Sneak Peek: MAC The Matte Lip Collection Photos & Swatches
MAC The Matte Lip Lipsticks
MAC The Matte Lip Collection launches online on October 2nd and arrives in-stores (and at-counters) on October 9th. The international release date is October 2014 with no specific date. I don’t have the blushes from this launch, but I will definitely purchase and review them when they go up for sale. Full reviews, photos, swatches, and more to come soon! Please hold questions until I’ve had a chance to review – that is when I will mention possible dupes, wear, color, etc. Thank you!
See more photos & swatches!
MAC Damn Glamorous Lipstick
MAC Damn Glamorous Lipstick
MAC Heroine Lipstick
MAC Heroine Lipstick
MAC Fashion Revival Lipstick
MAC Fashion Revival Lipstick
MAC La Vie En Rouge Lipstick
MAC La Vie En Rouge Lipstick
MAC Living Legend Lipstick
MAC Living Legend Lipstick
MAC Living Legend Lipstick
MAC Nouvelle Vogue Lipstick
MAC Nouvelle Vogue Lipstick
MAC Pander Me Lipstick
MAC Pander Me Lipstick
MAC Styled in Sepia Lipstick
MAC Styled in Sepia Lipstick
ooo , living legend & styled in sepia & pander me look pretty !
Those are the 3 that caught my eye too!
Nouvelle Vogue looks beautiful!
Living legend looks amazing
I especially like the look Pander Me and La Vie en Rouge
The look “of” 🙂
La Vie En Rouge and Nouvelle Vogue!!!!
I covet Damn Fabulous and Fashion Revival! Fashion Revival sort of reminds me of Rebel though?
yeah I agree! I’ve seen fashion revival swatched elsewhere and it seems a tad darker but of course it probably depends on the natural lip color!
Maybe it’s the way the pictures look on my screen…but they don’t look very matte?
I was thinking the exact same thing…
I’m loving the look of all the colourful lipsticks bar Heroine, which is a little too purple for my taste. The nudes look great as well — I’m wondering if I’ll just have to buy them all!
Oh I love both the reds here! Are they going to be permanent Christine?
MAC listed this collection as limited edition.
Oh I had missed that post! Thank you!
Ohhh Styled in Sepia!!!
I have been waiting for these for months and months and months… I CANNOT wait for Styled in Sepia!! I might even have to get Pander Me or Fashion Revival, they look so beautiful!
So far so good, it seems, this looks great!
Am i off, or is Living Legend feathering on your arm? Who knew that could happen? Nice, varied color selection. Hope performance is good.
Hmmm! I’m not sure I want a shade from this but I’m definitely interested.
Oh Wowza!! eager for the reviews!!! 🙂
I hope Living Legend is a dupe for Revlon Black Cherry, cause I would love a matte from MAC.
I like Heroine, La Vie En Rouge, and Nouvelle Vogue so far.
I think I see a few dupes from the Riri collection, styled in sepia and living legend look like riri nude & talk that talk. Perfect for those who missed out on getting those colors.
I have really been anticipating this! Can’t wait to see the full report! <3
Last year’s retro matte collection was one of my all time favorites…though some of the shades were a little bright for everyday. This formula is different, right? Not the retro matte but a different matte? I’ll be curious to hear when you do a full review. And the Rocky Horror collection has a few mattes also right?
Some of these shades seem hard to wear. Hm…how to decide? Wait for photos!!!
How similar would you say Living Legend is to Chanel rouge noir?
Living Legend looks like a good one.
These don’t really look that matte honestly. They all have shine to them. I was really excited for this but looking at the pictures I don’t know if I want them considering how they don’t really look matte at all.
Cannot wait for lip swatches and full review, hey Christine, are they just mattes or retro mattes?
Living Legend looks like a slightly darker, richer version of MAC Dubonnet! If I can’t get ahold of it, I’ll just try mixing Dubonnet with a bit of Paramount (:
So excited for the collection, but then again, I’m on a no buy. Oh whales..
Im loving damn rouge &; nouvella.
Living Legend looks gorgeous! Almost like a mix between Diva and Cyber. Definitely purchasing this one.
Is this launch date just in the u.s? Or in the UK aswell?
The international release date is October 2014 with no specific date.
My skin is fair and cool-toned, so I’ll probably skip Pander Me… since I’ve got Heroine, I guess I’m buying SIX new lipsticks soon… XD
Living Legend of reminds me of Mac’s Media! I’m so excited!
