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Chelsea Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before I leave for work.
When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to bed at night.
Do you touch-up during the day? I touch up lipstick/lipgloss, blush, and powder (my nose gets shiny) during the day.

Gabby T Avatar

– i apply it in the morning first thing after my shower.
– I take it off at night before bed. I used to take it off pre-evening workout but now I run in the mornings so that solved that!
– I only touch up lipstick (more of an issue in winter when I wear it more) and concealer on my nose (it gets red). Only time I do full touch up is if I’m going out straight after work.

CatherineM Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? After my morning shower and breakfast (I don’t want to riun my makeup when I brush my teeth).
When do you remove your makeup? Depends how it looks when I get home and whether I have to go out again. Mostly in the evening.
Do you touch-up during the day? Yes, lipgloss, lipstick and pressed powder are my constant companions.

Charlotte Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? — In the morging, after taking a shower and cleansing & moisturising my face.
When do you remove your makeup? — In the evening, before I go to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? — Sometimes. Only when it’s rainy or when I’ve cried (ok, the last doesn’t happen that much… Only when I got kicked out of school :S)

alyssa Avatar

I apply my makeup around 430pm because everyday i workout at 230 then shower. i remove my makeup at 11 pm at night. and the only thing i touch up during the day are my lips. 🙂

Joyce Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? I don’t have a set schedule so I just apply whenever I want 🙂 If I’m bored and feel like playing around or right before I go out–but I typically don’t wear makeup when I go out. Heh xP

When do you remove your makeup? Right before bed.

Do you touch-up during the day? I’ll blot oil and reapply lip product if I feel like it. Other than that, no 🙂

Roza Avatar

I apply my makeup every morning around 7:00am
I remove my makeup every night around 9:00pm
I am lucky enough not to have to touch up my makeup throughout the day:)

Clodagh Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before breakfast
When do you remove your makeup? 1st thing before I got to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? rarely, if ever! Mostly not even lipsick/lipgloss. I apply it on in the morning and never really bother to reapply it during the day.

Meiya Avatar

➀ When do you apply your makeup?

Before I leave the house. I also experiment with new looks at night, just as I’m about to remove my makeup. There’s no pressure then – it’s no big deal if I make a mistake.

➁ When do you remove your makeup?

Before bed.

➂ Do you touch-up during the day?

For eyes – not really. The new formulations and application techniques (use of primers and bases) mean that my eye makeup lasts pretty much all day. For lips – after eating.

Aesthetic LA Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Usually on the drive to work. If it is a weekend and I am going somewhere, I don’t put it on until before I leave the house.

When do you remove your makeup? It depends on how hot it is. Usually before bed, but if I’m baking in our current California heat, the makeup is coming off the moment I get home.

Do you touch-up during the day? Only if I am going somewhere directly from work.

Hannah Avatar

I apply my makeup in the morning, around 8am.
I remove my makeup right before bed, 11ish.
I rarely touch up anything except lipgloss and lipbalm. My makeup usually stays in place all day.

Kristabelle Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Just depends on what I’m doing that day. If I have work, it might be at five in the morning, but if I’m going out, it might be five at night. I usually start with hair and makeup about an hour before I have to leave.

When do you remove your makeup?
As soon as I get home from work- I have a pretty active job and tend to feel sweaty, oily, and gross when my shift is done. Even if I have plans for after, I wash it all off and start over again- feels better than patting more and more powder on top of oil.

Do you touch-up during the day?
Yes, but not as much as I used to- using a good primer and waterproof concealer has really helped. I touch up my lip gloss a tonnn, though- it’s always on me.

Tammie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? – Before I get dressed in the morning, after I brush my teeth.

When do you remove your makeup? – When I get home in the evening, unless I am going somewhere.

Do you touch-up during the day? – Nope, only lipstick.

Stevie Hislop Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning before leaving the house although i go without my makeup some times.
When do you remove your makeup? Before bed with cleansing face wipes.
Do you touch-up during the day? not usually maybe a little lipgloss here and there.

