Make Up For Ever HD Invisible Cover Foundation Review
Make Up For Ever HD Invisible Cover Foundation ($40.00 for 1.01 oz.) is easily one of the more famous products produced by the brand. It is designed to create a “soft focus” effect when used while providing medium-to-full coverage for a flawless look. It is touted as an oil-free liquid foundation that works to make you look your best in even the harshest lighting.
Funny enough, I’ve had this foundation for a few months now, and I didn’t like enough to actually use it more than a handful of times after I initially purchased it as a local Sephora. To me, it didn’t do anything that my MAC Studio Fix Fluid wasn’t already doing. (Studio Fix Fluid is a good deal cheaper — $26.00 for 1.0 oz.!) In the spirit of 30 Days of Make Up For Ever, though, I figured I should give it another shot! For reference, the shade I was matched with and own is #140, which is described as “soft beige, for medium skin with dark yellow undertones.” In MAC, I am typically NC30. There are twenty-five shades available, so there is a good range of skin tones covered.
Read on for the review!
I do want to note that my skin has much improved in the past two weeks compared to the past few months. So some of the skin-looks-better is because it really does look better as far as skin itself goes; it’s not all foundation. Just want to be upfront about that! 🙂 (Thanks Kate Somerville!)
Despite the hype, I’m still not overly impressed by the foundation. I guess that is more to say that it didn’t live up to the hype, but it is a good, solid foundation and I’d recommend to anyone looking for a semi-matte, medium-coverage, liquid foundation. (Particularly if you dislike or can’t tolerate MAC foundations.) The finish on this is nearly matte, but it seems just a touch dewy (that’s probably the “soft focus” coming into play). It gives medium coverage without much product, and you can layer it as necessary to get fulle coverage if you need it. You can always sheer it out by spritzing your brush or sponge with water, too.
I think the most impressive part of Make Up For Ever’s HD Foundation is that is photographs extremely well. It does make skin look better than it actually is. The photo above is me wearing this foundation, and I was pretty surprised at how good my skin appears in it. HD does a good job of lasting all day, and I feel like I don’t get that oily-at-the-end-of-the-day feeling so much when I use this compared to some other foundations I’ve used. While it is a medium to full coverage foundation, it feels lightweight. It actually feels fairly weightless to me, but I’m a lot more used to foundation, too, so I’m going to stick with lightweight as the descriptor.
The packaging is great, since they provide you with a foundation pump. I find that I dispense one and half to two pumps on the back of my hand, and then I use MAC’s 109 brush (spritzed first with water) to apply it to my face. This seems to give me the best results, and it is the technique I used in the photo above as well. The reason I like pump dispensers is you can figure out exactly how much you need through trial and error, and then you just use that much consistently. Without a pump, it just involves a bit more eyeballing!
Overall, HD is a good foundation, and I do prefer it over their Mat+ Velvet foundation. I think Mat+ Velvet may be a bit too matte in finish for me at times, so HD offers a happy medium where I can get a nearly-matte look with just a touch of soft dewiness — without the dewiness making me look oily or shiny. A bottle should last you a good six months, depending on how much you use and how often you use it, but there’s plenty in there, so while the price is a steep investment, it’s definitely worth it in the long-run if you like the results.
I love MUFE, but without a Sephora near me I haven’t even really wanted to purchase the HD foundation over the net, even though I know what color I would be already (lucky for me, I’m always the palest shade). I like foundations that wear throughout the day without smudging, and I’ve heard such various things about the HD in that department. What did you think while you were wearing it? Did it last all day with no rub for you?
I love the Mat+ Velvet, it’s probably my favorite foundation ever put on the market (it’s great at the pool as well since it is water resistant!).
Molly, just a head’s up: if you are a 15 in the mat velvet+, the MUFE HD 110 may not match you. Sephora says they are equivalent shades, but they aren’t – MV+ 15 matches me, while the HD 110 leaves a distinct line of demarcation along my jaw.
Hi Molly,
When worn with a primer, MUFE stays on pretty well throughout the day. Without a primer, I do feel it gets a little “oily” on me towards the end of the day. I normally get just a little oilier towards the end of the day, but it feels a little more so when I wear MUFE. With a primer, I didn’t experience this problem, though.
