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MAC RiRi Woo Lipstick Launches May 2nd, 2013

RiRi Loves MAC Lipstick
RiRi Loves MAC Lipstick

Rihanna loves M∙A∙C. The global superstar with style-blazing looks as diverse as her musical hits needs no introduction. Now, get ready for RiRi Woo – our cult classic shade Ruby Woo remixed by Rihanna herself. Exclusively online. It launches May 2nd exclusively online at MAC Cosmetics in North America; May 2013 (International). Also available at Barclays Center, M•A•C Pop-Up Store for concert ticket holders.

Lipstick ($15.00 U.S. / $18.00 CDN) (Limited Edition)

  • RiRi Woo Matte cool red (Retro Matte)

5/2 @ 8:50AM PST:  ONLINE NOW @ MAC COSMETICS! Big props to MAC for actually handling this launch really well. Launched on time (hey, 10 minutes early is close enough to on time for me!), streamlined checkout process, and doing their best to limit it to one per customer. FYI, only standard shipping was available for me!


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Miss sexy Avatar

I had a Mac ma tell me , it’s a gorgeous shade…it has violet undertones…glad I got mine… It’s matte but red iridescent ….

Melissa Avatar

it’s not ruby woo, it is a red that she helped formulate with a retro matte texture (like ruby woo). it is being compared to ruby woo because rihanna tried to make sure it suits every skin tone, and because she happens to like the color ruby woo.

Precious Avatar

Never liked Ruby Woo, the finish is super drying on me, at least. I wonder how this will fare. Plus, wasn’t this supposed to be in special packaging, Christine?

Christine Avatar

Hi Kiks,

Above is exactly from the press release which stated “exclusively online.” From what WWD released earlier this year, the lipstick will be repromoted within the larger collection due out at a later date, so that might be what will make it in-store. The only store that is carrying it, per the press release, is the pop-up store at Barclay’s for her concert dates.

Neha Avatar

I love Ruby Woo & I sincerely believe that its super matte(dry) finish is its USP. It gives you the ultimate diva look. I will definitely buy RiRi Woo for the love of Ruby Woo & the diva Rihanna..!

Jessica Avatar

This color is meh, but it will sell for sure. Hmm…I wonder how much product MAC created for this launch? I’m guessing that with all the LE products, they make just enough so they are confident that every single one made will sale, so they will always recoup their production costs. Smart strategy for them, bad for us MAC lovers that miss out every time something sales out in minutes!

renee Avatar

oh damn, I thought that Riri woo would also be in stores and that i could purchase it. I hope this is not the only one that theyre releasing and they release another one that is not exclusive to online and pop up stores.

Alana Avatar

I have russian red as well..and was wondering the same. I’ve tried on Ruby Woo in the past and didn’t like it on me..So I’m wondering if this is the same color or slightly diff. They are saying this one is I’m thinking that is just in terms of how dry Ruby Woo is..RiRi Woo might be more hydrating. I’m wondering if I should wait for the later collections to come out with this in it..or pounce on it now…Decisions..decisions!! I have about 2 ½ to make up my!! 🙂

Vanessa Avatar

Hi Christine! I just had a quick question…hopefully I can purchase the lipstick online that’s of course I find it on time before it sells out but what I’m wondering is what Lipliner you think I should pair it with?! I’m thinking either like Redd or Nightmoth?? I don’t know I’m so confused! LOL which Lipliner would you pair it with?? Thanx!

Veronica Avatar

Do we know what the texture is? I like the color, but I hate how some reds are matte. I know matte is classic for red listics, but I find it too harsh and drying. If this was a lustre, I would be all over it!

Ayla Krystyne Avatar

RiRi Woo is more blue based; MAC announced this on their Twitter account. And the special packaging that is gold and has the “RiRi [hearts] MAC” on it is for the fall collection. Not sure if this lipstick will have any special boxing.

alison Avatar

how long are people having to wait on the website before getting to checkout? i’ve had the site open on the ‘riri woo is coming/don’t press back or refresh your browser’ and whatnot page for about ten minutes now. i tried it on my phone browser too, thinking that my computer was just bugging, and that just outright crashed my phone browser.

will be bummed if i miss this because of tech difficulties!

Greta Avatar

I’ve been at that point for almost 40 minutes now. I’m not sure if I’m really in line to check out and everything is ok or not. I really don’t like this.

