MAC Rodarte Collection for Fall 2010 + Official Statements
MAC Cosmetics for Rodarte Collection for Fall 2010
U.S. Date: September 15th, 2010 @ Select Partner Locations & MAC Stores Only
International Date: TBA
Please ensure you’ve also read MAC & Rodarte’s follow-up responses further detailing their actions, including changing product names and MAC’s commitment to donate $100,000 to benefit the women of Juarez. We have opened a second post on this topic for our readers to discuss on.
We understand that product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection have offended our consumers and fans. This was never our intent and we are very sorry. We continue to listen carefully to the comments we have received and have the following plans to address concerns:
- We are committed to donating $100,000 to a non-profit organization that has a proven, successful track-record helping women in need and that can directly improve the lives of women in Juarez in a meaningful way.
- We are changing the product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection.
As we have done in the past, please be assured that we will communicate details regarding our progress in this matter.
We recognize that the violence against women taking place in Juarez needs to be met with proactive action. We never intended to make light of this serious issue and we are truly sorry.
Helping to improve the conditions for women in Juarez is a priority for us and we are thankful for all the comments calling attention to the urgency of addressing this situation.
Temptalia has reached out to MAC for comment on the collaboration with Rodarte, and if and when we receive more information, we will be certain to share with you. We received official statements from MAC and Rodarte @ 11AM (pst), which we share below:
We understand that product names in the M·A·C Rodarte collection have offended some of our consumers and fans. This was never our intent and we are very sorry. We are listening carefully to the comments posted and are grateful to those of you who have brought your concerns to the forefront of our attention. M·A·C will give a portion of the proceeds from the M·A·C Rodarte collection to help those in need in Juarez. We are diligently investigating the best way to do this. Please be assured that we will keep you posted on the details regarding our efforts.
Our makeup collaboration with M·A·C developed from inspirations on a road trip that we took in Texas last year, from El Paso to Marfa. The ethereal nature of this landscape influenced the creative development and desert palette of the collection. We are truly saddened about injustice in Juarez and it is a very important issue to us. The M·A·C collaboration was intended as a celebration of the beauty of the landscape and people in the areas that we traveled.
Please remember to respect your fellow Temptalia readers. I do not tolerate name calling or insults. Debate and discuss with intelligence and passion but leave out jibes, digs, or other personal attacks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if you may disagree with it or find it “stupid.” We want to facilitate the discussion and keep it focused on the issues, not to foster attacks on other readers.
After moderating through many, many comments, if you insult anyone, do not expect it to go through. If you can’t argue intelligently and must attack other people to get your point across, I will not tolerate it. If you cuss someone out, do not expect it to be approved. If you call someone “brainless,” “dumbass,” or “bitch,” do not expect it to be approved. Threats to me or any one else will absolutely not be tolerated and will result in total removal from
Please be mature and respect people’s right to express and hold an opinion that is different than yours.
Lipstick ($14.00 U.S. / $16.50 CDN)
- Ghost Town Sheer white with white, gold and green pearlized pigment (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Rose State Mid-tone blue pink (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
- Sleepless Light grey taupe (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Lipglass ($18.00 U.S. / $21.50 CDN)
- Rodarte Pale creamy pink with layers of sparkling white, mint, and pink (Limited Edition)
- del Norte Light creamy violet with layers of sheer sparkling taupe, pink and grey (Limited Edition)
Lip Erase ($16.00 U.S. / $19.00 CDN)
- Pale Flesh tone NC 27 Shade (Matte) (PRO)
Mineralize Eyeshadow ($19.50 U.S. / $23.50 CDN)
- Bordertown Black with red, pale blue, and silver veining (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Sleepwalker Beige with copper, pale blue and pale pink veining (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Pigment ($19.50 U.S. / $23.50 CDN)
- White Gold White pearl with gold duochrome (PRO)
- Kitschmas Shimmering pink/mauve (Permanent)
- Mauvement Cool taupe with gold pearl (Limited Edition) (Repromote from Rushmetal, Overrich)
- Badlands Mid-tone shimmer beige brown (Limited Edition)
Chromographic Pencil ($14.50 U.S. / $17.50 CDN)
- NW25/NC30 Flesh tone NW25/NC30 shade (Matte) (PRO)
Beauty Powder ($25.00 U.S. / $30.00 CDN)
- Softly Drifting Pale neutral white-ish pink with soft gold pearl (Limited Edition)
Blush ($18.50 U.S./$22.00 CDN)
- Quinceanera Shimmery mid-tone blue pink (Limited Edition)
Nail Lacquer ($12.00 U.S. / $14.50 CDN)
- Juarez Bright opal pink (Frost) (Limited Edition)
- Factory Light opal mint (Frost) (Limited Edition)
OMG I’m so excited about MAC and Rodarte!!!!!
I’m hoping this is gonna be in LE packaging like the Dsquared one =D
oooo.. Yeah me too!! well they have a beauty powder so Im guessing it Just might come in cool packaging :p
Wow sounds like there is some great stuff in this collection 🙂
OHMYGOSH! The Mulleavy sisters are my favorite designers so I’m very excited about this collab!
You know, it’s rare that the fashion industry’s tendency towards collossal insensitivity, complete lack of cultural awareness, or general look at me I’m so edgy pretensions genuinely shock me any more. I’m just kind of used to a lot of fashion people being smug, ignorant narcissists. But Juarez-themed makeup from MAC? Are you serious?
Here’s a music video by At The Drive In that explains more about Maquiladoras and the women of Juarez.
Thanks for the link to the video. I had no idea what the controversy regarding this collection was about. I had no knowledge about what is going on in Juarez. Now I do!
I think that many of u r missing the point I think that the insame bullying that many have done against the collection actually hurts the cause and the people, for centuries arehas been used to make statements about political and cultural situations it’s obvious that’s what ther are trying to do but now that message will be lost because under informed individuals who don’t recognize that artist like Frida and her husband were revolutionaries which used art with beautiful depictions inorder to make points about the injustices their culture experienced, ibelieve it was irresponsible of people to condemn these companies because many of u have no sense of the various ways in which awareness and attention can be brought to an issue u don’t always need to bash people over the head with a message to get it across MAC and RODARTE were doing whae a fashion line and a cosmetic company should do to make a point but now that point will be lost and many of the self riotous indviduals who blocked this chance for awareness will never again think of the affected women and children again.
completely agree with you!
Sorry, I disagree with you.
I think that MAC is wrong to give the approach given to this collection. It is offensive and in very poor taste the way they work. I think there are thousands of other ways to want to get a point of view without the need to resort to the obvious and scorn, for it is as they have seen. I’m architecture student and artist I can tell you to go with the obvious to want to address a sensitive issue is a lack of respect.
Very bad for both, Rodarte and MAC. Much worse as they have handled the issue, offer money does not help.
Excuse my English, my first language is Spanish, and I’m Venezuelan.
I think you are very very right!
Yes, Frida and her husband were revolutionaries which used art with beautiful, and sometimes gross depictions in order to make points about the injustices their culture experienced. Juarez is most absolutely NOT MAC’s culture, and definitely NOT a culture they have experienced. What’s more, it’s very hard to believe that Frida herself, painted all those art pieces in order to largely profit from them. It was simply distasteful on their part, and insensitive on the sisters. Shame on them for trying to pull this off. 100 grand is a grain of sand on the MAC empire, and is an insult to Juarez, and Mexicans in general. I for one feel shame for MAC.
I absolutely agree with this. 100k is nothing to them, and using a horrible situation like the one in Juarez to “inspire” a MAKEUP LINE is just insulting.
@Candice totally 100%agree with u. I am Mexican and am not offended by this at all. Instead I laugh at how ridiculous this is. I love m.a.c and will buy this and every collection after.
