Free for Haul Friday, Volume #479
Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!
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- Haul/Rediscoveries: YSL lipsticks for spring, Tom Ford Beau du Jour
- Weekend plans: I feel super behind, so I’m hoping to feel less behind the ball by Sunday.
- How is your 2019 going so far?: It’s been relentless, so I’m not keeping my head above water, but here’s hoping next week is better!
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I have a small haul! I am on a long term low buy so this is a rare event, but I picked up a few things during ColourPop’s New Years sale. I’ve only had this stuff since Monday so small sample size.
Brown Sugar palette – this is my first new palette in over two years! I know, it’s not exactly exciting but I really like it so far. Very flattering for my muted coloring. I feel like I’ll get a lot of use out of it.
Paper Tiger single – love it! I was concerned that wearing yellow might make me look nuts but actually it’s awesome.
Wishful Winking single – this is absolutely gorgeous swatched but I’m not sure how to wear it exactly. I wore it on my mobile lid the other day (with Paper Tiger in the crease) and I think it looks kind of crazy. I think I’ll try it with a halo eye next.
Bae – haven’t done anything but swatch it yet. Pretty dramatic for my taste but it’s really pretty.
Wow, your first palette in two years! That’s will power.
Haul/Rediscoveries: All this week I’ve been feeling green so I finally tried the Melt Smoke Sessions palette. The shimmers and metallics are to die for. The mattes left a lot to be desired, which is surprising. So I would substitute the mattes with mattes in my Morphe 35M palette or Morphe x James Charles palette. The green mattes in those palettes are far from dupes but they worked with the glittery green shadows in the Melt palette.
No hauls, just shopping my stash and dipping into palettes I haven’t dipped into yet.
Weekend plans: My partner and I plan to casually shop for table lamps and then I want to stay indoors and bake cookies. It’s going to be snowy all weekend, and nothing’s better than a snow day and chocolate chip cookies. I got a KitchenAid stand mixer for Christmas and I’ve been using it twice a week since then. I’m constantly baking.
How is your 2019 going so far? Pretty darn fantastic! I’ve begun incorporating exercise and meditation into my life two weeks before the new year to create a new habit and I’ve stuck with it every day. And 2019 has started promising so I hope to maintain this good feeling through the rest of the year.
I’m getting more serious about my meditation practice too! (I did an hour this morning.)
A kitchenaid mixer is one of the best gifts ever. I got mine for Christmas over 25 years ago, and I used it almost daily while the kids were growing up. I still use every week or two. I would never be without one.
I would absolutely love it if it were to snow here – all we have is endlessly hot weather here in Melb. Aus.
I am interested in your thoughts about the Melt Smoke palette. I wouldn’t really use the mattes, it’s the shimmers and metallics I love the most.
I was just using one of the mattes in the Smoke Sessions palette the other night and I was also disappointed in it. I love the mattes in the Gemini palette (which I used in the same look).
The metallics in Smoke Sessions are great, except mine are very loosely pressed so they make a mess. But ohhhhh those greens!
Haul/Rediscoveries: Elf blush palette
Weekend plans: im supposed to be going to a wedding but its supposed to snow so Idk…
How is your 2019 going so far?: It’s been okay, I’ve been sick most of the time which is annoying
I hope you are feeling better soon Sienna. It’s pretty easy to catch a winter cold.
Haul: I finally got my hands on the Flower Beauty Blush Bomb in Pinched (it’s available on the Flower Beauty website right now if you’ve been trying to get your hands on it too)! I already have Melon, which is really pretty, but I wanted something more neutral. I also got a Flower Beauty sponge which was on sale and I got 25% off my whole order, so that was nice. Let’s see, what else… I didn’t comment last week, but I got a few CT things: The Hollywood Light wand, which is the most stunning tone and my new favorite punchy highlight, the Luxury Eyeshadow palette in the Dolce Vita and Vintage Vamp, still trying these out and not too sure what I think about them yet, a couple of matte lipsticks, Red Carpet Red and Pillowtalk, both are lovely, a blush in Ecstasy, and a lipgloss in sweet stiletto, which I really like! Oh and I got the Dose of Colors Desi x Katy Friendcation palette, which is really cool!
Rediscoveries: Physician’s Formula Healthy Foundation and some of my more colourful eyeshadow palettes.
Weekend plans: There’s a big snow storm heading to the midwest, so I may be snowed in, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Other than that, I have plans to meet with my BFF for breakfast on Sunday (weather permitting).
How is your 2019 going so far?: Much slower than the end of 2018. I feel like I can breathe again, lol.
Haul/Rediscoveries: Well, my no-buy as officially ended, like a NY’s fitness resolution :(, but I’ll keep on trucking at it.
So, onto my “haul” (since January is a big sale month in France)…I got 50% of two Marc Jacob brushes, 70% off Dr. Brandt’s BB cream with Flextone (wow, it really works great on me, I’ll have to go back at that price), 50% of Kat Von D Ink Liner (my first) in a beautiful Baudelaire (blue), 50% off Sephora Cleansing wipes and glass nail file, and the reason for the break fo the no-buy, Fenty’s launch on the concealer (which I purchased at 10% off) in 310 & 320. And don’t shoot me for this comment, even with 50 colors, I couldn’t find a perfect match, 300 and 310 are soooo close, but ever so too light, 320 is peachy (and great as a corrector, but not a concealer) and 330 jumps ahead a tad too much and is too dark.
Weekend plans: Rest, sleep, read.
How is your 2019 going so far?: Mixed, emotionally due to losses and I was holding out on my no-buy and feeling pretty good until I saw the a Fenty review (and then great sales on sooo many brands!!!)
