Sakura” and “Miss Behave” sound really interesting…
I don’t really like the general vibe of this collection – all cute, girly and twee…it’s just not my thing. However, I’ll try to ignore that and just look at the products themselves. From the descriptions, Candy Yum Yum sounds quite unique (what an awful name though!), and Play Time could be cool too, so I am interested to see those. The mineralize blushes might also be worth a look. I already have In Synch and Naked liners and they’re both great but I don’t use them enough to warrant back-ups.
Overall…not hugely excited for this one.
the lip liners are permanent!! 🙂 yay
Candy Yum-Yum lipstick and Sakura Mineralized Blush sounds heavenly to me 🙂 Can’t wait!
They could have come up with a better name….. just my opinion. If it leans towards japanese cute stuff, perhaps they could name it the KAWAII collection .. which means cute in japanese. or have all in ribbons and stuff.. and name it Just A Girl collection.
Actually, I wanted to just say to the person who said they could have come up with a better name. I love the name. Quite Cute makes sense. This collection is Quite Cute. Sometimes I wonder about people and their judgments.
How stinkin’ cute is that blush?! Must have!
can’t wait till april!!! good thing i passed on wonderwoman… i can buy more from this collection! im aiming for the eyeshadow quads and nail laquers!
I’m definitely going to try to get all the lip products and an eyeshadow quad! HATE penultimate liner!
I already have Saint Germain,so my wallet is definitely happy over that (hehe)! 😛 MAC seems to finally be stepping up their game! I was getting bored, but now I’ve broke out of my dark winter shell and am ready for neon colors to embrace my face! All this collection needs to make it even more amazing is to have cute packaging! <3
This sounds like my collection. I LOVE pastels for the Spring!!! I really don’t need anything more but I am planning on buying all the lipsticks, the three blushes (Miss Behave sounds unique & amazing), the nail lacquers & maybe one plushgloss.
Any idea when we will see the promotional photos?
Yay! i’m so excited for this. It sounds so, well, cute! !And it comes out on my birthday!
You know something’s wrong when you don’t want to get an eyeshadow quad regardless of the colours just because they are frosts and lusters.
Wow, the plushglasses, blushes and nail laquers are calling out to me 🙂
this all sounds cute,but i wish they would have changed the packaging. the black really takes away from the “cute”
I have seen the blushes & they are adorable!!! I will be getting all three. I have seen the yum yum candy lipstick on Kelly Osbourne and love it! It’s a bright pink. Like a fushia shade. I want all the lipsticks as well. Can’t wait to see more photos & swatches of this collection. I am on a no-buy until April since I want this whole collection.
seems more for Caucasians…disappointed
Mina, what a racist statement!! I’m not even white & I take offense to that. How dare you?! First off, in reality, this collection suits just about every ethnicity. Second off, the fact that you would blantantly make a statement like this on a public forum shows how ignorant you are. MAC cosmetics as well as the majority of cosmetics are made for every type of person out there. Maybe some colors aren’t suited for someone, but that isn’t for you to make such a harsh statement for.
I agree with Mina She was right most of these colors are WA-Y too pale for deep complexions. And thats not true certain mac collections are geared more toward lighter skin. What self respecting black woman would walk around with pastel pink lips? Pinks just dont suit women of our complexion
OK, so so far I want all the plushglasses, all the blushes, maybe a nail lacquer and maybe playing koi or candy yum-yum lipstick. Oh boy…
i work at a cco and we got in all 3 of those lip liners about a week ago.
Mindy, I was just coming on to reply to Mina’s statement as well. I really hate ignorant people. Why would you say this is mainly for white people Mina? I don’t see anything that proves that. I think you need to check yourself before you reck yourself girlfriend. Cause you ain’t wanted on this board now.
How is she ignorant? she’s simply stating that these colors would only look good on light complexions and she is RIGHT! If your pas NW 47 these pastels will turn ashy on darker skins like ours. Whats the problem? I think you guys are the ignorant ones.
Thanks to for the photos of the Quite Cute blushes. I’m in love with these!!!! I plan on buying all three. Can’t wait for swatches and pictures of the lipsticks.
So excited! I thought I could make it to the Surf Baby Collection without spending too much but this is going to ruin everything lol
i want playing kol, fashion fanatic, bubble tea, and naked lip liner
hahahha thats a lot.. and i usually hate mac collections
found some pics 🙂
the blush look cheap and nasty eww… quad is nice though!!
I want LE packaging!It would be the ULTIMATE purse cuteness!
I actually already have the Plushglasses in Girl <3's Boy and Fashion Frenzy. The first is more blue pink like the description, it's super pretty…and Fashion Frenzy is more peachy than pink I'd say. Can't mention how I got them, but they aren't samples/displays, they're fresh off the line (giggles)! I can't wait to see the Mineralize Blushes, I'm getting all three!
oops I meant Fashion Fanatic! 🙂
I found a photo of the collection. I’m wondering how some people are managing to get these items so early? Maybe a family member works for MAC? Any how the picture is quite distant but you can get the overview vibe of the stuff. Looks fantastic! I need to see better photos & swatches though. Enjoy!