Alyssa Avatar

I’ve been waiting for almost 45 minutes now for it to load. Did you get yours yet? Mine just keeps telling me “Riri Woo is coming! Do not refresh page, close the window, or hit back button.” Sigh….

alison Avatar

i finally got through maybe 40 minutes later but it timed out at checkout, and when i foolishly hit back… 🙁

i’m going to try paypal if i get through a second time. oi.

xamyx Avatar

This is why I pass on MAC in favor of brands that actually appreciate my patronage, by allowing me to make my purchase in a time that is comfortable for me…

DavidJoel Avatar

I agree. I appreciate how MAC went with this. Is RiRi Woo going to be available during the release of her future items? Hope that made sense.

Stephanie Avatar

Trying to order it now Ruby woo is such a beautiful color. I can’t wait to see this shade. The website is taking forever to load though. Must be a lot of people ordering

JJ Avatar

Yup, the site is slow, but I’m pretty sure by now it’s sold out. I was lucky enough to get on the site 5mins ahead of time, and I was able to get mine (yay). Hopefully there’s some left available to buy. To be honest I like how MAC did this 12 noon release better than midnight/3 a.m releases. Usually by the time I wake up, everything is gone smh. I’m excited to get my lipstick !!! =)

Younique2011 Avatar

Thanks for telling everyone. I think I clicked on it 3 I know the item is in my bag more than once. I wanted to try RiRi Mac lipstick every since I heard she teamed up w/ MAC. I know the color is going to be hottt and I have Ruby Woo

Liz Avatar

I waited about 10 mins to get mine and that was mostly my own fault, I was removing things from my bag that I had previously added so that took time. I’ve been waiting 40+ to buy a 2nd one.

Lauren Whitten Avatar

I was able to get my hands on it shortly after they released it, however – it took until about 12:10 for it to take me to my shopping bag. And interestingly enough, I was trying to purchase on my debit card, but my account was set up with my boyfriend’s old debit, which I thought didnt have any money on it any more since he switched banks, so I was trying to check out using my card but accidentally ended up clicking checkout in my fluster and it allowed me to buy it using his card. I know most websites wont let you checkout if your account doesnt have money in it, so fingers crossed that the account just actually had money and I’ll still receive the lipstick. I received a confirmation email and everything. Anyway, I’m trying to get through and purchase another with my own card, but no luck so far.

xamyx Avatar

Try calling CS to switch cards ASAP, just to be sure there isn’t a glitch. If he switched banks, there’s a chance the account is actually closed, especially if he hasn’t used the account for a while!

Lauren Avatar

Thank you! (: I actually got an email earlier saying there was a problem processing it and to call with different card info and that they would hold it for 2 business days prior to my call, but thankfully I was able to snag it again with my own card so I’m debating whether or not to actually call and end up with two or if I should just let it go.

Laurica Avatar

Is anyone else having trouble accessing the site? It keeps redirecting me to the same page instead of placing it in my cart? It’s been doing this almost 30 minutes

alison Avatar

yes — you need to wait for 30+ minutes; it will eventuall refresh you to your cart with the lipstick in it. i guess it’s a kind of virtual queue?

Katie Avatar

Pass. There are more than enough blue-red lipsticks out there. We need more orange-reds that are not totally orange PLEASE.

Alyssa Avatar

After waiting about and hour and 20 minutes on my computer, I decided to try it on my phone as well. Glad I did, because in less than 2 minutes, it went through and allowed me to check out! I couldn’t believe it. As of right now, my computer is still telling me to wait! Try it on your phone!

Kesha Avatar

I did the same thing, but I had to try it a couple of times. My computer set in the “processing” loop for over 2 hrs (I tried the phone twice during that time and it had a long wait and I needed my phone so I stopped it). Decided to try on my phone one last time and before my phone could fully open the page after clicking “add to bag” my computer says it’s sold out! BUT my phone showed it in my cart lol. Got my confirmation and everything so it’s ordered. Irritated that my computer sat in a loop for over 2 hours only to be told sold out BUT my phone was still able to get it! Reminded me again why I prefer NOT to get in the MAC LE mix via the website lol

With that said, I love that they tried to limit people to just one order but annoyed that people were bragging about beating the system and ordering multiple times…and then listing on Ebay already!!! Considering that it will be sold again in June you have to be crazy to pay some of the prices people have listed for. I saw one for $65! Someone posted a screenshot on Twitter showing the listings. Sadly, as long as some people are willing to pay ridiculous money for a lipstick or anything else then you will have people charging the insane prices and cheating the order systems to get the extra product to do so.