I’m mexican, and a long time user of MAC… I’m not one of those who say I won’t ever buy MAC again because I want to believe they are trully sorry about it (I feel bad for the heads in charge of this awful idea) I just don’t get how you, mexican as you say you are, can laugh about it….
Let me put two awful examples I don’t think you, or anyone would find amusing either, would you like to see a MATTEL toy line inspired in the 49 scorched children we lost here in Mexico a year ago?? even if the money went to their parents… I don’t think so…
I don’t think Americans would like to see a JENGA game about the twin towers even if the money was meant for charity…
We need to be respectful and understanding about our nation’s tragedies, you never know the pain the victims’ families are going through.
Horrible idea on MAC’s behalf… but then again, we are all human, at least they seem sorry about it.
i would love to see a twin towers jenga game, charity or not, but i am clearly not in tune with most americans. (thats not to say i was not affected by the tragedy, my daughters father worked in the buildings and i live in north jersey and pretty much watched them fall.)
however on a whole i think large companies in general, especially ones with as much influence as MAC, should show more compassion and social responsibility than to draw inspiration from the rapes and murders of nearly five thousand young girls and women. if they truly wanted to make a social impact they should bring their campaign directly to the street.
a line of makeup, even a hundred thousand dollars, is not going to keep those young women alive. the corruptness in mexican authority is absurd and that money will likely do little or nothing but line the pockets of corrupt officials.
I doubt that the sisters of Rodarte or MAC drew any inspiration from the rapes and murders of the city. I believe it is the landscape and ghostly feel of the city, the starkness, that inspired the pallet and collection.
I agree w/ you a 100%
OF COURSE Mac didn’t mean to use the deaths of woman as inspiratiion for makeup. In the other hand they DID were pretty stupid to refer o Juarez and even name the collection after it, in a way that it was very misenterpreted, but still they addressed the issue, gave an apology and decided to take action on it.
Still, i’m glad they made that mistake. I’m latina and had no idea what is happening in Juarez, this was a BIG eye opener for me, and it gave the issue some of the voice it was needing.
Give them a break, they are human, it was a mistake.
They are not stupid. If you google the collection you will see that the blushes are “blood streaked”. Theres a very thin line between “raising awareness” and explotation. I’m afraid MAC has crossed it. If they had gone about this line in a more respectful way, I could see why people are making this situation so light. But they’re trying to profit of others people’s misery
I like those examples it really makes you think
I do not know whether to feel happy or sad about you. It’s a good thing you do not feel offended, however maybe some people just don’t get the point of it all. The situation of Juarez is anything but glamorous as to portray it the way it has been. I am also Mexican and live close to the border, not exactly in Juarez and thank goodness I don’t have to work in one of those factories, but we get some of that violence everyday here as well. We cannot go out without fear of being abducted, there is no respect for women or even children as we see every single day in the news that more and more are raped and killed going to or from the factory where they work for less than three dollars a DAY to feed their families.
TOTALLY agree with you, I live in Juarez and I didn’t find it offensive at all, I actually found it very interesting to let people from other places to know about what happened here once, and that they’re still victims who need help, like the children of many of those unfortunate women that died.
that is your opinion, and i respect it, but at the same time it is your home and people are still suffering from this. this isn’t something that happens and then is forgotten, it is a lot more than that. maybe if mac was only trying to raise awareness it would have been more obvious and not so many complaints had been on here. but it doesn’t sound like raising awareness;it sounds like making money off helpless, suffering people just like you. you may not be offended while safe packing on the makeup at home, but not everyone can be that lucky.
Yeah, shame on MAC, it’s gonna make money from all those poor dead girls
As for the line I am glad for what they are doing. How many people that were looking at the line and then heard about all the controversy surrounding it, then went to go see what the “big problem” was? I for one applaud MAC for what they are doing, which is to bring the horrible things going on to the front line so that more people are aware of it.
they didn’t make this line for the purpose of bring attention to juarez. If that was so they would of offered the proceeds before the controversy not after. And why is the model a dead looking white girl? Mexican women are beautiful, if that was their inspiration why not have them as models? It’s hard to believe nobody from the company saw a problem with this during it’s creation. somebody dropped the ball
Rose State l/s
Badlands pigment
All that really interest me. Though I’m curious how Quinceanera would look…
oooo.. this sounds interesting .. i’m a lipstick kind of girl and i’m looking forward to getting ghost town
Some of the products sound really interesting but I guess I’ll just have to see pictures and swatches to know.
I can’t wait to see what vibe this collection has. It sounds VERY 90s with all the light lipsticks
Oh man. This sucks. I’ll be away in California at the time this comes out and probably won’t be able to get to a MAC store. Darn it!!!!!! ;0
We have a loooot of MAC stores out here in California ;D I’d be very surprised if you wouldn’t be in range of one!
Rodarte lipglass sounds pretty!
Wow this collection sounds amazing.
“Ghost Town” lipstick sounds interesting! I’m sure it’ll just be another one like “Bubbles” or “Intricate” (sheer and frosty) but I’m excited to see it anyway 🙂
Christine, do you have “White Gold” pigment? I just picked it up a couple weeks ago in my big pigment haul. It’s interesting! I haven’t quite figured it out yet though… So far I just like to look at it 😉
I don’t!!
Completely agree with what You wrote about Ghost Town lipstick! I own Bubbles and Intricate but don’t wear them enough (even though I quite like them, especially layered on top), but the description sounds lush (even if a little voice in my head warns me: lines accentuated/ frost overload)
I really liked the Ungaro collection with it’s soft and bold colours, this seems like something similar along the line. Very feminine and etheral. Loving the concept!
WOW! I am so excited! The packaging had better be awesome- none of this slapping an image onto plain black à la Venomous Villains.
i know what you mean but still there is stuff i like from venomous villans
Me too- I’ll have to check it out in person to be sure, but I have a list of things I want to look at. The crappy packaging won’t deter me if it’s a great colour!
i agree i like when a collection has nice packaging its just a bonus i buy for the product
I hear dat!
I hear ya! I was expecting Alice + Olivia to have some of the design printed on any part of the packaging but it didn’t seem as special once I took it out of the cardboard sleeve!
I don’t understand why everyone has a problem with just putting images onto regular packaging. They don’t charge us more for LE packaging, so I can see why MAC wouldn’t want to just go crazy changing it up. But that’s just my 2 cents…
Bordertown mineralize eyeshadow sounds really interesting as well as the Factory nail lacquer.
Doesn’t it? I’m droooling over these images!
The products/colours aren’t exciting for me. We’ll see.
sounds amazing!
I suppose this won’t be online?
I’m not sure, but in the past couple of years, MAC has put all collections up online.
why wouldn’t it be online??
OH DOGGONE IT!! MAC YOU ARE KILLING MEEEEE. Another fabulous collection and we haven’t even seen the Feline, Tartan or Venomous Villains items yet. I hate you guys!!! In the best possible light of coruse.
So far I want:
All three lipsticks
Ghost Town Sheer white with white, gold and green pearlized pigment (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Rose State Mid-tone blue pink (Lustre) (Limited Edition)
Sleepless Light grey taupe (Frost) (Limited Edition)
Blush: Quinceanera Shimmery mid-tone blue pink (Limited Edition)
and e/s: Bordertown Black with red, pale blue, and silver veining (Frost) (Limited Edition)
CHristine, do you think if you can’t get to a MAc store Nortdstrom may sell these items online?
So far, MAC has sold everything online in recent history, so there is a good chance.
Not exactly true. DigiPops isn’t online 😉
Digi-Pops is online via Nordstrom (because it is a Nordstrom exclusive collection)! Not sure if MAC will bring it online when it launches at stores/counters on the 5th.
was on the website eariler today and digi-pops is finally on there…
I have to see this. I am not familiar with Rodarthe or their style. The name sounds cool. Off to research their fashion.
