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Sneak Peek: ColourPop Lippie Stix (x11) Photos & Swatches

ColourPop Lippie Stix
ColourPop Lippie Stix

ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix ($5.00 for 0.035 oz.) is a twist-up lipstick that’s supposed to be long-wearing, comfortable to wear, and is available in three finishes; the Glossy finish has medium-full coverage, while the other two (Satin and Matte) are supposed to have full coverage. Several of you asked about these yesterday, so I got my butt into gear and shot photos/swatches for you 🙂 I didn’t purchase all of the shades they had available, only a handful, so these are all the shades I did buy.

See more photos & swatches!

ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix
ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix

ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix
ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix

ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix
ColourPop Brills Lippie Stix

ColourPop Button Lippie Stix
ColourPop Button Lippie Stix

ColourPop Button Lippie Stix
ColourPop Button Lippie Stix

ColourPop Button Lippie Stix
ColourPop Button Lippie Stix

ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix
ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix

ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix
ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix

ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix
ColourPop Fetch Lippie Stix

ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix
ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix

ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix
ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix

ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix
ColourPop Rocket Lippie Stix

ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix
ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix

ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix
ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix

ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix
ColourPop Grind Lippie Stix

ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix
ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix

ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix
ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix

ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix
ColourPop Leather Lippie Stix

ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix
ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix

ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix
ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix

ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix
ColourPop Feminist Lippie Stix

ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix
ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix

ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix
ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix

ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix
ColourPop Bunny Lippie Stix

ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix
ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix

ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix
ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix

ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix
ColourPop Charm Lippie Stix

ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix
ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix

ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix
ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix

ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix
ColourPop Raw Lippie Stix

ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix
ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix

ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix
ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix

ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix
ColourPop Wet Lippie Stix


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Alex Avatar

Oh wow, these sure look like great quality products for a very reasonable price. I see a ColourPop haul coming up in the coming months (because this year for me was a year of MAC and my budget’s absolutely drained :p)

Nuria Avatar

I have an order coming to my mail soon!!! I can’t wait to hear your impressions, if they are good I may order more items before I get my first purchase home XDDD. I heard from Dontcallmejesse that these are dupes for the bite beauty lip crayons, which I’m in love with. I’m wondering if the lasting power and overall performance are as good as bite ones (bite ones disappear gradually from the lips but even the lighter shades leave a uniform stain that is lovely, and feel comfortable on the lips even the matte ones). Since they have the $5 coupon for your 1st purchase I ordered 2 eyeshadows to reach the $30 threshold of free shipping, so I’m also looking forward to your full review on the eyeshadows. Enjoy these interesting shades!

Laura Avatar

Button is so cute (ha!) and Feminist is crazy dark and cool. Also, really love Charm but I’m sure it will make my teeth look really unfortunate.

Malia Avatar

My gosh these are freaking amazing!! Do you know where they ship from? I went to the site but just to browse, I didn’t know if it’s U.S. based…

Bunga Avatar

I feel like Wet is a TF boy that didnt make the 50 cut. overall, they look like they have goooood color pay-off & opacity. even Raw and Charm. I heart Feminist and Bunny. it’ll be cool though to have a Feminist Bunny 😀

Sarah Avatar

Some of these look quite nice for the price! I’m excited to see the reviews 😀

Also, very random, but I hate the term lippie. Something about it irritates me lol

Veronica Avatar

Love Feminist, Raw, and Rocket. What small race of elves are they enslaving to produce such great looking cosmetics for do little, I wonder.

Christine Avatar

It’s definitely not your traditional idea of an indie company – it does seem to be venture capitalist backed, so there might be a lot more money in it to leverage volume purchasing/lower pricing as a result. If brands like NYX and Wet ‘n’ Wild can do it, definitely possible, but it is impressive.

Jenna Avatar

Laying in bed at 8AM on my day off debating whether or not to go back to sleep.
Decide to check Temptalia on my phone in the meantime.
See the swatch for Feminist.
See the price.
Immediately hop out of bed and grab my laptop to order it.

