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Win It! $250 Sephora Gift Card or $50 ULTA Gift Card!

It’s Beauty and Spa Week at Ebates! To celebrate, we’ve partnered with Ebates to giveaway one $250 Sephora Gift Card and five $50 ULTA Gift Cards! Now through June 23rd, 2014, get double cash back on some of the top beauty retailers like Sephora (8%) and ULTA (8%). If you haven’t joined Ebates, now’s a great time to join if you haven’t already — it’s free to join and free to use. The way Ebates works is you sign-up, and when you shop with Ebates, you can get a percentage of your order total back., they’ll send you a check or pay you via PayPal every quarter! For instance, if you shop at Sephora and spend $50 today, you’ll get $5 back! Here are some of the top double cash back offers going on for Beauty and Spa Week…

  • Amazon Local – was 3.0%, now 6.0% Cash Back
  • Avon – was 3.0%, now 6.0% Cash Back
  • The Body Shop – was 4.0%, now 8.0% Cash Back
  • Elizabeth Arden – was 5.0%, now 10.0% Cash Back
  • Expedia – was 4.0%, now 5.2% Cash Back
  • Lancome – was 5.0%, now get 10.0% Cash Back
  • MYHABIT – was 0.0%, now get 3.0% Cash Back
  • philosophy – was 2.5%, now get 5.0% Cash Back
  • Sephora – was 4.0%, now get 8.0% Cash Back
  • SkinStore – was 6.0%, now get 12.0% Cash Back
  • ULTA Beauty – was 4.0%, now get 8.0% Cash Back

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Virginia Avatar

If I had $250 at Sephora, I would definitely buy a couple Givenchy Le Rouge lipsticks. I’d also buy my husband and myself new fragrances.

Alexandra Avatar

I would probably try a bunch of Bite Beauty, try some of the new Givenchy even though I know for a fact they won’t work for me, pick up some face primer, *definitely* get some backups of NARS Smudgeproof, and maybe some of those new YSL quints!

Cindy Avatar

Would use the Sephora gift card for some more of the Bite Beauty Cashmere Lip Creams, the new Sephora collection color lip last lipstick, Bobbi Brown lipgloss, Deborah Lippmann nail polishes, and the skin cream I use, Dermadoctor’s Calm, Cool & Corrected. I’d use the Ulta one for those Lorac Alter Ego lipsticks (LOVE the formula) and Lipstick Queen’s Jungle Queen!

Madison Avatar

I would use the gift card for lancome mascara, urban decay electric palette and I have been dying to try the Boscia skincare line!!

Rocio Avatar

Sephora Gift Card?!!! That’s a dream!. I would get a couple of foundations (My weakness), maybe a Givenchy lipstick, Bite lipsticks and surely something from Laura Mercier or YSL.

Ivana Avatar

With the Sephora Gift Card I would like to purchase a few things I can´t get in Germany, like Bite Beauty or Kat von D. You know, because I don´t have enough lipsticks 😀

Mara Avatar

I’m currently hunting for a foundation that doesn’t break me out so I would use it to try out a couple of foundations I’ve been eyeing!

Cassie Avatar

What a great giveaway!!!! If I won either gift card, I’d probably get skin care and maybe some of the Too Faced melted lipsticks and I’d probably get Replica Beach Walk if I won the Sephora one. I’d also get my friend some stuff for her birthday. 🙂

Carolin Avatar

I would order some Tarte and Hourglass Blushes, and of course the Tarte Foundation and the Hourglass Ambient Palette 🙂 And if the money reach for more then i would love to order the Marc Jacobs The Lolita Palette!
Temptalia, you rock! 🙂

Calee Avatar

I’d use the $250 Sephora Gift Card to stock up on a bunch of my skin care necessities! Josie Maran Argan Oil, Soy Face Cleanser, Ole Henriksen Wipes, and more..and of course all the makeup I’ve been dying to have (those which I’ve been keeping in my cart for so long)–a couple KVD Everlasting Love Liquid Lipsticks, KVD Monarch palette, Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette, Laura Mercier products, perfume, and lipstick and blushes from Nars!