Some of the names are lacking in taste.
Juarez? Factory? Really?
Does MAC WANT me to feel too guilty to buy their nail polish?
Do they know about the femicide in Juarez and in other “Bordertowns” (What a great eyeshadow name! not.)? How could they not?!?
Violence against women isn’t sexy. These names make me a little ill.
Well, these designers’ fashions have been “inspired” by border violence, so yes, MAC is fully aware of the meaning behind the names.
This is one collection I will be happy to skip. How incredibly tacky of MAC to launch a collection that is in such a poor taste. That Rodarte fashion show was tacky enough; I can’t imagine what the promo images for this collection will look like.
i totally agree with you!!
yes i was thinking the exact same thing!
Sorry, fashion isn’t all about pretty things. Rodarte is dark, and not in a particularly conceptual or unique way (I’m not a huge Rodarte fan myself), so it’s pretty obvious if you look at the most recent collection (the one inspired by border violence and maquiladora workers) that their work is commentary on the violence but not “glamorizing” it.
You’d think after a Target collaboration, Rodarte’s ideas would be more accessible to the masses, but apparently not.
What is the commentary here?
What am I missing?
Because, from where I sit, they are capitalizing on human misery without offering up any real critique.
The MAC line is even worse because makeup is the ultimate tool for “glamorizing.” Maybe this is hipster irony? Making ourselves “pretty” with concepts that are ugly?
Look at the collection in question (Spring/Summer 2010) and read some reviews (better yet, look through the archives to get a sense of Rodarte’s aesthetic). is a good place to start.
This is really condescending. I’ve seen the line. I’ve read the critiques. I know what Rodarte is about. I know they claim Mexican heritage (as if this gives them a sense of authority on Juarez).
You still haven’t told me what the “commentary” is.
Oops, I was mistaken in my last comment… the collection this is based on is F/W 2010.
I think the problem is, the designers aren’t doing any sort of commentary. (Even if they were, I’d argue that high fashion is a totally inappropriate way to comment on factory workers who have been preyed upon in the hundreds by murderers. It’s a serious, tragic issue, not a commodity that should be bought and sold.)
The piece and a video I’ve seen on people reacting to the show were all about how pretty and “dream-like” the collection was. One fashion editor said it was a “wonderland.” I didn’t see any awareness of feminicidios in the fashion world or even from the designers.
But the intentional ghostlike imagery on the runway and in the promo picture for the MAC collection, I think, makes it troubling because so many of these workers have died over the years. I don’t think the designers set out to be offensive, but that doesn’t make the imagery itself any less creepy or offensive.
I still just don’t understand why Rodarte (and MAC) “went there” — it’s silly that we have to discuss these issues when we’re talking about makeup. For me, makeup is a fun hobby that is supposed to distract me from real life. 🙁
Indeed, fashion isn’t only about pretty things. Alexander McQueen’s work is a great example of it. But, instead of work in the dark side of the human soul or something like that, this collection is too literal. i think they made a mistake. maybe an honest one but a mistake.
I am from El Paso and see first hand what is going on in Juarez, and I am not offended at all by the product names. Maybe this will make more people aware of what’s going on!
I’m not from El Paso but I’m Mexican and I don’t feel offended by the names either and now that MAC said they will donate money to Juarez, I think there’s less reason for people to be offended, I just really hope they do donate money and that it goes to some Mexican organization (no police or government) 🙂
So money makes everything ok then?
No I do not think she is saying that at all, but I am sure she just wants the money to go to an organization that is trying to help. As for the line I am glad for what they are doing. How many people that were looking at the line and then heard about all the controversy surrounding it then went to go see what the big problem was? I for one applaud MAC for what they are doing, which is to bring the horrible things going on to the front line so that more people are aware of it.
@Mariana I do have family in the Mexican governent and they are not all bad some are actually good.
Im Chicana and live in southern Ca and hear about what goes on from the english and spanish news, i am not particularly offended by the names of the collection, but i wish they had researched more about how the whole situation is not something to glamourize…but i do hope and agree with your that the stir and “drama” it is causing can make people more aware about whats going down there so hopefully it can help us get that much closer to finding justice for these young girls and women.
What is going on in Juarez? I’m sorry, but I don’t watch the news much because of how depressing it always is…..Can someone fill me in on what the drama is all about?
This will not bring the attention to a problem, commercializing with it is a way to make it “normal”.
Thank you for bringing this issue up. It’s just tasteless to name cosmetics after someone’s suffering.I am horrified by the names of some of the products that ignorant consumers will buy. If M.A.C wants to show remorse, change the name of the products.
P.S: I love how everyone is so sensitive to Holocaust and not to other incidents of genocide-Why? Because our media concentrates on issues that ONLY is pertaining to us. Guess what? Femicide pertains to all of us and deserves it’s own attention
Agree. People is still thinking and crying about the Holocaust, and what about this maquiladoras en Juarez? what about the victims of malaria In Africa? or terrorism in other countries other than the US?
Violence against women is so common place, so horrid and definitively pertain to all of us.
This is very insensitive of MAC, I will be not buying anything from this line or MAC anymore.
I don’t want to turn this board into a political fight, but as the granddaughter of an Auschwitz survivor, I really have to take issue with this comment:
“P.S: I love how everyone is so sensitive to Holocaust and not to other incidents of genocide”
A few comments:
1) If you follow current affairs, you’ll see that MANY incidents of violence against others receive attention — Darfur, Sudan, honor killings in the Middle East, Taliban violence against women, etc. are all very hot topics with much manpower and money devoted to helping them.
2) Just because people are upset about the Holocaust doesn’t mean they can’t also do something about violence against women in Mexico. It’s not like there’s a limited amount of compassion to go around. In fact, I’d venture to say that if you’re a truly compassionate person, you’ll be upset about all incidents of violence against others.
3) Deriding people because they’re upset about the Holocaust is not only uncool, it seems very much like anti-Semitism.
4) While the danger facing women factory workers in Juarez is lamentable and we should do something about it, comparing that to the wholesale slaughter of over 6 million people from one religion is frankly more offensive than this makeup collection could ever be.
Agree! Point 4 is very very true! How someone could even bring that up is just very untasteful.
are you kidding me? “comparing that to the wholesale slaughter of over 6 million people from one religion is frankly more offensive”… so you’re classifying the offense based on numbers? human lives are humans lives, they’re all priceless, and what she was saying was that people worry about the holocaust, which as terrible as it was, it’s fortunately over, instead of genocides happenig right NOW. To maquiladoras and others.
in fact, you shouldn’t have felt offended by her comment, because she refers to people whp are sensitive to holocaust and NOT other murders, (and there are a lot of people like that), and you don’t claim to be one of those.
I completely agree. I found her response to be far more offensive than the previous comment she was responding to.
I agree too, wholeheartedly. I am still very sensitive to the Holocaust, what happened years ago should have never happened at all… and it breaks my heart to know, and hear of the stories of the millions of lives lost during that horrible time… But just because that was such an extreme act of hatred doesn’t dismiss what’s going on right next door, on the otherside of that border… the problem is that there isn’t enough compassion…and it always feels like its ok to dismiss the problems that are right next door… a life is a life, and it should be valued as such no matter what the ethnicity.
You do realize that it wasn’t just Jewish people that were killed in concentration camps, right? It was also “Gypsies”, Homosexuals, and I believe some African Americans as well……just wanted to add a reminder, cuz not many people look at all of the people, just the main group of people.
