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Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick Review, Photos, Swatches

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick

The Sultry Season: Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick ($19.00 for 0.12 oz.) is described as a satin blueberry, and though I would never have thought to use the word “blueberry” as a descriptor, it kind of is.  It is very similar to the color of baked blueberries–very dark, a tinge blue, but veering on purple.  This is a rich, intense shade–very vampy.  I felt all, “I vant to suck your blooooood!” when I wore it, but it is sexy in a dark, sultry way.  It is an opaque shade that goes on and feels a bit dry initially, but it’s not actually drying when you wear it for a few hours.  The color clings and hugs lips and this shade gave me five hours of wear, plus a residual stain.  It was scent- and taste-free.

Is this the right vamp for you? Would you wear it?

The Sultry Season is a series of posts featuring deep, rich shades of brown, berry, plum, and wine lipsticks and lipglosses — just right for autumn — that runs through October 2010.

See photos and swatches…

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick
Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Intense Lipstick

Make Up For Ever #49 Rouge Artist Lipstick


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Hilana Avatar

What a sexy vampy shade. I love it!!
Not a shade for everyday wear, but it makes me think of the 1920’s starlets and flapper girls with their bobs, drop waist dresses and pouts.
Or Morticia Adams…. 🙂 Sexy! :):)

virginiaisforluvrs Avatar

Wow! Are these colors that you set aside throughout the year or are these colors that are sent to you specifically for the sultry season? Just curious. Thanks 🙂

Claudia Avatar

I’d also love to see a good swatch (read Christine’s !!) of Amorous ! I don’t have a MAC store around and he’s a hard to find on the web ! 🙂

Katie Avatar

This looks like a color that’s far out of my league, but it’s so beautiful. I can see this lipstick doing all the talking. I’m NW20, so I’d do a very nude eye… maybe just Orb, lightly dusted all over the lid. Very light or no eyeliner. Light contouring. This lipstick looks like it’s meant to be the centerpiece.

Lyndsay Avatar

Where is the option for “love it but gotta leave it”? lol, I really adore this color, but couldn’t pull it off….so, I’d have to go with leave it, I suppose.

Stephanie Avatar

Oh, my god! I love this! It’s so great and vampy; I can totally see myself wearing this in the fall with a neutral smokey eye (not too smokey) and a lighter cheek. *sigh* Your site is making me go broke! Haha!

dolce aria Avatar

May I ask how this compares to MAC Cyber? I LOVE these tones, but it looks fairly close from these swatches…. I don’t know if i should immediately fall in love, or if i should say I already own it!

baby in a corner Avatar

this is cool, for a pale skinned person its quite editorial, you would be able to see my lips from a mile away! but it could really work on darker skin tones! its a beautiful original colour!

Christine Avatar

I’m using this definition of sultry (taken from directly): characterized by or arousing passion: sultry eyes. There are multiple definitions 🙂

But in terms of weather… really depends on where you live! It’s definitely not cool where I am until late October/November!

SDubois Avatar

I agree sultry (in make up/fashion terms) means dark and sexy. Considering the blogs’s context, I think the title is most appropriate to describe the fall make-up season rather than fall weather.

Evanna Avatar

Hmm, I like it! I think it looks good on you too.
Though I’m conflicted on one thing:This too mature to go without noticeable eye make-up, but too intense to got with smoky eyes, I figure it would be too gothic. What am I supposed to do for my eyes when I use this?

Cara Avatar

I’m loving it, I have no idea if it’d be flattering on me, but one thing (among a MILLION) your site has taught me SO FAR is to go for it. I used to wear one brown shade on my eye, lip gloss, and I had NO idea there were a thousand different shades of peach blush….now I’m rocking blue eyes, smoky greens, YELLOW even…and I don’t care if its not particularly flattering one day, I DID IT! And this is one color I’m getting. Because it’s beautiful and that’s exactly what it’ll make me 🙂

Anyway, thanks

maryelle Avatar

i LOVE blueberries, so it’s only natural i love anything that can be compared with the color. the color is absolutely gorgeous, but i have no idea where i would wear this color. unless i was lady gaga, i would totally wear it out.

anonymous Avatar

fortunately the lipstick is significantly more flattering than the things some people say…

this would be amazing with very pale skin (flawless foundation of course), a light wash of lilac shadow or a smoky grey liner, mega mascara, a dusting of highlighter (maybe marylou or chez chez) on the cheekbones and cupid’s bow, and a dot of high shine gloss in the center of the lower lip. very minimal look.

it could probably be worn much more subtley by dotting it on lightly and rubbing lips together lightly as a stain. definitely an amazing color to have on hand. I bet a tiny dot of it could even be smudged on cheeks as blush straight or blended with a bit of moisturizer or primer. There’s only one shade I think I want more (the black for a special look).

pic is worth 1000 words, so appreciate the on-the-lip photo on something like this Christine.

Lo Avatar

Wowza! this is stunning, I love vampy lip shades! can I justify getting this if I have MAC Night Violet mattene though, or could I get the same effect by using that sheered out with a gloss?

