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What beauty brand do you miss?

There aren’t too many brands that I can recall disappearing while being interested in makeup… I miss Tarina Tarantino’s line (which is still selling to a degree, though it looks primarily like what’s left of the line).

— Christine


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Allison Avatar

Serge Lutens! He had a fabulously expensive makeup line in the early 00s that had the best cream foundation i’ve ever tried. I think it’s back now, but it isn’t the same. Also not 100% sure it was Serge Lutens?

Kirsten Avatar

I miss the old Prescriptives line from about 20 years ago. They had some nice cool eyeshadow shades that were really silky, that I really liked. They’re still kina around, but now they seem SUPER overpriced. No idea what the formulas are like anymore either.

Flaky Avatar

I just came here to say prescriptives too. This was my introduction to department store makeup, along with Clinique. I had a difficult time matching my skin tone (still do!) and the custom foundation & powder station seemed like a dream come true.

It seems like with the color match gadget they have at Sephora, they could revive this service! I’m dreaming, I know.

Donya Avatar

I started with Revlon owned brands like Borghese and Ultima I I but when I found Prescriptives, I upped my game. No Internet back then so having all of their color identified as cool or warm and learning how to use them with a color wheel was a game changer. I also bought my first set of makeup brushes from Prescriptives and they were sleek and clean with a stand to resemble test rubes in a rack. I miss those.

BonnieBBon Avatar

I’m here to say Prescriptives too. I’m very very fair with neutral to warm leaning undertones but get ruddy in the face from my ancestry. I’m pretty impossible to match or at least I was back then when we didn’t have cover fx drops or white mixers. Prescriptives had that huge shade range wasn’t it a hundred something shades? They would match you then custom make your foundation. I loved that stuff!! I never wore another foundation until they went under.
They also made Calyx. My favorite fragrance of all time! To me it’s the smell of summer and young love, being the Betty of my sweet surfer boy. The hardwood floors in my tiny duplex, and my candy apple red Mustang! I grieved for both products. It was sad when Prescriptives came back without the products I was rooting for. I know Clinique makes Calyx now but every review I’ve read or video I’ve watched say it’s not the same. I haven’t tried it for fear of losing my scent memory. Anyone else tried the Clinique version of Calyx?

Pearl Avatar

I can’t think of any as far as makeup goes. There was a perfume a long time ago called Ginnie Johansson (named after herself, she created the scent) that I just loved but I’ve heard long since left the beauty industry. I’ve searched high and low for the past 10 years and can’t find any remnants of it anywhere. To this day I have not been able to find anything vaguely resembling the scent.

Angie Avatar

I’m with you on scent over cosmetics. I had the same long, fruitless search for Halston Couture. It looked like the free form regular Halston fragrance, except instead of clear glass and cream colored top, it was glass and silver. It was my signature scent for years, and I am still heartbroken 20 years later 🙁

Nancy T Avatar

Two immediately sprang to mind for me. That company I worked for back in the mid-80’s, Jean Pierre Cosmetique based in Canada, and that for at least 7-8 years had a presence here in the US. They had very MAC-like shades of makeup, but also quite a bit of skincare. And I still have no idea where this brand disappeared to, because I cannot even find info on Google, either!
The other one is Max Factor, which is no longer sold here in the States. I miss the awesome pigmentation and high quality of MF! Especially for a DS brand. They also took the prize for being my absolute favorite mascara brand for decades!

Nicole Avatar

Max Factor actually released a few items in the US last August—mascara, eyeliner, and a couple lipsticks. They were available at select Target, Walgreens, and Walmart locations as well as online. I actually received the mascara and eyeliner free from Influenster, and gave my mom the eyeliner. I also saw another product in, so they may have a larger selection than other retailers.

Bonnie Avatar

I was going to say Max Factor too, although I can order internationally from (also Ebay). And yes, I saw the mascara, liner, and 2 lipstick shades at Harmon Discount Beauty. We have a free standing Harmon here, but they are owned by Bed, Bath, and Beyond (which means you can use BBB coupons there!), so all but the smallest BBB stores have Harmon right inside the store! It is pretty much drugstore products, but the only place I’ve seen a bigger NYX selection is Ulta, and that might even be the same size. And they are quick to get new release/LE.

Mariella Avatar

Nancy, I’m very curious about Jean Pierre Cosmetique because I’m based in Canada 🙂 and I’ve never, ever heard of them. I remember back in the 70’s there was a company called Electa and Corrado, named for a husband and wife team that were both makeup artists. Could their products have been made by the company you worked for?

