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What's your go-to nail polish?

What’s your go-to nail polish? Do you have one? Does it change often?

The closest to go-to for me is China Glaze For Audrey, which is pretty much the only shade I wear on my toes.

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Ella Avatar

Mine definitely changes every once in a while, but one that’s stayed with me for a while is Read My Palm by Sephora by OPI. Once I buy Tickle My France-y, that will definitely be my new go-to…

sillylilacs Avatar

Haha, that would explain why you had like 5 For Audreys 😉

My go-to nail polish changes with the season. I tend to wear peaches & corals during the spring. Then move onto greens & blues & purpless during the summer. Then nudes and dark purples during the fall and winter =O Red’s don’t work for me =/

So right now my goto color is China Glaze’s Agent Lavender. =)

Hilana Avatar

I have this cheapie red with gold flecks in from a local brand (don’t even know the name! I thinks it called WOW) that I wear everytime I need a pick-me-up. In fact, I put it on just last night. Always makes me feel better and it looks devine on shorter nails.

Céline Avatar

Don’t ask me why nail polishes just doesn’t look good on me. I just have one colored nail polish that is my perfect nude it’s MAC “Abalone Shell” too bad that I have to put three to four coats to have a perfect finish.

Shayna Marie Avatar

I Love Sephora by OPI’s “Lets do Lunch” Its the perfect shade of coral and pink so that its versatile enough for work and going out!

Melanie Avatar

Probably Mink Muffs from Essie 🙂 But I’m not so much of a nail-polish-person, I just hate it, when it finally chips argh. Oh, but I do like my Mac Mauvement pigment as a nail polish very much, too! So pretty 🙂

Samantha Avatar

Oh jeez I don’t have one. But I love opi’s colors that are almost black.. I love light my sapphire especially. It was the first opi polish I ever bought and it’s all thick and goopy now ;( but black cherry chutney is another one. I just love the super dark colors but I don’t feel they’re appropriate in the summer lol I guess it doesn’t really matter..

Kelly C. Avatar

I guess if I have a go to its probably Terra Mauve by Orly. Nice neutral, dark pink that is perfect for all seasons.

That’s funny you only use one color on your toes : ) I ONLY paint my toenails; I can’t seem to keep polish on my fingernails for more than a few hours. I’m rather rough with my hands(constantly pink, prying, and I admit, occasionally chewing!) and as soon as one nail chips, I have to peel it all off.

maja pastori Avatar

LAYLA COSMETICS CERAMIC EFFECT n.11, a dove gray with a subtle pink sheen. It’s really pretty and chic, i wear it on both my hands & toes….

Elizabeth Avatar

I always go for my very light colors that are like pearly pink, so for me thats “Bare to Be Different” Sephora by OPI, “Bubble Bath” by OPI, and “Limo-Scene” by Essie.

Petra Avatar

Although I do like to wear reds, blues, greens, purples and nudes, my “usual” go to colours have been those murky browns-mauves. The one I started wearing in highschool and still love it to day is Maybelline’s Touch of Taupe varnish. Along these lines i’ve recently added Chanel Particuliere and OPI You don’t know Jacques (and some no name drugstore brand ones which I can’t think of atm).

Pam Avatar

I change my nail colour every THREE days 🙂 Therefore i have so many go-to nail polishes LOL but i will have to say, my favourite go-to one is Zoya Kelly.

Melissa (divinem) Avatar

spring/summer: Illamasqua Grab (Magenta)
fall/winter: Nubar Torrid Red

I must qualify this by saying that I change my nail color 3-4x/wk. If I’m busy though, I’ll stay with the above mentioned, which tend to go with all of my outfits during the corresponding season.

Carrie Avatar

I’m always happy with NARS Tokaido Express for darks, OPI Tickle My Francey for naturals or Color Club Love ‘Em Leave ‘Em for just a little kick (as it’s nude/neutral colored but holographic).

Susan Avatar

I just bought Chanel Paradoxal and I have to admit it’s so worth it. I just had to put it on as soon as I got it! I just love how it looks! I can see myself wearing it often this fall and winter.

Mariel Avatar

Opi’s barefoot in Barcelona. When I don’t feel like being over the top and bold with color, I like having mannequin hands lol it’s not too matchy with my skintone but just a perfect neutral.

leesie Avatar

I just bought For Audrey on Tuesday, after checking Temptalia for swatches (I’m looking to rebuild the modest nail polish collection I had a few years ago, only with decent polishes). It’s currently my go-to shade, as I only have three others, and two of them are shimmer, which I’ve recently decided I don’t even like in a polish…
I’ll have you know I wore it out for the first time yesterday (to work, but hey), and received a compliment on it, which I sort of expected, considering how lovely the color is, but has never happened to me with any other polish (and I used to have more than four).
I bought this polish out of my disappointment at missing out on the first-run BOS III (stupid work), but I expect I’ll be purchasing more China Glaze shades in the future. And it’s your fault.