Don’t feel alone on the Fenty complexion products. I could not match a foundation. They were all totally yellow on the ‘cool’ side. Tha SAs thought I had goofed, but, no, alas. Doubt i’ll even look at the concealers.
Hi Jane,
I am curious about the Dr. Brandt BB cream. I know in general, BB creams don’t have much coverage but how would you describe the coverage of this one? I am always happy to try another BB or CC cream but do need to have a little coverage. My skin is very dry so if it is moisturizing or glowy, I am all for it. Thank you.
Haul: Notoriously Morbid Miniwashitu eye shadow and Mother Night lipstick. Black Moon Cosmetics Moon Glam cosmic eye dust mini trio.
Weekend plans: Nothingggg because I have a nasty cold.
How is 2019 going so far: The last 2 months have been one awful thing after another and I hope it ends soon because I’m starting to feel like someone’s just stomping on my family.
I hope the year turns out better for you Alice – lots of colds during winter for you to feel awful.
I hope your family situation improves for everyone’s wellbeing.
I hope things get better for your family, Alice. Feel better soon!
Mother Night Lipstick is so gorgeous. I got it when I last ordered from MN, and I’m in love with it.
*ColourPop Sale – Lipsticks in Chocolate and Cinnamon, Pressed shadows in Howlin’ and Bassline (pretty), and Lip Liners in 951 and BFF3, Fourth Ray Spot Treatment in Later Hater
*Beautylish ( $20 giftcard) – Lin Choo Lipstick in Duras (packaging is very luxe, nice formula), Eau Thermale Avene Soothing Eye Contour Cream (liking this)
*Weekend – after the crazy busy holidays, hoping to get some much needed rest and relaxation
*2019 – Not bad -we’re healthy and employed, I’m still sticking to my low buy, just need to start exercising more.
You will love Chocolate and Cinnamon Katherine. These are stunning lipsticks. I have been using them for a couple of months and they are always so beautiful.
Genevieve, you’re right! Chocolate is gorgeous on me, glad someone brought those ’90s red browns back! Cinnamon pulls a lot yellower than expected, but it still looks good on me, and I don’t have any color like it either.
I’ve had the ELxViolette Blue Dahlia palette for a few weeks and I really like it. The colors coordinate really well so when I look at it I can see which colors go together and it’s pretty easy to pull together a bold look quickly. Basically you choose blue, gold, or blue and gold. Simple. And all the colors are vibrant and purposeful. Probably the best palette purchase (more than 4 shades) I’ve ever made.
Haul: I have an incoming order from Sephora, including Overdrive 24/7 Glide-On Pencil and their Eyeshadow Primer Potion. I haven’t used their primer in about 10 years, so I’m excited! I also used Poshmark to purchase a Pat McGrath Lust 004 Everything Kit for $60 (!!!!!!!)– hope it turns out well, and all my Poshmark purchases have so far. After these essentials, I have 2 more things on my list to buy from Pat McGrath, then it’s low-buy for the year…
Weekend plans: I’m going to a party tonight, an art museum tomorrow, and then brunch on Sunday at my favorite community cafe. I also need to schedule in some time for creative writing since I’ve been struck with inspiration recently.
2019 is going well, I think? Started it with family, been spending lots of time with friends, and have minimized the number of sad conversations I engage in with my ex, lol. (2019, I promise I’m trying.) Bama lost the National Championship, which was a low, but overall I’ve enjoyed this year!
This is my first time commenting on one of these posts, and I aim to be a more active participant in the community. I visit this website every day, so it’s about time I get to know everybody 🙂
Welcome, Ciara!
That sounds like a perfect long weekend to me Ciara. I hope you get some time to write and get your thoughts down on paper. And hopefully your ex will move on….
Mellan’s ears look so super soft! He deserves to be spoiled in every way possible!
Haul: Sticking strong to my low-buy, though I had to buy a new brow pencil to replace the one I just used up. This time, I bought ABH Brow Wiz instead of Dior Brow Styler to save money. I only bought that one item, but the sales associate (whom I’ve come to know because I’m such a frequent customer) was feeling very generous and gave me a great gift-with-purchase (even though I didn’t make the appropriate purchase): A rose gold Bare Minerals cosmetic bag containing Lash Domination Volumizing Mascara, Mineral Veil Finishing Powder, Skinlongevity Vital Powder Infusion, and Gen Nude Lipgloss in Sugar. So I stuck to my low-buy resolution, and STILL came home with a bag full of makeup…Lol!
Weekend plans: Chores, volunteering
How is your 2019 going so far? I just spent a lot on my car (new tires, new battery, new brakes), but other than that, it’s going pretty normally.
That was a great bargain Seraphine – the bareMinerals products are really lovely.
Got my urban Decay liquid moondust in solstice today. Hoping to try it on tomorrow.
Who cares about m/u? (Though the Zoeva order from Jan 2 came today. Nine days. Awesome.). MY DRYER CAME AND WAS INSTALLED TODAY. I am beyond thrilled. It has only been since mid Oct, and 3 changes of work schedule. No more Lowe’s, ever. Seriously, this bec of a change in phone #? Caveat Emptor! Zoeva had a post holiday sale at 25%. Hauled Cocoa Blend set, Spice of Life set (that’s an odd one, first I ever thought did not resemble online swatches. It’s warm, not red-based, and contrasts decently w/blue eyes, so not discouraged.) and 3 LLs. Including the gray-green. I really like their lacquer lips. Shiny, but not OTT and no feathering.) more excited about no laundromat, tbh. SSDW. Next week is 2 day bowel prep, and UGI/LGI endo, at the hospital, not their center. High risk. Infection and inflammation, and I know it won’t go well. I’d be satisfied with no colon cancer. It’s either the beginning of getting better or the beginning of the end. Whatever. 2019? Well my life is a total work around, in all facets. I have my pups for support.