OMG i need some of this collection!! Can’t wait to se the pic & swatches too..<3
I’m getting Bubble Tea, just because I’m from Taiwan, where bubble tea is invented! xD
Oh my god I want it all!, I want to see all the colours , pics and swatches! Can’t wait any longer, soooooooo excited !
want to see the pics!
I saw swatches of the blushes & lipsticks. Everything looks amazing. What a terrific collection this will be. I have a feeling it’s going to sell out fast ladies. The only downer was the swatch for the Quite Cute lipstick. It’s appears very light, which is fine for Spring/Summer, but I had hoped it would be just a tad more lavenderish. I’m still buying three of them. 😀
Really nice, can’t wait for your swatches Christine
this collection seems greatt!! i love all the pastels like purples pinks and blues theyseem fun to start experimenting with
i cant wait for pictures
I saw this, it shows most of the colors but not all 🙂
Ooooooh I cant wait to see what those look like 😀
Just in case some of you guys have not seen the pictures yet ^^
WOW!!! This collection looks soooo cute! I’m saving up for this one:)))
Promo images! I am in awe!
Mmmm, Ice Cream Cake! This collection sounds delicious. I’ll be saving up for this collection 🙂
I am super excited about this collection. Definitely one I plan on buying everything from. When will we see some photos of the items & swatches?
I am still super excited for this collection. Ever since I first heard about I have been collecting every single piece of information and photos on my blog for reference.
I can’t stop looking at the photos! So Cute!
Can’t wait for Christine to do a review and complete swatch list.<3
when are the swatches coming out christine?!
I have to wait until I can purchase the products, sorry! I wish I could be more helpful but unfortunately I suck 🙁
I can’t wait for this collection!!! As of now, my must buy list includes:
Playing Koi Creamy white peach pink (Satin) (Limited Edition)
Candy Yum-Yum Neon pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
Quite Cute Bright white lavender (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
Play Time Intense violet (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
Sakura Lavender with pearly deep magenta heart (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Miss Behave Light beige with pearly mint green heart (Frost) (Limited Edition)
and the Cutie Eyeshadow Quad.
Now that we have the pics can’t wait to seeeee the swatches!!!
WTH!!! Cute yet is Black Packaging!! they should of of least made it Colorful package! Very UPSET!
You know. I am one that usually could care less about the packaging of cosmetics. I prefer the quality be up-to-par. For this collection, however, I do agree. It would have been awesome to have some kind of cute, colorful packaging for this collection. I’m still buying the entire collection. Packaging or not makes really no big difference to me.
Super cute colors, but disappointed in the packaging. I expected super cute, girly, cupcakey fun packaging, but instead just the regular black.
Ooooh so pretty just like the name says. Can’t wait for swatches. I know I will buy everything from this collection no matter what especially those adorrable blushes and the two purple lipsticks. Yay for purple!
Omg!!! Want it all!! Can’t wait!!
They really should have put this in pink and white or lilac and white packaging imo.
Pretty collection but they all seem so dupable. I really like it & probably only get the lip pencils. Other than that, I’ll save my pennies thank you very much.
Ooh, the nail varnishes are lovely
Oh, boy. That promo photo at the top of the post with the model looking like a candy floss Raggedy Ann… It’s pretty grim. I’m not much of a pastel fan and I am not understanding the Sakura and Misbehave Mineralize Blushes. All in all, I have yellow undertones so I don’t see much of this working for me.
But I love getting news and photos of launches! Thanks, Christine!
it looks so cute 😀 totally my limited edition 🙂 i definitely a lipstick, a blush and a nail laquer 😀
The colors are so pretty for this collection, but the packaging doesn’t play off of the “Quite Cute” theme. It could have been more eye catching.
I actually like some of this stuff, but no cute packaging ugh. But of course I will wait for Christine’s swatches and photos 🙂
the miss behave is sooo cute!
So if I could buy all I wanted from this collection, I would get:
Giggly, Sakura, Miss Behave blushes, all of the plushglasses and Playing Koi and Candy Yum-Yum lipstick. But unfortanetly, I will probably only get two plushglasses, a blush and maybe a lipstick. But the blushes are so cute and I have lately gotten extremely obsessed with blushes(I got the Mighty Aphrodite from WW, Ladyblush-can’t believe my MAC still has it- and will be getting both blushes from Jeanius)and I am slowly building my blush collection and when I saw the pictures of these blushes I literally died and then went to Heaven. Not even joking. I swear, those are probably the cutest things ever, and the colours are nice too 😉 Only 1 and a half months to go!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t WAIT for swatches and reviews (hopefully some of the plushglasses will be ugly so I won’t feel bad about not buying all of them!)
I came upon a website that said that girl <3 boy plushglass is similiar to NARS Turkish Delight. From the photo here do you guys think so? Here's a swatch:
do you think that it is even somewhat close to Turkish Delight? Because I want a lot from this collection, and I wouldn't want to waste my money if it's even somewhat close as I already have Turkish Delight…
Please help!