Any type of violence is wrong, killing people because of their religion, their ethnicity, their beliefs, their sex or just for the sake of violence is just as unfair and depresing. The holocaust has always interested me because it’s impresive what people are capable of doing, i’m sorry your grandmother had to experience that but i’m glad she survived. I completely agree with your second point. The thing is I don’t hear about a fashion line or a makeup collection inspired by the holocaust trying to glamorize it because it’s a sensible topic, just as the killings in Juarez is a sensible topic to many. “Backyard” is an interesting movie that exposes this issue and at the end shows interesting statistics, i’ll leave a link about this movie in case anyone is interested
While the danger facing women factory workers in Juarez is lamentable? It’s death facing females period. Well no first their raped, beaten, tortured then murdered. And you have no idea what is more offensive to one person just because it is not as offensive to you
oh em gee can’t wait to see pictures!
woww! i want almost everything. especially the mineralize e/s, and lipglasses. the descriptions sound kind of like the layered lipglasses from sugarsweet last year, with different colored layers.
So because this comes out in Sept. should we add a dollar to the prices listed?
I’m not 100% sure yet – once I get confirmation, I’ll be sure to update.
okay, thank you so much.i’m so glad your interactive with your followers.its really nice that you make time, even with your busy schedule.
Why does MAC raise their prices?
mac is raising their prices?
i have so many mid toned pinks. Should I get rose state????
It means I don’t have the information yet, so I don’t know if it will be or not.
The prices that you have up Christine are correct except the Lipglass which will be $18 and the Lip Erase which will also be $18. I dont know if you also have the exact date but for your subscribers it will be Sept. 15.
Thanks, Lyssa!
that date is interesting as if they were launching it the eve of the Mexican independence day (or “la noche del grito”), it might just be a coincidence though
I’m interested in :
Bordertown & Sleepwalker mineralize eyeshadows
White Gold and Badlands pigments
Quinceanera blush
Juarez nail lacquer
I have to get that nail polish ‘Juarez’ just for the name alone!, It’s my family’s name, lol.
I think theyre getting rid of that name actually, since its very offencive to a lot of people. 🙁
I don’t know what Rodarte is exactly but I do like the the make-up names/colors. I am looking forward to seeing that everything looks like. Then I will decide what I want if anything. I am still holding out for the fab feline collection photos and the disney also. Anywork on itms for the tarnatan tale collection?
LB & Alex why are you both saying that the fashion designers are into Border & women violence? I looked them up on their website & can’t find anything that proves that. Let me know where/how you found this out. The designers happen to be sisters so I can’t understand how any woman would be for violence against women to begin with. Anyhoot. It’s a cosmetic line. I say just pass it over if you aren’t happy & email MAC to let them know. Don’t bring the rest of us down.
as of 2010, juarez is known as the most violent city in the world, dangerous for both men and women. much of this violence is tied to running drugs across the u.s./mexico border, and with the sweatshop like u.s. owned factories located in juarez. it seems as if rodarte/MAC are glamorizing this tragedy through their product names such as “bordertown” and “factory”.
what about names like gun medal and smog? those are both names of cosmeticxs products does that mean those companies are supporting weapons and pollution? No so relax. MAC runs programs like viva glam, where 40 percent of profits automaticly go to women in need. I really don’t think they’re intentionally promoting violence against women, or for anyone in that matter
100 percent of every penny actually goes to the mac aids fund through viva glam lipsticks. mac doesn’t make any profit from the sale of viva glams.
please relax. you are looking way too much into this.
so lets ignore it? is what your saying?
I completely agree. Thank you for posting those links
In all fairness, the femicides started in the early 90s, and coincided with the advent of the maquiladoras. The drug cartel situation back then remained somewhat ‘calm’ since the government allowed the cartels to run Mexico. It wasn’t until vincente fox in 2004? 2006? when drug cartel wars started escalating. Essentially, the government under Fox stirred the pot and undermined the cartels’ hierarchy. The names by themselves are not offensive, however, when taken in the context of being a ghastly looking collection, I think it’s insensitive. On the other hand, I think this controversy is good because it gets a dialogue going, as you see here. One of the biggest problems the family members of the femicide victims faced was not having their problems heard; their reports of missing daughters, mothers, sisters, etc were routinely dismissed by local authorities. By naming this collection in honor of these women whom have lost their lives, MAC is bringing the conversation to an entire portion of the population who may have not been previously aware of the situation. Let’s face it, women + makeup is traditionally thought of as shallow. Having a politically charged makeup collection is pretty cool.
That being said, I have no idea what the original designers intended when creating this collection. I don’t know if they thought the names were kitschy or if they thought the names were very feminist. What matters most to me is the ends, not the means; so if MAC created this collection with malicious intent, I don’t care, so long as it has a positive outcome. 100k for anti-femicide organizations, or women’s shelters in general, is a positive outcome for me. As such, I can look the other way in terms of being offended by this collection.
Now that they’ve brought so much attention to the situation, I think it would be better to keep the names of the products as is, and just donate money to some organization(s). I think that MAC likes to associate its image with all happy and positive connotations, and maybe this is because happy connotations = more sales, however, I would not mind seeing a more somber make up collection. They should donate 100k + 10% proceeds of sales or something like that.
Oh… did I bring you down? Well, I’m SO SORRY.
You know what brings ME down? Making light of femicide.
What would you say if MAC named a lipstick “Auschwitz”? What if it came with a lovely eyeshadow called “work camp”? OH, I KNOW… how about a perfume called “gas chamber”? Wouldn’t that be SO avant garde and edgy?
It is COMPLETELY appropriate to react this way… MAC has made a name for itself by catering to “All ages, all colors, all races.” Apparently this “inclusiveness” doesn’t extend to the brown women lost in Juarez.
Compassion is a wonderful quality… we are ugly without it. And no amount of makeup will cover up that kind of ugliness.
It is disgusting to see someone act indignant over this collection’s theme then make light of the Holocaust. Have some respect for the tragedy of the Holocaust.
The death of over 6 million Jews should not be used as a point of comparison for ANYTHING.
You assume it’s making light of femicide. You have read nothing but the names. You are not privy to the backstory. And guess what? Making light of the Holocaust makes your argument weak.
I don’t think they were making light of the Holocaust, I think the comparison shows how important it is to recognize the injustices that are happening and have happened.
This person wasn’t making light of the Holocaust — just to show how horrifying it is to casually toss around names for cosmetics that have a lot of emotional meaning.
Guess what — femicide isn’t ok. The Holocaust only happened because citizens were TOTALLY apathetic to everything that was happening to the Jews. I think this poster is just saying that violence against women if horrifying — it continues to happen and people like yourself jump all over her for bringing it to the attention of others. So maybe you should rethink YOUR argument.
I do not think anyone should ever make a comparison to the Holocaust. I find it disrespectful and tasteless to even make the comparison.
i really love some of these colors but will most likely avoid this collection. Just b/c BROWN, POOR, THIRD WORLD women are the ones getting killed in Juarez doesn’t mean that it is a less significant event from the Holocaust… She made the comparison to show how ridiculous it is to use the names that these products were given. Women are being killed and just because it wont reach the numbers of the Holocaust doesn’t mean it can be used in this manner (in a cosmetic line). As a LATINA I am truly offended…
i wont be buying any of the mac products from this range, what ridiculous names for a make up range, and the girl looks dead in the promo picture. creepy or what.
I totally agree with you Tracy. I’ll be skipping this one as well.
Patricia, I completely agree with you. People are getting offended when a comparison is made between the femicides in Juarez and the Holocaust because the numbers don’t compare, but it is the same concept. I am surprised that as women we have not considered how offensive it is for MAC to capitalize of the suffering of women. We should stick together and support each other. Violence against women should not be tolerated or glamorized.
