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MAC Surf Baby Collection for Summer 2011 Info & Photos

MAC Surf Baby Collection for Summer 2011

U.S. Launch Date: May 26th, 2011
International Launch Date: May 2011 (excluding Asia), June 2011 (Asia)

Grab the board, hop in the Jeep, cruise the Pacific Coast Highway… Surf’s up! The lure of the endless summer starts here with My Paradise Cheek Powder, Summer Stash of Crushed Metallic Pigments, Hibiscus Lipstick and Splashproof Lash Mascara that just won’t smudge. Colourful, lustrous, and full of life…journey to a world where feeling the rush means taking a risk. Hang Ten!

Here’s bronzing for every dude and dudette looking to hit the half-pipe with a killer tan. Bring commotion to the ocean with Solar Riche Bronzing Powder and new Gold-go-Lightly Studio Careblend/Pressed Powder. Capture the surf spirit, add contours & dimension with the latest Skinsheen Bronzer Stick! Defy sun-and-sea blasted lips with Suntints SPF 20 Liquid Lip Balms.
Limited edition.

All information is OFFICIAL.  Information now includes Suntints, Bronzer Sticks, and Studio Careblend/Pressed powders.

See collection information & promotional photos! 

Surf, Baby! Cheek Powder ($28.00 U.S. / $32.00 CDN)

  • My Paradise Peach pressed powder with gold hibiscus flower overspray (Limited Edition)

Lipstick ($15.50 U.S. / $18.50 CDN)

  • Bust Out! Dirty mid-tone violet (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
  • Hibiscus Bright orange coral (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Mocha Peachy yellow-brown (Satin) (Permanent)
  • Naturally Eccentric Creamy white nude (Lustre) (Limited Edition)

Lipglass ($15.50 U.S. / $18.50 CDN)

  • Girl on Board Pale white gold (Limited Edition)
  • Good Lovin’ Soft peachy pink (Limited Edition)
  • Krazy Kahuna Warm mid-tone brown (Limited Edition)
  • Strange Potion Soft coral pink (Limited Edition)

Crushed Metallic Pigment Stacks ($32.50 U.S. / $38.50 CDN)

  • Summer Stash Light pink champagne, light white pearl, light violet with silver pearl, brown bronze with gold pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Surf the Ocean Frosty platinum, light yellow green, gold bronze, dirty graphite with silver pearl (Frost) (Limited Edition)

Eyeshadow ($15.50 U.S. / $18.50 CDN)

  • Saffron Deep coral caramel (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Short Shorts Frosty white champagne (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Sun Blonde Dirty yellow gold (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Surf U.S.A. Frosted teal (Frost) (Limited Edition)
  • Swell Baby Mid-tone grey (Satin) (Limited Edition)

Nail Lacquer ($13.50 U.S. / $17.00 CDN)

  • Hangin’ Loose Dirty pink nude (Limited Edition)
  • Ocean Dip Mid-tone creamy aqua (Limited Edition)

Powerpoint Eye Pencil ($15.50 U.S. / $18.50 CDN)

  • Blue Noon Teal with gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Gilded White Yellow white frost (Limited Edition)

Pigment ($19.50 U.S. / $23.50 CDN)

  • Naked Fleshy beige with golden copper pearl (Permanent)
  • Melon Soft bright golden peach (Permanent)

Splashproof Lash Mascara ($14.00 U.S. / $17.00 CDN)

  • Blacksplash Black (Permanent)

Bags (MAC Stores Only)

  • Surf, Baby! 1 ($28.00 U.S. / $33.50 CDN) (Limited Edition)
  • Surf, Baby! 2 ($32.00 U.S. / $38.50 CDN) (Limited Edition)

Suntints SPF 20 Liquid Lip Balm ($15.50 U.S. / $18.50 CDN)

  • Full of Grace Soft sheer rose (Limited Edition)
  • Pink Tinge Clean bright yellow pink with gold pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Lilt of Lily Soft creamy pale pink (Limited Edition)

MAC Skinsheen Bronzer Stick ($29.50 U.S. / $35.50 CDN)

  • Tan-tint Soft suntan bronze (Limited Edition)
  • Billinoaire Bronze Warm golden tan (Limited Edition)
  • Gilty Bronze Coppery bronze with gold shimmer (Limited Edition)

Bronzing Powder ($24.00 U.S. / $29.00 CDN)

  • Solar Riche Mid-tone deep orange brown (Limited Edition)
  • Refined Golden Finely spun gold with soft pearl finish (Permanent)

Studio Careblend Pressed Powder ($28.00 U.S. / $33.50 CDN)

  • Gold-Go-Lightly Mid-tone golden tan brown (Limited Edition)
  • Lush-Light Bronze Mid-tone rosy pink brown (Limited Edition)


  • 129SH Powder/Blush Brush ($34.00 U.S. / $41.00 CDN)


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CJ Avatar

Awh man, I really like this one. I was hoping I’d hate it as much as I hated the last summer/beach collection. I’m gonna be so poor!

