Rant & Rave: Glitter Nail Polish
Your Mission: Tell us what you love, hate, or are otherwise indifferent to about glitter nail polish and all that it entails.
Your Mission: Tell us what you love, hate, or are otherwise indifferent to about glitter nail polish and all that it entails.
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LOVE IT. Sadly I only have one pinkish-translucent nail polish, but I love it. I hardly wear it though because it takes forever to dry and I am impatient!
I love it for the bling factor, but I just hate removing it!
Is glitter nail polish still considered “in”? I haven’t worn any for a long time, but loved it back in the day! 🙂 I remember CoverGirl Glitter Slicks that had the glitter in the lid that you could sprinkle on your nails, loved it! I had the deep purple color with silver glitter. I also had a few nail polishes of the drugstore variety with the glitter mixed in. So, I would have to say love it!
I have a love/hate relationship with glitter nail polish. Though this also depends on the type you are specifically talking about. Nail polish which has specks of glitter or just glitter polish. Honestly both annoy me because it’s a pain to get off your nail. I have to scrub/soak for it to come off sometimes. But I love using it as a top coat because it lasts and looks good.
I hate that the glitter is a PITA to remove!
I am currently addicted to the new China Glaze color Dollhouse. it has GIANT glitter. and worn over Hard Candy’s Date Night it is unstoppable! I find it easier to get off if I swipe it with remover to get through the topcoat I use, then take a shower or do dishes, then use remover again after the hot water has loosened the polish up.
I don’t wear much nail polish, and don’t own any glittery ones, they’re just a bit too I don’t know, little girly?
i was around when they were HUGE the first time. now i’ve really noticed them coming back and, 15 years later, i’m loving them all over again. especially the new range of OPI holiday colors (both the general range and the line for Ulta). the china glaze colors i’ve seen on here aren’t helping my addiction.
Getting rid of the grainy texture on the top is a pain in the…other than that I love.
I love polish with fine glitter in it – but I dislike chunky glitter unless it’s a “flake”. The worst though is trying to remove it!
Couldn’t agree more! I rarely ever find chunky glitter polishes (or glitter ANYTHING) to be attractive, but fine glitter that adds shimmer is quite pretty.
I have one from OPI in some brownish colour, and while it looks great, it probably takes a good 10 minutes to get all the polish off properly from ONE fingernail!
Not for me. Agree withe MusingonBeauty that it is the worst to remove. Couldn’t wear it to work, so not all that functional for me 🙁
I love glitter polish that has a even distribution of glitter, but I really hate those ones with the big “glitter” chunk as it’s impossible to get a flake on.
I think the worst part is trying to remove the nail polish after since glitter just loves to stick no matter how much you soak it. acetone based nail polish removers work the best.
My current favourites are the SH Xtreme Wear glitter polishes.
I love it! (I’m a huge polish collector though!) And I think it’s a great, fun way for anyone to add a little sparkle to their look! It’s all about knowing the secret to removing it though! Pure acetone and FELT! Once you have that, there’s no polish you can’t wear!
I love zoya, Lippmann, and china glaze glitter nail polishes. They are a pain to remove but love them still!
LOVE IT! The trend makes sense I guess, considering all sequins and sparkly things are in 😀
I agree with Sass though, glittery nail polish is a lot harder to remove 🙁
I don’t really care for glitter but I love shimmer!
i love glitter polishes,but i hate it when they are chunky,but what i really hate is removing them,it’s just painful…
Love it! It makes me have happy thoughts. I don’t like how it can tend to apply unevenly though. That can be a little troublesome as the product ages.
I love fine glitter and polish that’s very dense with glitter. In others words, I’m loving China Glaze’s new glitter polishes. They are fun and festive, but still look polished (no pun intended). I think that glitter polish starts to look a little tacky when it’s huge flakes of glitter. Smaller glitter looks much more refined.
I don’t find glitter polishes hard to remove at all. I just use that Sally Hansen remover where you just dunk your finger in, swirl around and it’s gone!
they are nice…but i ges i am past that age of wearing glitter on nails…
I love glitter nail polish!! I just dont like removing it.
Haha, I already said it…. but, I don’t like chunky bits of glitter and sequence in my nail polish. I prefer a nice smooth shimmer or better yet, a deep creamy texture. I don’t know why, but I don’t like it when my nail polish feels rough.
I like it depending on what the glitter is like – for instance I don’t like big noticeably spaced chunks of glitter. BUT if the glitter is small and bright (like the China Glaze Ruby Pumps you just posted) I like that or if the glitter if chunky but “thick” (like lots of glitter so it’s like a disco ball lol). I agree though that removing it is a pain, the flakes just don’t want to come off.
I’ve never been a big nail polish fan to begin with, but I do love the swatches I’ve seen of the China Glaze polishes!
I looooove the amazing sparkliness of glitter nail polish, but I abhor taking it off.
I love glitter polish but like evryone else hate having to take it off. I also hate the grainy texture thats constantly there when wearing it and can make it feel almost ‘messy’. I like to do glitter tips rather than use glitter over the whole nail.I added gold glitter tips to that dark berry colour that is still all the rage at the moment and it looked fab!
I think they look tacky.
Not really, I like the last time I wore glitter nail polish was sometime in high school? I don’t hate them but they are kind of a pain to remove!
I was totally on a glitter nail polish hunt the past couple of weeks..and then I come to your site (as well as a few others) and see all of these glitter nail swatches 🙂 I picked up a couple from The Face Shop (in Canada the Face Shop sells nail polishes from Asia, not their own brand of polishes) and I cannot wait to create a gradient nails.
i love the sparkling effect, which is especially beautiful when the sun/strong light hits it, but it’s annoying to remove. it takes twice the time it takes normal nail varnishes. but i’ll put up with it from time to time for the beautiful effect! i like to layer barry m’s glitter nail paints over matte colours.
I love love love glitter polishes but it’s so so so difficult to remove the polish from your nails! I use pure aceton and it’s still a pain in the ass!
I hate glitter nail polishes. I do like shimmer, but definately no chunks of glitter!
i really dont like nail polishes with glitter, its just not my thing, i think its just too much for me…
unless i find one that i fall in love with, otherwise i dont use them….but it never hurts to give some a try, but they are hard to remove, which is not fun! lol
I love glitter nail polishes from time to time…..it’s funny that I stumbled on this as I have spent the past hour trying to open my OPI Couture polish, which is one of the most amazing fine glitter polishes evar 🙁 I wish I could open it *cries*
God,i put some glitter polish on and loved it, i am now trying to take it off, and i getting seriously frustrated :E x