I attempted to buy a washer and dryer from Lowe’s last year and it was a NIGHTMARE. They cancelled the order because they were out of stock but they didn’t tell me about it at all. I ended up reordering the exact same washer and dryer from Sears and the process went fine. Lowe’s is a disaster.
I hope your medical procedures go well, they don’t sound like fun at all. And I hope the diagnosis is, at least, a manageable one. When my twin sister had one of these last year, afterwards she told the nurses she was going to buy at least 3 jewelry items to compensate for the discomfort…
You are in for some discomfort next week but I know your pups will see you through it. Please keep letting us know how you are doing.
Yep, KJH, some things really are far more exciting than makeup! And not having to deal with laundromats or an apartment laundry room is one of those times. Glad to hear you got your dryer!
And…you certainly have my empathy with having to undergo the prep for the UGI scope. Been through many. Always hate it. Life with Crohn’s, what can I say. The procedure itself isn’t so bad, just have them put you under and you won’t even know anything until it’s over.
Good luck with your procedure next week! Fingers crossed for no cancer.
I’m so glad you finally got a dryer. What a nightmare you’ve been through with that. Laundromats suck.
Haul/Rediscoveries: No new purchases and negative rediscoveries. I was looking forward to wearing some red blushes I had put aside but the gel one I bought in Japan in 2015 dried up and pilled on my skin. I guess I should not have been surprised. Then I played with a Jordan’s stick in apple red but didn’t look right with the warm neutral eyes I have been wearing so back into the stash it goes. I will make a dent in Colourpop SS blush in Bardot.
Weekend plans: My husband’s college friends are visiting so we have a bunch of restaurant meals set up plus a play.
How has 2019 been going? It has been fine but honestly not very different than the end of 2018.
Are you reviewing the shade extension for the YSL Rouge Volupte lipsticks?! SO EXCITED!!!!
No really, I was at Sephora the day they launched and befuddled the girl working there (they weren’t on display yet) by asking to see them… but I picked up #80 and #83 and they are so so so so beautiful. Ugh, so lovely. I think my preferences run to slightly more sheer formulas than you, so it’ll be nice to see what you think of them.
Haul: I don’t think I actually purchased anything but my Sephora (Pat McGrath lipsticks!), Colourpop and Beauty Bay orders all arrived. And I got Shiseido Visionary Gel lipsticks in Streaming Mauve and Night Rose first thing this morning!
Weekend plans: It’s my 40th birthday, so my mum is putting on brunch and then my husband is taking me out for dinner someplace secret. I plan to drink champagne, nap at lunch time and do whatever I please! Sunday I will probably just lie in bed and read all day.
How is 2019 going so far?: Can’t lie, it’s been pretty great for me so far – I was on holiday until the 7th, went back to work and got paid to do very little because it was so quiet, I’m having a celebration weekend and I also have Monday off. Can’t complain about that…
Happy birthday CeeBee!
Happy birthday CeeBee and it sounds like a fabulous birthday weekend you have lined up. It’s great to have some orders arrive on your birthday, especially ones like PMG lippies, ColourPop and Beauty Bay.
Enjoy your secret dinner outing. What a lovely surprise.
Thank you so much, it was an amazing day! We had a SUPERB dinner and then went for a stroll in the botanical rose gardens at sunset in our bare feet (and helped rescue a frisbee out of a tree, LOL) so it was very lovely. I am so lucky!
PS. My Pat McGrath Unfaithful Luxetrance lipstick lasted through champagne, corn fritters with prosciutto and salad greens, sour cream and tropical mango chilli salsa (it wore off a little in the middle but that’s to be expected), grape juice, coffee and fresh spiced fruit loaf and I STILL had colour on my lips at 3.30pm. I slapped on some lip balm and called it good. It was 🙂
OK CeeBee, I am officially jealous of the beautiful lunch you had…..I’m glad your special day worked out so well. Enjoy your day off on Monday too.
Happy Birthday, CeeBee!
Happy Birthday!
Well, heck, I’d be spoiling him rotten, too! How could anyone say no to those big, sweet puppy dog eyes? ?
Haul : Even though I actually ordered it a week ago, Thursday I believe, I forgot to add it to last week’s FFHF: MAC Lotus Light. Supposed to be here any minute (or hour?) today. 2 more b/ups of WnW Reserve Your Cabana.
Weekend plans: Not much, other than attending the meeting on Sunday. Did my roots Wednesday, so I just had to do a full face of makeup yesterday and hit Scottsdale Fashion Square! Used every purple and purple duochrome in Viseart Coy yesterday, and WOW! The compliments on my eye look from every SA I came into contact with at both Sephora and MAC may have just sold that palette to several MU enthusiasts, lol! Unfortunately, I neglected to take any selfies. Sorry Janine!
How is your 2019 going so far? *Still* waiting to hear from my doctor’s scheduling dept about my upcoming cardiac catherization procedure. The longer they delay, the more apprehensive I’m becoming. I hate being in this state of limbo! Beyond that, I’m still just trying to figure out where I’m going to move to. Glendale? Because it’s near my kids? Or back to NJ because of it feeling like “home”, having a few close friends back there, and no extreme heat for 5 months straight, superior medical care? Oy vey! Or, as some suggest, renew my lease for another year and get my heart issues under control first. Only if my son moved over this way would I be at peace with that.
I wish we could see that eye look!
How did your recent treatment go? How are you feeling?
So do I, Tammy! Unfortunately, by the time I had finished, there wasn’t any good light outside (and you can fuggedabout my indoor lighting!) or I sure would have taken some pics!
I can understand how nervous and anxious you are getting because of the delays in your medical procedure. It must be so frustrating for you.