I liked Mat+ Velvet, too, but it felt just like Studio Fix Fluid to me, which is cheaper 😉
use tarte primer instead
BE warned-they run pretty yellow and dark. I’m very fair(MAC NC 15, or Dior 010) and they were both too dark, and too warm on my skin. Shame, since i have heard great things about them!
Good luck!
I am an oily girl with dry cheeks and used HD foundation for 6 months. A good foundation, but not great for my oily skin! It tends to get cakey, when I touch up during the day and it also disappears around Tzone area after awhile, too. So no more HD foundation for me (Mat Velvet+ wasn’t that great either!!)
Hi Natalie,
I have the same problem with a lot of foundations! Including both MUFE and MAC… Which foundation works for you?
Hi Ana, I am using both Shu Uemura Face Architect Smoothing Fluid foundation ( and Koh Gen Do Color base and Aqua foundation ( I don’t get oily with KGD stuff! They both are lightweight with little coverage, but you can build the coverage up and they will never get cakey. I use concealer for those areas that need more cover. When I touch up during the day, I don’t get products only in the pores either! Check them out.. You can ask for samples and try them first. HTH!
Were you using a primer with it, Natalie? I found it made me a little more oily at the end of the day than my usual oil level if I didn’t wear a primer!
Yeah I used it with HD primers, as well as Stop Shining and All mat. I think I have an over-active oil glands 😀
Wow, totally surprised then! At least I am not alone in MUFE HD not making me swoon, LOL.
Haha. HD was my HG foundation, until I found a better foundation though. It is good that I am gullible and get enabled easily.. Otherwise I’d be using the same stuff forever, not knowing it works for me or not.
You probably said this and I’m just blanking, but what is your HG foundation now?
lol.. Shu Uemura Face Architect Smoothing Foundatin for everyday and Koh Gen Do Aqua Foundation for the special occasion 🙂
Ooh! I just got some Koh Gen Do products to try… I will put those two on the list of products I want to try, haha.
Holy crap! Get out 😀 What did you get?
Cheek Colors in Apricot Peach and Honey something… lol!
Aww I am so jealous!! I saw on other blog that it is pain in the butt to use those cheek color applicators, so I would love to find out what you think!
I’ll definitely report back once I’ve tried ’em! 🙂
I have dry skin and mild eczema. The HD foundation is the only foundation I will ever use as long as they make it. All mac founadtions break me out except select tint which was discontinued and face and body, which I don’t care for. HD lasts all day on me and isn’t cakey. I use it with the powder and love it. I was hesitant about the powder b/c my skin is dry, but no worries.
I was about to go out today sans makeup b/c it’s so hot here in jersey, but I said, what the hell. WOW what a difference. I feel like a model when I put this stuff on. people should at least give it a try, but I know not all will love it. At least I do.
I’m so glad HD has worked out so well for you, Shontay! I wish it was as amazing for me, LOL.
your skin looks great!! did you add something to your beauty routine? please share 🙂 🙂
I’m using Kate Somerville’s Deep Tissue moisturizer right now, which my skin seems to be liking 🙂
What is your cheeks? Its beautiful?
I mean “what is on your cheeks?”
Make Up For Ever #153 and #5!
I’d love to know what you’re wearing on your cheeks and lips too! You look positively radiant! 😀
Thanks so much for the detailed run-down on this foundation.
Make Up For Ever #153 and #5 eyeshadows/blushes (they can be either). 🙂
I mix the hd with the matte and love it.
Your skin looks fab! Glowing!
Didn’t think to mix ’em! Why did you decide to mix them, Katrina?
Thanks 🙂
Your makeup looks flawless Christine! Unfortunately, I wasn’t crazy about the HD foundation.. but I do suggest that you steer clear from Studio Fix if your skin is breaking out. I have tried a lot of foundations, and sadly, anything MAC definitely wreaks havoc on my skin..
Thanks, Jaime! Actually, Studio Fix Fluid doesn’t break me out whatsoever. I’ve used it for four years, and my skin has been amazing with it (and without it). It’s definitely something else I’ve used or been using or something in my life/hormones (lol). I can’t figure it out, but I’ve had great periods of time where my skin looks clear and gorgeous but I never let up on SFF!
Studio Fix powder, though, DOES break me out!
I know this is WAY off topic, but have you guys ever had a creepy male teacher? A gifted science teacher at my school replied to email about my science project, and said I will have Mr. Pepper for science next year. Why am I freaking out? My friend, who was given a cupcake on her birthday by him, calls him Mr. Pedophile. ‘Nuf said. GAH!
