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Celesta Avatar

I love layering blush! I always take a liquid/cream blush and then layer a powder over top (because that is the only way the blush doesn’t completely disappear from my face). I last layered the Rare Beauty Dewy Liquid Blush in Adore with Milani Baked Blush in Petal Primavera over top. The combo was so glowy and looked airbrushed on my cheeks.

Deborah S. Avatar

If I am wearing blush, then I am layering. I just like the more dimensional look when you layer slightly different shades. My most recent pairing was Chantacaille Butterfly blush, (Bliss), and Ciate Summer love. The Chantecaille is a little pinkier and the Ciate has a slight shimmer so they work well together.

Andrea Avatar

I have to admit I only layer blushes when I’m not happy about the colour underneath so it’s more about hiding than enhacing… History belongs to the blush on top, the poor one at the bottom belongs to the past!

Mariella Avatar

I don’t layer cheek products/blushes…my life’s complicated enough so any blush I buy is one I love all on its own. I guess the closest I might come is having my highlighter (rarely worn but still I buy them…how nuts is that?) layer slightly over the top of my blush but that’s more myopia than intentional!

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