Archived Post

MAC Sheer Minerals Color Story Information

Sheer Minerals (October 15th, 2008)

(This image is not the promotional image for the launch.)

A performance in the nude. Good lighting is important, but defiant, flawless sheen can’t be faked. Sheer, loose mineral powder in microfine blends do more for skin than any productions designer ever could. Blends to manipulate light softly to vanquish imperfections, keep the scene alive, the action electrifying.

Mineralize SPF 15 Foundation / Loose (Permanent)

  • Light Neutral pale ivory
  • Light Medium Neutral light beige
  • Medium Beige
  • Medium Plus Tan beige
  • Medium Dark Rich tan
  • Medium Deep Deep golden orange tan
  • Dark Caramel
  • Deep Dark Deep caramel
  • Deeper Dark Milk chocolate

Mineralize Sheersheen Powder / Loose (Limited)

  • Sheerbronze Soft bronze with gold pearlized pigments (Frost)
  • Lucent Faded mid-tone pink with pink and white pearlized pigments (Frost)
  • Silver Aura Muted pinky beige with silver shimmer (Frost)

Mineralize Skinfinish

  • Soft and Gentle Gilded peach bronze (Stays in line)
  • So Ceylon Rose bronze with golden bronze veining
  • Petticoat Pale rose with gold and amber veining


  • 181 Brush
  • 182 Brush

Source: (Internal)


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Zsofi Avatar

You made my day with these new product informations Christine 🙂
i wanted to go to MAC today.but i couldnt,so i was sad,but now i think i am lucky,bc i will buy the new stuff 🙂
if i would go to MAC today i would be sad now,with no money for the new collections 😀

HeavenLeiBlu Avatar

Definitely will be glad to have Petticoat. I like it a lot. I wanna give So Ceylon a chance, too. I won’t have to rush for Soft and Gentle.

Reese Avatar

i can’t wait for october now! LOL!
do you think petticoat will show up well on nc30?
because i have light flush MSF and its not as bold as i would like it to be…but its pretty in the pot! hehe

Tanya Avatar

totally on my must have list –

Mineralize Sheersheen Powder / Loose (Limited)

Sheerbronze Soft bronze with gold pearlized pigments (I just hope it isn’t too dark for me)

Lucent Faded mid-tone pink with pink and white pearlized pigments (sounds tooooo fab)

Silver Aura Muted pinky beige with silver shimmer (yes yes yes yes I am sooo happy to try this)

Tanya from Oz Avatar

hi Tanya! my names Tanya too (but I think i’ll change it so we don’t get mixed up lol!)
i’m from australia and we have SUCH cool names, doncha think?

Amanda Avatar

I’m getting Petticoat for sure, and I’m thinking of Soft and Gentle as well…but I might just end up with all three! I only have one MSF (New Vegas) and I love it so much I might not be able to stop myself from getting the entire lot of these MSFs, haha!

Irene Avatar

Do you think Petticoat is necessary if I have both Light Flush and Northern Light? I’d hate to get it just because it’s Petticoat if I have something similar already. Ya know? 🙂

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