Oh no!! Definitely take precautions if you take his class, and I’d probably suggest a buddy system… not to mention talking to the school if anything creepy DOES occur.
Can you please share your new skincare routine. Kate Somerville, huh? I thought you were using MB? I’d love to know what you’re using now and how you like the products. I think I got a Kate Somerville cleanser when I purchased my clarisonic…I’ll have to pull out the box and give it a try!
Hi Amanda,
I just switched to using Kate Somerville Deep Tissue moisturizer. I’m still using Mario Badescu for my toner (I wasn’t really using any MB for my daily moisturizer), as well as for my AM cleanser. I am using Darphin’s Waterlily cleanser for my PM cleanser, as well.
I have only tried one other Kate Somerville product before (Oil-Free Moisturizer), and I LOVED IT. I’m probably going to try that again after I’m out of Deep Tissue (just ’cause Deep Tissue is pricey).
I would love to know your new skincare routine as well! I use the HD foundation and so far is my favorite. I have used one of MAC’s before, but I am not sure what it is, but maybe when this bottle of MUFE is empty, I will try your MAC suggestion…since it is cheaper.
Hi Shonn,
It’s very much the same, I’ve just been using Darphin Waterlily cleanser at night and my moisturizer (AM and PM) is Kate Somerville’s Deep Tissue moisturizer. 🙂
Wow you look gorgeous…as always!!! 🙂
Thanks, Abby!
Christine, you look beautiful!! Your skin looks great! I know you love MAC studio fix fluid, but I have to say that although I love the coverage it gives whenever I use it I break out. Maybe your skin is clearing up because you’ve stopped using it?? Anyway, you look great!!
I ditto this! Everytime I use MAC, without fail…I break out the very next day! And to think I was using it for 6 months straight which only gave my skin time to develop deep painful acne/pimples which is thankfully now all gone!!! Halleluia!!! Okay, maybe I still do get one or two whiteheads when it’s near that time of the month :0)
But yeah Christine, your skin looks BEAUTIFUL (healthy & radiant) but by all means stick with whatever you are using if it works and if you’re happy.
Studio Fix Fluid doesn’t break me out — I’ve used it during good and bad skin times. It’s definitely something else (whether it’s something I’m using, used, hormones, diet, etc.). I haven’t used Studio Fix Fluid for six months or more (been playing with other foundations), my skin didn’t improve at all (in fact, it got worse). Since using Kate Somerville’s Deep Tissue moisturizer, though, I’ve seen significant improvement in my skin 🙂
Thanks, Mistli! Studio Fix Fluid doesn’t break me out, I can tell you that. I’ve used it for four years, and I’ve had periods of amazing skin while wearing it. I’ve been trying a whole slew of foundations for the past six months or more (so I haven’t been using my regular SFF), but only since I’ve changed moisturizers did my skin change any 🙂 (I really just don’t want SFF to get a bad rep from this post — ’cause I love it and it doesn’t break me out at all.)
I second everyone who is asking for the new skincare routine info! Share, share please! You look fab!
I can’t wear MAC foundation anything. I get Macne when I do. Love MUFE but tried out the HD foundation on a client and I think it’s great if your skin is OK but if you have bad skin (as my client had that day) it does not offer sufficient coverage like MAC does. I had to go into serious concealer action. But MUFE HD anything does photograph well, which I guess makes sense since it was created for the HD screen work.
Hi Steph,
I just switched to using Darphin Waterlily cleanser and Kate Somerville’s Deep Tissue Moisturizer for AM/PM. I am still using Mario Badescu’s Special Cucumber Lotion for a toner and their Acne Facial Cleanser in the AM. I also still use my Clarisonic at night. 🙂
I’ve had good luck with MAC foundations. The only one that broke me out was Studio Fix Powder.
Hey Christine, I have a question about your clarisonic. Do you use it EVERY nite? I have oily skin and was wondering if its ok to be using every nite or maybe every other nite….thanks for youe help on this!!!
I use it every night, Cat 🙂 I use a Normal or Sensitive brush head and find every night isn’t too much at all.
I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve seen a full pic of you on here, and you look gorgeous!! So radiant! Although I don’t want to get caught up in the MUFE madness…I have enough issues fighting off my MAC obsession… 🙂
Thanks, Elle! 🙂 Haha, yes, MUFE would not be good!
