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OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss Review, Photos, Swatches

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss ($18.00 for 0.33 oz.) is described as a “translucent purpled burgundy.” It looks burugndy-red in the tube, but applied, it’s a cool-toned, pinky-red with hints of berry and a luminous shine. OCC New Wave is lighter, redder. Guerlain Girly is slightly darker. NARS Jardin des Plantes is a bit brighter, matte. Maybelline Vivid Rose is very similar. MAC Love Goddess is a smidgen redder. MAC Scan-delicious is pinker. Guerlain Gigi is slightly brighter. Guerlain Gourmandise is brighter. See swatch comparisons here. You can also see all shades of the Lip Tar Stained Glosses.

OCC’s new Lip Tar Stained Glosses are a thinner, glossier version of their famous Lip Tars. If you felt like Lip Tar was too opaque or heavy, you may like the Stained Glosses. It’s not sheer color as in barely-there color; indeed, it is exactly like stained glass windows where there is strong, noticeable color that you can still see through. There is some translucency to the color, so the natural lip color comes through (but depending on what that is, it may have little to no effect), but you can see that while burgundy in the tube, it applies much pinker. Rhythm Box lasted eight hours well with moderate glossiness for four hours. It did leave behind a lingering stain for another two hours or so.

Rhythm Box

PPermanent. $18.00.

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss

OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss
OCC Rhythm Box Lip Tar Stained Gloss


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Brian aka Roulette Avatar

Does this have a faint blue sheen or it is just the pigments of the product looking like that? In the lip swatches, it looks like it has a blue iridescence….very pretty either way! It may just be a trick of the light..

KF Avatar

Ok, I complained about these because I am usually an opaque-matte-or-die type and was bummed to see OCC do glossy stuff, but these are actually really pretty.

Kesha Avatar

Any idea if OCC changed their mind about selling it on their own website (so we can use the pro discount)? It hasn’t appeared there yet and I’ve asked them via Twitter, FB, and email….no response. Pretty sure I saw on your previous posts and other blogs that it was supposed to be sold both at Sephora and OCC (I think website but I guess it could just mean their NYC store). Just curious.

Kesha Avatar

Thanks for replying! Getting an answer or acknowledgement from OCC has been near impossible but I’m guessing they aren’t selling it on their website for now since there is not mention of them even existing! Haven’t seen a press release or anything that said they were Sephora exclusives but if I don’t see them on OCC’s website by next week I guess I’ll bite the bullet and order all of them from Sephora. Just my luck though, as soon as I do it they will show up on their website lol

Kesha Avatar

Yes the were selling them at The Makeup Show NYC this year…wish they would have sold them the month before at IMATS NY since I was there for that one lol. Off topic but I wish either show would expand to Atlanta, Georgia. It amazes me that a city as big and full of MUA’s connected to not only beauty but film & television and they don’t consider Atlanta to be a viable spot for a trade show (but Orlando Florida somehow is!!! lol). At any rate, I’ll try calling OCC again to see if I can get an answer.

furandlace Avatar

It would have been helpful to include a picture of how the ‘stain’ looked after 2 hours of wear since it’s marketed as a stained gloss. That way we get to see the ‘gloss’ aspect of the product as well as the lingering ‘stain’.

Carla N. Avatar

I tried “New Wave” recently, and while I LOOOVE the vibrant reddish pink color and the sheer, glossy finish, I was underwhelmed by its staying power.
I was hoping for a more stained effect, as the name would seem to imply, but on me it seemed to wear only slightly better than a standard gloss.
HOWEVER, Rhythm Box is such a beautiful color that I may “have” to buy it.

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