Try NOT to be so quick to protect the so-called Nazi victims club. There are so many people who are tortured, abused, killed, violated, etc. that just so happen to be all different kinds of races, sexual orientations, genders, classes, etc. The point is this:
The people who were tortured, abused, used as slaves, killed, etc. are just as important as people who go through the same things in different countries or contexts. The amount of people affected by it, directly or indirectly, is completely irrelevant. We are all important. Whether a large group of people are killed by someone, or just a few……every life is worth saving, and every life is worth grieving over.
We all need to support one another, because as WOMEN, I’m sure that we could at least attempt to identify with these womens hardships…some women reading this forum HAVE suffered from abuse, big or small…it’s all completely tragic.
Sorry if some of what I said makes no sense, I just had to rant 😡
The term “Nazi victims club” is anti-semitic hate speech, and your comment should be removed from this site.
The term “Holocaust” means death by fire. What’s happening in Juarez is horrific, but it is not the same.
When discussing unrest and injustices, the Holocaust certainly SHOULD be used as a point of comparison to illustrate exactly WHY it is so horrendous to allow people to get away with capitalizing on/allowing the mistreatment of groups of people. The Holocaust should always serve as a reminder as to why we need to be vigilant about human rights and expose issues like what’s going on in Juarez. Obviously the situations are NOT the same, but we still need to speak out against inhumane issues in order to make this world a better, stronger place. People dying because of ignorance or a lack of justice is inexcusable, regardless of historical backgrounds or implications.
Very well put.
I hope you understand that the comparison to the Holocaust was not racially based but rather used to illustrate insensible loss of human life. The comparison could of easily been made to what happened in Rawanda, Bosnia or what is going on Darfur. However, these are less well know examples of genocide. I don’t believe the offense to this line is actually racially motivated but rather that a make-up company and fashion designers are basing a collection and capitalizing off of other’s misfortune. The goal is to make others aware that human suffering is not artistic and glamorizing it shouldn’t be supported.
I actually hadn’t realized that this atrocious situation is what this collection was based on and I would like to thank those who helped me become an informed consumer. I’m refusing to be an apathetic consumer and will also boycott the collection.
I plan also to boycott this collection.
unless mac re-names all of the products and donates ALL of the proceeds to a proper charity to help the women of Juarez, I will no purchase anything from this collection at all.
I agree, we Women should stand together and try to make this a better place to live. The situation in Juarez, Chihuahua is horrible. The situation in Mexico is more than horrible. No one should live with fear.
Please Mac Cosmetics please…… change the names of the new line
it’s ignorant to act like the holocaust was the worst thing that’s ever happened and nothing is comparable.
the caparison this person made was completely valid.
You are so right, the comparison was taken way out of context and people need to focus on the real issue and that is the collection. I find it unsettling that MAC would actually go through with the idea of even testing the waters of using Ciudad Juarez as a back drop for a collection UNLESS ALL proceeds would be going toward suffering. Or if they made all the strives to say “This collection is inspired by the murder capitol of the world, please donate to help” or something of the sort.
And i read temptalia’s blog a few days ago and saw this posting, as soon as i saw the haunting face of the main model i quickly skipped over the entire post, did not read the products comments or anything. Because my first thought was “MAC? Who would want to look like an emaciated ghost? What is beautiful about the main model or her makeup?”
To me makeup is all about beauty when the world isnt, so people saying that everything isnt all happy in this world, makeup should ALWAYS be, as unnecessary as makeup the only thing it should do is make the consumer happy.
I think its horrible that MAC would even do this in the first place apology or no apology because it goes to show what companies can get away with when they throw money in people’s faces. People need to stop worrying so much about the Holocust comparison, (which did exactly what it was suppose to and sparked everyones temper JUST AS THIS COLLECTION DID), and worry about the real issue. Regardless if it was an honest one, it was a mistake none the less.
I believe the mentality of “never ever comparing anything to the Holocaust” is wrong.
Especially if it is equated to the Shoah, the mass murder of the European Jews by the Nazis and their Eastern and Western European collaborators (also a much neglected “detail”). Slavic people who were executed, imprisoned in death and coercive work camps, killed as means of collective punishment in the Nazi terror reign roughly equate the numbers of Jews murdered by the Nazis (an estimated 6 million each, although there are less detailed records for the Slavs murdered since this happened less organizedly). Add the 40 million Soviet citizens killed in Hitler’s aggressive and expansive war, and you have a mass murder of Slavs exceeding the numbers of Jews killed by far. Now this is not about belittling the murder on Jews for racist reasons. But firstly, Jews have appropriated the “Holocaust” to equal “Shoah”. I hear no one talk about the racist murder of Slavs, Roma/Sinti (Central European Roma/Sinti have been practically extinct by the Nazis), and of course the political murder on Jehova’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and any kind of dissidents from Christians to communists/socialists, humanists, patriots etc.
To get back to your original saying:
As an Austrian (and descendant of resistants), I am offended and disgusted by both the appropriation of the Holocaust to mean Shoah only, when race laws turned against anyone who was not “Aryan”. Secondly, there have been genocides particularly in Africa that have come very close to the Holocaust. And agreeing with the previous poster, numbers alone do not determine the crime.
So yes, I believe genocides, or femicides in this case, deserve all the same attention as the Holocaust.
So… the holocaust is horrifying and I shouldn’t make light of it (even though I wasn’t)… but femicide in Mexico is fair game for inspiring lipsticks names?
What backstory do I need to be privy to in order to understand this? Please enlighten me.
hear hear. what hypocrisy.
The death of over 6 million Jews while tragic was not the worst genocide ever experienced. The Chinese, Armenian, and Russian ethnic purges were far worse. Just because the Holocaust has a well-known history doesn’t not make it above comparison.
And I think that the OP had a very could point. The very thought of a lipstick named Auschwitz makes me nauseous. And now that I know about the violence in Juarez I don’t feel confident in purchasing it.
I think the point here is that everyone is emotionally connected to problems around the world and it’s important that people be sensitive of them. MAC has taken the appropriate steps by donating portions of the money to people in Juarez.
As an El Pasoan and someone with family in Juarez (my cousin was murdered a few years ago) I think it is important to draw more attention to the severity of the issue. Juarez is literally walking distance from El Paso, Texas and so many people do not grasp its proximity to America. The cartel violence and femicide has escalated to unparalleled levels. This region remains to be full of lively culture on both sides of the border. I am not offended by the line, if this is something that will bring focus and help to Juarez. I also don’t mind it honoring our precious and unique cultural landscape. It is important to make historical references to the past, especially the Holocaust. When you have Mexicans shamelessly murdering other Mexicans it is nearly genocide. Something that has occurred and will continue to occur unless we learn from the past, and the most extreme example of this is the Third Reich. As a History major I don’t take this issue lightly and I draw comparisons when needed. Kudos to M.A.C. for stepping up and trying to spread the word!
Very well put. Also, I feel that until America’s incessant need for drugs is quelched, the violence in bordertowns will not end.
while I agree with most of your sentiment I AM offended by the collection (and Rodarte’s fall line too). I find it in very poor taste, especially the (original) names. If MAC and RODARTE really were trying to ‘spread the word’ and ‘shed light’ on the situation in Juarez, they would have actively mentioned the atrocities happening there in their promotional literature which they never did. Only AFTER the poo hit the fan did they try to back peddle and apologize by changing some product names and throwing some money at it (and relatively speaking $100,000 is a drop in the bucket for a multimillion dollar company) hoping it goes away.
That was really beautiful. Regardless of how much good MAC does, if they turn out a line like this, it will continue to make people numb to the real issue of social injustice that no amount of charity can fix.
Please remember to respect your fellow Temptalia readers. I do not tolerate name calling or insults. Debate and discuss with intelligence and passion but leave out jibes, digs, or other personal attacks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if you may disagree with it or find it “stupid.” We want to facilitate the discussion and keep it focused on the issues, not fostering attacks on other readers.