LoveLike WAR Avatar

I’d be so blessed to win. It would help out alot considering my father left me my mother and little brother.. Not trying to make this a pity party cause Lord knows it’s the truth. It would help alot for me and my mother since we don’t get much time for ourselves. And she honestly deserves it. She’s the best woman in the world. Has a heart of Gold. Even if it ain’t us congrats on whoever wins!!

Lindsay Avatar

I am moving to NYC for my first post college job soon and it’s expensive so honestly I’d probably spend it on essentials like my foundation!

kodomo ja nai Avatar

I would get more of the GIvenchy Le Rouge lipsticks from Sephora!! <3
If Ulta, then I probably would get more of the L'Oreal Infallible eyeshadows 🙂

Lindsay Avatar

I would use the gift card to buy more Too Faced melt lipsticks, the UD Electric palette, and to replace my GlamGlow Mud Treatment.

Ana Avatar

I would totally use the sephora gift card to spurge on some amazing foundation that matches my skin perfectly and I finally wouldn’t have to mix for the right color! I would also try some really great skincare products that I’ve wanted to try for ages! With the Ulta card, I would definitely use it towards the new lorac pro palette of course!

Missy G Avatar

What a great giveaway! I’d probably buy a few of the Too Faced Melted lip colors, a couple of NARS blushes, and some Soap & Glory Righteous Butter. Maybe an Urban Decay Basics palette, too.

yasminabijay Avatar

I would love to win the $250 gift card, because never splurge anything for myself, I always think for my kids first and save up the rest for their future. It would be a miracle if I would win, but I would try my luck… it would be a mommy day for me, if I would win….♥

Luisa Avatar

Theres so many products I would love to try but are a little out of my price range, that this gift card would allow me the opportunity to finally try some great products!

silvia Avatar

It its the Ulta giftcard I would use it for some salon services. If it was for Sephora I would definitely try out some Hourglass products and maybe a fragrance

Luka Avatar

I’m curious to try the new BareMinerals foundation, I’d probably spend the rest upgrading some of my brushes or maybe being really decadent and blowing it all on a very high end moisturizer

Hanusia Avatar

I would probably save the gift card for now, and use it this fall when I’m feelin’ the financial crunch of being a college student! 😉 Or, maybe try out a new foundation or primer…ooh, or finally get the Hourglass Ambient Lighting palette!

Ashley Avatar

I would try new brands and buy the Kat von D Monarch and Chrysalis palettes! I’d probably get some glamglow too:) or save it for holiday palettes

Kelli H. Avatar

I would splurge on some brands I’ve been looking at but just don’t “need” stuff from, like Marc Jacobs, Bite Beauty, and Hourglass

Taylor Avatar

oh my god, I would use it on skincare! lately I’ve been trying all of these samples that have changed my skin/life. Perricone MD Blue Plasma and Chloro Plasma, Sunday Riley Good Genes. AND THAT HOURGLASS PALETTE.

Tashauna Avatar

I have coveted the Naked 2 palette forever! That is what I would purchase with a gift card, and maybe some Josie Maran or a Lorac palette…orrrr maybe some Kat Von D! Ahhh, I can’t decide!

I love Ebates though. It is nice to know when you spend using Ebates, you can get a little something back. Makes the pain of big spending a little less severe. Haha!

Dina Avatar

With the Sephora gift card I would get some really great skincare products most likely from murad so that I’d feel more comfortable without foundation during the day. Maybe something from Fresh and Bite beauty as well. As for ulta it would definitely be Nyx lip products and something from the skincare section. I hope I win!

Lauren Avatar

I’ve been feeling like I’m in a perfume rut, so I’d so use this to pick up a few fragrances to change things up a bit. I always hate when I forget to use Ebates when shopping online, I always feel like I cheated myself out of some money!

Jordyn Avatar

I would use the gift card for skin care items, like the Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Mask. Among others like OCC Lip Tars from their summer collection.

Emily Avatar

I’d splurge on the Naked 3 palette, the new Dolce fragrance (such a pretty bottle!), and probably some skincare. I think maybe a few gifts for some friends as well. Might as well spread the love!

Lisa Avatar

If I got the $50 Ulta card I’d definitely use it to buy the new lorac pro palette. If I won the Sephora card I’d buy a Clarisonic and use the rest on miscellaneous other things I’ve had on my wish list forever.