This is all such an interesting “trip down memory lane”, reading everyone else’s faves and going “Oh, yeah…I remember them” or “Gee, I’d forgot how much I liked THAT brand…”

Nancy T Avatar

It has been the weirdest thing, Mariella. That this company had good sized kiosks at many East Coast malls from 1984 -1992-ish, disappeared from all the malls overnight, it seemed, and now I’m having a real time trying to find out what happened to them! My thought is that they may have been bought out or absorbed into some other company? Mysterious as all heck!

Brenda Avatar

Electa and Corrado, forgot all about that line. That was the first more expensive makeup that I started on. Also, Tony and Tina, the first sparkly eyeliner that I came across. Bought up as much as I could when they discontinued the brand. Love Max Factor as well, and yes I have seen some in Walmart in the US in the last year or so.

Mariella Avatar

Well, That was a really long time ago…in the 70’s, I’m thinking. I remember a feature in either Miss Chatelaine or Flare (as it later became) – it was their “back to school” issue and the clothes were the lovely sort of autumn clothing I always love and the makeup in the entire feature was Electa and Corrado. I bought some of their stuff but I can’t recall where (probably Eaton’s but I’m not sure) or even what it was that I purchased.

Kate Avatar

Isn’t Max Factor just Covergirl? I have purchased Max Factor products in Europe and they appear to be the exact same thing with different packaging as the Covergirl in North America.

Nancy T Avatar

Thank you, Caroline, for both links! The first one I will have to see whether or not it is still in business, and if so, a current ph#. The second one may confirm a rumor from a while back, that the owner downsized in an enormous way and went into just skincare. The former is what I’m hoping is it, because this company had wonderful products in makeup. The other rumor back around the time they “disappeared” was that they were absorbed into an up and coming Canadian company, basically just becoming part and parcel of it.

Caroline Avatar

Nancy-you’re welcome!
I hope you find out what happened to them. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were still around?
I had the same thing happen with a bottle of hand lotion that I found once.
It was made by “Shura Chiro” which, if I remember correctly, was a small boutique or salon in some mall in North York.
It was the most wonderful hand lotion I ever used, and smelled like tulips! When I wanted to buy more, though, I could find nothing anywhere. They seemed to have just disappeared into thin air.
I just googled them now and found a salon in Thornhill by the same name, so I’ll give them a call tomorrow and see if they are the same people.

Jackie Avatar

I miss that one, too….and the were the first to come out with “The Nakeds,” which were the best nude shades, all matte, very basic & were all anyone needed. GREAT quality!

Stacey Avatar

So many. Cosmetic brands.
Halston cosmetics. The original version of YSL when not first started. Very chic. Think Jerry Hall when she was young. Orlane for cosmetics. Stendhal for mascara (too expensive to get from France). Payot for skincare. Sonia Rykiel for cosmetics. Even Ralph Lauren cosmetics for being trendy. The list goes on. And for individual products, the list is longer.

Mariella Avatar

I didn’t realize Orlane wasn’t around any longer. They were my first high end purchases of skin care eons ago and I actually still have a bottle of a spray tonique somewhere in a box in the basement! I came across it a few years ago and it still smelled perfectly fine and lovely and the bottle was a frosted glass with a pink spray lid. I wonder if they folded (I know I saw them at Shoppers Drug Mart maybe 10 years ago) or just aren’t as widely available.

Laura Avatar

Hard Candy! Before they were sold at Wal-Mart. They were my favourite brand and I miss them so 🙁 I’m also bummed about Tarina Tarantino.

Ashley Avatar

I was going to say Hard Candy too! I was in junior high and high school when they were at their peak and their four-pan eyeshadow compacts were all I would use. I saved up money to get each one that came out. I wish I had held onto those, if only for nostalgia’s sake.

Laura Avatar

I still have some of mine, just to look at and swatch every now and then lol! I had 3 of those eyeshadow compacts, Old Skool, Pixie, and Delusion (my favorite). I liked their eyeshadow singles too….wish I had kept them all. Their lipstick in Love Child was my favourite in 9th grade, I got all the other girls into it too haha 😀

Haley B Avatar

Illamasqua!! Not impossible to get because I love in the US and just order off of Beauty Bay (which is cheap now bc the pound is bad). The matte veil and hydraveil primers are staples in my collection– along with the cream pigment in hollow. I can’t buy these in person anymore which is really upsetting, this brand is SO good!

denise Avatar

Ultima II that was my go to in the eighties, also Princess Marcella Borghese which was so different than the Borghese is now.