Free shipping on orders over $30? Think I’ll be grabbing a few of these. I’m already in love.

Summer Avatar

Dear Rocket and Feminist, GET IN MY HANDBAG, STAT!! That purple – incredible! As soon as Christmas gifts are opened (just to be extra sure I don’t already have any ColourPop products awaiting my grabby hands), I am hauling some of these lippie stix and the eyeshadows recently swatched. The ColourPop website is also quite funny. Love that they also appear to make bespoke items.

Dee D Avatar

WOW these looks super super pigmented . Ive been looking fwd to your reviews on the Colorpop stuff so thnx for these preview pics Christine. Even these are v helpful! If everything justifies their shipping costs to Canada I might try some of their stuff..some of their ultrashock shadows seem so pretty!

Laura Avatar

I just placed a Canadian order. The order was just under $100 (ok I went a little click happy) and shipping was $14.99. I am betting I will be hit with duty when it comes across as well but even factoring all that in I still feel like I just got away with a steal.

Christine is 100% right about getting all the details right with this company. Ordering was a breeze, website was fantastic and the FAQ section made me actually laugh out loud. Very well put together.

Mariko Avatar

Well my very first order was one of the holiday collection where you get 3 LE colors plus 3 (permanent) lip pencils. The one I got was Hold the Holly which has 2 matte and 1 hyper-glossy finish. Cookie is my favorite from that set. It’s like the perfect beige nude, but without making you look dead if you’re fair like me. I think it’s a great way to try the finishes and the pencils (if you like the colors).

I also got BFF which is a good peachy color, glossy finish.

I just put in another order for the new LE set that has 3 lippie stixs and 3 eyeshadows. And I’m eyeing Bossy, Bichette, and Frida at the moment.

I did notice I don’t really need the pencils to keep the matte colors in place but for glossy/hyperglossy the pencils really make a difference, for me at least.

Mariko Avatar

I’m really not into lip liner myself either but since I wanted those 3 colors and they came with pencils I figured I’d try them. I’ve just been lining, not filling in my whole lip with the pencil. That seems to just keep everything in place. Confetti is hyper glossy and if I don’t line then it bleeds a little, but it is like a crazy red color so that could be why too. I haven’t had any trouble with Cookie – it’s perfect. And I only worse Cheers once so far.

Christine Avatar

From what I can tell, this is a venture capitalist backed endeavor (so it is more “new brarnd” than what I typically think of for indie), and it seems very, very well-researched. I guess I would say it oozes, “We paid attention to detail.”

Fran Avatar

I’m looking forward to the full review of these, some of the colors are so interesting! Some great purples, plus Bunny and Wet look really interesting, although I have serious doubts about my own ability to pull them off, lol.

Claudia Avatar

I got a lippie stick and pencil in the matte version but did not really like it. They feel similar to the City Color matte lipsticks (i tried through Ipsy subscription), like a melted crayon on your lips and they smell like that too. IDK if anyone else feels like that too. I don’t mean to bash or complain about the brand.

Grace Avatar

These are a great steal! So fun and so many fun colors! I actually just bought some of their lipliners last night 🙂 Thank you for sharing / swatching for all of us!

xamyx Avatar

I *need* Feminist (although I’m not crazy about the name…)! I’ve been searching for an “almost-black” for years that wasn’t too red or purple, and this is what I’ve had in mind. I usually have to mix/blend to get something even close, so a one-step product at $5 is a definite winner!

Celia Avatar

I actually was going to buy it no matter what color it was because of the name. Of course, once I saw the color that truly sealed the deal. But yeah, the name was a big selling-point to me! 🙂

Alexis Avatar

i was looking at the color pop site the other day thinking about how I could spend $30 on eyeshadow for free shipping, but looking at those purple lippies? Merry Christmas to me!

