Aromaleigh Eyeshadow is an eyeshadow that retails for $7.25 and contains 0.06 oz. ($120.83 per ounce). There are 172 shades in our database.
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Aethelflaed Aido Hwedo Akurra Alichino Amanita Muscaria Ameraucana Apiary Aquila Asterion Astrild Atropa Belladonna Auriga Banished Barbariccia Bellissima Besotted Beyla Bone Arena Boudicca Brahma Brunhilde Byblis Calcabrina Carina Cepheus Cerberus Chateau Vert Chironex Fleckeri Chrysolina Chupacabra Coatlicue Cochin Constancy Coronation Craquelure Crevecoeur Cygnus Daidalos Damballah Daphnis Daughter of Helios Ddraig Goch Dendroaspis Polylepis Devout Dis Pater Do I Know You? Dowager Princess Draghignazzo Dryope Ekhidna Ekho Elysian Fields Embla Enheduanna Europa Euryale Fafnir Farfarello Faverolles Fidei Defensatrix Freya Freydis Gaasyendietha Galatea Gandareva Gargouille Goddess of Grain Gotcha Graffiacane Hapalochlaena Lunulata Helene Heliades Helleborus Niger Hesperides Hybrid Hydra Idunn Ikebana Karkinos Kastor Kelaino Keto Khloris Kinabalu Kirke Klytemnestra Klytie Knossos Kraneia Kykinos Kyllene Kyrysaor La Plus Heureuse Lagertha Langshan Lapse Leda Leiriope Leiurus Quinquestriatus Leviticus Libicocco Ligeia Lucid Luciferus Lucrezia Malacoda Malebranche Maligned Marans Medousa Minotauros Monoceros Murder Tie Musca Nemesis Nerium Oleander Nidhoggr Oculus Ophiucus Orion Orpington Othreis Perception Persuasion Philonoe Phoenix Phoibe Phoneutria Nigriventer Phyllis Phyllobates Terribilis Pitys Pleione Pollux Proserpina Queen in Heaven Queen Regent Ravenstag Reckoning Remember Me Rubicante Rusalka Ryujin Samodiva Shimchong Sicilian Sif Silkie Skylla Snake Goddess Spiritus Sthenno Striga Subline Sumatra Survive Syrinx Tamar Tattler Thetis Timandra Trastamara Trickster Tyndareus Ukasima Uktena Unorthodox Urraca Verdandi Windflowers Wyandotte Yael Zenobia
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These colors apply best over a light layer of primer, patted or brushed gently. The multichrome effects of the colors become muted if you use heavy primer or a strong glue/epoxy type of primer- or foiling. Best effects are achieved with a light layer of a primer such as NYX eyeshadow primer. Repeated brushing or buffing will also mute the chromatic effects. You can use them without primer, but the chromatic effects will be more delicate and only visible in certain lighting.