What brand do you love but are starting to lose interest in?
Tom Ford! Some of the recent releases have been lacking in quality or have been inconsistent, and it’s not a price point that can afford to be inconsistent and retain its customer base, IMO.
I’m not by any means a loyal customer but I feel sort of meh about NYX these days – their products are still great and I use many of them, especially in the core range, but I’m losing interest in that corner of the market.
Kuávsui, I agree with you ? % on Nyx! They were my #1 go-to brand back when my circumstances didn’t allow for me to get much beyond DS, except for a rare MAC or UD lipstick or e/s single (as in once every 6 months or a year). Now though, they are just too big. Too many different types of products within each category, especially lipstick.
Benefit. They haven’t really launched anything lately that piqued my interest. When I started getting into makeup I used to look at their stand and like a little kid, think “uuuh I want that. And that. And that. And…” Now it’s just meh.
I kind of feel the same… I used to love their products and try everything (I owned many of the sets with multiple products, I used to love their complexion products), but nowadays there’s nothing from the brand that calls to me, except the Gimme Brow and Goof Proof. Even for those, I like the product, but I simply hate the new packaging (well, the silver wands they switched to a couple of years ago); I just like a million times better the original Gimme Brow packaging.
LORAC. I used to love their palettes and blushes but since they were sold, it’s not the same. Zoeva, too. They are OK but for the price to order them on-line from Germany, they’re not that special and I’ve passed up several of their recent releases.
I used to love Too Faced and Tarte but I’ve already lost interest in them and have no intention of purchasing from them in the foreseeable future. In fact, I’ve been purging almost all of their products from my collection.
Too Faced. I loved their Natural Eyes palettes that got discontinued. I got the Chocolate Bar a couple years ago and do not like it at all, I don’t understand the hype with that one. Their new releases just aren’t my thing either so other than their shadow insurance glitter primer I just don’t buy anything from them.
Speaking of Tom Ford – I have a lot of lipstick and the only tube that has gone bad on me was a Tom Ford color. I’m getting a feeling they are discontinuing their cream eye colors, which is a shame. Hopefully they’re just changing packaging.
Brands I’m losing interest in or “like what I own, but not searching for more” – Sugarpill, Urban Decay, Guerlain, Anastasia, Inglot. the Balm and Dior.
I put my lipsticks in the frig. I have more makeup than food in the frig. My makeup has its own section.
Hi Stacey.
I love that. I have a bag full of backups in my fridge. 🙂
Same. I feel like they’ve just taken a backseat on their cosmetics line and you’re right, at that price point you can’t churn out uninspired trash and keep your base.
Tarte. I used to love the brand and their products, but these days, the only product I still use is their eyeliner. Their eye shadows releases have been mostly bland and I don’t like the formula. Their foundation oxidizes and gets orange after a few hours on me. I love their concealer, but I found myself reaching for other brands and stopped replacing my Tarte concealer over time.
I think Urban Decay has started to become a bit of a snore…
Nars! A) It’s not cruelty free!
B) It just feels like I haven’t seen anything new from them in a long time!
I am much more inspired by colourpop!
and Estee Lauder!
Chanel. For starters, there is no longer a Chanel counter in easy travel distance from me and, simply put, if I’m spending a fair bit on an item, I want to be able to check it out for myself, in person. What makes that easier to bear, though, is that lately, Chanel’s releases have been pretty unexciting and lackluster so that’s just put the cherry on the top of my lack of interest sundae.
I find myself reaching more for a lot of indie brands lately-BH cosmetics, Beautie Bakerie and the like and the larger brands like Benefit and Too Faced leaving me feeling meh…
Before they launched that new brow pen and I heard about the Game of Thrones collection I would’ve said Urban Decay. They just haven’t had anything too exciting come out. I don’t care at all about the Naked Reloaded palette. Their eyeshadows really used to excite me, but not so much anymore. Also Too Faced a little bit. I love them, they have my favorite eyeshadow formula, but some of the latest palettes have been very uninspiring. I still love Kat Von D eyeshadows, but her latest Vegan Love Palette was underwhelming.
Urban decay, Benefit.. I loved then but last years they didn ´t come with nothing special.
Christine, one question for you, will you review the new lust palette from Too faced?
Charlotte Tilbury. I love the lipsticks and lipliners, but their eyeshadow palettes are nothing special or can be easily duped. My last three lipstick purchases were from Chanel.
Definitely TF. I used to stalk releases. In fact, most HE makeup which has to be purchased through a department store has completely gone off my radar.
Up until the Villians Collection and most of the Spring Collection, ColourPop. II love them for their almost always great or at least good quality at a very affordable price point. But lately, most of what they release all just seems to run together in a blur. It has gotten to be quite boring when just about everything they released had dupes, even MULTIPLE dupes within their own brand! Villians and Spring redeemed them a bit. For now.
Then there’s Tom Ford. Oy vey. Major Tom, what have you done? I remember when several years ago, he released some BOMB collections that at that time I didn’t have the coinz for. And I comforted myself with the mentality that since his stuff was so fantastic, that it would be around when and if I could. That day came, to some extent. Unfortunately, the quality had become very iffy and much of it even sucks, I hate to say. I no longer feel any slight twinges of envy (not the mean type of envy, just the wishing I could, too!) for those who can buy it all!