As to your place of residence – I can, again, understand why you would want to move back to NJ – the winter months alone would be a bonus instead of the unrelenting heat. But at least here, where you are, you have a great doctor and you can’t be guaranteed of that if you move. Plus having your son living near to you is important to both of you. A hard decision Nancy.
Genevieve, yes, the waiting is driving me bananas. I just want to get it over with, to be honest.
As for my move, or lack thereof, it has me stressed out because no matter what choice I go with, there will be sacrifices to go with it. Question I wrestle with is which one I can live with. Even though my son urges me to stay in AZ, I just don’t know how much he could or would actually help when push comes to shove. He already works 10-14 hour days.
One of the benefits if you chose to live back in NJ would be that he could spend his holidays with you and then you could see each other properly.
Another factor would be the cost of relocating… is the rental market inexpensive in NJ?
I guess you could create a Plus, Minus and Interesting chart and put all of your thoughts on paper – that might help you.
I would love to see Coy on you. Take pictures next time. I thinking of moving across town and it is hard. i can’t imagine contemplating moving across the country, even if that is home.
I will definitely try to do so next time, Lesley! Especially if I do that same purple look again soon. ?
That doctor’s office is sure taking their sweet time scheduling you. I don’t blame you for being nervous.
I wish I had advice about the move. Maybe this is a case where you should go with your gut feelings.
You’ll have to recreate your Coy look and take some pics for us. I’d love to see it.
*ColourPop — Lux Lipstick in Sweetener; PPS in Try Me, Neutrino, Solstice With the Mostest, and Mr. Sandman; SSS in Bouncy; Makeup Ur Mind and Wet palettes; Pink Small Palette; Holographic Large Palette; GWP Chasing Rainbows Palette. (I already had Chasing Rainbows, so I’ll be giving this one to a friend.)
*NYX (sale) — Machinist Highlighting Duo; In Your Element Palettes in Wind and Water.
*Macy’s (sale) — MAC Oh, Sweetie Lipcolour in Raspberry Cream, Gumdrop, and Death by Chocolate; MAC Shiny Pretty Things Lip Set; MAC MAC Mirage Noir Lipglass in Treasure Beach; various gifts with purchases.
*Sephora (sale)– Killawatt Foil Freestyle Highlighter Palette.
*Darling Girl –Glittergram Subscription Pink Ladies Collection
??????? ?????: Tomorrow night our family is going to see Animaniacs in Concert. We could use some laughs.
??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????: Not great
I hope you enjoy your concert as a family Rachel. Sorry to hear that 2019 hasn’t been too kind to you.
Thank you, Genevieve. We loved cartoons. I watched Animaniacs when I as pregnant with my kids, and they watched the series while it was on Netflix. The voice actors seem like such funny and nice people, too. My husband and brother are going with us. The family that nerds together, stays together. 😉
The year could be starting off worse, there’s just some stress and uncertainty going on right now. We’ll get through it. That you for your good wishes.
My family are avid Star Trek, train set mad people, so I think we nerd together well too. I am glad that your family are going to see something funny and enjoyable.
Good luck with everything Rachel.
Haul: I am on a low-buy so I am being very careful about my purchases. (I only bought three items in December.) This month must be a lipgloss month because last week I picked up Fenty Gloss Bomb in Fu$$y and yesterday I ordered the warm and cool Pat McGRATH mini Lust Gloss Trios. I was already toying with the idea of buying one Lust Gloss per month, so when I saw my opportunity to get six colors for less than the cost of two full size glosses, I jumped on the chance. I also got one of the Biossance Squaline + Phyto-Retinol Serum Sample Sets (7 samples!) and I’m looking forward to using these when I go to San Antonio in three weeks to see my son graduate from Air Force bootcamp.
Rediscovery: I loved Anastasia’s Self Made Palette the minute I first dipped my brushes into the colors, but I was buying so many eyeshadow palettes at such a rapid rate, I never took the time to really use it. After two weeks of being sick and not wearing makeup, I picked it up again this week. It is a perfect palette! I almost wish it had been the only palette I had purchased that year so I would’ve used and loved it more. Even the warm shadows in this palette look pretty neutral on me, so overall this is one of the more cool/neutral palettes in my collection. It is so easy to use, I can get an outstanding look in under five minutes with this one. After using primarily Pat McGRATH shadows throughout November and December, I actually felt I like this palette better (blasphemy!). It’s just easier, the colors have great pigment and saturation, and unlike the PM shadows, these stay put and stay color true all day. Some of the PM shadows are show stoppers, to be sure, but no matter what primer I use, they fade significantly throughout the day. I know I’m just tired and I still love my PM palettes, but Self Made is like warm soup and a hug when I’m feeling low. Almost no effort required and it’s just so damn easy to create a great look.
Weekend: I got so very sick. Last week at this time I was ready to throw in the towel on life, quit my job, and just stay in bed forever. I was desperate to feel better, so I cut out everything: caffeine, alcohol, sugar, wheat, dairy, television, cell phone, computer, makeup, you name it…and I made sleep the altar where I worshipped. I went to bed every night by 8:30 and stayed in bed until 6:30 every morning. I drank lots of smoothies made with cucumbers, celery, fresh lemon juice, berries, camu camu, spirolina, and chlorella. It took about five days, but I finally began to feel better. My cold, which had been dragging me down for over two weeks, finally began to recede (I am still coughing up mucus but I’m no longer feeling fatigued). My grief over my son leaving is still present but after allowing myself to really immerse myself in the sadness (journaling, crying, finding some support from other military and empty nesting mothers), I am starting to feel able to walk by his empty room without bursting into tears. And now we are finally close enough to his graduation date (less than 3 weeks!) that I am able to anticipate the joy of watching my boy graduate from BMT. I think I am going to be okay.