Laura Avatar

I had to reply and agree. It is so disgusting to see photos and posts all over the place of people buying 5 or whatever when it was limited to one per person. And to think some people missed out and may actually overspend for a lipstick bc someone else is selfish. Ugh just sick of all this crap mac makes people do.

Stacy Avatar

I’ve been trying to order the lipstick since noon today and the page keeps saying do not refreshen, exit or escape. Your order is being processed. But nothing happens. There’s nothing in the car and page keeps blinking the same message. Anyone else having this problem?

Lauren Avatar

just keep trying, pull the page up on your phone too, i was finally able to get my second one and it’s been 2 and a half hours since the release so it isn’t sold out yet. just keep trying and it’ll eventually push you through.

kmfr Avatar

Yes! I’ve been waiting for over an hour and nothing is happening.
I’m at work, so I have plenty of other things to do, besides impatiently wait. This is getting super annoying!

chris Avatar

I got minee. Ugg no discount and could only order one. I am in Vegas now. Can’t wait to hit the PRO store at the Palace.

Denise S. Avatar

Got it ! After waiting a while on my computer, I already own Ruby Woo and Russian Red and love them. Since I’m the same complexion as Rihanna thought I’d take a chance on this one. Hope I like the color. I know it’s going to sell out and I’m still mad I missed out on Silly lipstick because I hesitated.

Michelle Avatar

This is why I refuse to buy MAC anymore. They always have these ridiculous limited edition things, and they never have enough. Only enough so a few buy them, then they post them on eBay at outrageous prices for resell. Why? It’s so silly to me. They have a new SE ever week it seems. It literally is why I stopped using MAC products. They aren’t the best, and I just find it totally aggravating. Sorry to rant, but I can see the beauty in limited edition Guerlain items, really intricate things, etc., but MAC? No thanks. Just my, obviously frustrated, opinion. 😉 I guess I got tired of the chase.

Liz Avatar

Cosigned by Liz.

I have 2 MAC blushes that I do quite like. I’m so turned off to the company that I’ll probably try and dupe them so I don’t have to ever go to a MAC counter or store again.

xamyx Avatar

I absolutely agree! I’ve all but stopped buying MAC as well, and have since turned to other brands that are just as good, if not better, and at the same price-point. I go to the mall pretty much once a week, and I have to pass a MAC counter in Macy’s, but I never stop; just across the aisle, there is Inglot, too faced, UD, and others, as well as 2 Sephora’s & an ULTA in the same mall…

rebecca Avatar

This, totally. MAC has some basic core products that I like, but I’m so aggravated by their LE problems and launch issues and lack of quality there that it’s just turned me off to the whole brand. They don’t have anything super amazing that I can’t get elsewhere, and I’d rather give my money to companies that value their customers.

Renee Avatar

I wonder if the following Rihanna collections will have this lipstick in collection packaging… if so I’d rather wait for those…

Jenna Avatar

(This is a repost of my comment on MAC’s Facebook page.)

Riri Woo looks like it’s what Ruby Woo should be… but this shade can be easily created with things I (and other makeup fanatics) already have, so I wasn’t about to go out of my way to buy a product that is so hyped and limited just because of the celebrity name. Not to mention retro matte is uncomfortably dry. I do commend MAC for trying to make sure this lipstick goes out to more people, but some are bending the rules by doing more than one transaction, and that sucks for those that didn’t get a chance to get it. In conclusion: MAC needs to produce more of their products, make less limited collections (it’s getting out of hand), and focus on quality.

Liz Avatar

I know it’s late now but I found that if I clicked add to bag and got the “processing”page that we were ALL stuck on FOREVER and THEN clicked on the “shopping bag” (even though they said to stay on the page and don’t exit) it would appear in my bag and I was able to buy THREE more this way (separate) transactions with little to no problems/waiting. Got one for me when it first launched and 3 more for my sisters and my cousin.

Kesha Avatar

Something for those that ordered more than the one per customer limit MAC had on the page…

“Only authorized purchases will be processed and shipped. We reserve the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized, altered, or ineligible use of the offer and to modify or cancel this offer due to system errors or unforeseen problems.”