Charlene Avatar

I usually use Revlon in any shade of purple. But I dont have a specific color. I used purples all year long except Valentines Day, 4ht of July, Thanksgiving thru New Years. When I wears browns, reds, and silvers. Ocassionally I will wear fun colors like Aquas on my birthday and such. 🙂

Irene Avatar

OPI Por Favor is my go to as well as the OPI Designer series anything and a new one that I tried today is Butter London ‘All Hail McQueen’ is so great like that too. Great neutral for work

tremorviolet Avatar

OPI La Paz-itively Hot. It’s the perfect hot pink (with a tiny touch of blue) and has been my trademark nail polish for like five years. On my toes is a just a cheapy Wet&Wild in a pearly dark pink.

Lurique Avatar

At the moment I’m very impressed with Jade Rose. Paradoxal was the color I NEEDED from the fall collections and it is as stunning as I thought it would be. But I didn’t have any high expectations from Jade Rose. Who knew it would look this flattering on me! I’ve had strangers complimenting me on the color, and the only other polish I have that has that effect is For Audrey:-)

Lynn Avatar

I love love Reds…berries & purples…
My go-to shades are OPI’s I’m not really a waitress and Eiffel for this color. I also like Miami Beet! And clear polish on days when I’m giving my nails and toes a break from color:)

Rengirl Avatar

I have 2 general go-tos: Orly Gumdrop (which is For Audrey but with a much better formula) and Orly Space Cadet.

If we’re talking work-safe/family-friendly: Color Club Fashion Addict. This lilac is very flattering and toned down but has holo to satisfy flashy polish addicts like me.

Caitlin Avatar

I like to wear “Rumple’s Wiggin” by OPI…. it’s a really light pruple color… it’s almost a nuetral because it is so pale. 🙂

starr Avatar

pretty much any brand of black nail polish. i have been using blue india by mac often also rimmels grey matters. i mainly stick with these 3 colors all year!

Iona Avatar

Mine would have to be Deliciously Dark by Rimmel. I always use it on my toes and often on my fingernails. Its a gorgeous dark cherry colour with a subtle shimmer. Always a really good colour for a/w i think. I must have gone through about 5 bottles of the stuff by now.

DeAnna Avatar

OPI Lincoln Park After Dark or a cheap substitude is Hard Candy’s Rumor Mills looks almost the same (but not as good as OPI but I can get it at Walmart when I pick up my deodorant lol)

Nadia Avatar

Is For Audrey called something different in Toronto? We have a huge selection of China Glaze colours but I can never, ever find For Audrey. Or was it maybe a limited edition?

To answer the question, I don’t have a go-to nail polish. I only have about 10 colours and I rotate through them. I’ve never been a huge nailpolish buyer/collector…never any money left over after I’m done buying makeup! Lol

Erin Avatar

So far there are 2 that I come back to again and again when I can’t decide what to pick. Both are OPI and I use either California Raspberry or That’s an El of a Color. They pretty much go with anything and everything!

Marie Avatar

Since I am always in a professional business attire atmosphere, I constantly go for OPI Coney Island Cotton Candy! I am in love with this color because it is nude enough to look natural but still give my nails some color as well! 🙂

Lowie Avatar

OPI Vodka and Caviar. I love all color nail polish but I always feel best when my nails are painted red and this one is definitely my go-to shade.

Sarah Avatar

I have 3 that I grab more often than any other polish I have; Nubar “Indigo Illusion”, Nubar “Wildlife” and Lippmann “Call Me Irresponsible”. If they ever get discontinued, I would cry lol

Beth Avatar

As far as brands go, I always hit up Orly or Pure Ice. Orly for fingers and Pure Ice for toes. The quality you get for less than $2 when it comes to Pure Ice is amazing.

Cat Avatar

My go-to nail polish will forever be Recycle by Rescue Beauty Lounge. It goes with everything I wear, mostly grey, navy, super light blush-peach, and drab greens, and the creme finish is glossy and chic.

Lizzy Avatar

My go-to brand is Maybelline quick dry. The color changes, but I can get a gorgeous pro looking toe nail painting that lasts for weeks! And the toes have been blue for the last twenty years. Shade changes, but they just stay blue for some reason? MAC is second best; dries mighty fast too. My fingernails are toast in a few days so I change colors a lot but it has to be quick-dry. I forget and do things, lol.

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