Stevie xx

Monika-Luiza Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? in the morning before I go to school or work
When do you remove your makeup? mostly in the evening before I go to bed but sometimes right when I come home
Do you touch-up during the day? seldom, i try to do my make up properly in the beginning so I don’t have to touch up, but when i go to a party after work or school I “glam” it up a little bit

Rorys Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
I apply my makeup in the morning around 9:30 a.m.

When do you remove your makeup?
I usually remove all makeup after I’m done with the day or after 4 hours.

Do you touch-up during the day?
I never touch up face makeup, but I do touch up my lipstick or lipgloss

AnaA Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? When I have to g to work, in the morning. However, I can spend days without putting makeup on and I only apply it if needed.
When do you remove your makeup? About 2 hours before going to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? If I need to, I will touch-up.

Michelle Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Either in the morning or afternoon (depends on when I’m going somewhere).
When do you remove your makeup? At night, usually after 9 pm.
Do you touch-up during the day? Just with powder and lip products, if needed.

Amy Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I go to work. I work at Macy’s cosmetics counters, so it’s not always the same shift. OR before I’m going to go out somewhere with someone. It’s never the same time.

When do you remove your makeup? If I go straight home from work, right when I get home. If I go out after, before I go to bed.

Do you touch-up during the day? I’ll touch up my eyeliner, lipstick/ gloss, and use blotting sheets.

Nicole R. Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning if I have somewhere to go or if we’re having company over.
When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to bed at night.
Do you touch-up during the day? Only lipliner/lipstick/gloss, my waterline and powder around my mouth before I re-do my lips.

Mariella Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? After I’ve had coffee and breakfast but fairly early in the morning. On weekends, before I leave the house for the day (I’m loving makeup more and more and so even wear it on weekends)
When do you remove your makeup? Sometimes right when I get home – maybe not thoroughly but I’ll take a warm washcloth to wipe my face and sort of freshen up. I may reapply a bit after my face is dry. But always before I go to bed at night, I do a thorough cleansing.
Do you touch-up during the day? Usually only lipstick and a bit of powder on my nose. If we’re going out in the evening, I’ll touch up rather than start from scratch (unless it’s a big event), maybe add to what has faded during the day (liner, blush, a bit of bright shadow).

Cynthia T. Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before work.
When do you remove your makeup? At night during the bath
Do you touch-up during the day? When I have time I retouch blush. I keep applying lipbalm or moisturizing lipstick through the day

Sarah Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I go somewhere, but I’ll often apply it in the car on my way to work. (I’m not the driver.)
When do you remove your makeup? Before bed, because I’m too lazy to take it off when I first get home.
Do you touch-up during the day? Rarely, as I apply my makeup at like 1-2 in the afternoon.

Maria Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning before I go to work
When do you remove your makeup? Before I work out or before I go to bed
Do you touch-up during the day? Only lip products

Julia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?

During the week, in the morning right before I leave to go to work. On the weekends, I don’t usually wear makeup unless I am going out with friends, or going somewhere more glamorous than the grocery store! In that case, I will put it on about an hour or so before I leave the house.

When do you remove your makeup?

Rigth before I go to bed, unless I am wearing heavy eye makeup. In that case, I will wash it off before I work out.

Do you touch-up during the day?

I reapply lipstick/gloss and use blotting papers as needed throughout the day.

Angie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? If I’m going to be out that day, in the morning before I leave… If it’s questionable if I’ll be leaving the house (weekend cleaning day 😛 ), not until I know I’m going and after a shower.
When do you remove your makeup? ALWAYS before bed- even if I’m super sleepy, I keep the face wipes handy because my skin hates me.
Do you touch-up during the day? When I use the restroom- giving myself a quick once over in the mirror reminds me what a shiny Italian I am 😉

Claire Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Right before I go out, although I very rarely wear makeup for every day things like popping to the shops or running errands.
When do you remove your makeup? As soon as I get back from wherever I’ve been. I have a little routine, hair goes straight up, makeup comes straight off and I’m straight in my PJ’s!
Do you touch-up during the day? Yup, touch up with powder in the t-zone and whatever lippy/gloss I’m wearing.

