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OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer Review, Photos, Swatches

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

In a very unlikely hue for fall, OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer ($8.00 for 0.50 fl. oz.) nevertheless makes its debut in OCC’s Pretty Boy Collection. Given that fall launches start rolling out halfway through our real summer, this beautiful blue is still quite welcome. It’s described simply as a “creme blue.” It’s not quite neon, but it’s not a softer, robin’s egg blue either. There’s a vibrancy in the hue that borders on cyan but still it is tempered by the creaminess of the color overall. It’s more like a sky blue with a hint of aqua in it. I think the yellow tones of my skin make it appear less sky blue–perhaps in cooler skintones you’ll find the blue tones are pulled out of it more.

The formula on this particular shade wasn’t perfect–it was on the thicker side, and with a color like this, you definitely need two coats. The first coat always looks uneven and almost streaky, but the second coat turns it into near perfection. I found that a thinner primary coat followed by a regular (but with the consistency of the formula, still thick) coat, which spread and flowed over the nail to give it a smooth look with nearly opaque color coverage.

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer Review, Photos, Swatches


OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer

OCC Pool Boy Nail Lacquer


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Michelle Avatar

Very pretty; I love bright colors in fall. I must hang on to the summer season as long as I can! I have interest in OCC but I am unsure if their products are available at any retailers. Christine do you (or any readers) know if they are?

Marie Avatar

This color is lovely, unlike anything I’ve ever seen!

Sorry if this is off topic, but are you going to review the Poison loose Colour Concentrate from OCC? Thanks!

Alma E. Johnson Avatar

It almost looks like OPI’s What’s with the cat-titude! but this is much brighter,i think,might also be close to Kleancolor’s pastel blue.

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