Bite Beauty Shade 006 Lip Lab Crème Deluxe Lipstick for June 2015
Bite Beauty Shade 006 Lip Lab Crème Deluxe Lipstick
Lip Lab Crème Deluxe Lipstick ($36.00) (Limited Edition)
- Shade 006 (“Mango Daiquiri”) Tangy coral/rose
Availability: June 3rd, 12PM EST at Sephora
On the fence. Do you have this to review and swatch? I know they sell out quickly. I was lucky enough to get in on #5, which is now one of my favs. Thoughts on #6?
Sorry, I am only able to review once I can buy, so I almost always have it after they sell out. I still post so I can provide dupes, but unfortunately, I don’t have any early access.
Wish they’d send you the release in advance. *wink, hint, hint Bite Beauty *
After last month’s bullsh*ttery with the order placement and subsequent cancel, Bite beauty can stick it. That’s my take. 😀
Wait, did they cancel people’s orders?? That is shady! Especially since I heard Sephora accidentally released it 2 weeks early, so some people got it 2 weeks before they even released teasers.
So that’s why I couldn’t get #5!
I’m over stalking Sephora to try and snag one of their Ltd Ed Lip Lab lipsticks. They’ve done a really poor job re their release and availability. I’m sure they’re trying to promote buzz, but they are getting a lot of unhappy customers.
That’s correct. I ordered and Sephora swooped down days later and cancelled my order .. and get this.. the whole order, I had another item included in the order (GA foundation). It was seriously in bad form.
I love this shade. But, I have to stand my ground here too. I was really peeved about that last month. I’ll be using my hard earned cash on something else. Bite has some butt kissing to do I’m my eyes. I bought 2 months of these. I was fully prepared to buy every month. They blew it. I’d much rather build my other loved lippie collections.
NARS audacious. I’ve been spending my money with them instead. I love the formula. For me, Bite blew it. I pulled all my Bite lipsticks chunky, pencils, and matte lip pens and threw them in a plastic container in my closet where they will get no love. Rarely do I get PO’d about cosmetics and losing out on LE items, my attitude: there is always something new and interesting coming around the corner. But messing with customers in this type of bullsh*t move is just beyond and here I thought so highly of them after the January debacle. Now I just grit my teeth even seeing the label. Stop playing the big boy LE game unless you can freaking deliver.
Amen Wendy! I love Nars too and have recently discovered the 2 Lauder formulas -loving both of those and Rouge G,TomFord too. They all are different in their all right. I have a long list and messing with Sephora’s crap is annoying. If Bite wants to sell independently and resolve the issues, I would reconsider because I do think the formula was nice. But not worth stressing over.
But Isn’t more more of Sephora issue than Bite as a brand. Sephora has had a number of early release issues in the past as well.
But the $40CAD price tag makes me sad. It’s a Canadian company but their labs in NY. lol
Yes, I get your point to a degree. Yes, Sephora is responsible for the mix-up to a certain extent, but the brand ultimately has the responsibility of ensuring proper distribution of their product. If Sephora screwed up, then Bite should step up to the plate to ensure their customers are happy. If this means pressing a few more lipsticks to fulfill orders then so be it. Bite should honour purchases that were made..period. I want to support Canadian businesses, but here’s the other kicker: we were not given the option of having a new lipstick delivered to us in January after the initial flawed product release. Canada purchases were new lipstick. USA purchasers all received new replacement lipsticks. BITE does not deserve my business.
Sephora owns Bite Beauty 🙂 If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at Sephora.
Can you edit a comment while waiting for it to be approved to post? Anyways, this is me adding to my above comment. I hit reply before I had a chance to edit. Bite is a Sephora exclusive brand because they are both owned by the same company. Like Marc Jacobs, Formula X and KVD to name a few. If anyone is to blame, it is Sephora for screwing up the ordering process and canceling orders, and not placing a higher order of lipsticks to be made. I don’t blame Bite at all for this. It’s a LE product and they are trying to drum up buzz (which they certainly are!)
I wonder if this shade will be anything like Bite Centifolia or any of the Too Faced Melted lipsticks. It really stinks you can’t get early access, $36 is a lot to spend on something we might have in our collection already!
Of course I love it. Bite Beauty is awesome! Gonna be flying tomorrow to New York, I hope I will make it to the lab to create my own lippie! xoxo, Sissi
That will be fun! Hope you get to do that!
Ha! I went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab in NYC over memorial day weekend and made a color very similar to that one! They must have stolen my idea 😉
Oooooh, pretty shade, veeeery pretty shade!
It *is* pretty, but just too orange for me. 🙁
Ok, no point staying up late or waking up extra early to snag this one. This kind of color is tricky for me to pull off, so I’m not buying until I see swatches, and by that time, it’s sold out. I will wait for Temptalia’s dupes.
I was all set to jump on this month’s offering, but it’s just not my color. 🙁
Pretty color and I love this formula, but orange toned lipsticks look awful on me
I like the concept when the first one came out, with the luxury feeling and “directly come from the lip lab”, the place I haven’t got chance to visit. After the quality issue of the first one being reported, and I never got any one of the following ones, I kinda just lost the interest and now all I want to know, is “what’s the dupe for this one”.
I think the fun in limited edition and collectibles is to collect them and cherish them. If I can’t even have one, nor the color is super unique since there are plenty of dupes, I wouldn’t bother in spending that much and be heartbroken when I miss it.
You’ve summed up my feelings exactly on these. They sell out so mind numbingily quickly… They don’t even end up on my radar. It does make curious about the size of their production batches on these… And yes, there have been shades I liked and do like this formula but I am more inclined to get something from bites’s permanent range… But at the same time these releases have soured Bite in my eyes and I noticed I go towards them less and less.
Totally agree on what you have said. I did get a few of their flat top lipsticks coz I like the hand-crafty feeling and their quality. Bite is still a unique brand which I will follow for quite a while i think.
And I just checked on the Sephora page and it’s gone….ha..ha.. If there is a hype they really want to create, the batch of production should be bigger, big enough to the point that there could be enough discussion, reviews and feedbacks about it, so that other consumers would keep wanting it and maybe trade it with the owners. But “disappearing from the shelf within an hour” and never came back again, seems to me that they are not confident enough in their product.
You know, I just noticed, it almost looks like a blend of their $12 duo (Tangerine/Ligonberry or maybe Date). Hmmmmm….???
It seemed too much like a Gina G. I had to pass. 🙂
I like the look of it but I would need to swatch it!
This was the first time sephora actually notified me when it was available. I always found out about the other launches after they were sold out. I decided not to get it. Mainly because of all the problems with the past colors, and the price is way too high. Also, this color looked more orange than coral.
These Bite limited edition lipsticks are usually sold on the first Wednesday of the month starting between 11:00-12:00 EST. I did not buy this one because orange is a difficult shade for me to pull off. I need to see orange lipsticks in person to swatch before buying.