Jackie Avatar

There was nothing that could match the eyeshadow palette boxes of both UII and PMB that came out in the end of the year. Palettes didn’t really exist at that time except for these that were fabulous collections!!! I’m glad to see other fans miss them besides me! 🙂

kjh Avatar

Right. They did the first, best blockbusters….they were not easy to depot in entirety. Esp the UIIs that folded up into a box…origami containers. Fine, until they gave out, or the cream products did, and you wanted to deep six them, but ave the powder products.

Blue Tea Avatar

1. L’Erin – This was a drugstore brand that I loved just as I was getting into makeup in the early 1980s when I was around 12. They had great lipsticks, nail polishes (my favorite was Sterling Pink, and I am still to this day looking for a dupe), and mascara. Their logo was a pretty silver rainbow.

2. Ultima II – I don’t remember actually using much from this line because the colors were so rich and intense for me (this was also in the early 80s) and I wasn’t allowed to wear those colors at that age, but I remember how luxurious and pigmented the colors were – lots of pigmented and shimmery teals, golds, raspberries. I looked forward to the day when I cold start using that line, but by then it had been discontinued.

3. Ralph Lauren. He had a cosmetics line also back in the 80s, but the products I missed the most were from a small, curated line in the late 90s/early aughts – mascara, lipliners and lipstick, and the best bronzer (for me anyway): Ralph Lauren Safari Climate Response Sun Sheer Bronzing Powder. It came in a tortoiseshell case, was huge, and was the most gorgeous reddish-based bronze with subtle shimmer ever (zero orange or yellow tones.)

Erica Avatar

Jane. The way it was in the 90s. I think it is still around somewhere but it suffered many makeovers since its inception and it just isn’t the same. I loved them as a teen of the 90s. Miss their chubby lipstick and eyeshadow singles. It sucks now in comparison.

Jennifer Avatar

There was a brand called Bloom, that had lip gloss from a squeeze tube that was a dusty rose color and it was my favorite. It smelled like a creamsicle.

I think they still exist, but only in Australia.

Julia Avatar

I do feel nostalgic about some of the brands that I used as a teen – Revlon Street Wear, Jane, Caboodles and Bonne Bell, which have all gone away! I’m not sure I’d actually buy them if they were still around, but I do have some great memories of those (and a few old loose pigments and bronzers 🙂 )

Linda Avatar

I used to like Prescriptives quite a lot. So many choices out there, I can’t say I “miss it,” but if it was still around I’d likely still use a thing or three.

Beth Avatar

I was going to say max factor. But they’re back in the US. It was the first makeup brand I tried. Taritino is a good one Christine. I wish she was around more.

Erica Avatar

Not really though. They tested the waters and released mascara and eyeliner which has all been sold out but I have yet to see a full line of Max Factor in any store yet. I hope so!!

Ade Avatar

Rock & Republic!
Especially their blushes… great blushes and it came with a killer packaging! Sure Rodial compact makeups come with the similar vibe and even has leather in it, but R&R comes with more badass logo.

Nicole D Avatar

Rock & Republic and Tarina Tarantino.

Rock & Republic: I still have a backup of their Luxe Lip Gloss in Vacant (best MLBB lip gloss I’ve had), the eyeshadow in Femme and one of their Lip Gloss & Retractable Brush sets.

Tarina Tarantino: Loved their lip sheen lipsticks in Cameo and Penny Arcade. I also have their Jewel Eyeshadows palettes in Magical and Dreamy.

xamyx Avatar

Max Factor, due to unavailability, and Kat von D, which is a brand I’m currently no longer supporting due to some of her recent comments.

Sarah Avatar

I miss Kat Von D too, but I quit using her products for the same reasons. 🙁 Her Tattoo liner was the best, I can’t find a dupe for it and I’ve tried at least half a dozen since tossing what product I owned.