This weekend I will continue my self care. I am going to cook food that works for me, do a little exercise, and apparently deal with a significant amount of snow (we are expecting 3-6 inches).
2019: I have lots of thoughts running around my head about how I want to conduct myself in 2019. Right now healthy eating has been successful but this is not unusual for me. I am wanting to change my spending habits and I am actually two months into a radically altered budget, which is also going well. I am starting off my year with no more children at home, and am hopeful that I will begin the process of growing into this new chapter of my life, but I know there is still sadness and it won’t be an easy transition for me. I am earnestly working on mindfulness (daily) and recognizing when I am engaging in nonproductive thoughts. My goal is to really get good this year at learning to stay present and be kind towards myself. I am seven months into transportating into grey hair. I give myself permission to dye at any time, but I am undergoing an enormous shift in my thoughts and feelings about aging. I want to be a woman at peace with myself at this age and stage. I want to not have my mind taken away from what’s truly valuable in my life (people) by distractions of my thinning hair, wrinkling skin, or my physical shape. I want to take care of myself, for sure, but not be consumed by stopping what’s happening to me. I want to be an example to my daughters and granddaughters of how a woman grows older with grace. I want to smile more and focus more on loving and laughing.
I love the way you’re taking care of yourself.
Congratulations on going gray. I did it about 10 years ago and never looked back. I love my hair and embrace it in its naturalness. I don’t miss the long time in the colorist’s chair either. Another benefit is that it shows people that I’m not afraid to show who I really am. I think I get more attention too, since many women my age are still clinging to the whole color routine/look. (Apologies to anyone who takes this wrong; to each her/his own.)
Glad to hear you are feeling better, Tammy. The combination of illness and your son leaving home was a double whammy for you. I know it probably seemed like forever but the time has passed fairly quickly and you will be able to have more interaction with him since he will have graduated basic. Even just being able to talk on the phone more frequently will help.
I admire your insight and willingness to evaluate your priorities with regards to aging and the normal changes we experience as we get older. Above all else, health is important and feeling at peace with whatever decision we make. I think your line of work also contributes to needing to reflect. You give so much of yourself at work , at home and it is hard to find time to just be present for yourself. I let my nursing license lapse and was feeling both excited and scared of letting it go. It has defined my life since I was 18 and was more than a vocation. I think social work is the same. It is so much a part of who you are that periodically you need to replenish your soul.
Tammy, I am so pleased to read that you are finally getting over your illness – it sounds like a case of the flu – not just a cold. When you are feeling really ill, negative thoughts do creep in quite easily.
Eating healthily, staying positive and sleeping well are really important. Are you working too hard?
I am sure you have enough makeup to use and enjoy for awhile and that Anastasia Self Made palette looks lovely.
I am not really tempted by PMG myself, as the Sephora near to me, has only a very limited range and it doesn’t have enough shades in the palettes that I would use to justify the huge expense. That’s interesting what you say about the shades not lasting as long as you’d hope (or expect).
Take care Tammy and I hope you are feeling much stronger next week.
Tammy- I’ve never posted to this site, but when I read your post, my heart just felt for you and I had to post. First, I’ve been an Air Force spouse for many years; second, both my sons were in the AF, one already retired after 22 years, and one still active duty in Colorado Springs. I also worked for 40 years for the AF, retiring from AF Recruiting Svc. I, like you, when my youngest left to go in, when the bus pulled away and he couldn’t see me, I went to my car and cried like a baby. At night, I would wake up when I thought it was him coming in the door. BUT, when we went to the BMT graduation and parade, I was so proud of the decision my son made and how excited he was to start life. He left home a boy and turned into a man in 6 weeks. I was amazed how much he had changed, so responsible and mature. I know you will feel the same when you see your son; yes, empty nest is hard at first, but be proud of the job you’ve done raising your son and preparing him for the world. It will get much easier.
Welcome Connie – it’s lovely of you to share your life’s experiences with us. How wonderful your son sounds. It is hard when your children leave the nest and start their own lives independently of us. After all, we have spent so much time and effort nurturing them.
I am touched that you took the time to make a comment on my post. Every military mother who reaches out to me does my heart a world of good. Thank you for sharing your story and providing support!
Lovely post. I like your plans! Keep us posted.
Since grieving and sadness most certainly lower immune responses in our bodies, I’m not surprised at how your body went into almost a state of revolt. All it needed was the germ to set it off. I am truly sorry that you are having to deal with such a full plate recently. Hopefully, things will turn around for you and your body will make a full, complete recovery soon!
Also, I so admire your courage with allowing the gray to grow in, Tammy! I’m not 100% there yet, but I am sooo sick and tired of having to retouch my roots every 5 weeks or so. If I could, I would go to a fab colorist and have darkish platinum (different than platinum blonde) and another flattering lighter shade threaded through my very dark (almost black) hair in order to grow it in more seamlessly and make it less intimidating. Only catch? I won’t be able to get away with my very colorful, even loud, makeup looks like I can now.
I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better.
It sounds like you’re really taking control of your life, and I admire you for it.
Haul: the only thing I bought this week is the Tarte eyeshadow pot in Martini. I think I’ve actually reached the point where I’m (almost) not interested in new makeup any more – I really have way too much and almost everything I see is “been there/done that” so I think my low buy might actually be both easier than I thought it might be and also quite calming.
Weekend plans: hubby’s in Nassau with his team (work team, not sports team) and I’ve been enjoying my time alone. I plan on hitting the gym tomorrow but probably a bit later than when we go together.
