Pat McGrath Skin Show Mini Lust Gloss Trios Nows Available

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Pat McGrath Skin Show Cool Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio
Pat McGrath Skin Show Cool Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio
Pat McGrath Skin Show Warm Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio
Pat McGrath Skin Show Warm Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio
Pat McGrath Skin Show Cool Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio
Pat McGrath Skin Show Warm Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio

Release Date + Collection Info

A trio of mini nude lip glosses in warm- and cool-toned variations that deliver sensuous color and seductive shine.

Now online (app only), 1/10 online, 1/11 in stores

Products Available

Skin Show Cool Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio, $25.00 (Limited Edition, Sephora Exclusive)

  • Divine Rose Ultimate plum rose with reflective pearl
  • Pale Fire Nectar Cool duochrome with pink pearl
  • Dare to Bare Peach nude with gold pearl

Skin Show Warm Nudes Mini Lust Gloss Trio, $25.00 (Limited Edition, Sephora Exclusive)

  • Flesh Fantasy Lush pink beige
  • Flesh 4 Warm mid-tone brown
  • Bronze Temptation Golden bronze


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Susan Avatar

I have begun to buy many products in the mini sizes as I no longer work and wear makeup only a few times a week. My full sized products were expiring before even being half used. This is especially true for mascara, lippies, and foundation. I change formulas depending on the season and how my skin is behaving.
I do like both sets but I have to think about it. I need to review my stash.

Nancy T Avatar

I hear you on that, Susan! Over the past 6 or 7 months, I haven’t been wearing makeup as regularly as I did before. In my case, it’s been my health slowly going down the proverbial toilet. So things like lipsticks are turning rancid. I worry about my foundation turning, too. Then again, I may need to look into getting a new shade anyway. Seems like I’m turning a little paler very recently, which is really weird! ?

Deborah S. Avatar

The couple of PMGL glosses that I own are some of my favorites and I am not a gloss wearer. I prefer to either buy a glossy lipstick or use a balm as the texture and stickiness of most glosses just feels gross to me. However, I love both of my full size glosses and would gladly purchase the mini’s if I had a need for them or if the shade is truly unique. I will likely pass on these.

P Jill Avatar

I already have 2 of the full sized glosses in the cool nudes trio so I am kind of disappointed, I was hoping for Aphrodisiac. But now I see that many new colors will be arriving on 1/17, so I will save my $$ for those!

dzymzlzy Avatar

As soon as I saw this on my Sephora app I put them both into my cart immediately (I put almost everything I even partially consider in my cart) but I didn’t remember anything too special with them when Christine reviewed them. In the bottle the warm ones look like they’re so pretty but looking at them in practice they are so sheer. I’d personally prefer more pigmented gloss. Maybe I’ll just pick up another one of her lip balms instead. Not as glossy but they’re so comfortable.

Z Avatar

I’m pretty excited about these. Like many other people, and commentors here, I just need to take it easy on things like lip gloss (and adding to my GIANT lipstick collection). That stuff is just going bad, you know? And even though I hate gloss, I’m kind of feeling it again… These are a perfect way to try out PMG’s gloss formula in a reasonable size.

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