Pamela S. Avatar

yup. i havent even filled up with the new summer este lauder collection christine reviewed a while back. saw it at the counter looks really nice but i dont think i can hold myself back from some of these colors.

Denisie Avatar

Lol j0o626. I loved your comment. I think I’ll hang on to ma money though. I only liked the coral blush and I have to see it in person to decide.

Ani_BEE Avatar

I’m so confused since the promo photo makes Strange Potion look darker/redder then it is from the VV collection. ^_^?
It’s a nice shade and need more love.

Amrita Avatar

O.EMM.GEE! It’s dusty”ooh”hunter! :”DDDD I LOVE you! You’re ridiculously talened and funny >< As is Christine! You're both such amazing inspirations to my best friends and I 🙂

Sigourney Avatar

Yes I agree…this actually looks very lame. What’s up with a collection inspired by surfing, when hello you’re surfing. The makeup isn’t going to stay on! Nor would a surfer really be concerned with her bronzer considering she’s going to be bronzed naturally?!

Tammie Avatar

Me too! It looks like they just slapped a sticker on their packaging :(. Nevertheless I still want the Ocean Dip polish if it doesn’t sell out too fast (I am not a crazed MAC fanatic so I dunno if I’ll get to it in time).

CeeBee Avatar

I agree, they’re not to my taste at all. I don’t get the whole “angry” model thing, she just looks PO’ed.

And I’m pretty sure that guy on the left has no pants on…

Rozeta Avatar

OMG soooo excited for this! I thought that Quite Cute was going to be the insanely cute packaged collection of the year, but it seems that Surf Baby is going to be it instead!

Can’t wait for the info on the Blush Sticks, they seem very interesting!

Virginia Avatar

I don’t get why MAC chose this promo pic. I think the expression on the models face is scary and not flattering at all. And her pose is unnatural. At first look I immediately had to think that if she carried an axe in her hands, she would look as though she was going to murder someone!

Sonja Avatar

I so agree about the promo pic! It is awful………I know Mac is more edgy when it comes to the promotional pictures but most of the time they look wierd and are a turn off for me. Maybe they should cut down on the number of collections per year and focus on better packaging and promotional advertising!!!

Grace Avatar

totally agree with you! so many collections through out the year can be easily bypassed. also, I feel like there would be so much more excitement and anticipation if the collections occurred less throughout the year & that extra money could go towards better packaging, as you said.

baby in a corner Avatar

I love the fairly natural promo pic – it may not unretouched but it doesn’t look alien like either!!! also cool packaging!

Jessica Avatar

Sigh. I’m a sucker for LE MAC packaging, especially when they change the nail polish bottles! I’ll have to get something for my sister, too. This sort of theme is right up her alley.

Denise Avatar

Why is MAC doing this packaging thing? Can´t they just do something beautiful? I know some people will like this but for me this doesn´t work. In my opinion it looks cheap.

Grace Avatar

it looks very cheap, not well planned or thoroughly thought through! i’m very disappointed since I have been waiting for the promo pics of summer :/

Mariella Avatar

Unless one of those pigment sets contains Jardin Aires or one of the other LE pigments from the past which I’ve really been wanting, chances are I will pass on this collection, as I did with last year’s “To the Beach”. About the only other thing that interests me is the Careblend powder but I’ll have to see that to know if it’s for me.

snm Avatar

is there anyone else think that the girl in the promo pic looks a little scary? like zombified lol:) the collection is looking great,thanks god I have time save up for it until june.

thea Avatar

i dident think wonder woman packaging was tacky, or the villains collection, but this screams disney channel to me! some colours are pretty, but still…:)xxx

Vvn Avatar

I’m liking alot of the stuff here ^^ which a mondo plus because MAC collections haven’t much been enticing me much lately, that being said- I may be a little bias towards summer-tan collections =P

Carrie Avatar

Intrigued by the pigment stacks, and maybe the teal/gray shadows. A lot of the shades of everything else are either seem like they’d be too bright or too warm for my taste.