2019 so far: I hope this doesn’t sound macabre but this will be the year when my mother in law passes away. We actually didn’t expect she would make it to Christmas; now we’re hoping she’ll see her next birthday (she’ll be 94 in 11 days). We’ve had and still have a lot of frustration and stress helping care for her (she has 5 kids and 4 kids-in-law but the bulk of all the stress falls on me, my husband and one of his sisters; the others….well, lots of talk but that’s where it all ends). But other than that, my life so far is great – good health, happy, healthy and productive kids, funny, relatively healthy husband, job I love so lots of blessings to enjoy.
The “calm” of the low-buy is a real thing. I feel it too.
My husband was out of town for two days this week. With my youngest child away at bootcamp, this was literally my first time ever in my home alone. It was amazing!
Tammy, I think for those of us who’ve been “into” makeup for years (and who are past age 40, perhaps) just have so much stuff that it is all repetitive when we seen “new” this or that. I nearly bought the ABH Amrezy highlighter a few weeks ago and then stopped myself because it’s REALLY not a good colour for me and I already have so many highlighters that I rarely use. I realize that I just wanted it because it was coveted and hard to come by, not because it was something I either liked or needed or that even flattered me. And more and more, it’s becoming like this. The only things I ever finish are skin care products and lipstick, plus the occasional bottle of foundation. So I’ll be buying fewer and fewer things – or at least trying to resist. That “calm” feeling is such a delightful and new sensation and it’s replaced that sort of anxiety that used to accompany the “fear of missing out” on something new.
I’ve had the house to myself several times over the years and I’ve always enjoyed it, though it’s much easier now that I don’t have 3 children at home. Great to read that you are enjoying it too!
Yes to that wonderful calm feeling, Mariella! Having only bought that one very beautiful lipstick this past week, I felt that sense of relief, too. Also a big yes to the fact that those of us who are somewhat older and/or just have larger stashes rarely see anything truly “new” or different enough at a certain point. I’m there now, too. Very little I see lately blows up my skirt or gives me a case of the FOMO as it did even a year ago. Thanks for reminding me about ABH Self-made. Mine has sat seriously neglected!
I absolutely love having the place to myself Mariella, so I can understand how much you are enjoying your time alone. Is your house back to normal now? No leaks? You certainly had some bad luck there for awhile.
I also can empathize with your situation re your mother in law too. And I hope that she make it to her 94th birthday, which is quite outstanding.
When my twin sister was caring for her aged mother in law, the bulk of the work re the nursing home, her daily needs, medical and financial situation fell onto my sister. And it took a lot of work on her part. It’s not easy at all. And she knew all about the others that talk only…
Enjoy your weekend Mariella. Take care.
Genevieve, your sister (and you) really do “get it” regarding caring for an elderly parent. I’m an only child so wen through this with my own mom but there wasn’t this annoying sense that some people (so quick to criticize and “make suggestions” – why don’t YOU do this? why don’t YOU try that?) not only don’t pull their weight but seem so full of “advice” but aren’t there to do any of the “heavy lifting” (figuratively and literally). Thank you so much for your supportive words.
As for the house – problems solved but we took the opportunity to start a major purging of our closets and the kids’ closets as well (we are hanging on to stuff of theirs that they no longer want….I think a lot of parents do this; they’ve all made it clear there’s nothing here they want, except for some text books that belong to our younger son, so we have to do a somewhat heart-wrenching purging of closets and drawers!) Once that’s done, then things should return to normal….that is UNTIL we start to renovate the kitchen!!!!
Kitchen renovations are so much fun! We started ours 1.5 years ago, and have only one more step before it’s complete (we did most of the work ourselves, including stripping and painting our cabinets). We both work long hours and have lots of responsibilities, so I guess we’ve been slower at completing than some.
That”s interesting because my husband is an only child too and it was so much more easy to look after his parents ourselves and sort things out to their benefit.
And after listening to what my closest girlfirends went through with their parents and siblings who offered advice from afar (and lots of criticism) it made the whole process of caring for an elderly person so much more harder. They generally felt underappreciated as well.
Best of luck in the house clearing process. Soon as summer is over, I am starting that as well.
Caring for an elderly or disabled relative is not easy, and too often if falls on one or two people with the rest of the family coming up with excuses why they can’t. The same people that have all the “advice” on what caregivers should be doing, of course. Your MIL is lucky to have you.
Haul: Cargo Swimmables eyeliner in Pebble Beach and Sleek Intense Waterline pencil in Zodiac Black.
Weekend plans: Netflix, and hopefully cleaning out one of the bedrooms.
How is your 2019 going so far?: Not good. Yesterday I had a migraine that was so bad, I was in bed until 2pm.
Hi Chris,
I empathize with your migraines. I have suffered from Vestibular Migraines since 1999 and go through flair ups periodically that don’t respond to my usual daily prophylaxis. I use to fight going to lie down as a sign of weakness and finally my Dr. told me to listen to my body and if the migraine is bad, go to bed. Turn out all the lights. pull the curtains and take the meds. After fighting his advice for years, I now do what I know I should do. I sincerely hope you are feeling better. Migraines are just the worst.
Have you heard about the new monthly treatment called Emgality for chronic migraine? My doctor mentioned it to me yesterday as being a real game changer. Fortunately my headaches are not that frequent or severe and I make do with rizatriptan.
How cute is Mellon? He looks really comfortable on his new bed.
Haul: Nothing this week. I went into Sephora Aus. this week to check out their Lipstories shade Hong Kong by Night, but alas – could not find it. Not only that, but the MUA couldn’t help me either. Apparently they don’t even have a list of what’s available in the store and have no way of looking up the number or the shade name. Very sad face.
Rediscoveries: Pulled out Stila in the Garden this week and it has a beautiful taupe and sage green shade that I am loving.
Weekend Plans: A pretty quiet one this weekend as it is so hot. Just the usual things – shopping for food,
laundry and a few DVD’s planned.