Where did you get the information that this foundation contains SPF 15? I wasn’t aware it contained SPF because I did not see it mentioned in the product description or on the box…
Sorry, I confused it with SFF when I had both products’ open!
Christine…pleasseee let us know your blush & lippy…I’d love to know! ..Also, I just gave in and started using MUFE Primer/Foundation..and I am still unsure if I like it as much as everyone seems to. I am trying to find the perfect Foundation for my wedding day, that WON’t rub off..and well, maybe this is close. Any Ideas???
It’s Make Up For Ever #153 and #5 blushes 🙂
I don’t have problems with the MUFE HD foundation rubbing off as long as it’s set with powder!
I have normal skin and it’s just a touch oily around the t-zone. I absolutely love MUFE HD foundation!!!! I’m a perfect match to 118 (light skin with beige undertones). Lasts all day and doesn’t cake or rub off. It’s my new HG!!
FYI — Christine did a detailed look for what the makeup she has on here:
Yay! I am so happy it’s working out for you, Andrea 😀
I really want to like this foundation, but it certainly isn’t my HG. I agree that a 109 is best for applying- I think it must need to be worked into the skin a bit- with the 187 this foundation actually seems to amplify any uneven texture. I also have to say I find it sinks into any expression lines that you may have. I’m using the lightest shade right now, and though I can make it work (since I have some color from vacation) there’s no way it will work for me in the winter- I have to blend the jawline now and I’m a good 2-3 shades deeper than normal!
Hi Jessica,
I wonder if you spritz your brush a bit before applying if it would help sheer the foundation out so it doesn’t build up as much in expression lines!
I love this stuff, it’s definitely the best liquid foundation I’ve used to date. It is very lightweight for a liquid and I love the broad colour selection.
So glad it’s working out well for you, Nepenthe 😀
I still have to see how it works on me. Thanks Christine for this review.
Let us know how it works for you, Cat 🙂
i am in love with this foundation! and i am oily, but use mac matte gel and mac oil control lotion in combination with this foundation and it is amazing!
Yayy!! Glad it is working for you, Jessica 😀
I love how lightweight this foundation is, nothing really compares to me. I also have coral undertones and MUFE matches me perfectly. The fragrance free lightweight aspect makes it incomparable to SFF and the coverage is better without being cakey.
So I love it and thinks it’s amazingly unique =p. Now the new Dior foundation was a let down.
It’s really great that it’s working out so well for you! 🙂
I’m sorry the Dior one was a let down — I loved Nude!
I got a generous sample of this at Sephora and I must say I really like it. I got #125 and the color matched me perfectly…the finish on it was also great. However my Mac SFF did the same job and to me blends better so I will stick to my $26 Mac SFF.
MUFE HD foundation is the only foundation I’ve ever used because I’m brand new to makeup and I think it’s alright. Sometimes it looks a bit cakey and weird under my eyes or my chin for some reason, but I like the finish of it. It tends to look better as the day goes on, it’s like my face melts it and it blends into my skin. Also I’d say it lasts a loooong time because I went to a weekend party and actually wore it for 3 days before washing my face (horrible, I know) and it still looked fine the third day.
hey.. i use mac studio fix fluid and i love the texture and coverage but i feel that it does not agree with my makes my nose really dry and flaky.. was just wondering do you think MUFE HD would work any better for me?? thanx
If you prefer a matte coverage like Studio Fix Fluid… try Mat+ Velvet by MUFE!
aww dont you look cute! [:
Thanks, Brooke!
Hello! I’m trying to decide between the Shu Uemura Face Architect Foundation and the Make Up Forever HD. I have pretty normal, well-balanced skin. Which would you suggest is better?
I haven’t tried Face Architect, so I can’t speak based on experience, but I have heard good things about it – so I don’t think you could go wrong with either.
I’ve been using this foundation for about 2-3 weeks now and it always seems to make my face REALLY shiny after about 3 hours of wear. It also seems to just slide right off my face. I set it with a an oil control powder and the MUFE HD setting powder so when I first put it on it looks amazing. I live in Arizona, do you think its just the heat that (and therefore sweat) thats making it not last long? Or do you think this foundation is just not that long-lasting?
It might be Arizona – not really sure. I have no issues with wear time personally.