My once much beloved Nyx is in the mix, sadly. NOT due to a lack of quality! Instead, it’s more that the brand has exploded into something very unwieldy and too large. Just too many new products every time I turn around. Very confusing and overwhelming, and this includes their literal wall of products at Ulta! Like ColourPop, PLEASE SLOW DOWN.
I would say Too Faced and Tarte, but they lost my interest 2+ years ago. Therefore, I’d say: UD, because it’s getting to be a snoozefest; Nars, because they stopped being cruelty free, and I’m still mad about it; and Kat Von D, because even if I ignored her, frankly, idiotic and prejudiced choices (which I don’t) she still isn’t releasing anything of particularly great interest or quality.
Honestly, all mid-range & “luxury” brands; drugstore brands have really stepped it up, and have actually been the ones to bring innovation to the table. It seems the higher-end brands have just been competing with one another, and instead of focusing on interesting & “inclusive” shades they’ve all been simply changing their formulas on products that were perfectly good already… NARS, Kat von D Beauty, and MUFE are the top 3 that come to mind immediately.
Absolutely agree Christine – Tom Ford, expensive and average….
Urban Decay – after their Naked fiascos (too similar shades in the palettes, average quality, nothing cool toned…) I am finding their products not really working for me.
Too Faced – all those scented products…
I always make the questions more difficult than they need to be but the answer to this question isn’t as easy and straight forward. I think the list of brands I am still interested in is probably shorter. I really have stopped paying attention to a lot of brands including Too Faced, Urban Decay, Benefit, Lorac, Stila, KVD, Chanel, Smashbox, etc. The list goes on. I am truly and little jaded about makeup lately and haven’t seen a promising release in so long. I am really waiting for that release that is different and exciting. Nothing from any of these brands and many others has interested me in forever.
I agree with you Deborah. Nothing exciting has been released in forever. It helps my no-buy though!
You are right about that! If there were promising things to buy I would be constantly in fear of breaking my no/low buy. They are making it easier on me so I guess I should be happy about that.
I wonder how much of this sentiment stems from the fact that many of us here have been hooked on makeup for some time so we’re at the point where we’ve pretty much seen it all and bought it all already. I’ve put myself on a low/no-buy and in all honesty, it hasn’t been as difficult as I thought it would be mainly because there is very little that I’ve seen even here at Temptalia that really gets my heart racing. Five years ago, even two years ago, I pretty much wanted everything I saw here with the exception of red toned e/s palettes. Now, I’m like “oh, got 3 dupes of THAT and 6 dupes of THAT….”
I think you are completely correct. I have so much and will never use half of it. Unless something is really unique, I have it or a good dupe. I would really like to feel excited about makeup again but since I don’t have a very inventive/creative mind, I can’t imagine what that next thing would be.
Urban Decay.
I can’t think of any one brand that really interests me that much any more. They keep churning out the same stuff over and over, it’s so boring and uninspired. PMG is more interesting as the quality is usually there, that’s who is getting my money right now.
I agree with you!
What’s PMG?
Pat McGrath
Pat McGrath?
Pat McGrath although I find that a lot of her eyeshadow palette releases seem to overlap one another in many of the shades offered so even purchasing her wonderful quality (and really pricey) palettes is a bit tricky if you want to avoid having too many of the same or very similar shades.
Same. I used to stalk releases from Tom Ford, Chanel and even MAC. Now I feel like THERE IS ONLY PAT.
Unfortunately the quality isn’t there with FetishEyes. I’m surprised I had to return the mascaras I ordered and that the formula and brush are what they are. I couldn’t pass the unopened 1 to a family member nor could I get mine to NOT be a pain in the butt no matter what I did differently. That bad. *I never return anything.
Oh no, I didn’t have a problem with mine!
Too many: Tarte, Wet n Wild, e.l.f., theBalm, bareMinerals, MAC, Guerlain, and I’m heading that way with Urban Decay and Too Faced. I lost interest in Stila a long time ago.
Estee Lauder definitely. I think they are sooo behind. Like no highlighters, almost only nude and browns colors… It’s boring and old-lady like. It’s not thrilling. Their first collab with Victoria Beckham was awesome, but how many times can you do the same? And now I’m more thrilled with VB cosmetic line than we EL products…
Urban Decay. Yes, I still like them, but since there are no more Vice palettes, they’ve kind of lost their luster for me.
Tarte too, somewhat. Since that awful Toasted palette, I’m just not as big a fan.
Tarte! I used to love the brand and all of their releases. Now I feel like they’re just trying to play catch up with a lot of “you asked we listened products,” but wth the crazy turnaround these days their products seem to be releasing too late for anyone to care. Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of more affordable brands have been releasing higher quality and better performing products than my older Tarte holy grails (park ave princess bronzer; tartelette in bloom palette, the BB cream).
Honestly, I’m kind of losing interest in *ALL* of them, love or no — I’m a bit “makeuped out” right now. I think I might be naturally transitioning into an apathy low-buy; if so, I intend to wring every last drop of “not interested” out of it for the sake of concentrating on what I have and saving up for other things I like better (like travel). I’m in the same mood with clothes as well.