Amanda A Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before leaving the house in the morning.
When do you remove your makeup? Before going to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? If I am going out, I will touch up my makeup and maybe darken it a bit for the evening.

Quinctia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? – Before I leave for the day, I work odd hours, usually later, so this will be anywhere between 8am and 1pm for a typical week.

When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to bed or hop in the shower.

Do you touch-up during the day? Very rarely. I don’t count slapping on another lip product as a touch-up, since I just carry a set couple and don’t reapply what I left the house in, usually.

Raquel Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? just before i leave home 🙂
When do you remove your makeup? as soon as i get home but only if i’m not going out any more that day
Do you touch-up during the day? most of the times, because i tend to get shiny on my nose, and my eyes tend to crease too. so i use a pressed power, apply some more blush and eventually eyeshadow (if i bring it with me).

Rebekah Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before I go to work.
When do you remove your makeup? As soon as I get in from work, unless I have somewhere else to go and then it would be before I go to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? Only lip products and occasionally eyeliner on the waterline, when I wear it there.

NeenaJ Avatar

I work M-F at an office, so on those days, I apply my eye makeup before I leave the house around 8am and apply the rest of my face during red lights on the drive into the office. (Yes, I know the light just turned green, you can stop honking now.) Any other time, I apply it before I leave the house.

I remove my makeup about an hour before I go to bed. Usually, that’s around 9pm.

Touch ups are usually just lipstick after a meal and cleaning up around the eye area whenever I notice any migrating liner.

Carrie Ann Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning.

When do you remove your makeup? In the evening.

Do you touch-up during the day? Only my lipstick or gloss.

Tone Lise Bergheim Avatar

I apply my makeup early early in the morning, because if I don’t, I never bother later on 😛
I remove it with macs cleanse off oil, FAVORITE REMOVER EVER!
I always keep a bag for essentials in my bag, but unless it’s lipstick I rearly reapply it. That’s just the way I roll.

Marian Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I go out, no matter what that time might be.
When do you remove your makeup? Before bed
Do you touch-up during the day?
I touch up lipstick and might powder my face.

Yazmin Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?

Before work or if in going out.

When do you remove your makeup?

As soon as i arrive home, i dont wear any makeup when im at home, even if i have guests over

Do you touch-up during the day?

My eye makeup and face makeup usually lasts until i take it off, i dont touch up my lipstick with the one i initially wear, instead i just use the one that stays in my handbag all the time.

Marieke Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Before breakfast. Some days, that’s 7 o’clock in the morning, some days it’s around noon…
When do you remove your makeup?
In the evening, before I take a shower and go to sleep.
Do you touch-up during the day?
Not much, a little powder and lipstick.

nicole Avatar

i apply my makeup only when i need to! which means for work, events, and for going out (day or night).
i remove my makeup as soon as i get home.
i touch-up with tinted lip balm, oil-absorbing powder, and waterproof eyeliner (if it’s necessary)

Eva Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Between drying my hair and straightening it.
When do you remove your makeup? First thing when I get home unless I have something to do later in the evening, in which case I just remove everything before bed.
Do you touch up during the day? It’s minimal, mostly just blotting. I’ve gotten my makeup down to a touchup-proof science for the most part. 🙂

Jessica Avatar

-I apply my makeup only when i know i will go out, mostly during the morning. If i know im gonna stay home then i dont wear makeup at all.
– I remove makeup at night, around 1 hr before going to sleep.
-No, i dont touch up my makeup. Thankfully my makeup looks great all time nd i dont need to. I usually wear lipstick of my lips tone so when its gone, noone notice, but if i wear red lip then i do fix it during he day.