Oh Lord, this whole battle between MUFE’s HD and MAC’s SFF is so confusing. I’ve been a loyal Clinique-er since now, but I think it’s time to broaden my foundation horizon, and the battle’s between these two foundations. Now, I’m terrified of SFF breaking me out and caking, but I mean… It’s a few bucks cheaper, if ya know what I mean – especially since I live in Europe, which makes them even more pricey. I’ve heard so much good about MUFE’s HD one, but I’m kinda put off by some reviewers saying the staying power isn’t that great and such cons. I don’t want to spend this kind of money on a foundation, with it being such a failure – and I’ve never come across someone who said MUFE’s one made them break out. I have dry/ combination to normal skin (however winter makes me flake, too) and I’m pretty pale. Is the MUFE’s color range really that lousy for pale skinned people? I mean, MAC has a pretty limited one itself. I know this is something I should find out myself, but I am desperate for some first hand advice.
Oh and by the way Christine, your skin looks guh-reaaat. Your smile, too!
MUFE is probably better for pale skin than MAC, I would say…
I like the info given. Thank you. My sugesstion to you is to try either another color or you may have to use 2 colors to get your skin tone. This color appears to be a just a little too light for you.
can you please give me a recommendation for a mufe hd shade. im nc37 in winter and nc40 in summer
Check out our foundation matrix —
did you use the MUFE hd primer and powder to get those results? or did you use other products you already had in stock?
I did not use MUFE HD Primer or their powder.
Is this foundation good for oily skin?
Super oily skin will probably want a matte finish foundation, but it should be fine with just slightly oily skin.
Hi Everyone
I applied my friends foundation as she is the same in colouring as me.I applied it to only half my face and applied my regular foundation on the other side of my face.On close inspection the HD made no difference,in fact my shu uemura architect foundation looked better.
It is always best to have a nice foundation,you can skimp on other things and get by…anyway see how you go.
Hey Christine! Would you happen to know how this foundation works on people with oily and acne prone skin? thanks!
It’s fine on my acne-prone skin, though I am not oily so I could not say definitively.
Hi, what lip colour do u wear, i really like it
if i were to use one pump a day, would you know about how long a bottle would last me?
i’ve used mac prolongwear and studio sculpt foundation, but they’ve both broke me out, so i was thinking about giving MUFE a try!
also, how do feel about this compared to nars sheer glow?
i prefer dewy looks.
NARS Sheer Glow offers a lot less coverage, so they’re different foundations.
Just wondering about the color selection. I use & love the mac studio sculpt nc25. And got matched with the mufe hd in #125 (127 was way too yellow for me). Anyway, you said you’re an nc30 & use the #140. Haven’t tried out the foundation yet just wondering your thoughts. Btw, you look amazing in the picture above. Thanks
Hi i was just wondering what colour i would be in mufe hd foundation.. i wear bobbi brown 3.5 and im inbetween mac nc25/30 i find nc30 a tiny bit to dark and i like to wear bronzer so then i look far too dark then and nc25 to light but i find bobbi brown 3.5 probably the closest colour.. I’m ordering from ireland you see so i can’t test out the colours for myself… im pretty sure i have yellow undertones… Thanks 🙂
@KateGillan Did you check the Foudnation Matrix?
Hi, I’m from Chile and here doesn’t sell makeup forever, but I really wanted to try Makeup forever Hd fundation. I’m wondering if you could help me, please, ’cause I don’t know what shade would I be in makeup forever hd fundation.
I’ve seen some pictures of the shades in sephora and other sites, but I really can’t see what shade is for me. And also I’ve tried the fundation matrix that you’ve posted here, but I’m still confuse…So…. I’m hopefull that if I tell you my shade in other brand you could help me.
I’m 020 in Diorskin Forever Extreme Wear Flawless Makeup and 200 in Diorskin Airflash Spray Foundation.
Please, please, please help me!!!!! You’re my only hope!
@Pelusita I’m not sure – I am not that shade 🙁
@Christine (Temptalia) :(. thank you anyway.
@Pelusita Based on the shades you mentioned, it sounds like you have light skin with beige undertones. If that is the case, then shade 125 would be the best option for you. Hope this helps 🙂
@VioletStevens Hi! Yes, I have light skin with beige undertones!! Thank you very much!!!
Hi. I was wondering if the texture of this foundation is similar to Chanel vitalumiere aqua?