Jamie Avatar

I am SO excited for this collection!! I want almost everything, especially those crushed metal pigments

Thanks for the heads up and the constant work and effort you put into your blog, Christine! You are a makeup angel! 🙂

Lindz Avatar

A tad underwhelmed by this collection. I do have to have that blush though. Maybe I will feel better about it once I see the swatches. Thanks for the info Christine!

Heather Avatar

Yeah… my wallet is not going to be happy with me when this collection comes out 🙁 I got my eye on 2 of the lipglasses, both of the pigment stacks, the teal eye liner, and maybe a lipstick… ugh! 🙁

Heather C Avatar

FINALLY!! I haven’t been too impressed with most of the MAC collections over the past year, but this one gives me hope! Definitely looking forward to seeing the swatches for My Paradise blush, Hibiscus lipstick and Saffron and Short Shorts eyeshadows.

Neha Avatar

Wow!! This year I’ll not miss this collection and will definitely get the coral-gold blush. I missed MAC To the beach and the super gorgeous Thrills lipstick. Thanks a lot Christine.

Kati Avatar

That blush is gorgeous! Defiantly have that on my list. And strange potion…. And maybe the eyeliners.

Such a cute collection!
Thank for the info! 🙂

Judy Avatar

Burst Out lipstick will be mine!!! I go for anything purple or unique in lipsticks. I usually don’t buy the Summer collections cause I can’t wear make-up in the Summer. I am heat sensitive and sweat the minute the sun hits me. But lipstick…YES ma’am!!!! Tx for the information Christine!!!

Veronica Avatar

Hmm… Not into the packaging. I think mainly because that hibiscus flower is blocking the MAC logo (have to admit- one of my favorite parts of a product). I’ll prolly get that shimmery white eyeliner and the nude nail polish. I like the blush but have a feeling that gold on the flower is overspary like the one released last summer with To The Beach. :/ I was looking forward to this collection. I hope your review brings back some of the excitement…

Laura Avatar

I normally have zero interest in MAC, but a few of these look really nice!

Also, that model looks like she’s about to eat your soul. Scary!

LU Avatar

Finally a collection with cute packaging! Although the collection itself isn’t very interesting to me, maybe I’ll grab a piggie stack. Thanks for the info Christine!

Hilary♥ Avatar

I’m so digging the pigment stacks, the lipsticks and that beautiful blush!! But oh boy that model is creepy. O_O

Tina Avatar

I might be hated for this comment, but I’m so tired of coral!! I know it’s the color of the moment (and again last year), but I have an overload of coral blushes and lipsticks!

Ariel Avatar

I’ve been so disappointed with MAC packaging lately (Wonder Woman, VV, etc)– this collection looks like a Hawaiian punch container! Oh well, my wallet will be happy.

Tabi Avatar

I love the blush, as long as the flower is not an overspray or chunky glitter. It has the potential to be amazing, which is funny, because it’s been non-stop “you have to have this” blushes from MAC over the last year (Marine Life, Stereo Rose, Bite of an Apple, Mighty Aphrodite, just to name a few).

Nikki Avatar

What an amazing collection! I’m gonna have to create more vanity space for makeup once this collection comes out. I hope the Saffron in this collection is like the one from the Mickey Contractor collection.

Victoria Avatar

Funny, i was thinking with all the collections mac came out lately that were in aweful packaging, i thought why not just make it white and simple and here it is. I would prefer it more simple but this is alright. I’m pretty excited.

EvilPinkRobot Avatar

Crap. Here we go again.
As if MAC doesn’t have enough of my money, now it appeals directly to this born and raised beach bum Cali girl!
I really should hate you, MAC, I really should.

Alice Avatar

Just like last year’s To the Beach Collection, I’m super excited for this!
Curious about the tan tint, new coral blush (a more orange Hipness) and will not miss out on the crushed metal stacks this time!

Laura Avatar

Cute packaging. Very summery colors. I will have to see some swatches to be sure I don’t have dupes though. Def like the white and light grey eyeshadows which I know I don’t have dupes for.

Adrienne Avatar

I also like the eyeliners. Christine I have a question for you. I only own two eyeliners a Bobbi brown gel in black and a black sephora pencil obviously buying colored eyeliners hasn’t interested me much as I’ve been getting brushes and shadows. Do you think I should go with the 15 anniversary UD set or just pick up different eyeliners here and there. I mostly do natural looks if that helps. Thanks!

nikki c. Avatar

so excited!
well kinda
Mac hasn’t been releasing collections that I’ve really like lately but that’s been good for my wallet:)
I’m want to get my paradise blush, hangin loose nail laquer maybe, and gilded white eye liner so far
I guess thats not too bad

AnGeLwInGz Avatar

Oooooh such lovely colors and amazing packaging! I mean I really LOVE the packaging! I may have to end my Mac boycott for that blush. Too bad the promo pic is hideous.