Atqa Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning before I start work (I work most of the time at home but I always have makeup on 🙂 )
When do you remove your makeup? In the evening before I take a shower.
Do you touch-up during the day? Yes, I touch up my eyeliner, lipstick or lipgloss, blush and powder. An perfume because I consider it to be part of my look 😉

Laia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the early morning, before I leave home for work.
When do you remove your makeup? At night, when I get back home and I know I don’t have to go out again.
Do you touch-up during the day? Not really, only my lipstick but that’s about it. My make-up in general stays for long (around 12 hours with barely faded eyeshadow and still some hint of blush). I’m quite proud of it!

Dee Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? before leaving the house/ re-apply if I am going out. I dont leave the house without at least a little makeup.

When do you remove your makeup? Every night without fail!

Do you touch-up during the day? I touch up several times a day, especially my lipgloss.

paola Avatar

I apply my makeup in the morning after I take my shower.
I remove my makeup at night when I go to sleep.
Yes I touch up during the day.

Lina Avatar

I use my Ecotools to apply my makeup and most often I just take a shower and use a face scrub to take my makeup off. Sometimes I touch up my makeup, but most often not really, my makeup stays put all day and the most l have to do is put a little more foundation on.

alison Avatar

I apply in the morning, post-shower, pre-outfit.
I take it off right before I go to sleep.. and often am too tired to do even that. 🙁
I don’t really touch up anything during the day except lips! Once in a blue moon (like if I’m going out) I’ll touch up my waterline too.

Erica Avatar


When do you remove your makeup? RIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED OR IN THE SHOWER

Do you touch-up during the day? ONLY POWDER & LIP STICK/GLOSS

Jules Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
– in the morning, at least 5 mins after cleansing, toning, and moisturizing my face.
When do you remove your makeup?
– before I go to bed, whenever that is.
Do you touch-up during the day?
– yes, often I’ll touch up my t-zone or reapply lip colour/gloss if needed

Teigh Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? morning before work
When do you remove your makeup? night before shower
Do you touch-up during the day? not usually

Joyce Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? usually in the morning unless i end up having plans in the evening and hadn’t put any make-up on yet
When do you remove your makeup? before i go to bed
Do you touch-up during the day? no, only lipstick if i find it necessary

Abril Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, but not everyday, maybe 3 2 days a week.

When do you remove your makeup? At night.

Do you touch-up during the day? During humid/hot months, 2 or 3 times! I use a blotting paper and then apply a light powder.

Brie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? On the weekdays, I do all of my “base” makeup at home and do my eye makeup once I get to work (to save on some sleep). On weekends, sometime in the afternoon, after I’ve finished with whatever chores I need to do and before I go anywhere.

When do you remove your makeup? Right before I go to bed!

Do you touch-up during the day? I touch up my lip color (gloss, lipstick) and use an oil blotter halfway through the day, but that’s it!

liz Avatar

-I apply my makeup in the morning
-I remove my makeup at night, before I go to bed
-I usually do not touch-up during the day, unless it is lipstick/lipgloss

Karen Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Every morning before work.

When do you remove your makeup? Shortly before bed; sometimes I’m already in bed if I use the wipes in my bedside table.

Do you touch-up during the day? I reapply lipstick or gloss during the day, but that’s usually it.

Becca Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? in the morning, after I wash up and have breakfast because I brush my teeth after I eat and I don’t like brushing my teeth when I already have makeup on.
When do you remove your makeup? at night, or before I will change my makeup look
Do you touch-up during the day? nope!! except for lipgloss, and during the summer, I will touch up on my powder and sometimes concealer, but not other than that!

Maeve Avatar

I apply in the morning when I wake up.
I remove it right before I go to bed at night.
I don’t really touch up during the day. I don’t usually wear products that need it.

meme Avatar

1)When do you apply your makeup? After AM cleansing/skin product routine IF I am going to wear any makeup that day that is. Sometimes it is only putting on my brows.
2)When do you remove your makeup? I always remove my makeup at night. Sometimes before the day is done and I want to do a mask. But always before going to bed for the night and getting my night time skin routine on a clean face. Those rare times I don’t use the Clarisonic and sink, I keep some wipes at my bedside to use and also some eye cream in my bedside table drawer.
3)Do you touch-up during the day? Very rare that I do or need to do. If I had to do full make up in the day and am going out for an evening event, then I will touch up. Most of the time, it’s just a fast look in the mirror, fix my lipstick if I am wearing any. I will take down the T-zone shine from the day with a light touch up of BE Mineral Veil then freshen my cheek color if it needs it.

John Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? I apply in the morning before I go to work or school.

When do you remove your makeup? I remove when I get home from school and work, which is usually around 6 PMish.

Do you touch-up during the day? No, I only blot. I haven’t really noticed that I get less coverage by blotting, basically my foundation is pretty transfer proof, so I haven’t had the need to powder.

Lianne Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I leave the house, depending on where I’m going. Sometimes if I’m running late for work And I haven’t had time I sneak away to the bathroom when I get there and quickly throw on some powder/mascara/gloss.
When do you remove your makeup? I always remove my lipgloss before eating. I can’t eat with it on! I remove all my makeup before bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? Just my lipgloss!

Carly Avatar

~ In the morning. I like to start my makeup about 5:45am, about 30 minutes before I leave for work.
~ It gets removed either as soon as I get home or when I’m washing my face at bedtime. Depends on what kind of day I’ve had.
~ I seem to only touch up my waterline liner during the day.

Leticia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, after showering and blow drying my hair
When do you remove your makeup? After dinner; I try to remove my makeup as soon as possible to let my night treatments sink in
Do you touch-up during the day? Yes, usually after brushing my teeth after lunch – I blot my face, pat on a little powder and put lipstick/lipglass on

Helen Avatar

I apply it in the morning before I go to work.
I remove it before I go to bed at night.
I touch up my lipstick, and I blot and powder the rest of my face as needed.

caroline Avatar

When do I apply makeup? Right before I have to go anywhere. I have two little ones and they have to get ready first. Whatever I have time left it is me putting on my face.
When do I remove my makeup? Before I go to bed.
Do I touch up during the day? Nope. Maybe lipgloss if I happen to have that color on me.

Kat Avatar

-I apply makeup after my large cup of java.
-I remove my makeup before bed…so about 10-12 hours of makeup.
-I usually dont touch up, unless I’ve got a monster zit. I blot with oil blotting sheets about 2-3 times a day.

Liz Avatar

I apply first thing in the morning after brushing my teeth.
I remove with cleanser, in my nightly shower
I only touch up lips during the day

Giorgia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
I don’t do my makeup every morning, I apply it when I have to go somewhere.
When do you remove your makeup?
before going to bed
Do you touch-up during the day?
i touch up lipstick or lipgloss and powder!

Mia Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning after my shower.
When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to bed at night.
Do you touch-up during the day? Sometimes, I touch up lipstick/lipgloss during the day.

Lauren Avatar

1.) Right after I shower, but before I do my hair.
2.) Before I go to bed.
3.) Yes-I’ll usually touch up my lip color and maybe blot my nose.

nina Avatar

* When do you apply your makeup?
In the morning after I’ve gotten ready to go.
* When do you remove your makeup?
Right before bed.
* Do you touch-up during the day?
Nope! x) only lip glosses then I do 🙂

yajuwen Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Before I leave home

When do you remove your makeup?
Before taking shower

Do you touch-up during the day?
Rarely since I normally don’t wear lip products other than lip balm and I rule out almost anything can possibly make me have to touch-up.

Stephanie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? – Usually in the morning if I’m going to work or I know I’m going out during the day.
When do you remove your makeup? – As soon as I get home and am staying home (doesn’t matter what time as long as I’m not going anywhere).
Do you touch-up during the day? – Only lipstick/lipgloss.

Kay Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I leave for work.

When do you remove your makeup? As soon as I walk in the door.

Do you touch-up during the day? Maybe lipstick on some days.

Aleeya Avatar

I put on my makeup every morning. I remove my makeup as soon as I get home and I know I don’t have anymore plans to go out or run errands. I only do touch ups on my lips and if its hot outside, I will check my eyebrows to make sure the sweat didn’t ruin one of them or both lol. If I’m out on a date or at some special gathering I might touch up my face with powder.

