What's your step-by-step process for covering up acne?

I put some concealer on the back of my hand or on a metal palette, then use a very small, fluffy synthetic brush to apply and buff into place. If it’s a flakier area, then I may use a flatter concealer brush and barely press a damp sponge against the area.

— Christine


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Nancy T Avatar

Pretty simple, actually! I first apply a little bit of Neutrogena Rapid Clear on it over my foundation, let it dry in, dab on my concealer, pat it with my beauty sponge to blend it in so that it’s not noticeable, set with powder. And yes, I STILL get acne zits at almost 63 y.o.! Then again, oddly enough, I am apparently also still ovulating, too!

Nancy T Avatar

I thought I was done hatching eggs, Wednesday! Imagine my utter shock when the Gynecologist told me that my polycystic ovaries were still ACTIVE. I had had a uterine ablation about 11 years ago, so out of sight out of mind. Years of night sweats, mood swings, monthly episodes of insomnia and acne breakouts ought to have told me differently, eh? Jokes on me. I’ll be 63 in March. Who’d of thunk? I just want this whole nightmare over with. 😭

Ana Maria Avatar

I never specifically cover my acne, I tried different techniques through the years… but I just rely on the coverage I get from foundation (it’s also fair to say I like full coverage foundations). I only apply concealer undereye.
Yes, maybe the acne is not fully covered, but to me spot concealing acne either creates a too artificial perfected look or puts more emphasis on the acne.

Ginny Avatar

Put a matching concealer on the spot and blend lightly. Then take a paler concealer and dab it juuuuust on the underside of the blemish. Just a teeny bit. This helps to counteract the shadow cast below the blemish.

CeeBee Avatar

Blow torch, angle grinder and a tub of spackle.

Oh wait…

I just use a dense but slightly fluffy eyeshadow brush (I have a particular one and if I ever lose it, I’ll cry) to tap a stiff cream or fast drying liquid concealer over until it’s blended, a warm fingertip pressed over very lightly can help “melt” it into foundation. Set lightly with powder if needed. If its a big gnarly one on my neck, jawline or temple (where it’s hidden by my glasses) I just shove a Cosrx zit sticker over it.

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