Sneak Peek: Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks Photos & Swatches
There are fifteen new shades of Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick ($20.00 for 0.22 fl. oz.) available currently (there is supposed to be one more, but I haven’t seen it for sale online yet). It’ll take me awhile to test through these as they tend to wear six hours or longer, but here are swatches for your enjoyment! Bonus, I also bought Lolita and have included that in the swatch link below.
One of each, please! lol Requiem’s gonna be mine, along with Echo. Can’t wait for the reviews!
Some great colors here, can’t wait to see your reviews!
Thank you for all of the swatches, Christine. I’m eyeing Ayesha but will back track to see what your thoughts are on the formula!
What a beautiful layout, Christine 🙂
Eyeing susperia
What fun colors! I’ll be interested to see your reviews on a few 🙂 Thanks for the bonus swatch of Lolita…I’ve been on the fence about it, so it was helpful to see it on you!
I hope Nobel performs well. It’s probably the only one I’d wear.
Beloved is the other shade and it just got released on sometime last night! As I said in another post, I ordered Bow&Arrow, Mother, Lovesick, Nosferatu and Susperia. Based on how Susperia has looked in the swatches I’ve seen, I think I will return it. I already have Double Dare and Lolita and love both of them!
Susperia looks a lot like L.U.V. previously released as well.
Ooh. I don’t typically like liquid lipsticks , but I like the way some of these look.
Wow it looks so good ! Thank you Christine !
Yeah, I’m definitely going to need Nosferatu it looks like the perfect red!
finally come out with new colors! Double Dare,Susperia and Santa Sangre are my things!
Double Dare and Santa Sangre will be mine!! Noble looks nice too, I know pale nude liquid lipsticks are difficult.
I really want Ayesha and Melancholia (and Noble, tbh), but they seem streaky….
I am a huge fan of the KVD liquid lipsticks. Needless to say, I have already ordered five of the new shades. Next up are Exorcism and Damned. Thanks for the swatches! Wasn’t sure if there was a huge difference.
I love this formula so I am thrilled the shade range got extended and these are such great shades too! I would love to check out Mother, Exorcism, Double Dare, and Witches (it is hard to find a black that looks that good on the lips)
They look painfully drying.
YAY!!!!!!!!! You’re the BEST! I’ve got Mother and Double Dare on the way! Kind of glad I passed on Melancholia, looks to bright for my skin tone. Santa Sangre looks a lot like Outlaw… Lovesick looks interesting. Oh, my wallet!
Ayesha, Susperia and Echo are coming home with me!
Oooh, Nosferatu…
I’m soo pissed off all the shades I want are sold out on the Canadian website (just went to place an order last night!), but these swatches makes me feel better about my choices in my wish list though. 😉 lol
That said. I’m still waiting also for the ColourPop ones to restock so both brands are going to duking it out to see which purchase from. Your shade comparison will be helpful!
Echo looks like a really decent blue! Nice! Too often those trend colors are a big miss…
Looks beautiful, thank you!! Can’t wait to see how these perform… I’m eyeing Mother, Double Dare, and Nosferatu 🙂
Santa Sangre looks gorgeous!! And Double Dare as well, though that one looks similar to some of the Colour Pop ones I picked up.
Santa Sangre is the only one that really jumps out to me. I hope these get a good grade, they look more comfortable and less tight on the lips than the colour pop ones did.
Ayesha, Exorcism, and Damned are going on my wishlist!
I really like all of these! This is the one liquid lipstick I can do. I hope these new colors do as well as the previously released. Really loving the reds and Echo , and the purples..well,actually all of these.:)
I ordered Double Dare, Melancholia and Mother already! I really wanted to see your review but couldn’t see before I had the chance to get these. Fingers crossed they turn out to be nice 🙂 My choices look really good for my taste here 🙂
Wow, so many gorgeous colors! Fingers crossed for a good review!
I love how the names go form noble to mother to exorcism to witches
These are gorgeous!!! Loving the look of Bow n Arrow, Mother, Exorcism, Susperia and Double Dare!
Even though I’m definitely not into liquid matte lipsticks, these look much better than most out here. Thank you for putting these swatches of these new shades up for our perusal, Christine!
Have a bunch of these on the way. Picked up a ton since I know I love the formula. Now that I see Melancholia swatched, I want that one too! Very pretty. I was bummed the shade Rosemary’s Baby doesn’t seem to be released as I wanted it both for the color and the name (though why Susperia is spelled that way instead of Suspiria like the film, I’m not sure). The names are fun, but Damned is also a NARS shade that is a very deep, similar color and Suspiria (spelled right :P) is an OCC purple shade. No commentary, just found it funny. I ordered Lovesick, Mother, Requiem, Ayesha, Susperia (ugh that spelling), Echo, and Nosferatu (for the name mostly). Also looking at Santa Sangre now as that is one lovely orange-red. Witches too since it’d be nice to have a liquid black in my stash. Sigh. KVD is not my favorite person, but damn she makes great liquid lippies.