Veronica Avatar

Kathleen lights just posted a video on her YouTube channel for a dupe of the kat Von d liner. I can’t remember what it was called but you could check out her most recent videos!

kjh Avatar

TT is a good answer. They do not seem to be issuing anything new. Not really gone, but gone from easy accessibility, Paul and Joe and Bourjois. They were both @ Sephora, well before you could do significant online sourcing. Stateside is just beginning to get better access to Bourjois. I kind of miss Garden Botanika. Their reorg and sale killed the color cosmetics aspect. Hell, they barely have fragrance anymore. Isabella Rossellini had an eponymous line at Bloomie’s briefly. Never went there. Francesca Guerrera (did I get the name right?) continues to be a fashion person out of Miami, I think. Had decent lipsticks in the line, which was at Barney’s. I miss Poppy King’s original range…maybe she started the theme naming trend…though lipstick queen is a reasonable facsimile. Poppy was also at Barney’s. Yardley Glimmericks could make a comeback now. Draw in your Twiggy lashes. That era also had Biba, notably Blue Roses…swingin’ mod London. The original/lauder prescriptives with color match? The original borghese…eye colors, esp. From the ds, I miss Aziza, with clinging vine dark green mascara, which I wore att, until it was d/c’d. I’ve lived so many decades of makeup, there’s a lot of passing to mourn.

Linda Avatar

I STILL have Garden Botanika brushes that I use to this day! In fact, just this morning. I wonder how old they are…. OLD, like me! 🙂

My young son used to pronounce it Garden Boca-ka-tang, which is, of course, how I still refer to them. That was a nice store.

kjh Avatar

Yes…and of course others dead and gone were brought back to life by this post….had forgotten Tony and Tina and Body and Soul. Both, I think, were sold in the Fresh store on Newbury St., back in the day. I liked the big old Fresh e/s, blushes…though they had few colors…and all the lips in my wheelhouse: reds, browns…they did a bang up job on puce. Some dead, most dying. Linda Cantello briefly had an eponymous line and the concealer was fabulous. She was at Louis…don’t venture there any more, now that it’s out of the back bay. The website looks as if the color cosmetics aren’t worth the trek to the waterfront, if that’s where Louis ended up. The there was Sue Devitt, who very obviously studied under Nars. Packaging was almost a knockoff, and the products were kind of derivative or an homage, depending on how you look at it. Despite not hauling or committing to her lines, that made me the saddest. Most of the others were due to corporate acquisitions, phase outs. Lauder didn’t want Prescriptives any more. Borghese was sold to a middle eastern company. Both exist again, but not through the companies that originally bought them. The Borghese story is interesting, for those who love googling. Some of the company is back in family hands, some is not. Unless that has changed. Look how fast EL is acquiring. And Shiseido is no bit player, either. It’s becoming the playing field of international conglomerates. No wonder so many are turning ‘indie only.’ It has the virtue of veganism, at this point.

Sharon Avatar

Prescriptives and before that Clarion for cool-enough-for-me color products.

80s Calvin Klein (there’ve been at least two iterations since then), which had lovely creamy eye shadow pencils.

Awake, which was marketed as Japanese in the late 90s/early aughts (Neiman Marcus/Bergdorf’s brand?) and had the best powder foundation ever.

Eileen Avatar

How I miss Tarina Tarintino! Despite the glitzy, childish packaging, I fell completely in love with her eyeliners (Puppeteer!) and silky smooth eyeshadows. They rivaled many of the liners and shadows being produced by the prestige brands. Yes, I can still see TT online, but my concern is that it is old product. As for Prescriptives, I wore many of the products for years and years, but I can’t honestly say I miss it most probably because I simply moved on to comparable products from other lines.

Hollie Avatar

Hmmm…. I miss Vincent Longo being more accessible, if they even make it any more. With the advent of the beauty blender, I think I would love Water Canvas even more than I did then!

I also miss Illamasqua being sold at Sephora- same for Bourjois.

Also Tony and Tina!! I was obsessed with their glitters and pigments.

RedHedd Avatar

Prescriptives – I loved having my foundation and powder custom blended at the counter. I know they say you can do it online now, but it’s not the same as having a MUA right there working with you to get it perfect.

Max Factor – Yes, I know it’s back in some Walgreen’s, but it’s not the same – it’s just pretty hit or miss as to what items are available and where. The 2000 Calorie Mascara was HG for me for years.

Ultima II – My first job was as a sales clerk in the cosmetics department at San Francisco Emporium (yes I’m old) I first worked at the Max Factor counter (my first lip gloss was a Max Factor – I remember it well), but I always loved when they asked me to work at the Ultima counter – it seemed SO glamorous and prestigious back then!

Jeniya Avatar

“Body and Soul”. Used to be available at Sephora (about 10 years ago or so). I loved their powder foundation. So smooth! And the packaging was to die for.