Michou Avatar

oh this is TRULY what I crave when fall hits. Rich deep colors, and this one knocks it right out of the park for me!!!! Just wish I could have more places to wear this!

Cara Avatar

i actually find that color REALLY flattering with your eye color. i have brown eyes that are pretty dark, so i’m excited to see how well it plays out

Dusty Avatar

I LOOOOVE this and might just have to add it to my shopping list with MUFE. I wish I could swatch these against MAC lipsticks though… MUFE isn’t nearly as good about returns as MAC is so if I have an equivelant, once I’ve opened the package I’m stuck with it :/

And I know you aren’t taking requests, but I’m excited to see if Smoked Purple by MAC makes the list for Fall (I LooOOoOOOooOve that one). LOL!

Dusty Avatar

Hehe awesome! It’s one of my favorite ones to mix with other colors because it’s SO matte and SO intense! It’s like a dark purple lipliner in a tube 😛

Ceriene Avatar

Such a gorgeous, dark shade. Shame I don’t have the guts to wear it! But I bet it makes for a lovely contrast when worn by girls with very fair skin.

Francesca Avatar

Yay eventually someone who says dark lipsticks make cool contrasts with pale skins!!! I so totally agree…I even prefer those deep shades on paler skintones rather than dark ones!

Vijaya Avatar

I love dark lipsticks!

I hope Homegirl from Kat Von D makes the list! It’s my very favorite dark purple.

Thanks for this, by the way; looking through your posts always helps me find products I wind up loving that I never would have looked at otherwise.

SDubois Avatar

Christine, I love this color!!! Also how do you get the color on your lips so perfectly? I am thinking you used a brush (angled?)…pls do tell your secrets. Also does this lipstick require a liner to prevent bleeding? I just purchased a few new MUFE lipsticks…can’t wait!

Christine Avatar

It’s probably after doing 500-600 lipstick/gloss swatches – I’ve just learned how to maneuver the lipstick in such a way that works well for my lip shape. I don’t use lip brushes or liners when I do lip swatches (just too time consuming — I usually swatch between 5-15 lip products in one sitting), so it’s all about trying to get the color just so.

I would normally wear this with a liner, just because it is so dark, it might bleed. I don’t have too many issues with lip products bleeding on me (only if they’re creamier or glossier), though!

Which new ones?

stephanie Avatar

For anyone who says they cannot wear this color, I suggest you can apply a thin coat on the lips and then put a light gloss over it. Put your own spin on this color or any other color dark like this

Rissy Avatar

I think I’ll leave this… esp since I live in a place where we don’t really have seasons… 🙂 it’s sunny all year round with the exception of showers. Pinks and corals for me. 🙂

Sue Avatar

hey christine, i was on the macpro site in the lipstick section and jazzed lipstick isn’t marked as a limited color. do you know if it’s part of the permanent line now?

Jocey Avatar

i probably wouldn’t wear this but that doesn’t mean i don’t think it’s gorgeous. I can always appreciate a lovely & unique lipstick 🙂

Dini Avatar

Ooooh, I want to marry this lipstick! I just got MAC Smoked Purple so I’m really into this type of color right now. I saw that Smoked Purple made the season list, so I’m excited and will wait (semi-)patiently to see how the two compare. This color is so rich. Love it!

Stacey M Avatar

I loooooove this.. and I can’t stop staring at it, it looks so good on you. now I need to figure out what to wear it with 😀

Vale Avatar

I love it, I love it, I looooooove it!!! Yes, finally you have come to a season when you can review lovely colours! No more pinks, no more corals, no more china red… finally gothic make up! Loooooooooooooove it!!! ^^ ^^ ^^ It must be mine 😀

Lisanne Avatar

Wauw this is a deep color. I really like the color but I don’t like it as a lipstick. It makes you look a bit pale.
I really love the way you apply lipsticks, it’s so precise!

Shasha Avatar

You got some white teeth, Christine!
Seriously, with teeth like those you can pull off any shade of lipstick!

Btw I was drooling over the lipstick, not the teeth. Just thought I’d mention. Yeah, I think I might buy it. The lipstick, not your teeth… You know what: it’s time for me to stop typing and just go to bed.

Aimee Avatar

I love it! I love all MAKEUPFOREVER But what kind of look would you wear it with, like what on the eyes, cheeks. Recommendation? Thanks

Lana Avatar

This lipstick would look awesome for Halloween or a costume party! But for regular wear, not so much, sorry, if I offend you or anyone on here. >_<

Shanda Avatar

I can’t wait to try the dark lips for fall. In the 90’s they were my staple…. but I think I’m going to have to veer away from the harshness of some lines and go for subtle.

Marina Avatar

Hej, Christine, do you know any dupes for this one? I just LOVE this shade?! But in my country I can’t buy MFE 🙁 But I’ve been longing for this vampylike color! BTW; you have the most perfect shape of lips, the problem is you make me wanna buy each and every lipstick/lipgloss that I saw here :/

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