2019 – So far, it has been OK – I have had my grandchildren over a lot playing with the many toys we have here, taking Olivia out on excursions and lots of preparing of salads and BBQ’s.
I can order HK by Night Lip Story on the NZ site online, so surely Australia must have it?!!?!!??!?!
I can order it online CeeBee, and the MUA suggested that – by why pay for shipping when I am actually in the shop? That’s what I think. I was so annoyed by the negative attitude more than anything else.
Haul or rediscoveries: Nothing hauled although I am going to need to place a skin care order pretty soon. I had actually planned to do it last week and didn’t and now I am reviewing Renee’s (Gothamista) 2018 favorites to see if there are any changes I want to make. I think I am happy with my routine except for the moisturizing and potentially my eye area. I have used Dr. Dennis Gross Ferulic and Retinol gel for my eyes for several years now but lately it seems like anything I use around my eyes causes some irritation, like a burn. Not sure what has changed but I need to decide which direction I am going in before buying anything. So far my no-buy/low buy is going well. I am actually pretty proud of myself.
Weekend plans: Nothing special. I have to go to Kalispell on Monday for an appointment and that is roughly a 3 hour drive. I am watching the weather and if it is looking bad then I may go up on Sunday and stay over. We have had so little snow here that I am actually praying for some snow. My appointment is to discuss Medicare and decide which direction I am going with that. I turned 65 last week and frankly, I am frustrated with the whole process for getting Medicare. I am a college graduate for pity sake and when I can’t figure it out then there is something wrong. I am daily bombarded with mail from insurance companies trying to convince me to go with their plans. I have spoken with Medicare on the phone, gone to my local SS office and already met with one Medicare counselor and still don’t know what I want to do. This appointment is with an individual who comes highly recommended as someone who can look at all the options, review my health history, medications, etc and get me on the right path. We have all heard that comment that ageing is not for the faint of heart and boy is it the truth. Things should be easier for you as you age and not harder. Between trying to decide when to draw SS, Medicare, taxes and the effect of tax law changes on our daily lives, I am pretty frustrated. Sorry, didn’t mean to go off on this tangent.
How is 2019: I guess okay. I have been pretty melancholy for the past month or so and maybe was just overloaded with things between holidays, family death and general life evaluation. I have been spending time re-evaluating my life and not in a positive way and after reading through the comments above my post, I think many of us may be feeling the same. I have been questioning my move to Montana in view of ageing and the potential to need to be closer to medical facilities. Don’t get me wrong, I love where I live but I definitely have been concerned about what will happen when my health has deteriorated and I have to travel 3 hours to find decent health care. I am also concerned about my daughter and her reluctance to start her life because she is concerned about leaving me here alone. So many things that I should have paid more attention to before actually moving here. I am starting to take vitamin D because it may just be lack of that making me feel more depressed. Anyway, I am hoping that things will start to look up soon. I am going to go into Glacier National Park when I am in Kalispell and that always cheers me up.
Deborah, my mom is turning 66 next month and the past year of Medicare decisions has been difficult for her too. The kicker is she worked in insurance for over fifteen years and it was still tough. I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel next week!
It is good that you are seeking advice around your insurance needs. You will find something that works for you reasonably well but it does take some effort. I say that from the other side of 65.
Half of my clients are 65+, and the difficulties with Medicare are often a topic of discussion. (You know it’s hard when you have to process your frustration in your counseling session, lol.) A client told me Thursday he’s had three different Medicare advisors tell him three different things about his coverage, and these are all in opposition. Another client is moving his wife with Alzheimer’s to Medicare and figuring out the medication coverage alone is a nightmare and going to take months to figure out. I have a theory about state and government funded programs: they make them nearly impossible to navigate to dissuade people from using them.
As someone who is evaluating the direction of my life and transitioning to a new chapter in life, I can appreciate the difficulty inherent in the process. It can’t all be great, or else we would have to have been masterminds when we were making those big life decisions in our 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. My perspective has completely shifted to retirement and other issues of aging in the past 12 months. And yes, we’ve made a few regrettable decisions too. I am trying to figure out what direction to take moving forward, not just emotionally, but financially as well. Where should we live when we retire? When should we sell our house? How are we going to survive on a fixed income? So many things to consider.
I will be honest with you: You do need to consider access to medical care and other services as you age. I work with many older people who are in crisis due to living in rural areas and having medical issues. The isolation can take a psychological toll as well, particularly when people are no longer able to drive and there are no community resources or family members to help them. The good news is you’re healthy and strong right now, as well as intelligent,and have time to figure out a plan. I bet you and your daughter will come up with a great plan together, and there will be more adventures to come.
But yeah, we don’t get to see the sunlight without having a few rainy days (blue mood) to go with them.
Oh, I forgot to comment on Gothamista’s 2018 skincare favorites video! That video was so comforting to me and just filled me with unexpected joy. Listening to her talk about skincare products is like seeing a therapist, only the topic is skin health instead of mental health. (But I think my skincare routine is part of my self-care, so it does benefit my state of mind.) I want to just listen to her video over and over, and share it with everyone, lol.
I am using about five of the products she recommended and am thinking where I can plug in another one. I love Peach & Lily Lazy Day pads (I used one this morning and like to put it on first on the nights when I’m using Jordan Samuel Etoile retinol oil), and so I really want get Peach & Lily’s Glass Skin. I would also like to pick up the Pestle & Mortar Eye Recovery (maybe you could layer this under or over your retinol eye product to help make the experience a little more gentle). I have heard nothing but rave reviews on Pestle & Mortar Skincare.
Ugh. Dealing with government programs are always a nightmare. Everyone tells you something different. I hope the specialist you’re seeing can get it all straightened out for you.