I only had my eyes on Fashion Revival and Le Vie En Rouge but Styled in Sepia and Pander Me are starting to look mighty nice too
These look so lovely especially living legend thats the one I would definitely buy 🙂
I really like Fashion Revival! Curious to see how Damn Glamorous compares to Ruby Woo. 🙂
Most of these look more satin on my monitor. I like Heroine, Damn Glamorous and La Vie En Rouge. I actually like this collection more than I thought I would, as I’m not typically a matte person. I’m curioius to hear what the texture is like.
Can’t wait to see the reviews of these! I pretty much need all of them. haha
I wonder how Living Legend compares to Lingering Kiss from the novel romance collection. Also how well styled in sepia can compare to exclusive event and the mac nude from the riri collection. Might pass on living legend if it’s too similar but definitely want styled in sepia and fashion revival!
Le Vie en Rouge, Nouvelle Vouge and Pander Me are definitely peaking my interest– can’t wait to see your reviews (and the blushes)!
Living legend and styled in sepia look really awesome! I can’t wait for these to come out! I’ve been loving matte lips lately!
Oooh, I love all the reds! legend and styled in sepia! wow, how my tastes are changing lol. I would have gone for Nouvelle vogue previously.
Yay for purple! (could be a bit ore pigmented though? I’ll be interested to see how the lip swatch turnes out!). Other than that, Fashion revival is the only one that really speaks to me.
Living Legend doesn’t look very matte, LOL! Perhaps they’re more matte in the ‘dry down’? I’m not sure how much time elapses between you swatching it on your arm and you taking a photo – I’m guessing not too much, otherwise you’d be wandering around swinging stripy arms back and forth trying to dry lipstick! 😀
Hi Christine! It’s the first time I leave a comment on here, hope you can help me! Could you compare Living Legend with Prince Noir? I missed PN and I still can’t forgive myself! Thanks in advance 🙂 -much love from Italy
Happy first comment!
I will cover dupes in my review! Thanks for your patience!
Ok thank you!!
I hope the formula lives up! I’m always quite wary of matte lipsticks, but the colour selection here looks awesome!
i really love la vie en rouge but i’m scared it’ll look horrible on me haha also nouvelle vouge is really nice too. and of course i love living legend, but between cyber, diva, and lingering kiss among tons of drugstore colors like that i have enough to last me forever…. must resist temptation lol
It seems MAC really took into consideration those with deeper/warmer skintones with this collection! That said, Living Legend & Styled in Sepia have caught my eye…
What a pretty line up! I want the reds! I have Heroine, and love it. I like all of the shades, but I doubt I can go quite as brown as Styled in Sepia. Will be so interesting to read the reviews on these gorgeous lipsticks!
I’ve been leaning towards brown toned lipsticks this past month so I’ve got tot say Pander Me and Styled in Sepia have definitely caught my eye<3
Christine, is Heroine the same Heroine that they always had? Or is this a new heroine?
As far as I know, it is the same.
Ok, thank you for the fast reply! 🙂
Styled in Sepia looks wonderful!!!
Christine, I noticed you didn’t have a swatch of Media in the gallery. Media being a satin MAC lipstick. Living Legend looks a lot like Media. Is there any chance you could pick a tube of Media to compare it to Living Legend for your full review of this collection? It’d also be awesome to have Media in the Swatch Database. ::crosses fingers::
Ugh Living Legend is the perfect coagulated blood red I’ve been searching for. Knowing MAC, it’ll probably sell in the first hour. UNBREAK MY HEART
Damn Glamorous and Pander Me for me!
i LOVE living legend
Hi Christine, what is the purple lipstick of the promotional photo? I thought is was “Living Legend” but here seems as garnet…
No idea!
I’m excited for these! A few of the colours look awesome 🙂
Living Legend and La Vie en Rouge have caught my eye…Thanks for the swatches Christine!
Styled in Sepia, pander and heroine are calling my name <3333
Living Legend, have my heart *__*.
Christine, you are the bomb-dot-com!
Swatches where better than expected.
We HEART Temptalia! 🙂
All your followers!
The brown trend is still going strong at MAC. Every time I go there most of them are sold out. I will definitely swatch these to see how they work with my skin tone.
Can’t wait to see the Nouvelle!
Hi Christine, will you do lip swatches of them? 🙂
Most of mac lipsticks all start to look the same after a while
isn’t damn glamurus a dupe to relentlessy red?
Nouvelle Vogue and Living Legend are just to die for!