Julie Avatar

I like the look of this! Very summery and exactly the colours I’d expect from a surfing inspired collection! I’m pretty curious about those Crushed Metallic Pigment Stacks. Oh well, a couple more months to go before we’ll know for sure! 😀
Thank you for posting this sort of information, Christine. I love looking at the promotional pictures and being able to see what it’s all about! You rock

Helena Avatar

I was kinda hoping for a beach/ocean inspired theme with sandy golds, sky blues, shades of turquoise and teal and corals… not surfwear inspired!! Doubt i will get anything except the blush. but the blushsticks sound interesting.

Lena Avatar

I absolutely hateeee the packaging if it weren’t for that it probably wouldn’t be so bad, but i dont see anything epic, the packaging honestly looks like the fake barbie makeup you buy for a 7 year old where no matter what color it looks like everything basically comes out a clearish pink.

Shasa Avatar

OH MY GOD!Love! I need that blush, the off white shimmery eye liner, BOTH nail lacquers, strange potion lip glass, and swell baby e/s ! I am in love with this collection. So gorgeous and full of CORAL! Can’t wait for your reviews!

Dizzy Avatar

I actually think it’s cool how the packaging is based on surfboard wax tins. It’s a really neat idea. As for the colors, I need to see swatches before I can make a final judgment. But the Billionaire Bronze and the crushed metallic stacks intrigue me.

And, yes, I am a little put off by the fact the model doesn’t have eyebrows; it’d be one thing if it wasn’t such a high-maintenance shot. I’m just tired of the no-brow trend.

Sam Avatar

I don’t really like this collection! Everything is so natural looking, and I love dramatic makeup like blue lipstick and just crazy makeup! But I LOVE purple lipsticks, so I may get that purple one, if it is not a lustre finish. If it is, I am not going to get it because it will be way too sheer for me. I don’t know about any of the lipglasses, but I may pick up that pink one, and the blush is gorgeous! So I have to get that! But why does MAC put out so many collections??? I am always broke!

Naz Avatar

Gorgeous collection. They never disappoint with the summer collection. This is a very different look than last years beach collection. Looking forward to it!

Courtney Avatar

First collection I have liked since A Tartan Tale. But the packaging…*sigh*. A simple white with a graphic (like they did with Liberty of London) would have been nicer.

telle Avatar

OMG! LOVE IT! PIGMENT STACKS TOO!?!? YAY! Such a great bang for the buck! I don’t like the promo photo with the model though, she doesn’t invoke summer, heat and bronzey goodness to me. She a little bit reminds of me of the rodart promo photo that was published. :/

shortie Avatar

ugh so annoying how people keep complaining about the packaging. get over it people. the products themselves are nice. who cares if the packaging isnt up to ur standards

Maya C Avatar

Annnnnnnd now I’ll start saving up for this because, unfortunately, I really like all of it. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait and see what it looks like in real life. I’m always enticed by promo photos, but disappointed by the real thing.

Vonvon Avatar

The blush, Surf The Ocean metallic pigment stacks and the white and yellow eyeshadows…..definitely on my list. The aqua eyeshadow looks similar to Shimmermoss……

Khadija Avatar

I’m not really into MAC but I’m loving the blush, pigment stacks, a lipstick, lipglass and the blue shadow. So happy 🙂 Need to start saving 🙂

Ashley Avatar

I am saving up for this one! this is what I’m talking about MAC!! thaaaankk you. loved your last beach collection, bought two things. now i want a looooooooooooot more.

Trish Avatar

The colors in this collection look too warm for me. The only things I’m interested in is the Yellow and the Teal eye shadows. I can take or leave the packaging.

Ashley Avatar

oh! and i AM getting that blush ahhaha, i own a blush from the liberty collection, and a bronzer from the last summer collection… and no more blush from mac. i want that. sooooooooo bad. sooo pretty!

Nadia Avatar

Interesting collection…some products worth checking out for sure! But please please please, for the love of God, re-release the 226 brush again instead of things like lipglasses that were just released a few months ago!! I want that brush so bad.

Oh and not sure I ‘get’ the promo picture.

Gretchen Avatar

YES! I’ve been waiting for some photos and info on this collection. I really hope those pigment stacks are great quality because I’m very interested in them.

dana Avatar

Hmm..i’m not loving the yellow packaging at all..I really enjoyed last year’s summer beach collection was more “summery” and inviting.

