Sydney Grace Eyeshadow
Sydney Grace Eyeshadow
Sydney Grace Eyeshadow is a set of eyeshadow formulas. There are 4 formulas in this set, which include the following: Shimmer Shadow , Matte Shadow , Pressed Pigment Shadow , Multi-Chrome Shadow .
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To view by product type, please browse each included formula separately: Shimmer Shadow , Matte Shadow , Pressed Pigment Shadow , Multi-Chrome Shadow .
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Golden Rose Golden Scepter Golden Strawberry Golden Wheat Graceful Confusion Granny Smith Grapenut Green Anjou Green Mango Green Mist Grounds Guardian Angels Gulf Coast Gumdrop Haley's Haze Half Moon Bay (Deep) Half Moon Bay (Light) Happy Accident Harvest Haven Haystack Hazelnut Heart and Soul Heart-dog Hellshire Hercules Herky Bird Hidden Treasure High School BFF Honesty Honeydew Hot Chocolate Hot Stuff Hydra I Love You Ice Fishing Iced Mocha Illusion Immortal Indiana Love Inertia Infinite Echoes (Deep) Infinite Echoes (Light) Interstellar Irish Heat Island Paradise itsaboy Ivy League Java JB Jealousy's Descent Jelly Bean Jewel Bee John Journey Home Juggler Juliet (Deep) Juliet (Light) Just Peachy Just Peachy Keep It Fun Keep Smiling Key Lime Kiss Me I'm Irish Kiwifruit La Jolla Shores Labyrinth Ladies Dancing Ladylike Laguna (Deep) Laguna (Light) Last Hope Latte Laughter Laura's Memory Lavender Hill Legendary Lemon Cream Lemon Sorbet Lemonade Let's Cuddle Levy Light My Candle Light 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Forever
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The matte eyeshadows tend to be pigmented (typically semi-opaque or opaque, often buildable if they aren't opaque) with a soft, more velvety texture that has slight slip but isn't so thick that it gets difficult to use, applies unevenly, or has a lot of fallout. I've found that most of the matte eyeshadows apply and blend out without much effort but a few may take a bit more effort to diffuse along the edges. The matte formula tends to wear between eight and eight and a half hours on me.
The shimmer eyeshadows are more consistent in pigmentation with the majority of shades having opaque color coverage. The more metallic/sparkly the shade is, the creamier and more emollient the eyeshadow felt in the pan, which often yielded really smooth application and good adherence to the lid, though a few... Read More.
The matte eyeshadows tend to be pigmented (typically semi-opaque or opaque, often buildable if they aren't opaque) with a soft, more velvety texture that has slight slip but isn't so thick that it gets difficult to use, applies unevenly, or has a lot of fallout. I've found that most of the matte eyeshadows apply and blend out without much effort but a few may take a bit more effort to diffuse along the edges. The matte formula tends to wear between eight and eight and a half hours on me.
The shimmer eyeshadows are more consistent in pigmentation with the majority of shades having opaque color coverage. The more metallic/sparkly the shade is, the creamier and more emollient the eyeshadow felt in the pan, which often yielded really smooth application and good adherence to the lid, though a few worked better with a fingertip or a dampened brush for true-to-pan color or to get a truer finish/sheen.
Most shades, however, worked well with brushes, and I didn't have trouble applying or blending out most of the shimmer shades. The more satin to pearl like finishes tend to feel a little thinner but blend out well. These shades wore between eight and nine hours on me with some of the more foiled-like shades creasing noticeably at the end (and the less foiled-like ones fading).
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