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MAC x Zac Posen Collection Coming February 2016

MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016
MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016

After dazzling women with his modern but timeless designs on the runway and red carpet for 13 years, New York designer Zac Posen presents his debut colour collection for M·A·C.

“Over the past 15 years I have learned a great deal from M∙A∙C about beauty. Fashion and beauty go hand-in-hand and I have always wanted to create a makeup collection to complement my designs and brand. It was only natural to work with M∙A∙C to create my first ever signature collection. I wanted to keep it luxurious, a little mysterious and clean with a large dose of star wattage.” — Zac Posen

“Zac Posen has been a part of the M·A·C family for over 15 years, as we’ve been supporters from his first very first collection in 2001. Zac’s classic designs and deft hand in draping, textures and overall femininity evoke a kind of throw-back glamour that still feels modern. This collection is the perfect encapsulation of both of our worlds, with something sophisticated and sexy for every woman out there.” — M∙A∙C Senior Vice President/Group Creative Director James Gager

February 2016 in select markets

MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016
MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016

MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016
MAC x Zac Posen Collection for Spring 2016


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Katie Avatar

That’s all MAC does anymore. I literally yawned when I found out that MAC was coming out with an Ellie Golding collection broke. I miss the MAC of the 90s and early 2000s.

Nancy T Avatar

The packaging looks Lux and sophisticated. The lipstick appears to be a posh red-berry shade, and plummy eyeshadows too. I don’t think it screams “Spring”, but instead winter!

koolchicken Avatar

That shadow palette looks nice, but who knows how it’ll preform. And knowing MAC it’ll probably be a bunch of permanent shades. And with my collection as it stands, I’d probably do better just looking for dupes in my own stash. Half the time when I see a new palette I want, if I look at the dupes I can find the same shades in my own stash and I just plunk them into a freedom palette until I lose interest in the combination.

So Christine, while your fantastic reviews have made me spend a ton. You’ve probably also saved me just as much! Thanks! 🙂

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