OMG! I want all of the Mineralize Blush! They are SOOO adorable!
OMG! This one is definitely going to break my wallet. So excited! =)
Hey guys! For those of you interested in a less expensive version of the Quad, check out Revlon’s quad called Lavender Meadow – I have it and think it is a great dupe!!
I will definitely be checking that out, thank you. 🙂
hi christine when will you do a swatsh of quite cute collection?
When I can purchase it – just like every other collection 🙂
very excited to see swatches of these products
Does anyone know how someone gets invited to the unveiling party. I’ve been to the “To the beach” collection party. I would love to go to the one for this collection.
The promo pic looks like audrey kitching haha
showed this collection to my boyfriend, to see if he shared in my excitement (bad move….)
he took one look at the promo image and said “quite cute? that is…quite scary!” ahahaha my thoughts exactly 😉
i have the Candy yum yum lipstick (its a great matte fucshia!! full coverege)
and the quad!! soooo shimmery and great colors!!!!
Christine, do you think there may be a possibility of this collection coming out online before April 7th? I’ll be away and am so worried if I don’t get to order it before that date, then I won’t get anything. I have a feeeling this is going to be the collection that gets sold out within an hour or two from the time it’s available online and in stores.
It will be online around the Tuesday before the launch.
This collection is soooooo pretty & cute!!! I am buying it all. I also heard that we will be having new collections coming out in May besides surf baby. There is on called Fashion Flower & the other is Flighty I believe. Christine, any information on these upcoming collections?
I don’t understand about the announcements of collections launching but the jeanius collection which is due in march has already been released here in Thailand whereas for wonder woman which is for February just arrives in stores yesterday. I live in Thailand.
This collection just might make me vomit…I will be staying the hell away from the store while this is out.
Wow. Krista. What an immature, rude & ignorant comment to make on this messageboard. If you don’t like this colleciton, that is fine. Then why are you on here & making such a nasty post? Either you are very immature or your one of the trolls lurking & just trying to ruffle feathers. Either way. The majority of us love this collection & can’t wait for it to come out. Stay away from posting such nasty posts if you don’t like a collection. All you had to say (the mature thing) would have been, not my type of collection & I won’t be spending my money on it.
Christine, how is it that ppls Are saying they have items from this collection already?!?!?! I have never read that before….. Any comments would be appreciated…
I think I’m in love…
One look at the pic and my wallet died a bit inside. After this collecton my wallet will be quite a bit lighter.
Can’t wait to see swatches!!!
I can’t wait!! This collection is soooooo cute I want it all!!! Too bad the packaging does not match the cuteness of the product. Still I will be getting almost everything in this collection.
Kewl! (yeah, outdated, but cute 🙂 This is the first collection in a while that i’ve wanted at least one from every category! (last was feline) I’m into all the violet/lavender stuff (lipstick, blush). Can’t wait to see the swatches! I just wish MAC would make a lavender/violet lip pencil…
Even though I would have loved a pretty design for this collection it’s really the quality of the product. This is one of the most fascinating & beautiful collections I’ve seem from MAC or any other company for a long time. Can’t wait to buy the quads, two of the blushes (maybe three not sure on the finances), playing koi, candy yum yum, quite cute, st. germain and playtime lipsticks. Glad I hate glosses & nail polish otherwise I’d be in dept.
OMG! This collection will break my wallet. I love it all!
I am in love~
cant wait for the pics
AD-OR-RI-BLE!!!!! Love It!!!
I think all I’m interested in here is the quad and the darkest two lipsticks. Even then, I’ll need to see swatches before I decide. For youngsters, having the word “Cute” in the collection title might well encourage them to buy regardless, but as you get older “cute” doesn’t seem relevant to makeup.
As regards the promo pic, I don’t find that cute at all – I find it disturbing, and my immediate thought is that she looks ‘vacant’
I really wish they had a close up of the models face so we could see her better.
I love this collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want everything!!! Poor pocket!
This is the perfect collection for me!!!!!!!
so cute !!!
I love how all of the colours are like interconnected within the different items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Giggly is definitely on my list!
this is the cutest collection. i want it all. reminds me of the sugarsweet collection 2 years ago by mac
I visited MAC store today and they already have had samples of everything, except the nail polishes. So they let me have a glimpse. This collection is CUTE! I am gonna be broke!
I swatched all lipsticks except Saint Germain. PLAYING KOI is so lovely and very pigmented. Must have.
I recommended to buy all lipsticks as they are extremely cute and will sell out soon. I already reserved mine with the BA.
I am not a lipglass fan. though they are super cute and very pastle, i’ll pass.
Playing Koi and Quite Cute lipsticks sound nice! Everything else sounds too pale or frosty for my liking, Thanks for the prelim info 😀
This is, in my opinion, going to be the best MAC collection — ever!!
I think I am getting giggly and bubble tea!