Ok… I understand your upset but you have proven MAC right. I had NO clue as to what anyone was so offended by in the names until I read about it here in the comments. When I came across your posts I felt terrible for those women and I LEARNED about them… The brand is making a difference in letting people know what is going on. I personally will be buying one of them so that when someone asks me the name of it I can tell them and then give the background and help promote awareness about the situation. Without this line I would have been another person completely ignorant but now I can actually help in the battle to let people know.
I have tried to consider the “awareness” factor of this line, but I cannot. I have also thought a lot about “inspiration” and art and responsibility. MAC and Rodarte, if they had wanted to truly foster awareness, would have included their social concern in their initial statements. Proceeds going to charity, etc, would have been a part of this collection from the beginning. Instead, we have backtracking. I don’t believe that MAC and Rodarte were trying to be malicious, but you cannot name a nail polish “Juarez” and feign ignorance. It’s insensitive and foolish and offensive. (It’s compounded by the information that Rodarte has collaborated with Target, meaning they have experience with the realities of garment workers on a global scale.)
While I respect Mandy’s feelings in her plan to wear the nail polish and spread the word, I’m not swayed. I still feel that saying “yeah, thanks, isn’t that a great colour? but listen, it’s so sad, it’s inspired by Juarez” minimizes very real suffering to a cosmetic talking point.
I’ve tried to think of a way that a collection could honour the maquilas and work as an awareness campaign (i.e. different colours, different product names), but at the end I STILL feel like this boils down to exploitation and is too flippant a method to show support/concern or outrage.
I agree with others here that the corpse-like elements of the model exacerbate the issue and add another level of tastelessness.
One could not have a collection inspired by ‘the beauty of the natural landscape of Rwanda’, for example, and get away with naming a colour “machete”. MAC, in all that it has done for the AIDS community, would not name a South African inspired colour-palette “orphan”, right?
Thanks for providing a forum for this discussion.
good point.
The thing that bothers me the most is that MAC could have truly raised awareness of this issue by making this campaign about the femicides (rather than just deem it “inspired by a road trip”), and by saying that proceeds of purchases would be donated to the cause, like the Viva Glam campaign.
If anyone wants to learn more about the murders in Juarez, Desert Blood, a novel by Alicia Gaspar de Alba, is a good start.
I don’t think most people are making light of femicide. Naming products “Auschwitz” or “gas chamber” is offensive across the board-the words THENSELVES are offensive. Using the name “factory” is offensive to some in this particular collection because of what it represents. It would not be offensive if separated from this context. A simple word holds more power than most people realize. It is not necessary to make light of one atrocity to convey the importance of another. They are ALL important and should not be compared at all simply out of respect for those who were a part of them. I do not believe we should compare things that we have not been a part of-there is no point of reference. None of us can ever truly know what it was like to live through the Holocaust. You do not need to agree with everyone here, we all have our own opinions but please show some respect.
Wow, you couldn’t have said it better…. i totally agree with you. We live in an era of indifference, where people have lost the sense of wonder and care, everything is like “meh, it’s not my problem” “whatever, it didn’t happen to me” “bleh, i am not mexican anyway”. Maybe they should have named the lipsticks “chopped off leg” or “mexican female blood” or “agony”. Or how about making a collection called “Flaming hot 9/11” with nice red-orangey tones and some silver ones to resemble the airplanes crashed? Here in Mexico we were all shocked, moved, concerned in tears for what happened in USA, the Holocaust (where not only jewish people died but also like 20 million russians, thousands of french people, dutchs, POLISH omg like 25k soldiers and officers where ambushed, ETC), the masacre of millions of muslims in Europe, and many other world tragedies. We are a very forgiving country, but this went too far.
A lot of people can’t believe why MAC or those Rodarte sisters did this. They always cover themselves with the word “ART” hahaha… Well, probably they only wanted to create this big controversy on purpose to acquire even more fame and attention? (don’t know why if MAC doesn’t need it) putting aside any respect or sensibility and actually making profit of an endless tragedy like this. After all, the big target aren’t the actual customers, but the ones to come in the future.
I have principles and moral, i would never buy an item from this collection, or wouldn’t even accept it as a gift.
Sorry, was on vacay while this was posted and never checked back later.
I say that the designers are inspired by border violence because … they apparently ARE. Their collection that was on the runway in February, the one that this MAC collection seems to be based on, was inspired by female factory workers in Juarez, Mexico. Any number of articles on that collection talked about it.
Hundreds, if not thousands (depends on whose numbers you believe) of women who work at the maquiladoras (sweatshops) have been raped and murdered since the early 1990s. Many of the victims were also tortured.
That Rodarte collection was downright creepy — it was all about “ghostly,” “sleepwalking” women. Given the horrible violence, the imagery either had just unfortunate implications (and honestly, I find it VERY hard to believe that someone could be inspired by Juarez, Mexico, and NOT know about the feminicidios, as it has received media attention even in the United States and is all that comes up when you Google women and Juarez) or is just disgusting. And that’s without even going into the creepiness of glamorizing the underbelly (maquiladoras) of the fashion industry and making it “pretty” and “high fashion” while ignoring the irony of the women’s actual, totally non-glamorous working conditions and lives. No matter how it’s looked at, this collection was ill-conceived and downright creepy.
In a way, I find it saddest of all that female designers conceived of this. At the very least, they should have realized that making glamorous fashion out of something that has real-word issues surrounding it is a bad idea. It is just a cosmetics line (and a fashion line) and that’s EXACTLY why the designers shouldn’t have gone there. It’s inappropriate.
And I will be writing to MAC about this. I think it’s disgusting that this collection is being released. At the very least, it’s tacky and offensive. I find it sad that people will be buying these pretty cosmetics inspired by maquiladora workers without even knowing about the very-real and tragic circumstances of those workers. It says nothing good about MAC and nothing good about Rodarte. And I really don’t mean to preach, but I’m incredibly saddened by this. I love MAC, and I think this collection goes against everything they seem to stand for.
That post was really insightful and im inspired to write to MAC about it aswell.
It is indeed tasteless(unless they are planning to help directly w/the tragedy that IS Juarez injustices/murders)and we should all voice our concern w/MAC.
Thank you LB and Alex for such important interventions. I have always been a loyal MAC customer, but will absolutely boycott from now on if this line continues, and will make sure I teach this issue in my classes! I can only imagine how painful it would be for the young women’s mothers to see how the violence against their daughters is now turned into something to wear.
Look up what is going on with women in Juarez and you might get a picture of how tasteless this cosmetic line is, the line was created by Rodarte. Sorry that someone “brings down” the type of women who don’t have to worry about working in an abusive factory job because it’s the only job around, sorry if someone made you feel bad about buying expensive makeup to put on your face. Everything you do has a social and environmental impact “it’s a cosmetic line” makes no sense to me when it is making violence against women glamorous. Educate yourself on REAL issues, instead of finding the “right” color of makeup, otherwise you are just falling right into the capitalistic trap that keeps you ignorant of where your money goes.
Everyone deserves to have their basic human needs met, as well as have beauty in the world, after everyone has those things, then we can share in luxury.
I agree with the argument that these Rodarte + Mac product names are innappropriate and are glamorizing real, horrifying issues women are dealing with. I am astounded that the designers could be so incompassionate and romanticize this sort of subject. I will not support this makeup line. And as for the Holocaust reference, I believe that was made to emphasize how completely innappropriate and tasteless these names truly are. Perhaps you just find the situation less significant.
Holy carp.
So just because a fashion designer based its line on violence, they’re de-sensitizing it to others? Wanna tell any effing artist that has ever painted something tragic into something not that?
It’s a makeup line. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. MAC knows what it’s doing and it knows the risks it takes.
Also, not cool comparing it to the Holocaust btw.
