REFY Cream Bronzer + Cream Blush Swatches
REFY Beauty is a brand that recently launched at Sephora, so I picked up their cream blushes, cream bronzers, and liquid highlighter to try out. I thought that the size (0.05 oz.) for the cream blushes was a typo on the product listing, but no, they are really small compacts–like unusually small for a cream blush (often 0.15 oz. or greater). The cream bronzers and liquid highlighter are more in line with typical product sizes from other brands, though. Here are swatches of the seven products!
Well dang, half the size of the Fenty cream blushes at the same $. I’m in the camp that was perfectly happy paying $20 for one of the Fenty blushes, because the pigmentation stretched it out and I don’t want to keep a cream blush forever anyway; I want to use it up in a reasonable amount of time. But this is half that amount of product. I’m all for smaller-sized products, but I want the price to reflect the decrease. It feels like this blush is calling me a sucker 😂
And they want $20 for that teeny tiny little bitty blush.
No. No thank you.
Uh, cream blushes the size of the standard eyeshadow single, hard pass. That is just too, too tiny!
Citrine looks so pretty! I like the idea of a smaller blush but .05 sounds extremely small. I wonder how many uses I could get with regular wear. I don’t know if the $20 price tag is worth it. Elf makes some micro blushes for about $3.00.
Well I can appreciate how having a small cream blush etc would mean that you actually used it up before it went bad, but it is expensive for that tiny bit of cream. And some of the swatches look patchy too.