Iron Maiden Avatar

The original Stila. I used everything from that line, and everything was great, especially the eyeshadows (the original Dune, Puppy, and Puck especially). Jeannine Lobell only brought out two collections a year, and they were well thought out and wearable–one warm, one cool, and one neutral set in each collection, usually a shadow, blush, and lipstick. And I’ve never found anything to replace their AOS #1 highlighter in the tube, the sheer lipsticks (Ava and Natalie), and Luce–I still mourn you). Jeannine was smart to get out when they tried to make her expand the line too fast (after EL bought it, of course), and although the new Stila has some good products, there’s no comparison.

Jessica Avatar

I miss Jane from the 1990s. I miss the old formula of Vidal Sassoon hair care, also from the 1990s. There was some legal dispute between Sassoon and P&G and then the products were no longer available in the US. After his death they started appearing on shelves again but the formula is now apparently similar to Pantene and I don’t like how that feels on my hair.

Vivian Avatar

I really miss Illamasqua! I’m still in love with their nail polish formula… there’s just nothing quite like it. And their metal eye shadows are insane. They do appear on HauteLook from time to time, and I’m able to restock… I just wish I could play with their products in store.

Lea Avatar

I used to love some products from Jillian Dempsey’s old line, Deluxe. I miss those quite a bit. Mostly I’m still in mourning for the discontinued glosses from Armani. I’ll never understand why they discontinued those – it’s still my absolute favorite line of glosses ever.

Zoe Avatar

Nouba (not sold in the US anymore and hard to find)
Cargo (still sold at Ulta, but they feel very under-the-radar)
Tarina Tarantino (though I still have one product left by them)
Bourjois (used to be sold at Sephora)
Stila (their previous branding and product assortment)
Jack Wills (their eyeshadows came in interesting colors. still have 2 for my favorites left)

Lisa Avatar

Cargo is now sold at Kohl’s. Pretty good selection, too. We have a boutique here (Chrome) that sells Nouba – fabulous colors.

Lisa Avatar

Called Chrome today and they don’t carry Nouba any more. *scowl* I have seen it on Amazon and eBay, though. And “here”, is Lubbock Texas. 🙂

Zoe Avatar

Haha thank you! Yes, they used to be sold at Takashimaya too. I see them online sometimes. I guess I will just have to live with what I have from them at the moment.

Robyn Frid Avatar

I am dating myself, but in the late 60’s my mother took me to a high-end store and bought me Charles of the Ritz foundation to cover my pimples. I don’t think it worked. Back then we did’t have flat top brushes or beauty blenders. Girls don’t know how lucky they are to be able to cover blemishes.

kjh Avatar

I used dual lotion, a toner with so much alcohol and menthol that Paula would spank me, if she could find me. Have to admit, it felt good.

Marianne Avatar

Stephen Marais foundation and there was a lady who had a makeup line after she created (?) Giorgio perfume.
Forgot her name.

Madeline Oliver Avatar

I miss the Borghese line. It was luxurious and suited my Mediterranean coloring. Such a shame that the litigation between the Borghese family and the Saudi firm that bought it killed the line in the U. S.!

Holly Avatar

Anyone remember Flame Glo? It was around in the 80s. Really inexpensive, but great colors. The packaging was puffy little cases in pink and purple. I loved that line when I was a kid.

Nikki J. Avatar

I would love to see Rock & Republic (specifically the blushes) return! Shameless is my favorite everyday blush and somehow I managed to shatter and “fix” it twice, but I refuse to toss it. It’s basically one-of-a-kind in my mind, so I can’t part with it.

I really wish Illamasqua would return to Sephora as well. I had only discovered the brand just as Sephora was phasing out the sell of their products, so I’ve never officially seen or played with their products in person which sucks after reading review after review about how great they are.

kjh Avatar

BIBA BLUE ROSES FOR FLASHBACK DAY!!! Mary Quant’s book was the best one I ever had on makeup or skincare. Lost it in my last move. UII under Kevyn. Although I’m cursing him now for the endless parade of nudes/naked.

kjh Avatar

Who knew? Their powder products were decent, the lips not bad. Now that I’m old and can eschew brassieres, i don’t go there anymore. Wearing out the old stuff. Some of those shadow palettes had fun and unexpected color combos. Too bad.

Lisa Wilson Avatar

I really miss Prescriptives! I sold it for 11 years and I still to this day miss all of my custom blend customers. I must say I was one of the best blenders in the midwest, I could just look at someone, ask a couple of questions like what kind of coverage and treatment they wanted in it and 10 min. later tried it on them and total perfection. When Estee Lauder decided to dissolve the company I was working for Bobbi Brown by that time, but it was a very sad moment in time.