Kristina Avatar

– I apply my makeup after I shower and get dressed in the morning. I try to let my moisturizer sink in before I put on foundation, etc.
– I remove it either when I know I’m going to be home for the night or right after I come home from being out and before I go to bed. I use a makeup wipe, then I wash my face with my normal cleanser.
– Yes! Just concealer and powder though.

Helena Avatar

When I apply it: Whenever I feel like wearing it!
When I remove it: Before I fall asleep.
Do I touch-up during the day: I don’t usually wear makeup during the day anymore, but when I do, and if I touch up, it’ll be a lip product.

brighton Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?- In the morning before i leave my house!
When do you remove your makeup? When I am not going to be leaving the house anymore- so if I come home at four and Im not leaving, i will remove my makeup
Do you touch-up during the day?- If my face gets oily i will blot it and apply more powder. Ill also reaplly liner and lip products. and chap stick a million times a day!

luliana Avatar

in the morning (after coffee/green tea)
when I get ready to go to bed
hardly ever – sometimes I’ll retouch my lipstick before a meeting

Alissa Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
– In the morning before I go to work, and on the weekends (minimal makeup)
When do you remove your makeup?
– At the end of each day before I shower
Do you touch-up during the day?
– Yes, definitely! I touch up with powder on the t-zone and lipbalm

Jan Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
– In the morning
When do you remove your makeup?
– At night
Do you touch-up during the day?
– Only my lipstuff and some blotting

Tanya Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning or before I go out.
When do you remove your makeup? Right when I come home or before I go out (I like a fresh face of makeup at night)
Do you touch-up during the day? Only lip gloss or lipstick.

Nicole Tong Avatar

* When do you apply your makeup? – When I go out on a date or on special occasions. Sometimes when I have time in the morning, I apply my makeup for work. Usually, I just use eyeliner and lipsticks.
* When do you remove your makeup? – At the end of the day, when or before I take a shower.
* Do you touch-up during the day? – Yes!

Ea Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, last thing before I leave the house.
When do you remove your makeup? Usually when I shower, so just before dinner.
Do you touch-up during the day? If I’m going somewhere after school other than work, yes. It doesn’t matter if my makeup is terrible at work since I’m the only person who’ll see myself there, but if I’m going anywhere I usually do a quick touch-up on my eyeliner and powder.

t_zwiggy Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I leave the house (If I have an appointment somewhere or if I’m meeting friends) I don’t wear makeup if I’m just going grocery shopping or something like that.
When do you remove your makeup? Usually a couple of hours before going to bed.
Do you touch-up during the day? I need to blot a couple of times, but that pretty much all I do.

Ruby Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? – In the morning after breakfast

When do you remove your makeup? – If I know I’m not going out anywhere once I’m back from college, around 5pm, if I’m going out somewhere, maybe 10-11pm

Do you touch-up during the day? – Yes, I touch up on lipgloss/lipstick, eyeliner, and possibly blush/bronzer/powder 🙂

L Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning
When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to sleep
Do you touch-up during the day? Only ever lip balm or gloss

Krista Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Every morning, around 7am
When do you remove your makeup? After dinner, right before I go to bed
Do you touch-up during the day? Hardly. When I do, it’s either lipstick or just a quick sweep of my MAC MSFN

Natalie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning before work on weekdays, and whenever I’m going out & feel like wearing some on the weekends.

When do you remove your makeup? At night before bed!

Do you touch-up during the day? It depends – I check periodically and see what needs it. I don’t touch everything up all at once unless it’s been a really humid, sweaty day!

Michilicious ~ Avatar

~ When do you apply your make up?
When I have school, it’s sometimes before I go there or if I don’t have time in one of my school’s bathrooms (I’m always there before 8 o’clock).
Otherwise it’s usually before I go out or when I feel like playing around with make up.

