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What's your least favorite type of skincare product to use?

What’s your least favorite type of skincare product to use? What always feels like a chore?

Though I LOVE the feeling of a freshly cleansed face, especially if I’ve worn heavy makeup all day, it always feels like a chore.

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Kim Avatar

Even though i buy high end spf for my skin and my face, it always feels sticky and makes my skin oily. I hate to use it because of that, but I have no other choice since i’m very pale with freckles and dont get a tan easily.

Jen Avatar

I’m with you on that! If the SPF is good enough to protect you, it’s going to be sticky or greasy – I’ve tried just about every one out there. But the sun protection is really important.

Amanda Avatar

Have you tried the Kiehl’s one? It’s really pricey but it disappears into my skin and doesn’t smell like anything. It’s better than the other high end ones I’ve tried (including the Shishedo one.)

Ryou Avatar

Hand and body cream. I get hand cream acne from sleeping with hand cream on, so I have to use very rich face cream on my hands, and that ends up getting kind of expensive. Whenever I use body cream I wash my hands like there’s no tomorrow and I still need to be very careful not to touch my face, neck, or chest. It’s quite annoying.

Chris25 Avatar

For me it’s sunblock. I have oily skin and the only sunblock creams I’ve found that are sort of natural and work for me are on the greasy side. I put up with it because I want to protect my skin.

Rebecca Avatar

Peel off facial masks. I like the smoothness they leave behind, but I always get frustrated because they never peel off evenly. Eventually rather than continuing to pick at my face (and feel like I’m making it worse!), I just wash the rest away.

Julia Avatar

I loathe using body lotion. I hate the feeling of lotion on my skin and hands. Luckily, I found Lush’s Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner. I use it in shower, right at the end. I move out of the direct spray of the shower, use the body conditioner, and rinse quickly. It is like putting on lotion, but it doesn’t leave as much residue.

erin Avatar

acne treatments are my least favorite. they almost always dry my skin out too much, smell terrible, and i can ususally smell the stuff still on my skin all day.

Amber Avatar

Retinol creams/serums. Just when I think I have found one my skin can tolerate, it dries me out and makes me red. Maybe it’s time to try some Avene products.

Tigerlily Avatar

Every single Avene product I’ve used has lived up my to my sensitive skin’s expectations. I hope it works just as well for you 🙂

Heather Avatar

Body lotion for sure!! I just feel like it takes so muh time! I do it anyway (most of the time) because my skin feels so much better after.

Hollie H Avatar

I hate putting on body and hand lotion. I love how it makes my skin feel but hate the feeling of lotion on my palms and inbetween my fingers.

barbara costanza Avatar

toner. im not even sure i grasp its concept! …it leaves me confused just caressing my face and wondering… do i have to add something now? or was i supposed to use it in the morning?

Sasha Avatar

Probably nighttime moisturizer, mostly because it’s such a pain to find one that moisturizes enough but doesn’t leave me greasy or clog my pores. Right now I’m using grapeseed oil mixed with water and that’s still touch and go on a day to day basis. After that probably toner because I always forget and then stand around awkwardly waiting for it to “finish” so I can put on moisturizer.

I used to rush to the sink to wash my face as soon as I got home to get my makeup off. Now that I’m wearing really light/natural feeling foundations (like armani maestro or chanel aquavitalumiere) I forget I have anything on and have forgotten to wash my face until late in the evening a few times.

PinkProvocateur Avatar

Why do women seem to have such reluctance for our facial routines? I am given to understand that for Asian women, their skin care can include 15 steps. I see my time spent cleasing/toning/moisturising/masking as a luxurious part of my day; I’m always looking out for the next newest thing to keep my skin in the best condition possible. I love it all! 😉

xamyx Avatar

Speaking only for myself, it’s not that I have a “reluctance” toward a facial regime, but simply the fact I don’t have the time, and I often lack the energy at the end of the day. Not everyone’s lifestyle is the same; I happen to have a child with ASD, and after an evening of struggling with her to do her homework, eat aa balanced meal, and just simply spend some simple, quality time with her, the luxury of a full regime just isn’t a priority. There are also days I walk out the door with no makeup, but I’m okay with that; there is nothing about my life I would change.

xamyx Avatar

Body lotions; they’re just so time consuming to apply, especially before bedtime, and by the time I get around to it, I just get too lazy. My legs get especially dry, so I do try to make the effort to at least apply there, but more often than not, I skip the rest. What takes so much time is absorption, but because of how dry my skin is, I need heavier creams. I actually found a product that was cheap, and soo effective, but as soon as it came time to replace, it had been DCd!

Mariella Avatar

Probably eye makeup remover. I just hate having to take the extra step and then have to work at the base of my lower lashes to get every bit of liner off and then get the makeup remover off too! As for toner, I haven’t used it in years, after reading several dermatologists explain just how unnecessary it is most of the time. Now, I will use it in the hot, humid weather, more as “pick me up/quick cleanse” than as a traditional toner.

Kristy Avatar

My pet peeve is lathery cleansers that don’t rinse off easily, and you have to stand there splashing like crazy, or ones that leave makeup behind. It’s like, what’s the point? I like Philosophy Purity Made Simple or MAC Cleanse Off Oil – they both rinse off clean and take makeup and everything with them.

Catriona Avatar

Sunscreen. Most of it smells terrible, feels gunky or doesn’t work, and causes my skin to go ballistic. I know it’s bad for me but I very rarely bother to put it on unless I know I’ll be outside in full sun for longer than half an hour.

Marilyn Avatar

Sunscreen, and I don’t use it. I’m allergic to both the physical and chemical types: they cause my skin to dry out to the point of flaking.

Nancy Avatar

It’s a toss up between body lotion and eye makeup remover. Body lotion, because all but the lightest ones feel suffocating in the tropical climate I live in. And eye makeup remover…I have to use waterproof mascara due to the heat/humidity, so it takes forever to dissolve and get every last bit of it off.
First world problems, anyone? 😉

Kim Avatar

Tuner for SURE. I’m using the Mario Badescu cucumber lotion. I like it because it helps me so good with my acne. This toner is described as disinfecting, refreshing, deep cleaning and very effective in drying up active acne and preventing new ones. It also doesn’t contain alcohol and other harmful ingredients.

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