Rebecca Avatar

I miss having in store access to Illamasqua, they only recently pulled out of Myer in Australia. We can get them from the Illamasqua website and some other Australian website but I just prefer to swatch my products before purchasing. I think I’m too young to have seen many brands disappear, but I think there was a few that were mentioned in early youtube that no longer exist although they weren’t stocked in Australia in the first place.

Brian Avatar

One brand that I don’t think has been said is Shu Uemura. I know that you can order it online but I miss being able to pick up their products in store. I hope they are brought back to Sephora one day, especially since it is available on Sephora Canada.

Roxi Avatar

Was gonna comment on Shu Uemura. I don’t know why that even many online sites (in US and U.K.) only have their hair lines nowadays. I need to stock up on their cleansing oils.

Silvia Avatar

On Max Factor i have seen more and more showing up in TJ Max and everything I havecttuedvis been great! The mascaras do what they claim lengthening or volume it works! I have found a couple of bronzers, mascaras, a beautiful pink/peach blush duet and a rectangle kabuchi brush is big, soft and so awesome. I get everything I find great products. I miss seeing some Prestige eyeliners which were
soft and nice to apply but don’t remember much else that i really miss back in high school. Those big Bonnie Bell lip products I wish I could find them again they were fun and flavorful.

Michelle Avatar

I used to work for Ultima II in the 80’s. The colors were so beautiful, great skincare line and my favorite fragrance was by them called Maroc.

candleashes Avatar

Too Faced circa 2007. I know it’s not technically gone, but I feel that it changed a lot over the years and it’s the only thing I actively miss.
I will miss the Sephora Formula X polish in Wondrous, but I see why the polish line may have been discontinued, aside from that one shade it wasn’t anything special.
The old Marc Jacobs lip vinyl, but that’s also just one product.
Being able to get Bourjois at Sephora was nice, but I can definitely live without it.

Aeri Avatar

Mostly Etage – hardly anyone’s ever heard of them, and I can’t even find pictures online, but I worked for their company in 1988-89 and adored their makeup (as well as the whole store concept). I’ve kept a few things out of sentimentality, theirs was the first black lip gloss I wore (as well as the first blackened red) and the brand introduced me to copper/silver/gold lipsticks, loose pigments, and so much more. Honorable mentions to the Ultima II Nakeds like and the Prescriptives Magic line. (Magic had a highlighting pencil and liquid that I was seriously obsessed wth around 2000). I miss Revlon Street Wear a LITTLE, bit it’s definitely more for nostalgia’s sake.

kjh Avatar

Thanks for the memories. Over the Rainbow in DC…not rainbow cosmetics, which was like inatural. They catered to POC, and provided the deep shades in color/point makeup that were not available for palefaces, through the ‘standard’ lines. Early 80s, I believe. They were always gracious to me…..DC is an international setting….much finer than the diversity-challenged major lines of today. There really ought to be a movement for makeup equality and inclusiveness. Just do not put JS in charge!

Lezlie Avatar

Smitty cologne
Bonne Bell in the 80’s, their foundation covered my teen acne so well.
UII – one of the first to make an ‘8 hour’ lipstick; i drove over an hour to a mall just to buy one.
Borghese – one of the first (to my knowledge) to make an eye primer and lip primer and they were Amazing!
my first red lipstick – Calvin Klein – with matching blush pot.
all Max Factor.
but, i have to say, and now i am dating myself, that my Very first exposure to cosmetics was Avon, and they are still around and havent changed all that much.

Michelle Avatar

In the end of the 90’s, There was a beauty store called Garden Botanika. God I loved that place!…guess I was the only one!

Tam Avatar

Not sure if this line has been been mentioned, but I wish L’Oréal still carried the HIP line – so innovative for its time. Too innovative, I think, because the line has long since been D/C’ed. They had super pigmented, original products that was unheard of for drugstore products. They had rich crème eyeliners in vivid, budgeproof colors, bold eyeshadow duo colors and pure pigments in powder and stick forms. I didn’t wear makeup back then, but I was so fascinated by the vivid colorful beauty of them that I purchased them when the line was D/C’ed at a discount price.

Emilie Avatar

Not sure if it’s still around in other places, but I miss seeing the Tokidoki brand at Sephora! Never tried any of their stuff, no idea how it performed, but I always just liked looking at it, everything was so colorful and cute. The lipgloss caps had little confetti and glitter stuff in them.

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