Haul: Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Concealer in 350, Fenty Beauty Pro Filt’r Setting Powder in Hazelnut (I exchanged Drunk Elephant’s Protini Moisturizer for them bc it was causing breakouts)
Rediscoveries: Natasha Denona Aeris & Joya palettes and Viseart Dark Mattes palette
Weekend plans: the snowstorm has me pretty much shut in for the weekend, so I’ll be packing and washing my hair
My 2019 is pretty stressful so far. I move in a week and I’ve barely got anything packed. So I feel pretty overwhelmed.
Oh I was so excited, I was going to ask you where you found the Joya palette and the realized it’s a REDISCOVERY.
I definitely feel for you, Jessica. Moving is never fun to begin with, but extremely unpleasant when it’s a rushed move. My daughter is currently going through the same thing. And it’s awful for her as well. If you can catch a breather, take it! ❤️
Haul/Rediscoveries: Hourglass Diffused Heat blush (which hasn’t come in the mail yet) and three MAC pro pan singles (Nylon, Sumptuous Olive, Satin Taupe). I put myself on a low buy but my aunt’s birthday is next week and I decided to buy something from Sephora. The MAC, I saw a swatch somewhere and Sumptuous Olive spoke to me. Nylon was an insistence from one of my closest friends, and Satin Taupe came because I decluttered my Jaclyn Hill Morphe palette and missed the shade in there that it was close to.
Weekend plans: I have loose plans to see Into The Spiderverse and have some plans with myself to work on a look I have in my head.
How is your 2019 going so far?: Work has been hectic but luckily my skin is looking amazing so it’s a toss up lol.
I love Nylon! Great inner corner and middle lid highlight. I am going to have to dip into my MAC shadows again.
Low buy so far but got some Marc Jacobs lip crayons on sale, a Laura Mercier eye crayon (disappointing, like mud), some Hask shampoo (blah). Desperately needing a new shadow primer as nothing is working anymore.
Rough year so far with my brain injury and our move. Slept a lot this week (depression) and just feeling nauseated all the time.
Having mom live with us is hard. She’s sweet but I’m being analyzed all the time.
You have a lot on your plate. I hope things start improving for you.
Haul: Finally decided to bite the bullet on Natasha Denona Darya palette. Used it once and I absolutely loved it.
Weekend plans: Go see my horse at some point this weekend, maybe do some quilting and do absolutely nothing otherwise. That is if I don’t get an impending “work emergency” text.
2019 so far: This is my busy time at work so all I’ve been doing is working. Can’t wait until March.
Darya has been on my wishlist since it came out but I can never quite join the purchase button. Maybe 2019 will be the year!
Haul/Rediscoveries: So far just Revlon 003 Mauvelous blush and Maybelline Lasting Drama Matte 900 Rusty Terracotta eyeliner. I also have a few online hauls in their respective carts that I’ve been on the verge of buying for a few weeks.
Online haul #1-Sephora: Fenty Pro Filt’r 110 foundation (my perfect match!), Fenty Amber Match Stick, Marc Jacobs Enamored Ch-Ch-Changes lipgloss (I got Love Buzz for Christmas), Huda Beauty Ruby Obsessions eyeshadow palette (I already have Amethyst, Sapphire, and the generic Gemstone Obsessions palette, and I got Emerald for Christmas)
Online haul #2-ColourPop: Disney Designer-A Smile and a Song highlighter, A Whole New World and Under the Sea shadows, and Belle and Snow White lipsticks (I got Be Our Guest shadow and Jasmine lipstick for Christmas)
Online haul #3-Pur Cosmetics: The Grinch Good Enough to Steal palette
Weekend plans: Worked all day today, laundry Sunday. I’m being forced into laziness tomorrow, because my area of Ohio’s getting its first significant snowfall in like a year and a half. 2 inches in the northern part of the area to 5 inches in the southern part. My town’s to the southwest, but it’s not super south, so I’m expecting us to get about 3 inches. Tonight we got our last set of groceries and some supplies for chili before the snow starts.
How is your 2019 going so far?: Not too bad-it’s still kind of stressful, but so far I’m doing well on my resolution to keep better control of my temper.
Ch-ch-changes and Ruby Obsession ?
Haul: My T3 curling wand arrived, so I am looking forward to playing with my hair this weekend!
Rediscoveries: Since I am doing a 30 day makeup challenge I have been all up in my makeup collection playing with all kinds of things. I have to say I am really glad I bought the UD Hex Remedy pencil set. I’ve used 4 of the 5 colors in the 11 days I’ve been doing the challenge.
Weekend plans: Gotta run some errands and definitely catch up on chores at home, the place is a messsss. Might go do a tea tasting on US grown teas (from Oregon and Hawaii). And I’ve got an online dance conditioning class Sunday morning.
2019 so far: Stressful AF. My partner’s work and school situation has been pure chaos, our 22 year old cat has a wound on her leg that we’re desperately trying to keep clean and bandaged, and I thought it would be a good idea to simultaneously do 30 day makeup and belly dance challenges, while also taking an online goal setting workshop and working my full-time day job and caring for 3 elderly pets. But I am having a ton of fun with the challenges, it’s good to have some prompts for my creative outlets 🙂
I had a Mac makeup lesson/ makeover as a Christmas present. Discovered that my MLBB is Modesty, which is interesting and doesn’t pull too warm with Spice liner and lipglass. I loved the Chinese New Year blush on me (both colours together) as well as the highlighter and bronzer, but I don’t think I run to them at the moment. I feel a lot more empowered about understanding what works for me. I inadvertently discovered that Boots No 7 Soft Earth looks like a softer, less dramatic version of Urban Decay Hex, so I might have to get that.
No real weekend plans, maybe catch a movie or just catch up on sleep.