Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019

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Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019
Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019
Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019
Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019
Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019
Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette for Fall 2019

Release Date + Collection Info

We couldn’t keep this one under wraps. ? Double tap if you’re buzzin’ on the next big drop from Urban Decay, the NAKED Honey Eyeshadow Palette! Stay tuned for all the details on September 3rd.

September 2019

Products Available

Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette, $49.00

  • Flyby
  • Sweet
  • Swarm
  • Amber
  • Keeper
  • Golden
  • Honey
  • Queen
  • Hive
  • Drip
  • HBIC
  • Sting


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Blue Avatar


Also I’m surprised and confused that they did a honey themed palette without any of the really yellow colors that are so popular right now and underrepresented in their collection. Huge missed opportunity, plus none of the colors they went with are suggestive of honey. Swarm looks closest to the mark, but it’s very tame.

I actually feel like a lot of the shades are suuuper reminiscent of the original, freshly DC’d Naked palette with a little bit of Melt’s more modern color scheme thrown in? It’s definitely a miss for me. I find it really boring and derivative :/

Erica Avatar

First, this is so late to the game. So many other brands have already released Honey themed palettes. And yet again it’s one note. No depth. All colors will muddy together and you will only be able to create one look. Yes not pink or orange. But we need more gold and brown? Brown? This will collect dust with the other UD palettes like the Naked Cherry and Reloaded and eventually just go on sale at Ulta like most UD palettes. Pass

Musingsofafox Avatar

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this palette. I thought of you as soon as I heard about this palette, remembering your love for the Honey deluxe eyeshadow from years back.

M Avatar

It’s pretty, but I’m underwhelmed. This was the release I was looking forward to the most after the trademark leak, as there are so many beautiful kinds of honey and vibrant species of bees. To me, half of these browns look like shades they’ve released before in other palettes, the gold stands out, but that’s not even a new shade. Swapping out two of the browns for green shades might have helped, I don’t know. I’m not trying to be a killjoy, I just was hoping for more.

Vanta Avatar

Haven’t felt excited about a UD palette in a while. This looks gorgeous. So happy it’s not a million orange shades like everything else right now.

Courtney Avatar

Agreed. Although I also agree with another commenter who said they wished there were more true yellows in this palette. I think this palette partnered with Colourpop’a Uh-huh Honey palette will give me a more complete spectrum of yellow shades. Annoying to have to buy two, though.

Mags Avatar

This palette is right up my alley, excited to see swatches! But I agree that they should probably come up with a new name for this line of palettes, doesn’t seem quite Naked to me.

Tessa Avatar

Oh, man. I was starting to fear that we were mired in pinks and red-toned neutrals forevermore.

Not sure I exactly need this palette, but I’d almost be tempted to buy it just to encourage the industry to keep moving in this direction!

Denise S. Avatar

This looks like my cup of tea! I love the colors they picked. Kinda reminds me of the 1st Naked palette and I loved that one. This color scheme is what I wanted for the Naked Reloaded palette. I love all of the Naked palettes. that I own. Can’t wait for this release!!

Marie Avatar

I haven’t bought any of these Naked palettes but once I see this in person, I might. I prefer browns for eyeshadows and golds for highlighting so this one might appeal to me.

Catherine Avatar

I instantly reacted positively to this, but then I covered up the Honey shade with my finger and that kind of brought me back down to earth as far as how different the palette isn’t. The other shades look pretty, but certainly already in my collection – other UD shades, never mind other brands. I still hope it’s a great palette for those who are going to buy it, and even if the shades are similar to other brands, if the performance is great/better, I’m all for that!

Jenna Avatar

I’ll probably end up getting this solely based on my love for the Deluxe palettte (Honey was my favourite shade)…I regret not buying a single eyeshadow of it back when those were also available. I’ll be interested to see if the formula is the same.

Maggie Avatar

I love this! Reminds me of caramel and honey. If “Naked” is meant to be a lineup of monochromatic themed palettes, then a palette of golden browns seems awesome! I feel like a lighter vibrant gold or yellow would also have been nice but this makes me happy. I think I would need a companion palette to keep things interesting but this is great.