L Avatar

I want to buy some Guerlain meteorites! I have a sample and love them but they are pretty costly. I also want to try some new skin care and the Josie Maran cheek gelee! What a great giveaway!

Maddie Avatar

I would use this gift card to buy items from luxury brands like YSL and Dior because those are the things I normally can’t bring myself to spend the money on!

Ariasjn Avatar

I would use the giftcard on a couple of the marc jacobs brushes, the urban decay naked skin loose powder, and a couple of the YSL lipsticks.

Lotus Avatar

Wow! This is so lovely! Thank you! But it’s AFTER I spent way too much and forgot to go through ebates that this happens? And my money, gone, sees this happen?!!! GRRRRRR! 😀 I could SO TOTALLY USE THIS to return many things to help my bank! And I’d repurchase using this, especially gifts for my mom. It’s almost her birthday! 🙂 <3

Gwen Avatar

I’m supposed to be on a Sephora/Ulta hiatus this summer – we’ve just moved to an apartment that is much more expensive than our previous place, and we have to replace some furniture that isn’t working in the new place. So we’re focusing our money on trying to maintain savings, and work on making this a home (with furniture that’s not perfectly calibrated to only one space, this time). In the meantime, we are trying to cut out almost all other unnecessary expenses (also: cable, and eating out), and really re-evaluate our financial priorities once we’re settled in the new space. After significant makeup shopping for my wedding in May (where I did my own makeup, and helped with makeup for several people in the wedding party), it’s probably good to step back for a bit.

But if I won a gift card, I’d probably spend a LOT of time ‘window’ online shopping, and spending it a bit at a time, with the free shipping. Either that or I would buy the Sunday Riley Artemis Oil that Kerry at SkinAndTonics has recently raved about.

regina Avatar

Awesome giveaway – thanks!! I have had my eye on the Narsissist palette and the My Little Chloe fragrance trio at Sephora for a while!

Mariella Avatar

If I had a $250 Sephora gift card, I’d use it to buy the smaller bottles of Atelier Cologne in Mistral Patchouli and Grand Neroli and the rest I’d use to purchase Nars Baalbek (which I plan to pick up this week or next in any case).

Can Canadians join Ebates? And how do I access all the other ways to win if I don’t really want to join?

Cindy Avatar

If I had the chance of winning the Sephora gift card, I’d like to purchase a few palettes and beauty items that has been raved by everyone! (ex: Naked 1; Nars Eye shadow base; YSL lip stain.) But if i luckily won the Ulta giftcard, I think I would probably get the Lorac Pro 1 Palette since I’ve been eyeing it for a really long time 🙂

Euin Avatar

I would use the gift card to get my mother Lancome Visionaire products for anti-aging since her birthday is coming up and I would also try the new BareMinerals bare skin liquid foundation and maybe a new liquid eyeliner from Stila since mine is running out! Thank you!

Lexi Avatar

I would use the ULTA giftcard towards eyebrow shaping and a 20 min. treatment. 🙂 The Sephora gift card…oh boy, so many things! Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette, new brushes, Becca products…the list goes on. Thank you so much for doing this giveaway, Christine!

Cami Avatar

I would probably use the Sephora gift card to get a new perfume or maybe a curling iron.. and the Ulta gift card for something at Urban Decay.

Jennifer Lee Avatar

I don’t even know where to begin. I really don’t. I’d def purchase some Bite lip products, Hourglass ambient lighting palette, Smashbox Primer…and probably a million other things.

Aisha Avatar

I would use the Sephora gift card to purchase something for my mom and an Hourglass Ambient lighting powder palette for myself 🙂

Kayt Avatar

I would use it to grab all the wishlist products that have been sitting in my shopping cart forever now! The BAREMINERALS Bareskin Perfecting Face Brush for one; I’d love to try the new GLAMGLOW POWERMUD Dualcleanse; and then add a couple Marc Jacobs palettes to my collection. What I really want is to try BAREMINERALS Bareskin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation as I heard that it was good for oily/acne prone skin, but alas… it’s not available in Canada yet!

Susan West Avatar

I would use the gift card to purchase something that I normally never could get otherwise, brands that I have always wanted to buy but were out of my price range and I would like to buy a few gifts for some deserving people!