Based on that info, it’s highly possible that those that ordered extras may be disappointed if they find their orders canceled. Not to be mean or anything…I actually think it’s great if MAC actually enforces the one per customer rule by canceling out any multiple orders going to the same address. I don’t say this because I wanted more than one or because I’m upset that I missed out (which I didn’t. I manage to get my order completed), but because I absolutely hate that some people cheated the system so to speak and then immediately listed on Ebay for insane prices. I’m not mad at the sellers…they couldn’t create those prices if some people weren’t so desperate to pay them. Just think it’s bad enough that MAC low balls with their LE supplies. They get credit for trying to create a limit so if they actually do all that they can to enforce it (there will always be ways around it…smart people would have shipped to different addresses just in case).

Laura Avatar

I agree. Hope some of those orders get cancelled. Sorry no offense to anyone here, but maybe mac will catch on and let more people get the limited edition products not one person selling them for $100 of more or people on Instagram with 10 of the same lipsticks unused with commenters begging to buy them at any cost. it’s a damn lipstick, wear it on your lips! Not worth blowing a budget on either!

Lauren Avatar

This just makes me curious – and worried – about my order, because since I accidentally bought one on an inactive debit card, I ordered another, so really only one is on it’s way to me. Hope something like that doesn’t make them cancel the one that is coming to me.

Lauren Avatar

This makes me upset that u want some orders to be canceled. If you cant wake up and buy it then you shouldn’t have it. I woke up at 12am and checked then I got up at 5am and checked then I got up at 8:40 checked and waited in line like everyone else.

dorried Avatar

After the recent shortages and late debuts from MAC, I finally got a RiRi after waiting for an hour and a half. By the time I’d put in my payment info, it had been removed from my shopping cart. Customer service was clueless as to why this happened and of course could do nothing. I am a pro member and I’m really disappointed by how MAC has been releasing product lately and looking past the pro users needs. Don’t sell it if you don’t have sufficient stock. Don’t announce sell dates if it isn’t ready. And their suppliers must be the worst in the world (they’ve been out of stock on palette cases for 3 months or more). I really don’t care about the lipstick; It was going to be a gift. This is ridiculous.

Jessica Avatar

I feel like people need to stop dumping on those who made more than one transaction for the simple fact that not everyone was buying multiple just to stock pile them. I myself bought two (unfortunately, shipped to the same address and purchased on the same card) one for myself, and one for my mother who isn’t exactly computer savvy. We live at the same address and I was buying it for her as a gift because she is as big of fan of MAC as I am. Those who did stock pile I understand why that would be unfair but everyone who ordered multiple weren’t “cheating the system.”

chris Avatar

I’ve often been frustrated with not getting LE products, but who is to say stock-piling is not legit?? It’s a free world, everyone can buy a ton of a product if they expect it to sell well and fast, and want to charge a premium from it later. They carry the investment cost – after all, that product could be a slow seller and they may not be able to charge a premium. Whoever is willing to pay them a premium on ebay or other outlets is likely a consenting adult (underage buyers can be an issue for any purchase, so that is not a problem of stock-piling resellers at all).

What’s wrong with that? People who think it’s immoral should boycott those practices, that would be their right. As long as it works people will be doing it, and I see it as business. Why shouldn’t they if they see legally permissible earning opportunities?!

Michelle Avatar

I just wanted to add – yes, it is just lipstick, but that’s why we are all here. It’s great fun, and makeup is supposed to be part of life’s little pleasures. Plus, I love Rihanna. So for her sake, I’m glad if it does well, because let’s face it – if one of us got to name a MAC lipstick after ourselves and choose the color – can you even imagine?! LOL. I’m really happy for all of those here that got one. I expect full reports/swatches and pics!!! 🙂

JRMillington Avatar

MAC Ri Ri Woo is now available on Ebay for the low price of (buy it now) 100.00. These people must be crazy. And the person who buys it needs to seek psychiatric evaluation.

JRMillington Avatar

I think I’ll wait too see if it launches in T&T, we don’t have to go through this hullabaloo to get MAC collections here!!!

Tina Avatar

I just received my lipstick today. It may have taken awhile to get through the order process, but this is really a beautiful shade of matte cherry red.

mel b Avatar

Word is that it will be online for the May release and in June.
But for the fall and holiday collection, it will be in stores. I heard they are releasing RiRiwoo with all 4 of the collections Mac has with Rihanna this year.

mel b Avatar

I was wondering…do you think/know if RiRi woo is similar to Mac’s Such Flare lipstick from their Holiday 2011 collection?

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