Rosemary’s Baby was renamed to Double Dare! No idea why but there you have it. Beloved is also a rename, of what I don’t remember.
Okay I reminded myself, it was called Selektion.
The film name might be copyrighted and they couldn’t get the rights to use it maybe.
So far really liking what I’ve tried. Got to use Susperia and Ayesha yesterday and both went on extremely smooth. The formula seems to swatch slightly thicker than before, but just as effective and lovely as ever. I’ve swatched out every one and like them all so far. Will see if there’s one I end up not as in love with after wearing. But wear-time was killer. Especially on Ayesha.
I feel like we’ve seen most of these colors already, and a few look patchy, but I do love some of these vampy names. 🙂
Hello Witches!
darn it…i want them all 🙁
Bow ‘N’ Arrow looks like it’s gonna be a popular one!
Love Sick, Double Dare and Mother are my favourites!
I ordered 3 kept only one. Bow N Arrow. That’s its. I’m fine with that. Keeps my spending at bay..!
i heard that these new shades have an improved formula , so i’m interested to read your thoughts on them .
i got a sample of bachelorette in a freebie bag from sephora & i didn’t like the formula . it never fully dried down & remained tacky . 🙁
I wish these weren’t so expensive. I’d buy all of them. As it is, I can probably only get one and I’m debating between Double Dare and Mother– or maybe Lovesick. Might have to check them out in a store first.
I got Noble and tested it today. Doesn’t really stay on long. Stayed tacky but not greatly. Was a bit streaky but it’s a light color so they usually are kind of bad that way. Didn’t dry my lips at all ( I have crazy dry lips). My color pop liquid mattes are more dry but they really stay. This is less dry but needed full reapplying after 4 hours ( both tested with eating and coffee). May return it.
If you’re waiting for Lolita II, Kat said that it was going to be a limited edition holiday shade. She said it on Periscope a few weeks back but maybe she told the people she sent the lippies to a different thing. Do you know if that’s true?
I bought these!
I skipped out on Damned when I made my order, but this swatch makes me really want it. Added to my “loves” list! Hopefully I can snag it before fall.
Of course, Piaf would be the one they’re holding back. These look great. Echo and Witches look fantastic, and I think I need to add Requiem, Ayesha, Santa Sangre, Nosferatu, and Exorcism to my list. (If I get any.)
Piaf is going to be a Studded Kiss, I believe.
Oh, OK. Thanks, Celia.
I just bought Damned and Bow n Arrow a few minutes ago! BnA was hiding in the back but they let me buy it 😀 I also saw Becca’s Champagne Pop hiding in a drawer lol. Sneaky Sephora.
I picked up Mother yesterday and it’s much darker on me than the swatch here, more of a cranberry color. It was hard to pick one, definitely going back for Bow and Arrow.
Many excitement! Very buy! I ordered four of these then walked into Sephora and picked up Echo, Damned and Exorcism as well. Echo is basically my new favourite thing in the history of things.
The one that’s not on sale or in stores yet, is Lolita II and I guess it should be released sometime next month? I’m not sure why it wasn’t released with the others though.
I’m so excited for Double Dare! It looks like such a wearable peachy coral (:
Man, I was really hoping for a shade like Lime Crime’s Cashmere… that “greige” color, love it! If anyone knows of any close dupes for that, I’m always open to suggestions 😀
Try LaSplash Ghoulish.. or Colourpop Tootsi Theyre both SUPER close.
Sweet, thank you!
Bow n Arrow is really nice. Reminds me of LC’s Bleached
& Double Dare! I’m a such a sucker for pinky-corals!
echo was hard to get perfect i had to put a few layers :/
Yay! Thanks for the sneak peak, lovely collage! Excited for the full review (& more photos & swatches) I’m really amazed how different factors like lighting,skin tone,etc can greatly affect the color of Requiem.
The more I look at them, the more I want them all. Can’t wait for your review Christine! You’re doing an awesome job!
One of each please! the struggle of being a student who loves makeup is too real
Hi! Just wondering which shade of the everlasting liquid is closest to KVD studded lipstick in Lovecraft (the color looks great on me but it’s been out of stock for a while so wanted to see if there’s a comparable in the everlasting which sounds like it’s a better formula) – thanks so much!