Annick Chantal L. H. Avatar

Poor wallet, poor Credit card. These lipsticks, pigments, lipglass, eye pencils, nails, Saffron Coral, Short Shorts Whte champagne, Sun Blonde Yellow with gold pearl, Surf U.S.A. Aqua with teal pearl, Swell Baby Medium gray, how much will I spend? 🙁 (—> my wallet which is crying) 🙂

Katarina Avatar

They should’ve just put the hibiscus flower in kind of the corner of each package and placed the “MAC” beside it. Would’ve been much more clean and simple, without being overly tacky.

Kelly C. Avatar

Wow, I actually don’t like this collection very much! Well, at least not as much as last year’s MAC summer collection, or this year’s EL Bronze Goddess. The packaging is cute (the hibiscus motif totally takes me back to the 90s) but the colors just aren’t the right hues for me.

Grace Avatar

Not sold on this collection yet… I’m drawn to the corals, but how many coral lipsticks/blushes does one girl need? Also, not keen on the packaging at all, was hoping it would be more like To The Beach!

Carrie Ann Avatar

Wow, they’re bringing back Strange Potion and Saffron already? I’m not crazy about the design on the lipsticks, lipglasses and eye liners, but the eye shadows, nail lacquers and blush are really cute.

Maria Avatar

I agree, that model looks scary. And the logo on the packaging sucks. It reminds me of something I would create from Microsoft Word – – – making an oval, color in, put a flower in it and type MAC. But as far as what they are offering, the e/s look like dupes. So far, I think one of the stackers and the blush will be on my list. Looking forward to the rest of the collection.

Coco Avatar

What is happening with MAC? I was so disappointed with the tacky Wonder Woman packaging. The Surf Collection is even more cheesy. The SC colors are also tremendously lackluster and boooring!

Ally Avatar

I hate the packaging and none of the colors are a must except for a backup of solar riche (thank you mac gods for bringing it back), which is good because i’ll be out of the country when it comes out anyways.

Lani Avatar

Seriously, what is up with MAC these days? I used to be such a hardcore fan. I know it must be tough with the economy and all but really? Don’t jeopardize your integrity and raise your prices and turn around and be lazy with design and packaging. if this is what MAC wants to represent-CHEAP-then so be it, i think i’m no longer a fan of this brand as they seem to be slapping anything on their products thinking that everyone will buy it because it’s MAC. i had much more respect for this brand back when they were worthy to love.

ak Avatar

YAAAYYY!!! They brought back Saffron eyeshadow from the Mickey Contractor collection! Too bad they didn’t bring back the Flesh lipglass from that same collection too though.

Chloe Avatar

love the packaging simple but cool love the inprint on the powwer blushs really groovy hate promo pic it should be colourful for summer surly!

Gina Avatar

Seeing the word “coral” like three times means this collection is definitely for me! And I think the packaging is so pretty, especially with the eyeshadows.

DarkGlamour17 Avatar

hahaha so funny how most of you hate the packaging and I’m sitting here going “WOW I like this packaging I might actually buy something!”. ha! 😛

Emily Avatar

This is the first collection in a while that I’ve gotten really really excited about…
I’m hyperventilating right now, guys. This is a problem.

Tekoa Avatar

Are the shorts part of the launch? I wish, but it wouldn’t be logical. I want the shorts! I also intend to internet stalk My Paradise because of the flower. Just like Marine Life it will adorn my bathroom and grace it with its pretty untouched overlay. Yep, I’m one of those people.

Safora Avatar

hmmmmm,I was expecting something ALOT better since the To The Beach collection was AMAZING.But I have to say I am quite disappointed 🙁

Tiffany Avatar

I can’t wait for this!!! Lucky thing I only saw like, 2 things I want from the Quite Cute collection. This one is going to break my wallet in half!
I’m from Hawaii so it’s nice to see a collection like this coming from MAC 🙂

Kim-Mary Avatar

Oh damn you MAC! I thought I would be pretty safe after the QC collection, but NO! Now I want everything from this collection. I still need to find out about the Fashion Flower & Flighty collections cause I need me some colored mascaras. That blush will be all mine ladies. Loving that orange & purple lipstick. When will we find out about what kind of finish the lipsticks are? Hoping for amplifieds so that the colors are creamy & bright.

Pamela M Avatar

The packaging reminds me of Malibu Barbie for some reason. I havent bought a dang thing from any of the Mac collections this year, which is insane cause I’m the biggest Mac fan ever. Nothing excites me here, expect for a few lip glasses. And Mocha lipstick? I HATE when Mac releases permanent items in their LE collections. Mac collections make me sad.