Celia Avatar

Brills and Feminist are in my order with Sunnies. You totally made me want to try Charm, though. I’ll wait for your review, though. I love NYX’s Pistachio, which is similar. But that one has far too much slip to stay on my lips for more than an hour. If Charm has less slip/better staying power, it might be the answer for me 🙂 I could not pull of Raw, but it looks so lovely on you!

Mandy Avatar

These lipsticks are amazing! Such an original color range and very well quality! I wouldn’t wear blue or green on my lips myself, but I still think it looks awesome. And I looove the purple ones 🙂

Andie Avatar

I just purchased some of these this morning after seeing your swatches Christine. I’d seen a couple of Youtubers post about these, but I got distracted and somehow never purchased anything. I bought the “Lippie To Go” set they have for sale. It is a combination of 5 dual ended lipsticks (supposedly their best selling colors) with the lipstick on one end and the lipliner on the other. I figured 5 lipsticks+5 lipliners for $20 was a steal. I hardly ever go through a lipstick, so it will be a great way to try everything. I ended up taking Feminist out of my cart last minute. Kind of regretting that looking at that beautiful lip swatch on my computer screen….

Jackie Avatar

I have nine of these (Bichette, Creature, Ellarie, Feminist, Flawless, Frenchie, Grind, Heart On, and Leather) and I am so ready to go back for more, but I’m a little backed up on lipsticks right now (obviously!) 😉 I’m interested to see if you like them as much as I do, although I’m sure you have higher standards than me, lol.

Janechemi Avatar

I love all of these. I didn’t read the price or the brand and I thought these were from OCC. then i scroll back and see they’re $5! wow indie brands are really giving high end MU brands a run for their money

Lindsey Sloan Avatar

I have loved colour pop for a long time. I liked them before they had lippe six(So like 7 months lol). I just recentalty just got the lippie stick in Frida (satin) and Lumiere(Matte). They are the best every day shades ever! Lumiere is a pretty good dupe for Nars Anna! I will say the Matte colors are a little drying. I don’t have dry lips so it not a problem. I wore Frida today to work and it lasted for 4 hours and even still had some on after eating. It faded quite nicely. I suggest those 2 colors for anyone just getting into it! Btw thank you for the amazing swatches! There are not many out there. Also kind of mad because I now need to do another order!!

Lindsey Avatar

I read about it on makeupandbeautyblog (It was posted on May 30th). At the time all they had was shadows. A couple months later they launched the Lippe Stixx. It crazy because they originally did not have as many shadow. They had less than 40 I think and in a couple of months they have pumped out crazy amounts of products and collabs with youtubers and bloggers. They have always had the fee shipping for 30 and the quality has been the same as now. I feel like a big makeup company is gonna jump out and say “gotcha”! Lol I have always been soooo confused on how they are able to financially afford the business and not change anything with growth of company. They did do a news segment on good day Sacramento if you want to see some of the faces.

MimiT Avatar

I have 13 of these and I find myself reaching for them all the time. Brills, Grind, and Frida are my faves. After seeing these swatches I’m thinking Fetch may need to be added to my collection.

Kelly Avatar

Wow! You always do the best color swatches. Companies should hire you for their websites, especially Colourpop! Thank you for showing us what the colors really look like!

Ericka Avatar

I own quite a bit of their lippie sticks and lippie pencils and they are really nice and very affordable. I have pitch, grind, leather, frida, feminist, ellarie, and creature. Mostly all darker colors so its nice to see the lighter colors. I am a NC45 so these look really good on deeper complexions.

lunasol Avatar

Because of you I ended up buying 2 lip colors and the matching lip pencils!!!! So excited to receive them. Love the colors!!! I bought feminist which you have here and creature! Wanted to get flawless but one comment said it was a dupe for MAC Rebel which I own so I didn’t get it but these colors look amazing on you!!!

Candice Avatar

These look so cool! I’m not super adventurous and far from a trend-setter but I like things that are a little more poppy than neutral and Rocket looks totally my style!