Sneak Peek: Dior Mono Lustrous Smoky Eyeshadows Photos & Swatches
Dior Fusion (764) Diorshow Mono Lustrous Smoky Eyeshadow
Dior Diorshow Mono Lustrous Smoky Eyeshadow ($29.50 for 0.06 oz.) is a new powder eyeshadow formula for fall that is available in six shades. I’ve only seen them on Dior’s website, and I actually picked up one shade (Gravity) from Selfridge’s as it is out of stock on Dior’s website. Initially, I thought they were a wet/dry formula, so I swatched them dry and then damp. They are designed to have a “lustrous finish” with “unprecedented shine.” Full reviews to come, but here are swatches:
HELLO PIGMENT! YES these look striking!
Super sparkly on my lids doesn’t work well for me, but as a liner Temptation would be lovely.
These look beautiful. I think I can dupe them from my stash based solely on color. I will have to wait for reviews before deciding to take the plunge. I do love the looks of Fusion and Temptation. I am a succor for purple’s.
I never really get excited about anything Dior. It’s the brand that just doesn’t get me. But those first three shades are beautiful! I hope the quality is there.
EEEEEEP!! I’m sooooooo excited for these! I have the shade “cosmopolite” (although not release under this ‘formula’ name) and this looks like that finish!!! Thanks for such a beautiful swatch display and sneak peek Christine! <3 <3 <3
Oh my goodness!! Fever looks AMAZING! Wow!! I want!
WOW! Are these DIOR shadows??? I almost fell out of my chair. I’ve heard they’ve reformulated, and it looks like they did indeed. I love the pigment and shimmer on these, a bit worried as some swatches look like they have some looser glitter, but TF Glitter Glue should take care of that. These look like more sophisticated versions of the UD Moondust shadows. I’m eyeing Fire, Fusion, and Temptation. Fusion reminds me of Natasha Golden Rose, which is about the same price, but Dior’s packaging beats hers by like 100 times.
Fever and Gravity look pretty awesome!
Very nice indeed 🙂
I wish all the shadows in their palettes would be this intense and pigmented!
Loving the look of Fever. Beautiful.
These are out of this world in their magnificence!!! Gravity!!! Fever!!! Oh yes! ??
The pigmentation of these looks stellar in the swatches! I am interested to read reviews.
It looks like they’ve done som work on their singles, I have two older ones and they are not nearly as good as these appear to be.
I will enjoy reading the reviews and hopefully get to see a pretty look, but I don’t think I’ll buy any of them, unlsee they are stellar.
Unless, I noticed that major typo one mictosecond after pressing Post Comment.
Wow, these look impressive! I hope that they’re as good as they look. ?
So Pretty!!
Ohhhhh, gravity and fever. I might need these.
Fusion looks a bit less than ideal but all the others – WHOA, talk about pigmented and gorgeous!
Is this Dior? My eyes must be deceiving me lol. I’m loving Reflection.
Wow – very, very glittery. They also look fairly pigmented too. It will be good to see how they review.
Gravity intrigues me
Reflection,Fire and Fever look real nice! Thirty dollars seems kinda high for a single shadow though.
Christine, does “for fall” mean that these are LE? If so, and some are sold out on Dior’s site already, that doesn’t bode well….
Everything I’ve read indicates new and didn’t say limited edition, whereas the quints are LE… the Luminizer is actually permanent as well.
Yup, I likes the look of these esp. Fever and Smoky
Another vote for fever!!! Wonder if it transfers into crease a lot. Waiting for the review.
Hooded eyes: I know! hate that.
Christine are these similar in consistency at all to the Diorshow Fusion Mono eyeshadows.Those are my favorite Dior shadows.These are beautiful I want all of them!!
These look stunning! Can’t wait to read about their performance! I have my hopes up!
Yessssss!!!!!! Go Dior!!!!! I’m always rooting for them, and these make me so happy! I will definitely be buying these!
Fusion may actually tempt me into shelling out for a Dior single. Gorgeous!
I have Fever and it gorgeous on as an eyeliner(wet) and for the crease(dry). I love it. I got mine a month ago via Dior online. I think I want Gravity too. These do have a lot of shimmer. I would like to see some Satins or Mattes in this line too. The formula is beautiful!
Wow, these look GORGEOUS! Nice to see a release from Dior that looks so promising.