Designers are edgy and some border on obscene and morbid. Do I always agree? No. Will that stop me from buying some of this? No.
I still don’t understand why you think the femicide in Juarez is so different from the Holocaust. Why CAN’T I compare them? Human misery is human misery. As far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as “different degrees of atrocity.”
You say that “obscene” and “morbid” designs wouldn’t stop you from spending your money.
So, I have to ask, would you buy from a MAC collection called “Concentration Camp?” What if the eyeshadow called “gas chamber” was really hot?
Where do we draw the line and say: “This isn’t OK”?
so true.
The women of Juarez are being killed every. single. day. To name a “beauty powder” or lipstick after this place is disgusting, appropriating and sad. I’d expect better from MAC. And how insulting are you to appropriate this type of thing? Would you really be okay if someone put out a blush named after a work camp in South Korea? Or maybe a lipliner called IRA? What about a perfume called Zyklon-B? Would that just be edgy and morbid or just really REALLY insulting?
Anyone who is able to empathize and THINK would say it was insulting.
Excuse me *North Korea (The DPRK)
Please remember to respect your fellow Temptalia readers. I do not tolerate name calling or insults. Debate and discuss with intelligence and passion but leave out jibes, digs, or other personal attacks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if you may disagree with it or find it “stupid.” We want to facilitate the discussion and keep it focused on the issues, not fostering attacks on other readers.
everybody has a right to their own opinions
especially on a website like this
if you don’t agree with mac or don’t like it,
it’s simple, just don’t buy anything from the collection.
temptalia is a place for makeup enthusiasts to find out information, share information, asks and answer questions, and most importantly have fun with their hobby
not to be mean to each other:[
either way, MAC and Rodarte opened a dialog on the subject, and brought it to the forefront of minds that would normally only be concerned with makeup. i applaud them for it. whether we fight over it or get along because of it, they made us aware. and awareness is the beginning of change.
While I may not agree with the names of the products, or glamorizing the issue. I have to agree with you Cara, on the fact that there has been a dialogue opened. The more people that come to this, and other articles, looking to read up on what products they want to buy, will see all of these comments, and be more aware of the torture of women, and femicide in the border towns.
I agree with you for 100%. I don’t believe any make-up line with any common sense would call the products this way because they appreciate violence against women.
I’m kind of surprised no one has objected much to Urban Decay naming their products after drugs and a law that confines a person to a mental hospital. All of this is rather warped, IMHO.
“a law that confines a person to a mental hospital”: i believe you are referring to 5150? it is a law that is in place to protect a person when they are of danger to themselves. unfortunately, people have lots of images that come to mind when they think of psychiatric hospitals and 5150 (and mental illness in general), so i think that’s kinda what urban decay was going for, some kind of “crazy” image.
not the most tactful thing, but i also don’t think it is on the same scale as this rodarte stuff.
while it made me cringe to read the comparisons to the holocaust, i do see the point the commenter was trying to make and where it came from. it is unfortunate that anyone would feel the need to invoke a comparison to something such as the holocaust just to get people to pay attention to the juarez situation, but the fact that they felt the need to do so speaks volumes about the lack of attention it is currently getting. i, quite honestly, was completely unaware of it all until i read through these comments.
but i am quite astounded that a huge company such as mac would go ahead with naming things in such an offensive manner.
I agree with you, the numbness and refusal to see the situation as the horrific one it really is, such that posters need to make the holocaust analogy, is really disturbing. I am sad about this collection.
Wow, I’m really thankful to Alex for bringing this up. I had no idea about the women in Juarez and will not be buying from this collection.. I honestly don’t know how a woman can buy a nail polish, wear it, and be proud while it was named after a feminicide..
Not trying to start anything at all.. But your comment is very interesting… I don’t think people really realize a lot of the meaning behind Urban Decays names “Yeyo” for one most people just look past. However I never took offense because the name “Urban Decay” in itself makes a statement and a lot of the names of the products go along with what contributes to the decay of urban areas. I wish it was more political and they used their brand to help, but we can’t have it all.
As far as MAC goes, I will no longer support them as a brand and I will not purchase their products in the future. I am trying to figure out what I will do with the products I currently own.
I am sick and tired of people capitalizing off of others misfortune. Next we’ll have eye shadows inspired by the NAACP vs the Tea Party, Slavery, Arizona Immigration Law, Genocides in Africa and who know what else. The sad part is, the collection will do phenomenally well and those of us who are against it will be washed out by the people who don’t understand and don’t care. However this is no reason to be discouraged from taking a stand.
You can go ahead and donate the MAC stuff to moi if you’d like for it to go somewhere much needed 😛 I’m a single stay at home mother of a girl who has DS and most of the stuff Temptalia reviews is way too expensive, esp. due to the rising cost of anything having to do with children, doctors visits, etc.
I am offended by Urban Decay’s overt drug references. I feel that an eyeshadow called “Maui Wowie” and an eyeshadow collection called “Smoke Out” do not belong in my cosmetics collection, so I have not purchased them. I think it is classless and there is a fine line between edgy and obscene.
Completely agree with Jessie!
MAC seriously needs to put out some new pigments… BLAH.
I have the dumbest question to ask. What exactly are pigments and what do you use them for?
You can use them as eyeshadow, lip color, etc. Really anything goes!
i use ones that are a little darker than me and mix them with lotion to make a “fake tan” for a day! 🙂
or get your bronzer and scrap some out.. works beautiful!
omg this sounds amazing. alice and olivia and now this?!?
Both lipglasses sound to die for, I cannot wait for this collection you can tell the inspiration is directly from the designers. Imagine a dazzleglass over ghost town. That would look amazing
Looking forward to this collection as well. I am going to be soooooo very broke from MAC it isn’t funny.
And as a Mexican latina woman, I am not offended whatsoever by cosmetic names. It does not mean that MAC and the fashion artists that are women themselves support the horrific things going on in Mexico and/or everywhere else in this world. If you feel that that is what is happening then take it up with the company & fashion people themselves. Do not post on a MAC website that allows fans of the cosmetics to enjoy seeing what is coming out & talk to one another about cosmetics. Political stuff needs to stay off these boards. Sorry that is how I personally feel.
I completely agree. I am a Mexican, Latina woman and am not offended by a name on a collection of cosmetics. If its not controversial, no one would buy it.
The femicide is allowed to continue because privileged Mexicanas remain indifferent to the plight of their poorer, darker sisters. If you choose not to you use your privileges to speak out and demand that something be done to stop the killings, that is your choice. But please don’t use your identities to excuse what MAC has done. You don’t speak for all of us.
And, the idea that if MAC weren’t controversial, no one would buy it is ludicrous. There was NOTHING controversial about Marine Life or Stereo Rose– and yet they sold out in mere hours.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I live in California so I’m not affected by this violence, that doesn’t mean I’m indifferent about the subject. This collection is offensive, the more we don’t care and turn our heads the other way the longer things like these will continue to happen. I think it’s time we open our eyes and see what’s going on around us, it’s nice to stay in our safe homes and ignore all the ugly in the world… But the truth of just how ugly our world can be is not far way. Please, I do Love make up, and I love MAC but there are more important things in life, there are women being tortured and killed. That’s the truth and we can’t ignore it.
I too agree…a Latina woman living in Texas right in the middle of the cartel war in a border city was not offended at all. I agree with Jessie on this one but designers in their own way are a little morbid and dark in their own way. These are just names people nothing for anybody to take all that seriously. As for myself I can not wait for this collection and would not think twice to not buy anything.
Many women look out for our sisters on the other side of the border. I suggest you do more research before making such offensive allegations. It only proves that you don’t know enough about the issues that go on in Juarez. Come to El Paso and point out these privileged Mexican women to me, because I don’t see them; and frankly, what could these women do to stop the corruption? I am eager to hear how these women to stop the violence that occurs 24 hours nonstop.
