She Wolf #3

Tom Ford Beauty Eye Color

Tom Ford Beauty She Wolf Ombre Eye Color Trio

Tom Ford Beauty She Wolf #3 is a slightly warm-toned, light-medium brown with a glitter finish. It is a limited edition eyeshadow.

Editor's Review

She Wolf #3 is a sparkly, medium brown with slight yellow undertones. It feels almost wet in the pan, and it yields good color payoff (surprisingly!) that was both color and sparkle. Applied, there was some fall out (and I patted it on with a flat, firm brush--MAC's 242) during application, but very minimal additional fall out while worn. I noticed a few sparkles after eight hours of wear, but the majority had somehow managed to stick to the lid. (I have always had fairly bad luck with Tom Ford's sparkly shades.)   Disney Sultana is less sparkly. MAC Romantico is darker, warmer. See comparison swatches.

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