~ When do you remove your make up?
If it’s bothering me (If it’s hot outside, I want to sleep, I’m tired of it etc.) I just do it when I come home, otherwise before going to bed/showering. Or I just fall asleep in it…

~ Do you touch-up during the day?
Sometimes, but I like checking so it’s okay.

Emily Avatar

*I apply my makeup in the morning. It’s the last part of my morning routine.
*I take off my makeup at night in the shower.
*I usually don’t touch up during the day.

Valerie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Morning or after a work out
When do you remove your makeup? before a work out or before i go to bed at night
Do you touch-up during the day? usually lipstick or if I have a night out I touch up my eyeshadow and powder

Noah Avatar

-I apply everytime I go out.
-whenever I know, I don’t need to go out, after I come back home
-i touch up my lipstick and eyeliner on the waterline.

SarahH Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? After I wash my face in the morning, before I do my hair and get dressed.
When do you remove your makeup? Before I go to bed – its the first thing I do in my nighttime routine.
Do you touch-up during the day? Occasionally I touch up my eyeliner and lipstick/lipgloss around noon.

Chester Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Sometime in the “morning”, although that can vary from 7am to 12am depending on my schedule.

When do you remove your makeup?
At night, right before I go to bed.

Do you touch-up during the day?
If I’m out all day then lip products and blotting powder.
If I’m out for a bit, home, then out again (sometimes several times a day) lip products, blush if needed and blotting powder.

Erica Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Right before I leave my house for anything, be it work or some event.

When do you remove your makeup?
At night before I go to bed.

Do you touch-up during the day?
Sometimes, it depends on the weather. Usually it’s only a pressed powder & lipstick touchup.

Nikki Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before class.
When do you remove your makeup? Before I lay down to relax.
Do you touch-up during the day? Just oil blotting sheets!

Amanda Avatar

I apply my makeup in the morning after I brushed my teeth and washed my face with a toner.
I remove it in the shower, with baby oil and cleanser. (Sometimes I use a toner but not normally.)
I don’t usually touch up during the day unless I have to go out somewhere nice.

Cindy Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? In the morning, before I leave for work.
When do you remove your makeup? As soon as i get home.
Do you touch-up during the day? I need to blot towards the end of the day.

Meg Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? in the morning
When do you remove your makeup? before bed
Do you touch-up during the day? not much depends… if I’m oily I’ll blot

Dea Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
In the morning I do everything before breakfast except for my lips – than I have breakfast and brush my teeth and before leaving the house I do my lips.
When do you remove your makeup?
Before taking a shower in the evening.
Do you touch-up during the day?
Only powder on my T-zone and lipstick or gloss.

Annie Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? Before I go out 🙂
When do you remove your makeup? As soon as I’m home.
Do you touch-up during the day? I try to use the oil bloating paper but if it is too oily as I have combination skin,I apply the blot powder from MAC.

Bianca Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? in the morning, after my shower (5-6 am)
When do you remove your makeup? when i come home in the evening (7-9 pm, sometimes later..)
Do you touch-up during the day? i do have to blot a few times, sometimes i put a touch of powder, but rarely.. yeah and my lips too 🙂

Jazzy Avatar

When do you apply your makeup?
Mornings or later on in the day depending my schedule for the day.

When do you remove your makeup?
Before I go to bed or as soon as I know im in for the night.

Do you touch-up during the day?
Yes, Oil absorbing sheets, Blot powder, lipstick w/lipgloss

Renee Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? – in the morning after I shower and eat breakfast, around 7 am

When do you remove your makeup? – when I get home from work in the evenings usually around 8pm, unless I plan on going somewhere else

Do you touch-up during the day? – I’m a lipgloss fanatic so I’m ALWAYS re-applying gloss/balm/lipstick and sometimes a little powder or blotting sheets to get rid of shine.

sonia diana Avatar

When do you apply your makeup? before work or play 🙂
When do you remove your makeup? when i arrive at work or before reapplying it before i go out to dance
Do you touch-up during the day? sometimes i do while i am at my 1st job always when i am at my 2nd job and a little bit while i am out dancing the night away.

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