Completely. Agree.
Just because Latina/Chicana/Mexican women live in the United States doesnt mean
A. they do not care about our ‘sisters’ on the other side of the border
B. they are priveleged
C. that they live in safe homes.
I care about what goes on on the other side of the border, i did not and do not live a priveleged life and did not always live in “safe” areas. Do not assume things.
I have to disagree with you. When you do an excellent work, you provide high quality on things and your creativity is at top that’s all you need to speak for you (or for a company, whatever). If you need controversy to buy things, you gotta ask yourself how good the quality and CREATIVITY these people really have. Especially on a very touchy subject such as Juarez. MAC doesn’t need controversy to sell, they are ultra super multimillionaire. Many other collections haven’t been controversial. What you say it’s only a cheap trick people who lack of talent or quality use to sell.
OMGWTF. I love Rodarte. GAH! I want almost all of it already. *crosses fingers for special packaging*
Interesting collaberation. I never heard of these fashion designers but it sounds fascinating with all the colors. Can’t wait to see pictures.
hi I might have pictures for the rodarte mineralize eyeshadow. I got two yesterday but not sure whether it’s from this collection or not beacause it comes without tags. I want to send you the pictures but don’t have your address.
The lipsticks sound amazing. I never had the bubbles lipstick but heard great things about it. Maybe GhostTown is similar but with all those other colors mixed in it should be a unique color and I love unique color lipsticks!
I usually freak out over collections but this one depresses me…
People. If you have an issue with this collaberation (which I personally feel is ridiculous) than take it up with the company, Mexico and whatever else you need to do to get off your high horse. MAC is a great company. Lots of woman work there. The designers are WOMEN also. I don’t believe for one second that this has anything to do with femicide or anti-women. For Alex who said what if they made a lipstick named Auswetch(sp?) they wouldn’t and that is uncalled for you anti-semite. See how ridiculous that sounded for me to call you that on a public forum? Now stop the hate and take your political views elsewhere.
I’ve debated over wether or not to respond to this because I’m not sure that you understand the issue here.
Either (1) You have NO IDEA what the word “anti-Semitic” means (ironic since you can’t even be bothered to spell Auschwitz correctly– even though I’ve done it FOR YOU above)… or (2) You know exactly what it means and you are offended that I am comparing the loss of Mexican women’s lives to the loss of Jewish lives… as if Mexican women are somehow less human, or worth less than European Jews.
I really hope that it’s the first option, because the second scenario is beyond vile.
For those of you that consider this a “political issue” I have only this to ask:
Why is it OK for us to discuss whether a cosmetic company is “cruelty free” but not OK to point out that MAC/Rodarte are capitalizing on human misery? Are animals more valuable than Mexican women? It would appear so based on some of these comments.
And Gabby,
I am a Mexican woman as well and I AM offended. You don’t get to use your identity to act as a spokesperson to excuse the callous use of border imagery. You don’t speak for all of us. You don’t speak for me.
And for the record, I’m not the only one that has noticed how f-ed up this is:
wow, alex! you are awesome.
if you feel so offended, then don’t buy it. how is this different than other forms of art that aim to move the observer?
It is very different.
Makeup is no more “art” than a box of chalk pastels or a set of watercolor paints is.
Makeup does not have a message. It makes no commentary. It holds no critique.
If you are so offended by attempts made to educate the public re: femicide in Juarez, then maybe YOU should just ignore the outrage and go on buying lipgloss as if all is right in the world.
That is absolutely your personal opinion, and it is incredibly rude and close minded. I don’t want to get involved with your Juarez/Holocaust argument and whether any of it is appropriate. However, the fact that you feel that you can determine what is and is not art is ridiculous and insulting. People make art using whatever skills they have, and what ever materials they favor. Art is meant to cause controversy, and create dialog.
I would also like to point out that many of my friends had no idea about the tragedies in Juarez, and only learned about them because of the Rodarte collection. You may think that ridiculous, but fashion is how some people communicate. Just because you feel differently does not mean you have to go after everyone who disagrees.
Exactly. Makeup is a material. You make art WITH IT. It is not “art” on its own– it is a consumer good.
I totally agree about art and makeup being a dialog.. I just wish that MAC and Rodarte had meant it as a dialog and a way to speak out about what is happening initially. It is one thing if they had come out with this collection seeking awareness and trying to get people to read into the cruelty of this charity line. But it only became a charity line because the public shamed them on their ignorance! Some people may not agree with me but I am only debating different thoughts purely for the dialog! So please don’t be offended that I thought to show you another side of that as well!
alex, while I do agree with your views and opinions on the collection/Rodarte/Juarez and just about everything else you’ve stated I do find it unfair [for lack of a better word] that you claim makeup is not an art. Makeup is an art. As a makeup artist makeup is my form of expressing myself, be it on my own face or on the face of another. Makeup is no different than a painting. The only difference is the canvas.
This is precisely why I compared makeup to pastels or watercolors. In an of itself, it is not art.
What you do with it CAN be… but makeup is just a medium. It doesn’t make a statement while it’s still in the pan or tube.
No one said Gabby was speaking for all Mexican women
Totally agree with you, Alex! <3
I just want to point out to you that just because the designers are women does not mean that they can’t glamorize violence against women. Also, how can you say that this collection has NOTHING to do with femicide? The names cannot be linked to anything else.
YOU are the one making the association between femicide and the words. Not everyone makes the same associations; and just because they happen to use the names of those places, it doesn’t necessarily mean that MAC/RODARTE are glamorizing femicide
No, the designers were inspired by what’s going on in Juarez. Just because you hadn’t heard about it doesn’t mean it’s not a very obvious reference.
I really don’t see how you can think that “Factory” and “Juarez” are not associated with the situation in Juarez. Clearly MAC didn’t just “happen” to use the names.
+1 this is ridiculous. i hate our culture of political correctness…every little tiny thing, even a lipstick, is gonna piss someone off. its MAKEUP! LOL
The disgust and outrage over glamourizing such sickness is NOT political correctness. It is a sign of good mental health.
Thank you, Gisele.
I’m really shocked and saddened by the callousness that some people on this board have shown to the women of Juarez.
I agree. Concern over this is not “political correctness”
Exactly – the phrase “political correctness” is just a puff phrase to further marginalize important issues like race, sexism, etc. Call it like it is!
I can’t speak for anyone else, but that’s my point — It’s makeup! Real world issues like female factory workers shouldn’t be drawn into it. Rodarte and MAC shouldn’t have gone there. I don’t think it’s political correctness gone crazy to say that makeup shouldn’t be inspired by factory workers who have been raped and murdered by the hundreds. That’s just common sense. This stuff doesn’t belong in makeup or fashion collections!
exactly! stick to disney villans and creating stereo rose hype, MAC.
I hadn’t heard of this collection, and the picture above caused my stomach to churn before I even got to the item descriptions. I share fellow commenters’ dismay with the shameful disregard of the real-world femicide that inspired this line, and I certainly won’t be purchasing any products from it.
But cheers to everyone who condemned the unspeakable violence in Juarez and MAC’s decision to monetize the suffering of so many voiceless women. It’s very heartening to see how compassionate and articulate Temptalia’s readers happen to be!
This is a very well thought-out and articulate statement.
Hear, hear!
So true.
Amanda I agree with you it just makeup people! People have nothing better to do than complain and get offended about little things now. When the problem is there own people in mexico.MAC is not the ones killing them ok so for all of you that have a problem please go over there and do something about it and stop making a big deal because of a some makeup names. If you don’t like it don’t buy it! that’s why we are in America freedom of speech whether you like it or not. I’m hispanic too I may not be from mexico but you guys are getting too emotional.