Ursula Avatar

ok, this is another naked palette. I think it will work well for ladies with brown eyes. In general, most palettes have too many brown shades which I don’t like for my green eyes.

Mariella Avatar

As others have said, it’s nice to see a move away from all the reds, oranges, hot pinks, but I hope this doesn’t herald a new trend of all very mustard-y, yellowy eyeshadows and the sort of “jaundice” look. How I wish they’d just bring back the original Naked. I noticed too, a few weeks ago, that at least at Sephora, Naked2, which I think I actually prefer to the first Naked, is no longer available.

Mariella Avatar

Oh…this is interesting. I was just over at the Sephora site about 5 min. after I posted my message and I see that Smashbox has come out with 2 new Cover Shot 8 pan palettes and one of them, aptly named “Desert”, has these sorts of colours in it – green/golds, warm browns, golden shades…so maybe this is the “next big thing”.

Mariella Avatar

I have it; I’m unlikely ever to finish it but once palettes I’ve relied on for travel are discontinued and can’t be replaced if they’re lost in travelling, I leave them at home. I just think it’s a shame they’ve d/c’d their best (IMO) palettes!

Svetlana Avatar

I am surprised that no one mentions ND Gold palette. I think colour-wise this one looks pretty similar, but it definitely lacks the twist which ND nailed in Gold.
I can’t wait to compare these two in your palette dupes tool!

Reehana Avatar

I’m so tired of the “naked” theme, and this looks like the original Naked palette with one kind of yellowish shade thrown in. It’ll be a pass for me.

Veronica_1017 Avatar

i’m not mad at it but not likely to buy soon after it’s release I just bought 2 Viseart palettes with plenty of brown shade variations…I do like where they are heading and like others comments I would recommend adding greens to future releases. I’m really feeling swampy type colors right now and wish more companies had a few more options that lean into mustard or camouflage greens.

Lauren Avatar

I’m ready for this to be mine! I never got into the orange/red browns and am SO stoked that more neutral and cool tones are coming back – and this one is right up my alley. I think it will really bring out the green in my hazel eyes. I can’t wait to play with this one. UD shadows just always work well with my eyes, so this is one I won’t even wait for a review on. As soon as it is out I’ll be picking it up.

Rozdizzle Avatar

This is a beautiful palette! But I am definitely going to need to try these shades on to see how it looks with my skin tone. Sometimes certain makeup looks too yellow on me and I don’t want to look jaundiced LOL

realitygreene Avatar

Based on the first promo images, I was not immediately wowed. However, the more I looked at the shades the more intrigued I am. I love that these neutrals have a yellow/olive undertone instead of red/orange. I am sooo sick of red/orange browns. I am really interested to see swatches because Swarm, Keeper, and Hive all look VERY similar. As do Amber, Golden, and HBIC. I am wondering how POC will be able to use this palette and if those shades will be indistinguishable from one another. I agree with the commenter that said this looks like a watered down version of Melt Gemini. Gemini is 1000% more interesting than this palette and I planned to buy it in the fall. So, we’ll see how this one fairs in the reviews!

Meghan Avatar

I’m pretty ambivalent to their palettes at this point, but as soon as I saw the announcement I absolutely thought “they better bring back the eyeliner for Christine!!”

Michelle Liberman Avatar

I have been waiting for this since the first leak of the name months ago. Looks like I am gonna have to wait to swatch in person. Lately I have been finding that the UD promo shots vary widely from one another. In these you can already see that some if the colors in the palette shot are quite different than the ones in the de-panned pic. Also really hoping they release this with a couple lippies and liners like they did with Cherry. But no honey scented All Nighter spray mmmkkay?

Z Avatar

It looks really good and I’m interested….but I feel like my UD shadows are all so “dull” compared to all the other brands out there now. Not sure I can cough up the money for a palette I’ll ultimately find disappointing. :/

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