What do you like about Bite Beauty? What don't you like?
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Bite Beauty
They used to be one of my favorite brands, but since they reformulated to be vegan… without bringing back most of their products, there’s just not as much that tempts me from them. I miss their Amuse Bouche Lipsticks and Prismatic Lip Glosses!
— Christine
I like the old lipsticks I have from them. No, not just like, LOVE. Kale is a thing of beauty. I have so many colors from them that I love. Their holiday packs were always great. I especially liked that one year it came in a tin with a mirror built in the top. Such a nice, practical, reusable bit of packaging.
I dislike that they discontinued their incredible lipstick line and pivoted to focus on a “clean” beauty line that has largely been lackluster.
I also dislike that sometimes their packaging gets that weird, unpleasant “sticky” feeling as it ages.
They made great lipsticks and glosses, and then they mysteriously dumped that in favor of other cosmetics that are not at all interesting, not to mention largely low-rated. I understand you can have them create custom lip colors. Unless you live nearby their brick-and-mortar(s), that might be cool, but who wants to attempt anything like that by mail-order? They need to release their lip line again at Sephora.
The custom color packages aren’t exactly cheap either. 1 colour is 60 USD/70 CAD and additional are 40 US/50 CAD each. They do use old formula though 😐
What do I love from them now? Nothing.
They used to be fantastic when it came to their lipsticks, both formulas, plus those Prismatic Lip Glosses, too. With those gone, they are no longer a brand I have any interest in.
I used to love Bite. Their lipsticks were phenomenal. Honeycomb was my perfect nude and I happily bought it over and over. Now, I would rather they just bow out and let another brand take their place, the market is too oversaturated as it is and they’re no longer a brand that can stand out.
You did it to yourself, Bite.
Their discontinued agave lip balm was my holy grail. The sense of betrayal hasn’t subsided yet…
And to replace it with that rancid-smelling vegetable oil just adds insult to injury. Total waste of a great formula. I wish they’d just sell the formula to anyone who wouldn’t change a thing. Or, I’d happily settle for a throwback limited release so that I could buy a lifetime supply. My back-up tubes are going to run out eventually, and I just want them to put it back to the way it was before they broke it. They don’t even have to say ‘I’m sorry.’
I don’t love anything about them right now. Props to them for going vegan, but I miss the Amuse Bouche lipsticks. I wish they would have formulated a vegan version.
I’m so disappointed that they discontinued the Amuse Bouche line. Chai in any of their formulas was my favorite but I loved all of the AB ones from the ‘spice’ line, like Pink Salt and Hot Harissa!
I was never a big fan of Bite Beauty’s lipsticks – I have Maple and Nori, but found them to be hard to apply – they kind of tugged across my lips. But their lipstick range was very popular and now there is nothing to replace it.
The brand is bringing out products, in competition with other brands who do it all better, that are very poor quality. I think the brand is destroying its own reputation all by itself.
I LOVED their Amuse Bouche lipsticks. The quality was excellent and the colors were creative and wearable. When they abandoned that collection in the reformulation and left us with the rather milquetoast collection of lip crayons I was disappointed. A few shades seem to have carried over, and there’s one or two I wouldn’t mind getting at some point, but when I’m shopping and see them in my wish list I pass them by every time. I hate to say it but any more the brand just leaves me bored. It’s like they forgot themselves.
I definitely miss the Amuse Bouche and the Prismatic glosses, plus the champagne lip mask (really helped me heal in winter). While I appreciate that they decided to go vegan, the products are just not the same quality. I’d like to try the custom lip lab but again the quality is holding me back.
Like others, I love, love, love (or make that “loved”) their original lipsticks in the bullet – both the original “Luminous Creme” formula and the “Amuse Bouche” one that replaced it (though I preferred the Luminous formula). I HATE that they seem to have got out of that entire business virtually without any warning and are now focusing on dreadful products like their new blushes. I wish they’d go back to what they used to do BEST. I also like the original Agave lip mask but HATE the packaging of that product.
I have never tried anything from them. Back when they had lipsticks I would have loved to buy, (I just say Kale!) they didn’t ship internationally, now they do I think, and I don’t want anything they have to offer.
I have a mini size of the old Agave Lip Mask and I’m hoarding it.
Truly no other lip mask comes/came close. I would wake in the morning and it would still be on, my lips were so always moisturized.
I went through about 3 tubes from the time I discovered it, they lasted so long too.
I haven’t tried the new version because I’ve heard too many negatives here.
So if anyone knows an alternative (Tatcha and Laneige don’t even come close IMO), please let me know!
Ilia Lip Wrap Treatment Mask.. Very different from all of the above, but it works for me. I wear it to bed and pretty much every single day. I dismissed it at first b/c of texture, but then noticed it kept my lips in better shape than Tatcha which had become my Bite Agave replacement.
It’s so tremendously disappointing. I loved the old Amuse Bouche lipsticks as well as the multisticks and liquid lipsticks. What happened? I’d love to see the market research that told Bite they should get rid of all those products, because it makes no sense to me.
Whenever I’m in a TJ Maxx or Marshalls, I always scan the shelves for discontinued Bite products – alas, they’re getting harder to find.
I loved loved loved them back in the day. Had all the prismatic glosses, every color of agave + and went through a dozen or more of the original (they were in every room, at work, in my purse, etc.). The luminous creme and amuse bouche were wonderful. And I loved loved loved their liquid lipstick formula and color ranges (I have six tubes of the pink lotus one alone because it’s one of the few pinks that I love on me). Their quality was always so consistent that I could blind buy and not be worried.
Currently, I love nothing. Is consistent, quality, well-performing vegan make-up just not possible? Because nearly every company I have purchased from lately that switched to vegan (or just had certain products advertised as vegan) has become a shell of its former self. I get why vegan is a good thing, but if you don’t back it up with quality it just feels like pandering for dollars – like they were afraid of missing out on the vegan money. But really, it’s the whole rebranding they did. I’ve heard the foundation and mascara aren’t too bad, but honestly they weren’t really filling a hole there. And to go this long without bringing back a reformulation of the flagship product?
To not be completely negative, their lip crayon things are actually pretty good (I’m especially fond of Candy Apple), but the fine tip on those seem like I need to be more attentive in reapplication versus just a quick swipe of a bullet lipstick. And I do really like the agave + overnight balm in the pot. I believe that was always vegan and they didn’t have to reformulate it. I actually use it 24/7 now that the stuff in the tube is was reformulated to be a tacky sticky awful mess.
Their old Agave Lip Mask formula (with lanolin). The old Amuse Bouche lipsticks (even though the fragrance was kind of “ick” to me and the formula was a little dry/draggy – I still really liked them!). The old multisticks.
Now? Umm………?
Canadian company.. got big(ger).. then crash and burn.
Their lipstick line(s) were favourites. I still remember their monthly lipstick releases that would s/o in a hot minute. They had fabulous ‘alternative’ colour choices from the unexpected kelp colour to grunge..
They are no longer on my radar. They dumped the products held dear by their core audience. Crazy.
I just loved their Amuse Bouche lipsticks, I mourn their passing. They were just perfect – smooth application, fairly long-wearing, so moisturizing.
The lip crayons are still pretty good, but not as good as those lipsticks. And for some reason I can never find a color that really suits me? Maybe I’m too picky on that element, though